What surprised Lin Tai was that the distance between this young man and his village was quite far away. It seemed that the young man knew that he could not escape, so he deliberately took these Yogg-Saron clones away from their village.

Fortunately, people who have reached the Void level are quite strong. At this time, Lin Tai and the boy rushed towards the front of them quickly, and soon saw a small village.

"My son!"

The moment they saw the boy, a man and a woman rushed up and hugged him.

"Dad, Mom, it was this soldier brother who killed those Yogg-Saron clones and sent me back!

The boy immediately pointed to Lin Tai and said.

"Thank you so much!"

At this time, the teenager's parents said: "It's getting late now, why don't you just rest at our house and let us treat you well before leaving.

Lin Tai originally came to seek information, so naturally he didn't refuse, and nodded in agreement the second time.

The other people in the village also seem to be quite friendly. The moment everyone sees Lin Tai, they will greet Lin Tai with a smile 557, and some will even bring food to Lin Tai.

It's just that Lin Tai just accepted the food, but didn't eat.

This place is unfamiliar, no matter how friendly these people look, they are still strangers after all, and they are guys who may kill Lin Tai.

Soon, Lin Tai followed these people to a rather special house, which was the family's house.

The family smiled and welcomed Lin Tai into a relatively large room, which contained fruits and various foods, and even a considerable amount of meat.

It's just that why there is meat in this kind of place is more confusing.

When he came, Lin Tai's spiritual power had already covered the entire village, but he didn't notice any domestic animals, and there were no clues left by hunting.

"Well, let you try (cecf)."

As he spoke, Lin Tai quietly summoned his black king.

The size of the black king is quite huge, but at this time, the body of the black king began to shrink, and finally turned into a small black beetle the size of a fingernail.

Immediately afterwards, its body suddenly began to differentiate, and by the time Lin Tai realized it had already become a thousand.

This ability is not written in the skills. In fact, such small skills such as changing the body in the void are nothing, so it is different in the skills.


That is to say, it's not that the void creatures don't know how to be fancy, but they don't even care about these abilities, but concentrate on practicing and fighting.

At this time, a thousand clones of the black king flew out in all directions, and Lin Tai also lay on the door, eavesdropping on the conversation of these people.

"Dad, this guy actually killed all the Yogg-Saron clones we raised!"

At this moment, Lin Tai heard the boy speak in a very low voice.

Although the voice was very small, Lin Tai could still hear his anger.

"Store up?"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he probably understood.

It seemed that the boy was not being chased and escaped by the Yogg-Saron clone, but pretended to let his own Yogg-Saron clone follow behind to act.

Killing these Yogg-Saron clones by himself seems to make these guys a little difficult.

"It's all right, kid."

At this time, the boy's father also said: "You did a good job this time. You brought back a soldier. As long as we tell the ancient gods this information, not only can we get more Yogg-Saron clones, maybe you You can also become a part of the ancient gods!"

"Yeah!" The boy said excitedly: "I must break away from the category of human beings, become an ancient god, and then slaughter more people!"

"These guys!"

Listening to the conversation of these people, Lin Tai's eyes were filled with killing intent.

There are no good people in this small village at all. It seems that the reason why this village can exist is that the people in the village try to abduct people from outside and dedicate them to the ancient gods.

In exchange for the control of the copy of Yogg-Saron and living supplies.

As for what these pieces of meat are, Lin Tai almost knows now.

It is estimated that it is the leftover meat of the sacrificial roar.

"We can't stay here for too long, it's best to wipe them all out, not a single one left!"

As he said that, Lin Tai suddenly kicked open the door that was locked from the outside, and then rushed out instantly.


Without giving the child a chance to speak, Lin Tai punched him directly, and this vicious dog with inspiration and betrayal was crushed to the head by Lin Tai, and countless white pulp and blood splashed privately.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also swung his hand, knocking off the body of the boy's father with the back of his hand.

It is also the first level of void, but there is also a huge difference at the first level of void.

Although the supreme god will become the first level of the void when entering the void, but Lin Tai is the absolute strongest among the supreme gods, and these guys are the first level of the void when they are born. .

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