At this time, under Lin Tai's order, Lin Tai's private soldiers immediately summoned the troops that Lin Tai gave them, and began to contain the extra monsters in front of them, leaving everyone with only one Void II to confront them head-on. class monsters.

In the case that both sides are Void Level 2, Lin Tai's personal soldiers have stronger equipment, so naturally it is quite easy to fight, basically everyone can kill two to three monsters.

But after that, their life value is low, and if they continue to fight, casualties are likely to occur.

"Gert, it's up to you next time."

"Yes Master!"

Gert, who was endowed with mage abilities and manager knowledge by Lin Tai, stepped forward.

Although Geert was endowed by Lin Tai more with the wisdom of a manager and a wise man, Lin Terry used his own power and the knowledge of spells he had learned to let Geert learn a lot of magic skills, combat-power Very powerful.

Of course, now it’s not just Gelt’s own strength, Lin Tai has also prepared a lot of spell-casting materials for Gelt, otherwise Gelt will be exhausted by killing a few monsters alone, and it is impossible to do it. make too much contribution.

And Gert also raised his hand at this time, and the corpses of a group of killed monsters began to dry up in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a huge light green magic circle appeared under these corpses.

Then thick vines drilled out from the ground and threw them directly towards the large number of surrounding monsters.

These vines are one of Geert's arms. With Lin Tai's help, Geert now has two arms, fire and wood. Among them, fire is the fire element warrior, and wood is the vine in front of him.

The basic attack power of the vines is not high, but it has a strong control ability and the toxin that continuously damages. Seeing that a large number of troops around are restricted in their movements, the body begins to be attacked by the toxin little by little, and at the same time, the vitality is also increasing. Little by little absorbed by the vines.

"Well, this situation is still easy to deal with."

As he spoke, Lin Tai looked further into the distance. At this time, the Black King had been fighting with these Void Level 3 monsters for a long time with his troops, relying on his own high defense and blood-sucking effect to maintain it, but it seemed to be very fast. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Except for the black king, all the Sunset Immortals were seriously injured, all of them were in a state of less than 30% of their health, and they retreated steadily after being beaten.

"Prepare to retreat!"

Lin Tai shouted loudly: "Then let the new Sunset Immortal go up, and launch a defensive attack on the monsters in front of you, don't let the enemy quickly come forward to support!"

As he spoke, he also raised his hand, and the jumping fish banner appeared in Lin Tai's hand immediately.

Waving the jumping fish flag in his hand, Lin Tai's troops and private troops all received 30% fire damage, and the attack became stable again, and he began to launch the strongest attack on the enemy in front of him on the spot.

But just when the beast tide was blocked, a sudden change happened again!

Lin Tai saw a group of robbers appeared again behind the beast tide!

This group of robbers were all wearing uniforms, and the weapons on their bodies were also quite sophisticated. It was not the small robber camp wiped out by Lin Tai.

The most important thing is that almost everyone in this group has a war horse, and their fighting power is very tyrannical.

……ask for flowers…

"It's troublesome."

Lin Tai thought in this way, and at the same time completely gave up training the private army. Now that this situation can block the attack, it is already good to win the final victory. It is really too late to use it to train troops.

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai immediately summoned more troops, and rushed towards the monsters and robbers in front of him in an instant.

There is not much difference in combat effectiveness between Void Level 2 units and Void Level 2 monsters.

But the number of Lin Tai's arms has reached one trillion, and the number of arms in the hands of the private army is two trillion. Under this terrifying siege, the monsters were instantly overwhelmed.

The soldiers of Void Level 2 were eaten up by Sunset Immortal in an instant, and a large number of bones fell directly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's troops rushed towards the Void Level 3 monster in front of them again.

But before the Sunset Immortal collided with the enemy, Bai Yu and his unit, the Dawn Falcon, had already launched a long-range attack.

The Likongpo that replaced Liuguang Zhan fell from the sky, and instantly launched a crazy explosion among the monsters in front of him.

A large number of monsters were directly blasted out, and at the same time, they were also given a purification effect, the buff attributes were emptied and locked, and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced in a short period of time.

Without the gain of all attributes brought by the passivity, the value of this group of Void Level 3 monsters is not much comparable to that of Void Level 2 Sunset Immortal. "It is much easier to block their attacks.

At this time, Lin Tai's Sunset Immortal was like a black city wall, blocking the attacks of a large number of monsters. .

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