Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2295: Killing Thieves

At this moment, the thief's body turned into a black mist, trying to escape.

But Lin Tai didn't just watch. As soon as he raised his hand, a ray of light shot towards the opponent in an instant.

Holy light shines!

This is a variant skill of the flash bomb. When it is launched, it can interrupt the skills of dark and ghost creatures.

At this time, the thief's blur was interrupted in an instant, and then he was instantly backlashed by his skills, and he lay on the ground directly.

The next second, the bow and arrow in Lin Tai's hand shot out again, and an arrow shining with holy light directly pierced into the body of the thief.


The holy light caused a terrifying damage to the thief. He let out a miserable howl, and then his whole body was purified instantly, leaving no dregs in place.

However, because of the rules, the thief did not die, but was instantly revived in another area, recovering his own body.

"Damn it, who the hell is this guy? Obviously, the value is much lower than mine!"

The thief looked at his body in disbelief, and his strength was still being weakened little by little.

That's right, although he was killed, Lin Tai's ability is still affecting him, that is, the power of corruption.

If he is no longer attacked by Lin Tai, then he can gradually remove the corrupted power from his body and restore himself to his original state.

"Forget it, it's better not to trouble him anymore, I'll find a place to recover slowly.

Saying that, the thief entered the stealth state again, and walked towards a place where there was no one.

And at this time, three thieves appeared in front of Lin Tai!

The strength of these people is much weaker than the one I met just now. Lin Tai didn't think too much about it. He just shot an arrow and wiped out the strongest one on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai took a half step back. At the same time, he used his skill to shoot quickly, and the bow and arrow in his hand began to shake rapidly, and the arrows shot out instantly, piercing through the chests of the remaining two lords.

"who is it......"

They still wanted to say something, but they were still killed by Lin Tai, and they had no chance to fight back.

"There seems to be a lot of people ahead."

Lin Tai continued to walk forward for a certain distance, and saw a group of people in front of him, both from the Kongshen camp and the Emperor Demon camp. It seemed that there was something here that could attract many people.

But between the double-reverse, the woods had already ended. At this time, many people were surrounded by a basin, and there was a lord in the basin who was fighting a huge monster.

Lin Tai observed the other party's information from a distance.

Name: Dragon King with Steel Scales and Horns

Attribute: Soil

Level: 300 (false level, no power)

Attack power: 300 billion

Defense: 600 billion

HP: 1.5 trillion

Speed: 700/1000


Descendants of Dragon Blood: The Steel Scaled Horned Dragon King has the blood of a giant dragon, and all attributes increase by 100% during battle, and all attacks have additional range attack and knockback effects.

Dragon chariot: The steel-scale horned dragon dynasty launches a charge against the enemy, during which it has a very high power determination.

Rolling: The steel-scaled horned dragon king uses his huge strength to crush the surroundings, carrying out powerful and large-scale attacks, with a certain instant kill effect.


Drilling: The steel-scale horned dragon king enters the ground and sneaks, and drills out of the ground to attack the target.

Description: The Steel Scaled Horned Dragon King is a monster with a thin bloodline of a giant dragon. Its IQ is relatively low, but it has quite powerful power and can cause a devastating blow to the target.

At this time, the lords who are competing for excellence are fighting the steel-scaled horned dragon king in the basin.

That's right, the first challenge is personal strength.

Only by defeating the Steel Scaled Horned Dragon King in a duel, can it be regarded as a victory in the first level and be qualified to enter the next level.


Those who pass are rewarded, while those who fail will be punished by the faction, which makes them quite unacceptable.

And at this time, Lin Tai also saw a few guys who didn't have a good relationship with him.

These people are basically the people who smashed the parachute or the aircraft when Lin Tai jumped from the spaceship. These guys were basically killed by Lin Tai.

Seeing Lin Tai haunting at this time, these people rushed up in an instant, blocked Lin Tai, and all of them looked at him with embarrassment.

"Heh, it seems that you are here to find a way back."

Lin Tai smiled slightly and said, "Don't you think ten people can defeat me?"

"Can ten of us beat you?"

One of the leading druids said with a smile: "We don't need to do anything at all. How many arms can you bring alone? Do you still want to fight us?"

With a laugh, Yishi started to summon arms by himself.

In the absence of a special unit space, the lord can only use the contract to summon the units, and the storage capacity is not large. .

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