Behind the Sun family, in the main hall of affairs.

Dozens of family elders and core high-level leaders such as Sun Lianyun and Sun Tongyu gathered here.

In the face of this sudden disaster, many family elders were very surprised.

"Why did Chen Feng attack my Sun family? We didn't offend him in normal times

!" "Family Master, please give us an explanation!"

"Could it be that my Sun family is weak?" Or has he taken refuge in some other family and wants to take this opportunity to eliminate us in one fell swoop?"

"I don't think it's like the war between the families will take care of each other, but according to the news from the escort team, the other side seems to have a dead hand..."

Looking at the elders who were still talking at such a critical juncture, Sun Lianyun was also worried, and couldn't help but secretly say in his heart:

"A group of old wastes are still chattering endlessly!"


At this moment, a member of the escort team covered in blood crawled to the office hall, and his words were slurred.

"Family Master! Everyone, the old family! Fight, come in! Chen Feng has already broken through the front yard! Now he is heading towards the atrium!"

"The escort team has been dispersed, the captain has been killed, and Lord Qingyu has also been defeated

!" "What!" A long-shirted family elder immediately stood up, his face couldn't stop being stunned, and he pointed at Sun Lianyun and asked: "Sun Lianyun

! Even if your father is alive... Uh!?"


Before the old man could finish speaking, a sharp branch suddenly rose from the ground and pierced his heart.

After a few moments, his eyes lost their light and he fell backwards.

Sun Lianyun looked at it indifferently, and then waved his hand to signal the guards behind him to carry the person away.

The rest of the family veterans dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

"Now, is there anyone still questioning the head of

the family?" Looking around with sharp eyes, Sun Lianyun burst out with vast magical energy, and this life energy that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Sun family shocked the hearts of many family elders present.

That's right, they haven't completely failed yet, the Sun family's king-level combat power is still the one in front of them!

A peerless genius for decades, the head of the Sun family who became a master of the Wood King level before the age of 30, Sun Lianyun!"

An old man cautiously asked.

Again, this is the question of almost everyone present.

Seeing that Liwei had an effect, Sun Lianyun immediately withdrew the demonic energy and released it, and said in a deep voice: "Now the ordinary combat power has no effect on Chen Feng, and even the delay is very reluctant! According to the head of the family, it is time to activate the Tree Spirit Experimental Body." "

For the time being, let the special mobile team go to the atrium to resist Chen Feng, at least until the forbidden magic stone is opened!" Hearing

this, all the people present, including Sun Tongyu, were shocked.

"Has it come to this point?" an

old man closed his eyes in pain, as if he felt a deep sadness at the activation of this 'dryad test subject'.

And the rest of the people don't look very good, and even more have begun to secretly think about ways to escape.

"Brother, the strength of the Dryad Experiment is indeed strong, but it is almost completely uncontrollable, and if it is activated, it may be indistinguishable from the enemy.

Sun Tongyu reminded in a whisper.

But what greeted him was Sun Lianyun's merciless slap.


Sun Tongyu, who was hit to the ground by a heavy fan, covered his red and swollen right cheek with his hand in disbelief, his expression seemed to be a little ignorant.

Then Sun Lianyun angrily reprimanded: "Slut, I didn't go to you to settle the account, but I still came up with a bad idea here?!"

"If it weren't for your strategy, would our Sun family have come to this point today?" "

Damn, I knew that Lao Tzu should have sent you directly to Chen Feng!"

Sun Lianyun's words pierced Sun Tongyu's heart like a sharp knife.

She has long been accustomed to the stars holding the moon since she was a child, where has she been wronged, tears are immediately like beads with broken threads falling desperately.

But the reason in her heart still told her that if she resisted again, she would not be far from death.

At the same time, Chen Feng had already rushed to the next area non-stop.

The Sun family's base city is surrounded by a ring, but he has no intention of finding a way.

Whenever there was a high wall of obstacles in front of him, he would destroy it on the spot!

"Well, this is here?"

Soon, Chen Feng came to a relatively wide area.

Huge walls of more than 10 meters high are enclosed on all sides, and a continuous stream of Chinese-style houses has gradually appeared.

Although there is no human figure, there are countless rockeries and strange rocks in front of the building, and there is no doubt that there is a human life track.

Presumably, this should be the living area of the members of the Sun family.


raised his foot and kicked open the door of a mansion that looked very imposing.

Chen Feng strode into the room.

Squinted, he saw a trembling figure hiding under the table and spoke coldly:

"Come out, I won't say it a second time."

After a few moments, a faint voice came intermittently:

"Don't... Don't kill me, I'll come out. The

figure crawled out from under the table, and Chen Feng noticed that this person seemed to be a woman.

With a petite body and slender limbs, he looks to be only about thirteen or fourteen years old, much younger than his sister.

Moreover, it seems that he is still wearing the uniform of a student of Tianqin

Academy?"Are you a student of Tianqin Academy?" "

Ah? Yes, yes, woo, uncle, don't kill me, I don't know anything, you can just look at and take anything valuable in this room." "

Uncle..." Chen Feng was speechless, he looked so old

, although judging from his age, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the other party calling him uncle.

"I'm not here to ask for money, tell me where

your family master is?" "Are you looking for your family master?" Sun Lingyao asked curiously with a courteous and slightly cautious expression, her clear and translucent eyes blinking slightly.

Without hesitation, she pointed in a direction.

"The head of the family and the elders of the family are generally active in the inner city, although I don't know the specific location, but it is right to go in the northwest direction!"

"You don't seem to have the slightest nostalgia for the Sun family."

Seeing that the other party explained so happily, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

originally thought that he needed to use some means, but he didn't think that this little girl would sell her head of the family like fried beans.

"The Sun family has nothing to do with a concubine like me.

When he mentioned this, Sun Lingyao's eyes obviously flashed a little gloomy.

However, Chen Feng didn't have the time to care about the twists and turns.

grabbed the petite body in front of him and carried it on his shoulder, and strode away directly.

"Huh!You, what are you going to do?" Sun

Lingyao, who was suddenly carried up, suddenly panicked, and kept shaking from side to side on Chen Feng's shoulder.

"Don't mess around, I'm going to go in the direction you said, show me the way, and spare your life!"

Chen Feng said.

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