After a brief flip through it, Chen Feng collected a lot of useful magic classics and valuable collections.

But he also deeply felt that the level of books here was far worse than a star and a half from his own forbidden library.

"Gone. Chen Feng shouted and turned his head to leave.

"Don't worry, hey, forget it, most of them are things I don't need anyway.

Although Bu Jinghong said this, he still quietly stuffed a few books in his arms, and when he left, he reluctantly took two night pearls that the Sun family used for lighting.

By the time the two of them returned to the ground, Chen Feng had already sensed that a large number of personnel were gradually approaching.

The goal had been accomplished, and now he didn't want to clash with the Ministry of Magic again.

Immediately chose to leave from the rear of the Sun family's nursing home with Bu Jinghong.

When a large number of law enforcement team members arrived at the scene, all they saw was a mess and Sun Minghai's withered body.

"What the hell is going on here?" said

a member of the enforcement team, looking at the ashes of the devil's vine and the destroyed black giant trees all over the ground.

The rest of the members were also terrified.

Along the way, they have seen too much death and destruction, and these memories will haunt their hearts for a long time to come.

At that moment, the crowd slowly moved out of the way.

Shangguan Feiyu, who was wearing a military coat, slowly walked in with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Report! The body of Sun Lianyun, the head of the Sun family, has been recovered in the lake! At present, a member of the advance team who was unconscious in the corridor has also been found, and the high-level officials of the Sun family have also confirmed that they have escaped... The other party's purpose seems to be only for high-end combat power.

"yes? It's over, so we're just here to clean up the mess. Shangguan Feiyu spit out a thick puff of smoke, and in the face of his subordinates' report, the words in his mouth seemed careless.

Strode over the black ash that lay on the ground, picked up a handful, and slowly let it slide off your fingertips.

Years of experience told Shangguan Feiyu that this kind of high-concentration magic energy reaction would only appear in battles above the king level.

Who did it?"

and then report to the Ministry of Magic, the Sun family is finished.

Shangguan Feiyu frowned, he was still thinking hard about the mastermind behind all this.

At this moment, a coughing sound suddenly came.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, Shangguan, General Shangguan!?"

It turned out that the advance team soldier who was found in the corridor woke up in a coma at this moment.

He was still lying on the stretcher, and it was extremely difficult for him to get up, but he still tried his best to tell after seeing Shangguan Feiyu in front of him.

"General! It's that guy, it's Chen Feng! I see his face! He killed everyone! Everyone!"

"You say slowly, don't worry, who did Chen Feng kill, and how many people did he bring?"

Shangguan Feiyu squatted down in front of the soldier and asked patiently.

But the other party was still a little incoherent at the moment, and his words were full of fear.

"General! He's a demon! Our advance team was killed by him almost instantly! Only one, that's right, he was only one person! Or kill Bian Ling and Yang Ji without using magic!"

"Well, it's okay, I know, I've worked hard for you, let's recuperate in the rear."

Shangguan Feiyu's face did not change, and after slowly getting up, he motioned to the adjutant beside him to step forward and whisper: "Quickly report this matter to the Ministry of Magic together with what you just did, if it is really Chen Feng who did it alone, then our previous judgment is wrong."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Feiyu spit out the cigarette in his mouth, his expression extremely solemn.

"There can be one person who can slaughter the terrifying strength of all the high-level combat forces of the Sun family, this guy must not have just stepped into the king level! What is the intelligence network of the Ministry of Magic for? Such a disparity in strength judgment is simply dereliction of duty!"

At about the same time, the Ministry of Magic in the center of the city also received the shocking news that the Sun family had been destroyed.

All the top executives quickly formed an emergency meeting to discuss this big event that could change the future pattern of Y City.


Zhou Yi slapped the table top of the conference room heavily, looking a little excited.

"What? You tell me that in just one day, our five great families have now become four?"

"Hehe, Brother Zhou doesn't have to be so excited, isn't it just verbal news coming from the front now? Everything must be carefully investigated." "

The surname is Zhao! Don't think I don't know that you are gloating! Now is not the time to talk about the grievances between you and the Sun family! The other party can destroy the Sun family in one day, how long can your Zhao family last in the face of the same situation!?"

Seeing Zhao Pingtian fanning the flames on the side, Zhou Yi's anger did not come to one place.

When is it, it's still falling into the well and intriguing.

In today's situation, isn't this guy aware of the crisis?"

Director Zhou is right, Team Zhao, now is not the time for infighting. The

red-nosed old man Li Zongxi spoke out at this time.

In fact, in the face of this news, as the spokesperson of the Li family, he was still quite happy.

After all, the Sun family relied on the power of their own double kings, and it was not a day or two to fly.

But at the same time, he also knew in his heart that it was far from the time for reckoning.

A person or force that can destroy a super family at any time is a time bomb wherever it is placed.

His Li family didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the Sun family.

"Hmph! pretending one by one, you are the happiest person for the Sun family to be destroyed, Chief Li.

Zhao Pingtian was still angry in his mouth, but he didn't continue to speak.

He is not a fool either, and knows that the current situation is no longer a situation that a single family can deal with.

Li Zongxi naturally didn't bother with juniors, and he continued to ask questions after thinking slowly.

"Could it be that the law destroying organization did it?"

As soon as these words came out, they quickly attracted everyone's attention.

But the next report completely dumbfounded everyone present.

"Chen Feng!? How is this possible!" Holding

the list of reports that his subordinates had just handed over, Zhou Yi stood on the spot.

Not only him, but almost everyone's face showed a wonderful change.

"Chen Feng? is that the king-level who has been secretly monitored by the Ministry of Intelligence

?" "Impossible! Didn't he just break through to the king-level?" Sun Lianyun can access the existence of the realm!" "

This is the news from Shangguan Feiyu himself, and the intelligence will not go wrong... Damn! What are those people in charge of monitoring doing

?" "Don't talk nonsense anymore! What should we do next? The other party has already taken action! Do we still have to sit idly

by?" "The five great families have always been a united front! My suggestion is to completely exterminate Chen Feng

!" "Extermination? Hehe, who will you send? You, me, or all the families will join forces? Who can guarantee that this level of combat power will not fall to the side of the Law Destroying Organization?"

"Enough!" Li Zongxi yelled, and the originally heated discussion came to an abrupt end.

Looking at the bustling crowd of people in front of him, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart, and it took a moment before he struggled to spit out a sentence.

"Ask for the help of the federal government, now we in Y City, in the face of this continuous state of emergency, have no choice..."

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