The Red Duke looked down at the unknown enemy in front of him.

Since she broke the seal, she has felt very unfamiliar with everything around her, and she didn't expect that after the era of the Divine Dragon Empire, there would be such stupid people who didn't know the situation.

Humans are arrogant and weak creatures.

Just when Duke Red felt bored and was about to leave, he suddenly sensed something from the dying Sun Tongyu's body.

I saw that his injured abdomen was wrapped in a little green halo.

The blood trough, which was originally more than four feet long, began to recover rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye under the blessing of this power.

"Life force?

Troy walked again, and the rest of the Sun family's daughters didn't even dare to come out in the face of such a situation.

"What else are you going to do! Don't go near Miss!"

Seeing that the housekeeper Uncle Hua looked wary and seemed to want to resist, Troy raised his hand without hesitation and pointed out a bloody arrow.


Almost instantly, most of Uncle Hua's Heavenly Spirit Cover was overturned! Red and white things poured into the sky.

At this moment, Sun Tongyu was still in a coma, even if his face was already covered with blood, he didn't know anything about the surrounding situation.

There was no suspense, the butler Uncle Hua had no power to resist, and was killed on the spot by the Red Duke!

It's just that before he died, his arm still firmly grasped the master in his arms.


Some people ran away, and some people were pale and frightened and collapsed to the ground.

Sun Lingyao was also completely stunned by the scene in front of her, and stood in place in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

"All said, don't try to offend me again.

Troy's expression did not change in the slightest, for this red duke, who had lived for nearly a thousand years, killing a human was no different from stepping on an ant on the side of the road.

Without any more words, she walked up to Sun Tongyu, her fingers moved slightly, and a wave of magic energy easily lifted the butler's body away.

Sun Tongyu was lifted up in the air, and was slowly floated to the Red Duke's side.

"Oh, Lord Troy, it's good to leave this kind of trivial matter to me, why don't you let you do it yourself!"

Troy waved her hand, ignoring Lu Miao, who was talking on the side, her attention was now all on Sun Tongyu.

"I hope you can bring me a different surprise, the witch's follower..."


Chen Feng stepped through the door of space and returned to the familiar throne hall again.

As soon as he came back, Xiao Ai hurriedly came forward to report the situation to Chen Feng.

"Master, you're back, I've already traded all the discarded equipment left over from the Void Dragon Emperor's troops to the black merchants, and I've harvested a lot of velvet gems and supplies!"

"Besides, Phyllis seems to be back too.

"Thank you for your hard work, take me to meet her." Chen Feng nodded slightly.

Xiao Ai didn't dare to slack off, and after bowing his head in agreement, he led the way ahead.

When he came to a newly developed open space in the throne hall, Chen Feng saw a bustling crowd.

These men are very distinctive, almost identical to Phyllis's features, with dark, smooth skin and pointed ears.

Slender in stature, from a human point of view, it is difficult to find ugly existence.

Without exception, all of them are handsome men and beautiful women.

At this time, Phyllis's voice also sounded from behind.

"Great host, Phyllis has returned after completing your assignment. The

Night Elves behind her, too, awaited the fate of their new master, with apprehension and anxiety.

However, Chen Feng's expression didn't seem to have any surprise, and it seemed that he had already thought about how to arrange them.

At the same time, the news that Chen Feng had defeated the Void Dragon Emperor and was canonized as the official lord under Noah's command also spread throughout the Rift World.

Many of the powerhouses of the old forces have also taken a keen interest in it.

Far away in the mountains and abyss in the southern part of the Federation, a tall rock giant slowly got up, and with the continuous falling of rubble around it, the giant spoke, and the voice was like rolling thunder: "Is that guy from the Void Dragon Emperor also dead? "

Located in the great rift of death in the Endless Sea, a mysterious forbidden area that no one has set foot in for hundreds of years, a cute girl with a pink face is lying in the shell bed and stretching lazily, and after yawning, looking at the screen in front of her with a somewhat weak tone.

"New lord? Noah, that guy hasn't canonized a new lord for a long time, ha~~ No, I want to sleep again..."

Every now and then a frog or two of a poisonous toad can interrupt the endless silence.

After a long time, an old voice like rotten wood came from the crevasse that was constantly swirling.

"Lord of the Ravens, it seems that she has also found her own heir, a new era has begun, and our group of old guys should have retreated into the background, hehe, I really miss the old days. Then

the sound faded away, and the place fell silent again.

The world situation is still surging undercurrents, but these current clichés are still unknown.

At this time, Phyllis was standing in front of his clan to preach Chen Feng's great achievements in defeating the Void Dragon Emperor.

Many of the Night Elves cast awe-inspiring glances below.

Among these elves who have been enslaved for many years, the strong man is particularly convincing.

"Moreover, Lord Chen Feng has now been officially canonized as the Lord of the Rift by Lord Noah!With legal power!Your life is no longer your own from today onwards!It is the property of Lord Chen Feng!Do you understand?"

Phyllis said this, and many Night Elves knelt down one after another, expressing their willingness to surrender.

Dependent on the strong, this is the unchanging law of the cracked world.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Chen Feng also went straight to Phyllis's side, who hurriedly bowed down and made way for him.

"Since you have chosen to surrender, you must follow the rules I have set. Chen Feng said.

Walking up to a night elf woman holding a child, Chen Feng took a closer look.

The Night Elf woman hurriedly buried her kneeling body lower, for fear of angering the king by some disrespectful act.

Chen Feng noticed that although these Night Elves looked extremely good, their bodies were generally skinny.

For example, this Night Elf woman was covered by a thin layer of linen rags all over her body, and the child in her arms was also languishing, apparently caused by long-term malnutrition.

One can imagine what kind of treatment these guys have received on the Void Dragon Emperor's side all year round.

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