It's time to start school in a blink of an eye.

The last day of winter break is strange.

The fifteenth day of the first month.

But school began on the sixteenth day of the first month.

Students often can't come back after the Lantern Festival with their families.

The school seems to let the students pass the Lantern Festival, but it doesn't seem to be.

But the end of winter vacation is not all bad.

At least you can meet your roommates who are simple and cheap.

Zhang Dashao pushed open the bedroom door with a spring breeze on his face.

"Brothers, I'm back!"

"I'll rub!"

"Why isn't there any?"

Zhang Zijie was a little lost.

"I'm not human, am I?"

"The third child, you're here!" Zhang Zijie immediately smiled, "I thought I was the first to come back."

"The boss is back too, and he's going to fetch water."

"Where's the old man?"

"Not yet, I guess it's going to be soon."

"Very good, tonight, our four swordsmen will go and rub it together, I'll treat you."

Qin Ran asked with a smile, "In the first month of school, I got a lot of living expenses?"

"When will the cost of living be less, this year's New Year is good, and I have won a lot of money playing Niu Niu."

"How much did you win?"

Zhang Zijie stretched out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand, not bad, yes, you can fight local tyrants today."

"Five thousand, not fifty thousand!" Zhang Zijie lost interest, shook his head and said, "Every time I ask you, I guess big, it's boring." "

Five thousand is not a lot, and I will save a semester of living expenses."

"Five thousand is enough, it's good to be able to use it for two months, no, it's a month, I have to spend two dollars now."

Zhang Zijie shouted poverty, but the corners of his mouth were already shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

The whole body is saying that "brother is not a bachelor anymore" and has a girlfriend.

Qin Ran knew that Zhang Zijie's family had opened a factory and had some small money.

But it still reminded me, "Spend money leisurely, from thrift to luxury, from luxury to thrift."

Zhang Zijie didn't care, "Don't worry, I have a number." If I don't have money, I'll save some money, and it's a big deal to eat instant noodles, and it's not that I haven't eaten it.

Qin Ran said meaningfully, "I'm not just talking about you.

Zhang Zijie was stunned, and some didn't understand.

Just as he was about to ask again, Shen Yanfeng came back with two boiling kettles.

"Second child, why are you so happy? I heard you on the stairs. "

Hehe, I won a little money during the New Year. In the evening I have a treat.

"Okay, you! How much money was won? "

Five thousand, no more, no more."

"Five thousand?!" Shen Yanfeng's eyes widened and said, "So many! A treat is a must. "

It's a small thing. Wait for the old man to come back.

Zhang Zijie decided to guess the amount in the future and asked Shen Yanfeng.

Never ask Qin Ran again, the two have different calculation units.

One is ten thousand, and the other is hundred.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Guotao also returned.

But the whole person is tanned, but the spirit is very good.

In the evening, I ate a Huaiyang dish.

[Soft Pocket Long Fish], [Pingqiao Tofu], [White Robe Shrimp], [Boiled Dried Shreds], [Crab Roe Lion's Head], and a [Crystal Meat].

The price is not cheap, it is said that it is a dish for the state banquet, and it is more than 800 after a meal, Shen Yanfeng is a little distressed, and he calls it too expensive.

But Zhang Zijie doesn't care very much, it's free.

Zhang Zijie cares about Wang Guotao's skin color.

"Boss, why did you go during the winter vacation? I went to Qiong Island once, and I didn't get a tan from you.

Wang Guotao touched his hair, which was not yet long, "Don't say it." "

Tell me about it. Shouldn't you go to work in the fields? Zhang Zijie joked.


"Really, I'll go!" Zhang Zijie was surprised, "It's not good for you to enjoy the holiday during the Chinese New Year and go to do farm work." You can do it!

Wang Guotao shrugged, "I can't help it, what the old man at home said, no one dares to object."

Qin Ran recalled that there was such a thing in his previous life.

But at that time, he heard about it, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

But when he thinks about it now, he doesn't feel that it is as ordinary as Wang Guotao said.

"Boss, what exactly do you do?"

"Felling, sawing wood."

Zhang Zijie was surprised, "Winter logging? That can't be cold to death? Can't you wait for spring to get warmer?

Qin Ran shook his head and said, "In winter, the wood is relatively hard, which is suitable for logging, and in the spring, there is more moisture, and the wood is not so good." The

three of them looked at Qin Ran in unison.

Wang Guotao was also a little surprised, "Third child, have you also cut wood?"

"Nope. I once heard an old carpenter say that his wood was all selected and sawn by himself.

Zhang Zijie said with a smile, "Then this old carpenter is quite stubborn, and the furniture factories over there are all wood pulled by carts."

Qin Ran nodded, "It's really stubborn." "

But stubbornness, the craftsmanship is really good.

There is also an ingenuity.

After Qin Ran had money in his previous life, he liked to find the old carpenter with a very stubborn temper when he renovated the house or replaced the furniture.

Cheap, good quality, fine, good selection of wood, satisfied him in all aspects.

As for whether he has a good temper or not, it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about this.


Qin Ran didn't want to ask Wang Guotao's family background directly, so he only talked about carpentry.

Wang Guotao said, "My grandfather must have something to talk to you about, he likes to make some gadgets when he has nothing to do."

"Really? You don't want to trick me into pulling a big saw with your grandfather, do you?

"Nope. But if you're willing to pull, I'm not going to stop you. "

Actually, it's okay to cut wood, but pulling a big saw together, Wang Guotao is really a little unbearable.

Nowadays, whether it is logging or sawing wood, power tools are basically used.

But his grandfather still liked to use an ax and a wooden saw.

His body bones are actually boiled out during the winter and summer vacations.

Others are lying in bed playing with their mobile phones and eating snacks during the Chinese New Year, and he is humming and chopping wood, pulling wood, and sawing wood.


Several people chatted about their respective activities during the winter vacation.

Shen Yanfeng helped his mother sell vegetables, Wang Guotao helped his grandfather saw wood, and Zhang Zijie took Ji Feifei to Qiongdao for a vacation.

Qin Ran said that he was helping his mother look after the store, if it would be counted for half a day.

At first glance, Zhang Dashao's life is the most enviable.

However, Qin Ran and Wang Guotao's expressions were very flat.

Shen Yanfeng is really envious, especially envious of Zhang Zijie who won 5,000 rice in the New Year.

Five thousand is enough for him this semester.

The four of them ate six dishes and a large pot of rice.

Wang Guotao and Shen Yanfeng ate the cleanest.

Qin Ran could see that Wang Guotao should be a tutor.

Shen Yanfeng has been thrifty since he was a child, and has always practiced the principle of hard work.

In fact, the relationship between Zhang Zijie and Shen Yanfeng in the previous life was not good, and there were conflicts not long after the start of school.

However, in this life, Qin Ran did it intentionally, and the relationship between the bedrooms was much more harmonious.

Meeting is fate.

Not to mention going through the same window together and sleeping in the same dormitory together.

Qin Ran knew that the three of them were not bad in nature, and each had some minor shortcomings, but he himself was the same.

But the advantages are also obvious.

Shen Yanfeng is hardworking and hardworking, very protective of his shortcomings, and does not help his relatives.

Zhang Zijie doesn't hate anyone, he just wants to live happily.

Wang Guotao seems to be silent, and once something happens, he will never retreat.

Qin Ran likes the 508 bedroom!

He's the one who dominates the game.

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