"From the time you started making magic cards to the end of the unified examination, including the Lord of Cangfenghua City and the principals of the other two schools, we watched the whole process." Noticing the confusion in Lu Li's eyes, the ancient clan did not do any riddles either people.

"It is precisely because he knows that the Black Magic Girl is very special that the city lord finally raised your reward by one level." However, the ancient clan did not reveal the original magic card. This was communicated by several people in advance. the result of.

In fact, even if the reward is only a level upgrade and will not attract too much attention, it was decided by Cang Fenghua after careful consideration.

It was also the first time for them to see original magic cards, and they did not want this to become a problem that hindered Lu Li's development.

This is actually a sign of Cang Fenghua's goodwill. After all, Lu Li's talent is there. As a genius who has just entered the field of card magicians and is able to create six-star original magic cards, Lu Li's future achievements will definitely not be any worse.

"So that's it." Lu Li showed a surprised expression, but he didn't expect that when he was making Black Magic Girl, he would be watched by the city lord and three principals.

Just like Yu Haojia didn't see that the Dark Magician Girl was an original magic card at the beginning, Zhou Rong and Zhang Ming also didn't see that the Dark Magician Girl was an original magic card. Their understanding of the number of magic cards was still unclear. Less than Yu Haojia.

At present, the ancient master points out the specialness of the Dark Magician Girl in a subtle way. Even if Zhou Rong and Zhang Ming are curious, they will not want to go in the direction of original magic cards. They can only guess whether the Dark Magician Girl has anything special. Ability has not been demonstrated yet.

But even so, the two of them were secretly frightened. After all, the strength that the Dark Magician Girl had shown before was terrifying enough. If she still had hidden abilities, wouldn't this magic card be a bit outrageous?

It's a pity that neither Lu Li nor Gu Ba will explain to them.

"In addition to the reward just given to you, there is actually another reward for this unified examination." After expressing Cang Fenghua's goodwill, the ancient master continued.

"Is there another reward?" Lu Li couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after putting away the storage card.

For new card magicians like them, the value of blue-grade and purple-grade materials is already high enough, but they didn’t expect there would be additional rewards.

"This time, the top five students in the unified examination will also get a chance to enter the Demon Spirit House." The ancient master slowly said the last reward.

"Demon Spirit House?" This was the first time Lu Li had heard of it, and he didn't know what it meant.

"The House of Demon Spirits is actually a dimensional plane attached to Can Ling City." Zhou Rong explained: "The House of Demon Spirits is rich in all kinds of fairy and elven materials, and it is a more popular dimension in Can Ling City. noodle."

The dimensional plane is a special subspace attached to the Magic Card Civilization. It is rumored that it is a special plane that was born after the destruction of different worlds and the evolution of endless time.

There are a large number of dimensional planes attached to the Magic Card Civilization. As long as a two-way transmission channel is established, the Magic Card Master can travel to various dimensional planes through the dimensional hall.

Because the Demon Spirit House is rich in all kinds of fairy materials, it is one of the important resource production areas of Canngling City, so it is directly managed by the city lord's palace. Therefore, the City Lord's Mansion naturally has the right to arrange who can enter the Demon Spirit House.

With Zhou Rong's explanation, Lu Li finally understood what the Demon Spirit House was.

"Fairies and elves materials?" Lu Li had a thoughtful expression on his face. When he mentioned fairies and elves, countless card pictures flashed through his mind.

Speaking of which, the development history of elves in Lu Li's memory is really inspiring. From the original mediocre to the great, only the development history of the innocent succubus can compete with it.

"If it weren't for you this time, perhaps no student from our No. 3 Middle School would have been able to get a spot to enter the Demon Spirit House." Zhou Rong sighed.

Even if the overall level is gradually catching up, compared with the first and second middle schools, the gap between the top-level students in the third middle school is still not small.

"Here, this card was entrusted to you by an old guy." The ancient master took the words and took out a card from his arms again.

"Another magic card? Could it be a storage card?" Lu Li muttered in his heart, but Lu Li still took the card handed over by the ancient master and observed it curiously.

Similar to the storage card given by the city lord's palace, the card given by the ancient lord this time also has a very special prismatic mark printed on the center, which exudes a subtle aura.

Although it is not as unique as the logo of the City Lord's Mansion and can be seen at a glance, Lu Li feels that he has seen this logo before, but he just can't remember it at the moment.

"Membership card of the Card Magic Association?" Zhang Ming, who was on the side, could see the origin of the card at a glance, but he also had a very strange expression on his face: "This is a kind of proof of identity after joining the Card Magic Association, but To join the Magic Card Association, don’t you have to pass the association’s assessment?”

Zhang Ming is also a member of the Canngling City Magic Card Association, so he naturally knows the conditions for obtaining a membership card. That year, he submitted three applications before successfully passing the association's assessment and becoming one of them.

Why did Gu Ba take out an association membership card and hand it to Lu Li?

"Normally, when a Card Magician joins the Card Magic Association, they must pass an assessment before they can obtain a membership card. However, Lu Li's situation is quite special. This was directly approved by Old Man Yu." The ancient master waved his hand and explained: "One more thing, as Old Man Yu said, including the Black Magic Girl, as long as Lu Li can successfully create three six-star magic cards before the end of the college entrance examination, you will be able to obtain the treatment of an elite member."

Yu old man? The only person who can be called out like this by the ancient clan is Yu Haojia, the branch president of Cang Ling City Magic Card Association! The old guy you just talked about is the branch president of Cang Ling City Magic Card Association.

"Hiss!" After hearing this, Zhang Ming couldn't help but take a breath. The amount of information was a bit large. Of course, the more important thing is that he is only an ordinary member of the association until now, but his students have a high chance of becoming elite members in the near future.

Was he being overtaken?

"President Yu has given special approval to join the association without taking the exam. This is the first time I have heard of it." Zhou Rong on the side couldn't help but rub her forehead: "Lu Li, if you join the Magic Card Association and become an elite member, you will have a lot. benefit."

After all, she is now a card magician in the King Realm. If she has not become an elite member yet, then she will probably be taken as a joke if she tells her about it.

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