Compared to the Black Magic Girl, Yu Haojia didn't act so calm, and instead seemed a little excited.

The appearance of the dragon's roar means that the background, settings, and card drawings of the dragon magic card that Lu Li is currently making have been approved. The next thing to do is to complete the coloring of the magic card, and it will be completed. Card.

From the moment he started making cards to now, Yu Haojia has watched Lu Li's entire card making process.

Even as a master, he has to admit that Lu Li's card making is full of a special kind of beauty and calmness, which is not possessed by ordinary card magicians.

Often this special charm only appears in some long-established card constructing masters. Yu Haojia still finds it hard to believe that he would feel this in a new card constructor.

This made him couldn't help but sigh slightly, today's young people really don't give their old people a way to survive.

While Yu Haojia sighed, Lu Li did not stop moving his hands. He put all the prepared materials into the magic card editor one after another, including the dragon pupil of Tian Cang Dragon.

Seeing this scene, Yu Haojia couldn't help but sit up slightly and stared at Lu Li. The next step was to become a card. As long as he succeeded, he would witness Lu Li successfully create the third original. Magic card.

The card picture was dipped in the material solution, and a golden beam of light shot up into the sky, just like the red-eyed black star dragon was made a few days ago. However, it was blocked by the barrier arranged by Mana and failed to break through, filling the entire room.

"Huh?" Although the spread of the light beam was blocked, even Mana's beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen because she saw that this time the surface of the light beam was actually wrapped around eight new houses.

Although it looks very bleak, it is indeed hanging high on the pillar of light. Whether it is making equipment cards, counter cards, or regular elf magic cards, this is an anomaly that has never appeared before.

Not only Mana, but Yu Haojia was also blinded by this scene, and the original excitement in his eyes turned into shock and confusion.

The emergence of the Creation Light Pillar means that Lu Li has indeed successfully produced the magic card, and this new magic card is still an original magic card. After all, such a phenomenon can only appear with original magic cards.

With the two precedents of the Black Magic Girl and the Red-Eyed Black Star Dragon, and the vaccination he had received early in the morning, Yu Haojia seemed slightly excited, but he was not unable to accept this setting.

What really shocked and puzzled him were the eight looming new stars on the golden pillar of light!

According to the information that has been passed down, after the original magic card is turned into a card, a pillar of creation light will appear, but there is no mention that there will be a new star emerging on the surface of the pillar of creation light.

At least in the information that Haojia checked, there was indeed no mention of the vision on the Creation Light Pillar.

"Could it be that the meaning of these eight new stars refers to the level of the magic card made by Lu Li?" Looking at the eight looming and illusory new stars on the pillar of creation, Yu Haojia, who had no data to support it, finally had no choice but to Secretly guessing.

According to Yu Haojia, this possibility is not impossible. After all, the moment you see these new stars, your first impression will indeed remind you of the level of the magic card.

But if these new stars really represent magic card stars as he suspected, it means that Lu Li skipped the production of seven-star magic cards and directly produced eight-star magic cards, instead letting Yu Hao Jia was extremely shocked.

He even had an intuition that even compared to a strong person in the Immortal Realm, Lu Li was not inferior to him in terms of card-making talent.

As long as Lu Li is given enough time to grow, will there be a chance for a fifth immortal warrior to emerge in the future of the ancient country?

But thinking of this, Yu Haojia immediately put an end to this conjecture.

Lu Li is indeed very talented and potential, but the Immortal Realm is far from being as simple as imagined, otherwise there would not be only four Immortal Realm Territory Lords in the entire ancient country.

Not to mention the Immortal Realm, it is not that easy to break through the Immortal Realm. Many card magicians who have been stuck in the Domination Realm their entire lives will never take that step until they die.

Including Yu Haojia, he is not very sure that he can be promoted to the immortal realm.

What's more, Lu Li has just stepped into the journey of card magician. Even if he has talent and potential, and has the opportunity to break through, the distance between him and the immortal realm is still a bit far away, so he is not considering these unrealistic things for the time being. when.

The creation light pillar entangled by the eight illusory new stars only lasted for a short period of time, and then turned into a light point and slowly returned to Lu Li's body. What followed was a turbulent backflow of magic power, which directly pushed Lu Li's level up. Go higher!

[The construction is successful, the magic return is obtained, and the level is upgraded to a six-star warrior!]

[The construction is successful, the magic power is returned, and the level is upgraded to a seven-star warrior!]

[The construction is successful, the magic return is obtained, and the level is upgraded to an eight-star warrior!]

At close range, Yu Haojia clearly sensed the increase in Lu Li's level, but when Lu Li's soaring level finally settled on the eight-star general, he was even more puzzled.

How many stars is this magic card? Don’t the eight new stars just represent the level of the magic card?

The higher the level of magic cards you make, the more magic power you will receive, and the higher the level of the card magician will naturally be.

After so many years of development, the Magic Card Civilization has also figured out a rough reference basis, which can be used to determine the level of Magic Card production through the promotion of Card Magic Masters [Judge Kang].

However, this kind of reference is only applicable to low-level card magicians. The more advanced card magicians are, the less suitable this reference is. At that time, the total amount of magic power obtained by making a magic card is often not enough to promote a high-level card magician.

If Lu Li really made an eight-star magic card, then the magic return he would get would not only increase his level from a five-star warrior to an eight-star (high money) star warrior. The total amount of magic return would be That’s not right either, neighbor.

Could it be that my guess about those new stars was wrong? The eight illusory new stars do not refer to the level of the magic card, but have other meanings?

'.||What does this mean?" No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out. Yu Haojia couldn't help but rub his temples. This was the first time he encountered such a situation since he was promoted to master.


When Yu Haojia tried his best to figure out the card phenomenon of the Eye of Timaeus and fell into a state of confusion, Lu Li also sensed that his level had been upgraded to an eight-star warrior, which was far away from the nine-star warrior. It's just one step away.

"The total amount of magic power has been increased again, and the speed of magic power consumption has also been alleviated to a certain extent. In this way, even summoning the true red-eyed black dragon can last a little longer." With a thought, the properties of the new magic card were revealed in front of Lu Li show out. .

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