Age Of Magic Cards: My Deck Can Be Infinitely Strengthened

67. Almost Squeezed Dry, Evolution Stone!

[Holy Light Trident: A top instrument that contains the power of light. Only in the hands of those who are good at using the power of light can it play its original role. 】

"Converting a piece of green material requires consuming nearly one-tenth of the current magic power." Lu Li silently calculated the magic power consumed by rewriting and reorganizing in his heart: "In other words, with my current total magic power, it will only take up to It can only convert ten green materials at most, so the magic power will be at its bottom."

"Although the quantity is a little less, but considering the accumulation of time, it is very impressive." As he spoke, Lu Li once again had an additional material in his hand, but this time the quality of the material was upgraded to blue grade.

"Rewriting and reorganizing green-grade materials requires one-tenth of the magic power. What if it is blue-grade material?" With this idea in mind, Lu Li started testing again.

The next second, the magic power in Lu Li's body dropped at a terrifying speed. When he noticed "May 13", Lu Li couldn't help but take a breath.

Damn, are you trying to squeeze me out of work?

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Mana came out of the bathroom humming happily. At a glance, she saw Lu Li, who was sitting on the bed exhausted and exhausted. She quickly ran to her side, her little face full of tears. asked nervously.

I didn't see the other party being so weak just now. On the contrary, I was beaten to death. How could I just disappear in the blink of an eye and change my appearance?

"It's nothing, it's just a little excessive consumption of magic power, don't worry too much." Lu Li pinched Mana's little face and comforted: "Go get breakfast, I'm a little hungry now."

In the early morning, he spent time making magic cards, conducting rewrite and reorganization tests, and also fed Mana, the greedy little cat. Lu Li felt that even Superman was nothing more than this.

Rewriting and reorganizing green-grade materials only consumes one-tenth of the magic power, but when it comes to blue-grade materials, the magic power consumed increases several times, and nearly four-fifths of Lu Li's magic power is consumed in one go.

The high-intensity consumption of magic power in a short period of time caused Lu Li's current extremely embarrassing situation. However, in this way, Lu Li also tested the current limits of rewriting and reorganization.

If you want to rewrite and reorganize higher-level materials, you can only try it when you are promoted to a higher level and have more total magic power.

Otherwise, even if he is sucked dry, there is no way to rewrite and reorganize the materials of purple grade and above.

"Then I'll get ready now." After hearing Lu Li's words, Mana nodded, and then flew to the kitchen, and soon a delicious fragrance wafted out.

"Although the consumption is a bit staggering, being able to rewrite and reorganize blue-grade materials increases the operability a lot." After resting for a few minutes, Lu Li finally recovered, but he did not continue to work on the materials for the time being. Rewrite the plan for reorganization.

Thinking of this, Lu Li clicked on his personal terminal and logged into the Magic Card Association's trading system. Although he has the plug-in authority to rewrite the materials, it does not mean that he cannot directly buy the materials. The two methods are combined together so that he can obtain the materials the fastest.

"Huh?" During the search, Lu Li's eyes were locked on a very special piece of material.

[Evolution Stone: A stone containing strange energy, it seems to have a special effect that stimulates the deep strength of the magic card. 】

The quality of the blue material is not very high, but the description is very eye-catching. Of course, the price is also a factor.

Normally, although the price of this type of material is not too low, it is not too high either. But in fact, Lu Li found that the price of evolution stones is almost the same as the price of some purple materials. , this was very outrageous, and it also aroused his strong interest.

Cutting out the web page, Lu Li looked up the information about the evolutionary stones. Soon, he understood why the price of the blue-grade evolutionary stones was not in vain compared to the purple-grade materials.

After the magic card is produced, there is actually a limit to its strength. Star rating and quality are the best representatives.

Not all Cardcaptors have special skills like the Red-Eyed Black Star Dragon, which can be upgraded to a higher level of combat power after death.

Unless the magic card is rebuilt through reconstruction [only in this way can the strength of the magic card spirit be further improved.

The evolution stone has the effect of stimulating the deeper strength of the magic card. Whether the evolution stone is added during the initial production or reconstruction, the level and quality of the magic card after it is completed will have a chance to increase.

Although this probability is not high, even a 1% probability is enough to make all card magicians crazy.

Therefore, the premium of evolution stones is the highest among all materials, but even so, the supply is still in short supply.

"No wonder the price is so ridiculous." After roughly understanding the special characteristics of the evolution stone, Lu Li instantly felt that this evolution stone was tailor-made for Digimon, and it perfectly matched the evolutionary characteristics of Digimon... ………………

The so-called evolution is actually the process of growth and evolution of Digimon. In the process of evolution, the strength of Digimon will be strengthened to varying degrees, thus becoming a more powerful existence.

Generally speaking, Digimon will slowly absorb energy and evolve in a natural process, but with the help of special items such as the Divine Plan, the evolution process can be accelerated. The emergence of evolutionary stones further ensures that the evolutionary process will be realized more smoothly.

"Using the effect of the evolution stone to stimulate the deep strength of the magic card, coupled with the ability of the divine plan, it may be possible to combine the ideal effect. Faintly, Lu Li found that he seemed to have found the direction.

However, Lu Li only had time to place an order for one evolution stone, and they were all bought after the next refresh.

"It's really popular," Lu Li couldn't help complaining after seeing this. The speed was comparable to that of a paparazzi. But this also made Lu Li understand how popular evolution stones are among Cardcaptors: "But as long as you give me enough time, there will be no shortage of evolution stones, including other materials."

After about a few minutes, the evolution stone with special patterns was delivered to Lu Li's location via express delivery.

"It's quite heavy." Throwing the evolution stone in his hand, Lu Li found that the weight of this thing was not light. But soon, he put the evolution stone into the magic card editor. Although he had a reference, with his current magic power, he could not withstand the consumption of rewriting and reorganizing the blue-grade materials again.

"Digimon are undergoing network evolution 5.9. Just a single Digimon has several evolutionary routes."

"If you want to make full use of this characteristic, then the evolutionary routes of all Digimon must be entered into the divine plan, and the amount of materials used will probably reach the most terrifying level in history. The amount of work, tsk tsk!"

Entering all evolutionary routes into the Holy Plan, using the Holy Plan to expand the data volume of Digimon, and continuously improving the strength of Digimon through evolution is the top priority in the production of Digimon Magic Cards, but it consumes The amount of work is also huge.

"No, in fact, I don't need to enter all the evolutionary routes into the Holy Plan." Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Li's mind, and his eyes lit up slightly: "The biggest use of the Holy Plan is to instill data into Digimon, and The way of evolution may be solved by card swapping.",

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