"Second stage competition information." Sensing the softness behind him, Lu Li scratched Mana's nose and explained, then examined it carefully.

The second stage takes place in the dimensional plane called the Mist Ruins. After all contestants enter the dimensional plane, their positions will be randomly disrupted.

It's very simple to win, that is, reach the core of the Mist Ruins, where the props for victory are placed. As long as a contestant takes away the props, the youth training competition will end simultaneously, even if there are other contestants in the foggy ruins.

"This rule seems quite simple." Mana muttered after learning the rules of the second stage of the competition.

"It does seem very simple." After hearing Mana's words, Lu Li shook his head: "But there is something special about the fog ruins, which is that it is covered with extremely low visibility fog all year round. Not only is there no way to dispel these fogs with the master's methods, even the perception will be limited to a certain range."

"Furthermore, if you want to enter the core of the misty ruins to obtain the final props, there is a second restriction." As he spoke, Lu Li enlarged the page on the terminal: "You must collect ten magic card vouchers before you can enter. The heart of the site.”

"All contestants will receive a magic card voucher when entering the Mist Ruins. As for how to obtain the other nine vouchers, the meaning is very obvious.

The magic card voucher is obviously the prop for passing the second stage, which also means that if the contestants in the second stage want to win the final victory, they must take action against others. Otherwise, they will only be eliminated.

Such a rule directly puts all contestants on the opposite side.

"The winner gets the magic card certificate, and the contestant whose magic card certificate is robbed will lose the qualification for the second stage and will be transported out of the dimensional plane." In the final analysis, the essence of the youth training competition is that Cangdu's various In the competition among newcomers from the Magic Card Association, it is naturally impossible for the organizers to design the rules of the youth training competition without any conflicts and to be extremely bland.

"Ah this "々!" Mana stuck out her tongue, her fair cheeks flushed, she really didn't notice this just now.

"Okay, let's go to bed early." Turning off the personal terminal, Lu Li reached out and hugged Mana: "We have to get up early tomorrow."

The next morning, with Mana's service, Lu Li tidied up and walked to the meeting point in Cang Ling City, where many contestants who had passed the second round were already arriving.

Seeing Lu Li, all the contestants in Cang Ling City showed goodwill. After yesterday's first stage, they finally understood why the relationship between Lu Li and Yu Haojia was so good.

If they had Lu Li's strength, Tian Haojia would naturally be impressed by them.

"Have you all rested?" After a while, Yu Haojia also came to the gathering point, glanced at the people in front of him, and after getting everyone's approval, he led everyone to set off.

Not only the contestants from Cang Ling City, but also the Cangdu Association and other satellite cities also set off under the leadership of the branch presidents of their respective associations.

Soon, everyone gathered again in the square yesterday, and Shangguan Hong arrived earlier than everyone else.

"I believe that you all have understood the rules of the second stage yesterday, so I won't say anything more. I hope you can further demonstrate your strength in the next second stage and win the final victory.

"The reward for the winner in the end will not disappoint you." After saying this, Shangguan Hong waved his hand casually, and a huge teleportation gate slowly opened in the open space in front of everyone. A slight chill came from the teleportation gate, and everyone couldn't bear it. The whole body was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, several staff members quickly moved through the team of contestants and handed two special magic cards to everyone.

"These two magic cards are the magic card voucher and the teleportation magic card used as props," Shangguanhong explained: "Needless to say, the role of the magic card voucher, and after entering the mist ruins, the teleportation function of the teleportation magic card will be activated. You can decide whether to use the teleportation magic card to leave based on the danger you encounter."

"But one thing you have to understand is that the teleportation magic card is a one-time use, and the spatial coordinates in it are also set at the place where you are standing now."

"Therefore, once the teleportation magic card is used, it means that you will be teleported away from the mist ruins and lose the qualification to continue participating.

"So, you need to think carefully about whether to use the teleportation magic card and when to use the teleportation magic card."

The youth training competition is not a life and death battle, and the Magic Card Association will not let the contestants be killed at will. After all, they are all the fresh blood of the Magic Card Association.

But as Shangguan Hong said, it is up to the contestants to decide how to choose. This is also a test for them.

If you misjudge your own strength and fail to use the teleportation magic card to escape danger, then you can't blame others even if you die in the misty ruins.

Failure to accurately judge the situation will only end up harming yourself and others. This is also a taboo for card magicians.

Everyone looked at each other and Shangguan Wan'er was the first to pass through the portal. The other party represented the Cangdu Federation and was also the strongest person on the surface [Naturally, no one had any objections.

After Shangguan Wan'er entered the misty ruins, the next contestants also crossed the portal one after another, and Lu Li also followed the trend and entered it.

It wasn't until everyone entered the misty ruins that Shangguan Hong waved his hand again, and dozens of light screens appeared in front of everyone. What each light screen played was an independent picture of all the contestants.

Similar to how Cang Ling City has the means to monitor the Demon Spirit House, the Cangdu Magic Card Association naturally also has the means to monitor the Mist Ruins. In fact, the Cangdu Magic Card Association's methods are even more advanced.


".||Is this the foggy ruins?" Everything as far as the eye can see is filled with light fog, and it is impossible to distinguish with the naked eye a little further away. Even if he uses his mental power to perceive, Lu Li cannot detect further. What is hidden: "It's exactly what the information said."

When his mental power comes into contact with these floating fogs, Lu Li can clearly feel that there is a special power in the fog, which is constantly draining his mental power. If you use mental power to contact the fog for a long time, it may even cause backlash.

The contestants from Cang Ling City who originally crossed the portal with him have disappeared. Not only Cang Ling City, but also the contestants who came in first, Lu Li also did not see it.

"Are they completely separated? Or are they actually in the same area, but because of the fog, no one can be seen?" With a raised hand, the black magician girl was summoned by Lu Li: "Message It’s still too little.”

"Let's go, now we can only take one step at a time." After greeting the black magician girl, Lu Li chose a direction at will and set off.

Although the statement that you can't see your fingers is a bit exaggerated, when the surroundings are full of fog, even identifying the direction becomes a problem.

Therefore, if you want to accurately go to the core of the Mist Ruins, you have to have some luck. But luck is also one of its own strengths. .

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