Are you a puppy?

Lu Li said sadly in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm: "I am a normal man. If I don't have any ideas in my heart now, that would be a big problem."

"Then you are really honest." After hearing Lu Li's reply, Shangguan Wan'er was stunned and almost couldn't keep up with him. Fortunately, Lu Li stopped her in time and didn't make a fool of herself: "Well, I I find you quite attractive, and I am becoming more and more interested in you."

After saying that, Shangguan Wan'er turned around in coordination with Lu Li, her skirts flying, like an elegant elf. The combination of the two once again became the focus of the entire banquet.

"There seem to be quite a few girls who are interested in me." Lu Li teased. Of course, the girls he was talking about were a bit different from Shangguan Wan'er. At least Shangguan Wan'er wouldn't be like her, wanting to "eat" her. " said his own expression.

It's a pity that in exchange for these words, Shangguan Wan'er got another big eye roll.

"Speaking of which, how much longer do we have to dance?" Shangguan Wan'er felt her calves were cramping as Lu Li completed another gorgeous turn.

After the song, Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er did not leave the dance floor immediately, but started dancing again. The tacit understanding between the two deepened a lot, and their cooperation became more natural.

Just keeping jumping like this is not the answer.

"It depends on when those people leave." Hearing Shangguan Wan'er's question, Lu Li couldn't help but glance at the people not far away who were still staring at them on the edge of the dance floor.

It was precisely because of these people that Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er did not leave the dance floor immediately.

"For the first time, I feel that attending such a banquet is not very good." Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but puff out her small mouth. With her fleshy little round face, Lu Li almost couldn't help but think Give it a pinch.

But in the end, he still endured it: "I thought you were used to it."

"It's not that I'm not used to it, it's just that it's my first time to avoid people in this way." Shangguan Wan'er explained: "But speaking of it, this is my first time dancing with a boy."

"That's really my honor." Lu Li replied angrily, which made Shangguan Wan'er secretly amused.

In the distance, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but whisper.

"Originally, I thought Shangguan Wan'er and Lu Li just stayed together to avoid us, but now it seems that's not the case?"

"These two people are really having an affair, right?"

While everyone was thinking, Yu Haojia ran out from nowhere and shouted to Lu Li on the dance floor: "Lu Li, are you here? Come with me, President Shangguan wants to see you." ".

However, after seeing Shangguan Wan'er next to him, Yu Haojia was also stunned: "Girl Wan'er, are you there too? It just so happens that your grandfather is also looking for you.

However, looking at the slightly intimate Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er on the dance floor, Yu Haojia was also a little confused, when did these two people get along?

However, Yu Haojia didn't say much, and Lu Li really wanted to get Shangguan Wan'er, which seemed to be a good thing. With Shangguan Hong as a big backer, he can reach the sky in one step.

Well done, Lao Yu!

Although they didn't know why Shangguan Hong was looking for him, Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

With a beautiful turn, Lu Li took Shangguan Wan'er and left the dance floor: "President, let's leave now."

After the words fell, Lu Li had already put his arms around Shangguan Wan'er and walked quickly towards the door, leaving Yu Haojia with a confused look. What's going on? Why do these two people look more anxious than me?

Although he was puzzled, Yu Haojia still sent a message to Shangguanpu, and then left the banquet, leaving behind a crowd of onlookers who had their beards cut off but wanted to cry without tears.

Even if they had the courage to do so, they wouldn't dare to say anything wrong with Yu Haojia, let alone the one who approached Lu and Li was Shangguan Hong, the president of the Cangdu Association.

"Uncle Yu," Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but ask on the way: "Do you know why grandpa is looking for me and Lu Li?"

After leaving the banquet hall, Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er separated tacitly, but after what happened on the dance floor, their relationship became much closer.

"No," Yu Haojia shook his head: "In fact, it was not your grandfather who came to see me, but your father. It was he who mentioned to me that President Shangguan came to see you for something."

"Is it father who sent the message?" Shangguan Wan'er frowned. She couldn't imagine why Shangguan Hong came to them.

As for Lu Li, he was even less clear.

"Don't worry, Wan'er." After receiving the message from Yu Haojia, Shangguanpu also rushed to join a few people. He happened to hear the conversation between them, so he said: "This time may be a good time for you. A good opportunity.”

Compared to Hao Jia, Shangguan Pu obviously knew more about the inside story, but he only said this without giving too much detailed explanation.

This time, even Yu Haojia couldn't help but frown. Apparently he couldn't understand what the opportunity Shangguanpu meant.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er became even more puzzled, but she did not continue to ask. Anyway, after meeting Shangguan Hong soon, everything would be revealed.

Under the leadership of Shangguan Pu, Lu Li and others wandered around the Cangdu General Association and soon arrived at Shangguan Hong's office.

Although I met a lot of people during this period, after seeing the combination of these people, everyone couldn't help but become curious. Unfortunately, Lu Li and others didn't pay much attention to it.

"Here we come." Looking at Shangguan Pu pushing open the door and coming in, Shangguan Hong nodded slightly: "Sit down, I'm just missing you."

After hearing what 400 Shangguanhong said, Lu Li couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It seemed that the other party was not just looking for them this time, but he didn't know who else was there.

The next moment, the situation in the office appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Not only Shangguan Hong, but also Liu Yanran, who Shangguan Wan'er said had left, Su Xueyi, who had never appeared at the banquet, and Yue Di, who was also defeated by Lu Li, were also in the office.

In addition, Song Yongzhang, branch president of Cang Yue City Magic Card Association, and Mo Yingtian, branch president of Cang Heng City Magic Card Association, are also here, and these people obviously arrived earlier than themselves and others.

Yu Haojia looked at Song Yongzhang and Mo Yingtian, but only received shakes of their heads. Apparently Shangguanhong did not reveal any more information to them.

Looking at each other, Lu Li and Shangguan Wan'er became even more curious as to why Shangguan Hong had gathered so many people.

"Since we are all here, I won't waste your time." After Lu Li and others sat down, Shangguanhong glanced at everyone present and said slowly: "You should be wondering why I asked you to do it now Come over here."

"A year and a half ago, during an extraterritorial exploration operation jointly carried out by the three capitals of the Eastern Region, we accidentally discovered a dimensional plane that had just taken shape and had not yet been completely stabilized. As soon as Shangguan Hong opened his mouth, he immediately revealed an astonishing information..

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