Age Of Magic Cards: My Deck Can Be Infinitely Strengthened

98. Ranked First In The College Entrance Examination! The Land Of The New Moon!

What are the rewards for ranking first in the college entrance examination?

Lu Li was not surprised that there would be rewards for the college entrance examination. This thing was considered normal. However, Cang Fenghua specifically raised this point. I am afraid there is some unknown secret in it.

It's just that he was ranked first in the Eastern Region College Entrance Examination, so the reward shouldn't be that outrageous.

"The ancient country is divided into four major regions. Although the college entrance examinations in each major region are held at the same time, the rankings are separate." Cang Fenghua did not sell out: "Cangdu where we are located is one of the three capitals in the Eastern Region, and every year's college entrance examination, To put it bluntly, it is a competition between the younger generation of the three capitals in the Eastern Region."

In response, Lu Li nodded. This is indeed the essence of the college entrance examination.

"Every year, the reward for the first place in the Eastern Region College Entrance Examination is fixed, which is to get a place to enter a new place." Fenghua's next words also revealed what the reward for the tenth place is.

"Crescent Moon Land?" This is the first time Lu Li has heard of this name. He has never heard of this place in the past no matter what channels he used.

However, Lu Li was not impatient, but patiently waited for the other party's next words. Since Cang Fenghua brought it up, there will definitely be an explanation later.

"The so-called New Moon Land is actually a very special dimensional plane in the Eastern Territory. 19" As Lu Li thought, Cang Fenghua continued: "The New Moon Land has a very long history. Even I don't know this. The time the dimensional plane exists.”

"But as long as the card magician enters the New Moon Land, he will receive a special New Moon Blessing."

New month blessings!

Hearing this, Lu Li silently wrote this down in his heart. It sounded like something extraordinary. But it makes sense to think about it. In so many college entrance examinations in the Eastern Region, the reward for the first place is a fixed quota to enter the New Moon Land. If this New Moon Blessing had less gold content, it would definitely be rejected.

"Only in the land of the new moon can you get the blessing of the new moon!"

"There are various types of New Moon Blessings. For example, after receiving the New Moon Blessing, some card magicians will become more comfortable in making certain types of magic cards. As long as they make magic cards of that type, the card success rate can be maintained at a stable level. More than 70 percent.”

Making magic cards is not 100% successful, but being able to keep the success rate of making certain types of magic cards stable at over 70% can be said to be very powerful.

Lu Li, who has an analog structure, knows this very well. Even, the ability of simulated structure is stronger than this New Moon Blessing, because the simulated structure can increase the success rate to 100% no matter what kind of magic card is made, as long as you are willing to waste time and have enough mental power.

"Some card magicians have had their original magic cards permanently upgraded, at least by one level, or even by two levels, or even by three levels. However, this situation is rare. , most of them are just upgraded one level."

The improvement of the magic card level is undoubtedly the simplest and crudest way to improve strength. Even if it is only one level, it is a qualitative change for the magic card elf.

The True Red-Eyes Black Star Dragon and the True Red-Eyes Black Dragon are the best examples. Just a one-star difference can significantly change their combat power, and they can often save the day in dangerous moments.

As for the improvement of level two and level three, even a six-star magic card can be upgraded to eight or even nine stars, reaching the pinnacle of advanced magic cards. Even in the later stages, it is a main magic card for many card magicians.

"No matter what, one thing is certain. As long as you can enter the New Moon Land and receive the blessing of the New Moon, the card magician's strength will be improved to varying degrees." Cang Fenghua concluded.

"There is something about this New Moon Blessing!" After listening to Cang Fenghua's introduction to the New Moon Land, Lu Li took back her previous thoughts. There is something about the reward for first place in the college entrance examination.

However, judging from Cang Fenghua's introduction, different card magicians received different New Moon blessings when entering the New Moon Land. For example, the two situations the other party just mentioned clearly illustrate this point.

Of course, the two types of new moon blessings Cang Fenghua just mentioned are of little use to Lu Li. In a sense, these two new moon blessings duplicate his existing abilities. Even without these new moon blessings, he can now achieve similar results, or even better.

"Cang City Lord, have you ever entered the Crescent Land before?" The first place in every Eastern Region College Entrance Examination can get a place to enter the Crescent Land. In Lu Li's view, Cang Fenghua, the lord of a city, has a greater probability of winning the first place in the college entrance examination than many card magicians. This means that Cang Fenghua may have entered the New Moon Land. Got new moon blessings

If this is the case, then perhaps we can learn more information about the new use place and new use blessings from the other party.

"Ahem!" Faced with Lu Li's questioning, Cang Fenghua's eyes became subtle, and he coughed twice and said, "I'm afraid you will be disappointed, I have never entered the New Moon Land.

What? In other words, Cang Fenghua did not win the first place in the Eastern Region College Entrance Examination? Noticing Cang Fenghua's subtle gaze, Lu Li finally understood that he had exposed the other party's shortcomings. For a moment, Xiao Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Although I didn't get a quota to enter the New Moon Land, you are different." Although he was exposed by Lu Li, Cang Fenghua knew that the other party did not mean it, so he was not angry: "According to your performance all the time, there is a big difference." I have the opportunity to get the first place in this Eastern Region College Entrance Examination. It is precisely because of this that I will specifically mention the Crescent Land to you today."

"Public or private, no matter what the reason is, I hope you can get the first place in this Eastern Region College Entrance Examination. Not only me, but also Lao Yu and Gu Clan and a few others."

"Then it seems that I really can't let you down." Hearing this 027, Lu Li couldn't help but grin. He had never thought about staying in the college entrance examination, and now that Cang Fenghua had revealed the news about the New Moon Land, Yang Li was even more reluctant to give up and strive for the first place in the college entrance examination.

"Okay, since this time the matter has been taken care of, it's time for me to leave." After chatting with Lu Li again for more than ten minutes, Cang Fenghua stood up and left.

If it weren't for the special rewards from the Black Gate, the information about the New Moon Land, and the high expectations he had for Lu Li, Cang Fenghua wouldn't have come in person.

Now that the two matters have been resolved, it is time for him to go back. After all, there are still many documents in the city lord's mansion that need to be processed by him.

"The land of the new moon? If I can get the quota to enter, what kind of blessing will I get?" After sending Cang Fenghua away, such a thought flashed through Lu Li's mind, and then he threw it away and turned to Take out the black door reward you just got.

Whether it's the New Moon Land or the New Moon Blessing, that's all after the college entrance examination. For now, let's deal with the rewards from the Black Gate first. He is also curious about what kind of rewards can make even a master like Cang Fenghua envious. .

The storage magic card from Cangdu also had a special mark. Because of the youth training competition, Lu Li actually recognized it as the symbol of the main palace of Cangdu.

With his mental energy swept away, Lu Li realized that his previous thoughts had somewhat underestimated Cangdu Lord's Mansion. .

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