Age of Mysticism

Chapter 202 Partial Rain

pirate? !

The topic that Luke re-introduced was beyond Ambassador Webster's expectations, but for such issues, the officials of the Rio Republic have long had a mature rhetoric.

Ambassador Webster replied calmly: "Pirates are the public enemies of the world. As far as I know, the Leo Republic has absolutely no act of funding pirates. Of course, I don't deny that some pirates are composed of citizens of the Leo Republic, but I think The Golden Shield Empire should reflect on why pirates are so rampant.

The Golden Shield Empire Navy has a serious law enforcement behavior against trade cargo ships at sea, which makes Leo's ocean merchants pay more for extra expenses.

Some poor souls are even uncompetitive and go bankrupt because the cost of goods is a little higher.

The Leo businessman has negotiated with your country through our government many times, but there is no satisfactory answer to us. "

Luke couldn't help feeling that Webster was indeed a professional diplomat, and he blamed the empire with his mouth.

But Luke is not a vegetarian: "The Imperial Navy undertakes the work of maintaining the safety of international waterways, and there is no problem collecting escort fees from passing merchant ships. The escort fees to be paid by marine merchants in our country have been added to the national tax, and merchants in your country are not. Pay taxes to the empire, and you still have to pay the escort fee." Seeing Ambassador Webster still wanting to argue, Luke, who didn't want to get into this kind of fruitless verbal dispute, stopped what he wanted to say, and continued: "Taxes and The issue of escort fees is beyond my jurisdiction. What I care about is the issue of pirates...

Raging Waves City Secret Affairs Bureau has set up a maritime anti-smuggling fleet. In addition to investigating illegal trade at sea, exterminating pirates is also the duty of the Raging Waves City Anti-smuggling Fleet.

I hereby warn the Republic of Leo not to continue to provide any kind of support to the pirates. If this causes a military conflict between the two countries, the responsibility lies entirely with the Rio Republic. "

Ambassador Webster asked seriously: "Chief Inspector Meteor, are you declaring war on the Leo Republic?"

Luke said tit-for-tat: "I made it very clear... If the Republic of Leo continues to shelter pirates, you can understand that this is a declaration of war; if the Republic of Leo cuts off from the pirates, we are still friendly neighbors."

"This appears to be beyond your remit."

"My terms of reference are up to me."

Webster's ambassador stood up angrily: "The result of this meeting far exceeded my expectations. I now need to return to Rio immediately to report the attack on the consulate and the threat of Chief Inspector Meteor to the national parliament. .

Goodbye Chief Inspector Meteor.

I am grateful for your life-saving grace, but in the face of national interests, I will not show any favoritism. "

Luke didn't stand up to send Webster off. He said indifferently, "Goodbye... Do your best to persuade the Leo Council and prevent the incident from getting worse."

Viscount Iscoran stood up quickly: "I will send you... the ambassador!"

After a while, Viscount Iscoran returned in a hurry, and he said worriedly: "Chief Inspector, is your warning to the Leo Republic meant by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess?"

Luke picked up the tea on the table and sipped it slowly.

At the same time, he replied to Iscoran: "No, this is what I mean, and I have already informed His Highness of my thoughts."

Hearing that this was a claim made by Chief Inspector Meteor without authorization, Viscount Iscoran became even more flustered.

"This... this is a major matter related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. If it is not handled properly, it will lead to war!

Ambassador Webster's airship hasn't taken off yet, I'm going to stop him. "

"Viscount..." Luke patted the seat beside him and said to Iscoran, "Sit down and listen to me talk about my thoughts."

Iscoran had no choice but to sit down first, pretending to listen.

Luke said: "I have a direct correspondence with Her Highness the Princess, and Her Highness told me that the Saxon Project has organized a fleet to gather in Rage City. The fleet will be ready in one month at the earliest, or two months at the latest. will reach the sea.

This fleet is definitely not here to do business with us. I guess they should attack the ships entering and leaving Cape Harbor in the name of pirates. If this fleet is handed over to me as the commander, I will use my benefits to lure other pirates to blockade Cape Harbor.

Cape Port is still being repaired, and many supplies need to be brought in by sea. If shipping routes are cut off and port repairs are delayed for years, debt can crush us. "

Iscoran thought deeply, and said, "We can ask the navy for help."

"Your Majesty is very dependent on the new nobles. Although the things we do in Raging City are in the interests of the empire, it is unknown whether the navy will be on our side."

Viscount Iscoran nodded, he knew very well that the piece of cake that Chief Detective Meteorite led himself and others cut from Raging Waves City was the limit that the new nobles could bear. The imperial emperor's attitude towards Raging Waves City is difficult to figure out. Whether the navy will help the Reform Society, we really can't place too much hope on it.

"But . . . Inspector, does that have anything to do with what you said to Ambassador Webster?"

Luke put down his teacup: "How good do you think our anti-smuggling fleet is against the Saxon Project's fleet?"

Viscount Iskran replied: "It depends on the size of the fleet sent by Saxon Engineering. However, the Saxon Engineering fleet is mercenary in nature and often replaces the Imperial Navy to participate in regional naval battles. It must have more experience in regular naval battles than Lady Tasia." people, and the performance of the warships of the Saxon engineering fleet also exceeds ours."

Iscoran analyzed, with a sad expression on his face.

He knew that the anti-smuggling fleet established by the Secret Intelligence Bureau was training intensively for a possible naval battle. The shipyard of Senator Ible is also working overtime to build ships for the anti-smuggling fleet.

But the time is too short, and no one knows how much combat power the anti-smuggling fleet will have when the Saxon engineering fleet arrives.

Be pessimistic... There is a high probability that you will not be able to beat it.

Luke told Viscount Iskran about his ultimate goal.

"I have great expectations for the new 'First Machine' all-steel and steam-powered battleship, but we must also prepare for the worst. If the 'First Machine' construction deadline is delayed, or the performance does not meet the requirements, And the anti-smuggling fleet could not break the blockade of the Saxon engineering fleet.

I'll have Madam Tarsia attack Leo Navy. "


Viscount Iscoran opened his mouth wide, unable to believe what he heard.

"The Chief Inspector... Let Mrs. Tasia attack the Leo Navy. This will trigger..."

Luke said indifferently: "I have warned Ambassador Webster, but I don't think the Leo Republic will stop funding pirates, they will let the Leo Navy prepare for war.

When I order Mrs. Tasia to attack the Leo Navy, the Leo Navy will definitely attack the Imperial Navy. At that time, whether it is pirates or the Saxon engineering fleet, they will all die together. "

Viscount Iskran did not expect that Chief Detective Meteor's purpose of angering Ambassador Webster was to lift the blockade of Cape Harbor by the future Saxon engineering fleet.

For this purpose, it is necessary to trigger a full-scale maritime conflict between the two countries!

Is the Chief Inspector crazy?

"Chief Inspector, are you making things too big! If the eldest princess... His Majesty finds out that you started this war, he will definitely punish us."

Seeing Iscoran's pale face, Luke couldn't help laughing. He comforted: "Hasn't the matter happened yet? We may not be able to use the anti-smuggling fleet to solve this crisis. What I said is just a preventive plan."

"Even if it's a prevention plan..."

Luke suddenly said seriously to Viscount Iskran in a panic: "The Cape District is the foundation of our existence in Raging Waves City. The Reform Society stands firmly here, and there is only good and no harm for Her Royal Highness. No matter who wants to deal with We, all look first at the tax increases we bring to the Empire.

If we can't make money for the empire, there's no point in the Renovation.

If the war between the two countries really breaks out, I will be responsible for resolving the blame from the upper echelons, and your task...

A group of Leo exiled nobles came to Rage City, and they must have connections with the Watchers. Contact them and ask them what they need, it shouldn't be too difficult for you. "

When asked about his major, Viscount Iscoran replied confidently: "It's not difficult. What does the Chief Inspector need them to do?"

"You can do whatever you want... as long as you don't make trouble for us in Raging Waves City. Don't they want to restore the country? Let them go to Rio to make a fuss, and try to satisfy them with money and weapons."

"I know what to do, Chief Inspector."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, and I'll go to Senator Ible to have a look."

Luke left Sicily Palace and went to the mansion of Senator Ible. After discussing the direction of public opinion control for a period of time in the future, the two went to the shipyard under the name of Mr. Ible together.

Shipbuilding and launching, armament installation, training to form combat effectiveness, the time is very tight.

Externally, Luke actively cooperated with the newspaper to release smoke bombs on the new nobles.

In the eyes of the citizens of Raging Wave City, the hostage rescue operation at the Leo Consulate was a perfect crisis management.

Except for the guard who died at the beginning of the attack, all the hostages were rescued alive, and all the kidnappers were killed...impeccable.

Coupled with the fact that the newspaper continuously published the details of the rescue declassified by the Bureau of Secret Intelligence, and the magical images printed on the newspaper regardless of cost, the citizens of Raging Waves City felt as enjoyable as watching a drama every day.

As the protagonist of the story, Luke's image among the citizens is tall, wise, and brave...

But while the citizens were having fun, an outrageous news appeared in the newspapers.

The Leo Republic shifted the responsibility for the attack on the consulate to the security department of Raging Waves City, and sent a diplomatic note to the Empire, requesting severe punishment for all dereliction of duty personnel and the extradition of the wanted criminals of the Rio Republic.

A diplomatic turmoil did not calm down because of Chief Detective Meteorite's elegant solution to the attack on the consulate. Instead, it intensified and caused the relationship between the two countries to take a turn for the worse.

The citizens of Raging City are outraged, while the new nobles are celebrating.

When they first saw that the Bureau of Secret Intelligence resolved the attack on the Leo Consulate so simply, they thought that the matter would be calmed down by the meteorite. Who would have thought that the Leo Republic did not intend to calm down, but instead made a big fuss about this incident.

For a moment, the security department of Raging Waves City and the Secret Affairs Bureau were pushed to the cusp of a diplomatic storm.

Of course, the new aristocrats will take advantage of the victory to pursue, manipulate the newspaper to guide public opinion, and criticize the city security department and the General Bureau of Secret Intelligence. If the relationship between the Empire and the Leo Republic is seriously deteriorated due to this diplomatic turmoil, or even diplomatic relations are severed, the responsibility will be on the city security department and the General Directorate of Secret Affairs.

The saliva in Raging Wave City was like a boiling pot.

Princess Agatha, who was far away in the imperial capital, looked at all the newspapers delivered to Raging Waves City every day, feeling extremely anxious in her heart.

These days, she and Luke corresponded by letter, reaching one or even two letters a day.

Agatha noticed from Luke's letter that he had a strong intention to fight a naval battle against the Leo Republic. Even Agatha herself was somewhat convinced by Luke's analysis of the situation between the two countries, thinking that it would be in the best interest of the empire to eliminate the sea power of the Rio Republic before they could challenge the empire.

But war is no joke.

The current war is not just a contest of strength between two countries. Today's international situation is so complicated, Agatha dare not make false claims to start a war.

But she couldn't control Chief Inspector Meteor of Raging Waves City, so she could only persuade her in letters, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Let's look at the newspaper public opinion war in Raging Waves City.

On the surface, they were just arguing about whether the city security department and the General Bureau of Secret Affairs should be responsible for the Leo Consulate incident. In fact, they were constantly provoking the dissatisfaction of the citizens of Raging City against the Leo Republic.

A war must first have the basis of popular opinion.

The poor new nobles of Raging Waves City, they thought they were making great strides on the way to overthrow Meteor, but in fact they all fell into the trap set by Meteor. Without their continuous fueling and fueling for this incident, Meteorite's one-man show in the public opinion may have made the citizens of Rage City tired.

Now this kind of hostility towards the Leo Republic is spreading to the rest of the empire centered on Rage City, and even the civilians in the imperial capital are beginning to pay attention to this diplomatic disturbance.


Agatha didn't know how to stop it, or Luke's letter made her not want to take the initiative to stop the development of the incident.

Agatha in the dormitory lay on the soft bed, holding the letters written by Meteorite, and read each letter over and over again.

I wondered what I should do.

Just watched the war between the Empire and the Leo Republic break out under the impetus of meteorites?

This damned Meteor usually writes letters in Rage City where the weather is fine and there is some rain. Now writing a letter in a serious manner has caused me so much trouble, and the analysis is so reasonable.

If it weren't for these letters, I would never let you go on like this.

what to do? what to do?

Agatha could only rearrange her thoughts, read the letter written by Meteor to her carefully from the beginning.

Including sunny weather, local rain, small-scale hail...

This is the only way she can directly understand Meteor. Only when she truly understands this person can she not be led by the nose like this.

"I will definitely catch you! I will let you know the consequences of teasing the eldest princess!"

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