Age of Mysticism

Chapter 220 Sea Thugs

Under the double pressure of Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet and Glorious Island, Captain Jonas had no choice but to surrender in despair. The Saxon engineering fleet raised the white flag, and Luke immediately ordered the fleet to stop shelling and receive these warships.

He also kindly evacuated his two commercial sailing ships and handed them over to Jonas and his fleet members so that they could leave Glory Island in a dignified and safe manner.

So far, the sea battle of rushing to Brilliant Island is over.

The anti-smuggling fleet in Cape District wiped out the Saxon engineering fleet at the cost of losing a batch of ammunition. As the pressure from Brilliant Island forced Captain Jonas to surrender quickly, only five of the thirty-four warships in the Saxon Engineering Fleet were sunk, and the other twenty-nine warships were taken over and are undergoing battle damage assessment.

It is estimated that 20 battleships can be assembled, and the rest can be disassembled for spare parts.

These are the mainstream wooden dome-armored warships, and they are more than one or two generations behind the commercial warships in the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet. It's just that the Saxon Project sent all the warships with good speed this time, and the largest tonnage is close to 3,000 tons of Adonis-class steam warships.

It is a pity that there are no capital ships of more than 4,000 tons, but these warships are only transitional for the cape anti-smuggling fleet. When the Ible Shipyard has full capacity to build the "first machine", these wooden dome-clad ships will retire sooner or later and sell them at a good price.

The "Loyalty" was docked at the port of Glorious Island. The fire caused by the shelling just now had been extinguished, but there was still a lot of smoke coming out.

With a team of guards, Jeff boarded the "Loyalty" under the leadership of Kailina. The excitement and curiosity made Jeff completely lack the demeanor that a lord should have. He touched every place he passed like a child, and the palm of his hand was full of the heavy feeling brought by the metal.

"Miracle, what a miracle!"

Kailina smiled and said, "When everyone boards the 'Loyalty', you will feel like you, Lord Baron. The chief inspector is waiting for you on the bridge, please follow me..."

Jeff immediately withdrew his hand, and replied respectfully: "I was rude! Please take me to see the chief inspector, and don't keep you waiting."

In the bridge conference room, Jeff saw Luke waiting here. He gave a noble salute to Luke, and before the steward introduced himself, he introduced himself: "Dear Chief Inspector Meteor! I am Baron Mortline Jeff, the lord of Brilliant Island, and welcome the Chief Inspector and your fleet.

Brilliant Island will try its best to provide you and your fleet with the best service.

This is a small gift I have carefully prepared for you, please accept it..."

Jeff's entourage immediately stepped forward, holding a beautifully decorated small wooden box. The wooden box was opened, and it was full of shining gems and aquamarine pearls.

"The baron is really straightforward!" Luke smiled even brighter after seeing the contents of the wooden box. He asked his subordinates to take over the wooden box, then took Jeff's arm, and walked into the meeting room hand in hand.

The two sat down as the guest of honor, the attendant brought tea, and Kailinna was in charge of the minutes of the meeting.

"The purpose of me and my fleet coming to Glory Island this time, my secretary Karina should have told you, Lord Baron." Luke went straight to the point and said, "The first purpose has been completed. These damned pirates are constantly The ships that harassed the ships in and out of Cape Harbor also got what they deserved. Thanks to Glory Island for its contribution to us in this battle to wipe out the pirates.

The procurement contract for a 'First Unit' class steel battleship is a thank you gift. I wonder if the baron is satisfied? "

The entourage handed Luke two contracts from behind, and Luke placed them on the table before pushing them towards Jeff.

Satisfied, so satisfied!

One second, Jeff was still secretly feeling sorry for the box of gemstones and pearls; the next second, Jeff felt that the reward he got for giving the gift was too affordable.

Boarding the "Loyalty" this time, he completely understood what an all-metal steam battleship is. Except for warships of the same level, there is nothing in the sea that can challenge it. No matter how high the value of gemstones and pearls is, they are dead objects. One day earlier, owning such a warship, the wealth it can create for itself is immeasurable.

"My sincere thanks to Chief Inspector!"

Jeff grabbed the contract, and the butler and entourage behind him also stretched their heads excitedly to read the content of the contract.

The content inside made Jeff's trembling hands tremble even more.

Chief Inspector Meteor did not poison this contract, and clearly stated the construction time and delivery schedule. After paying the deposit on behalf of Brilliant Island, the Ible Shipyard started construction immediately, so that Brilliant Island can become the world's first batch of users of "First Unit" class steel battleships.

Special approval contracts do not need to be queued, and the construction priority is higher than the imperial order.

In addition, many follow-up items such as training, use, maintenance, and overhaul of warships also have a detailed list.

Although the price is a bit expensive, it is understandable.

After all, the investment in developing such a warship that can change the mode of naval warfare in the future must be unimaginably sky-high. These research and development expenses must be apportioned to the order of the "first machine", coupled with the monopoly without competition...

Expensive is reasonable.

If it is not expensive, you should doubt whether you will be cheated.

After reading the contracts, Jeff immediately took out a pen, tried his best to control his trembling hands, and signed his name on the two contracts.

Then handed the pen to Luke: "Please sign the inspector, and I will send someone to send the deposit immediately."

Luke smartly signed the contract, gave Jeff a copy, and kept a copy for Kailina to keep.

Then he said to Jeff: "There is no rush for the deposit for this 'First Unit'-class steel battleship... If this meeting goes well, I still have an order contract for the 'First Unit'."

"Also..." Jeff suddenly felt so happy that he was so dizzy that he said, "I will do whatever the chief inspector asks me to do!"

"Don't rush to agree, first listen to my second purpose for coming to Brilliant Island." Luke asked Karina, who was taking notes of the meeting next to him: "Have you told the Baron?"

Karina replied: "I have already informed the baron of the Chief Inspector's concept of joint maritime operations."

Luke then asked Jeff: "What do you think, let's talk about it first."

Jeff knew the big exam was on.

The chief inspector of Meteor is satisfied with the answer, and the contract for a "Number One" class steel capital ship is awarded; if the answer is not satisfactory, the chief inspector disdains to form a maritime alliance with a mediocre person.

Jeff corrected his sitting posture as if meeting an interviewer, and answered after some thought: "My father once said to me...the future world belongs to the ocean. With the continuous development of ship technology, the low cost of shipping It was decided that it has an overwhelming advantage over other modes of transportation.

Although the current ocean trade is prosperous, it is far from reaching its peak. The performance is that more and more coastal countries are beginning to pay attention to the control of the sea and continue to increase investment in naval construction.

The Golden Shield Empire and the Leo Republic are adjacent across the sea, and they have common interests in this sea area, but there are also irreconcilable conflicts. Although the overall strength of the empire is much higher than that of Leo, the international environment facing Leo is much better than that of the empire, and more national taxes can be invested in the ocean competition. According to the information I got... the navy of the Republic of Leo has already surpassed the empire in military expenditure, and it is only a matter of time before the military can challenge the empire, or even surpass the empire.


Brilliant Island is in a busy international route, and its sensitivity to changes in ocean power far exceeds that of the mainland.

Based on the information he obtained, Jeff analyzed the potential opponents of the Golden Shield Empire at sea for Luke. The most likely to challenge the empire's sea power is the Republic of Leo.

Because when the Republic of Leo was invaded, the Golden Shield Empire faced a severe international environment for a period of time. Therefore, since the Golden Shield Empire established diplomatic relations with Leo, it has paid more attention to the stability of the relationship between the two countries. Directly provoking a country-to-country maritime military conflict can certainly suppress Leo's navy, but it will also plunge the empire into a dilemma in international relations.

Luke had plans to attack Leo's navy, but that was a last-ditch effort that couldn't break the blockade. Now that the Saxon engineering fleet has been easily eliminated, the suppression of the Leo Republic requires a change of strategy.

Luke continued to listen to Jeff's answer.

"Under the situation that it is not convenient for the empire to fight another full-scale war with Leo, a private fleet with technological advantages to harass and attack Leo at sea has become a feasible method.

Brilliant Island used to be a sea transfer station for the empire to attack Leo, and now it is a free port for ships to and from. The size of the island determines that the upper limit of Huihuang Island as a free port is here, and today's battle also showed me that Huihuang Island has no ability to protect itself in the face of the attack of powerful forces.

In times of peace, a neutral attitude brings us wealth. And when war comes, a neutral attitude will make us the first target to be occupied by all sides. My father put me on the side of the winner, and I thought the Chief Inspector was the winner. "

Jeff's flattery made Luke smile.

He knew that Jeff's words could not be trusted, he was a very slippery guy who was good at playing with the wind. It is human nature to pursue profit, and it cannot be regarded as a shortcoming. If it can be controlled well, this baron is still very useful.

"Your answer is quite satisfactory to me. The empire is facing many things now, and Her Royal Highness wants me to return to Shenglun City to assist her. I have basically completed all the tasks in Raging City, the only thing I still have some regrets about. It’s just that there is no time to solve the problems at sea.”

Jeff immediately said: "Brilliant Island is willing to share the worries of the Chief Inspector and Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"The eldest princess will never forget all those who have contributed to the empire." Luke used the sign of the eldest princess without any psychological burden. He showed the momentum of the eldest princess and said to Jeff: "I will give you another ship. An order contract for the "First Machine" class steel capital ship. Two "First Machine" class are enough to defend your Glorious Island, and have certain offensive capabilities.

You should have connections with a lot of pirates.

Business at sea will only become more and more difficult in the future, and those who cannot continue to do so will be recruited and let them attack Leo ships and coastal towns. The fleet of Splendid Isle provides protection for them, and the fleet of Fishbone Island provides protection for Splendid Isle. "

Jeff asked, "What can I get?"

Luke smiled: "Don't you should give me something in return?"

Seeing that his thoughts were seen through, Jeff couldn't help laughing: "Yes, should be the remuneration of the chief inspector from Brilliant Island. After the delivery of the two 'First Machine'-class steel battleships, I should be able to find them. Enough pirates, and the plan goes right away."

Satisfied, Luke asked his subordinates to bring another warship procurement contract, and signed it with the equally satisfied Baron Jeff.

After each of them received the contract, Jeff invited Luke: "The Chief Inspector must have been very tired after taking a bumpy boat all the way to Glory Island. I sincerely invite the Chief Inspector to go to the palace on the top of the mountain, where there are fine wines and beauties to enjoy. Enjoy, I guarantee the Chief Inspector will love it there."

Both Jeff and Luke showed smiles that men can understand, but Luke still refused: "These damned pirates have delayed many things, and now I must return to Rage City as soon as possible to appease the citizens and get the stalled projects back on track as soon as possible.

I also want to report the course of this battle to His Highness, and arrange for the construction of the "First Machine" class steel battleship.

I also thought about the life of a baron, but as an imperial agent, I must always think about dedicating myself to the empire. "

Jeff immediately showed a look of awe.

"I finally know why His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess relies on you, chief inspector! With your assistance, the empire will surely prosper for a long time.

I will not disturb the Chief Inspector's rest. This time, all the replenishment costs of the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet on Brilliant Island are mine. I'll go back now and ask someone to deliver the deposit for the two 'First Machine' class steel battleships. "

Jeff bid farewell to Luke, admired the "Loyalty" all the way, and then reluctantly left the ship.

Crowds gathered around the port, and everyone was watching the majestic appearance of this all-metal warship.

Sitting in the car returning to the palace, the butler couldn't help but said: "Congratulations, master, you will soon be among the first batch of people in the world to own a battleship of steel, and you will make greater achievements than the old master."

Jeff looked back at the docked "Loyalty" without the smile on his face meeting Luke.

"A very powerful guy, people can't help being afraid."

"Master, do you mean Chief Inspector Meteor?" The butler couldn't help but sigh: "I've heard some rumors about Meteor for a long time. What he did in Raging Waves City is simply an impossible task. Can we and It should be a good thing for Master and Brilliant Island to form an alliance with such people."

"Is it a good thing?" Jeff said suspiciously: "We were tied to the chariot by him and became his vanguard against the Leo Republic. Don't look at how many promises he gave us. Once it's time to abandon us, He will absolutely abandon us without hesitation."

The butler asked worriedly, "What should we do?"

"Do we have a choice? If he can sell me two 'First Machine'-class ships, then he will definitely build ten ships for himself, or even stronger warships. In the face of this kind of strength, we are all pawns. For Meteor For him, the owner of Brilliant Island can be anyone, as long as he is willing to be the pioneer for him.

The philosophies my father used all his life are no longer suitable for this era. I hope our luck is good, Meteor is really the winner. "

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