Age of Mysticism

Chapter 231 Entering the City Quietly

After a night of sailing, the airship that Luke and his party took docked at the airship transfer tower at the airport on the western outskirts of St. Lun City.

Walking down from the tower, there were no flowers, no applause, and no welcome crowd. Only the guards checked their documents.

There are also airships coming in and out overhead.

This surprised Shelley who was accompanying him. She repeatedly checked the surrounding environment and landmarks, and after confirming that this was indeed the imperial capital, she complained dissatisfiedly: "Chief Inspector, what happened to the people in the imperial capital? No one came to greet you, you are the actual control of Raging Waves City... "

Luke popped a spark to prevent Shelley from continuing. He looked at the imperial soldiers who were checking their IDs, and said to the imperial spies who came with him: "We are imperial spies. No one comes to greet us." It's normal! Saint Lun City is different from Raging Waves City, and it's even more different from Haijiao District. Please restrain yourself a bit, and don't walk sideways everywhere like crabs."

Shelley, who was reprimanded, immediately corrected his attitude: "Yes, chief inspector. It's not that I have never been to the imperial capital, and I know that there are people with backgrounds and identities everywhere here. Don't worry, it's not my turn to investigate any cases here. .”

"Your people, you are responsible for looking after them."

Luke looked around.

The Western Suburbs Airport is different from the Royal Airport where the airship docked in the clear sky yesterday. It is a civilian airport and is very busy. Imperial soldiers and airport managers maintained order, allowing the place to run in an orderly manner.

Although due to Luke's special status and the recent events in Raging City, all parties in Raging City dared not come to greet him openly, even the eldest princess did not send anyone in order not to irritate Emperor Augustine. But Luke still saw a few eyes secretly looking here from the people around him.

Even the imperial soldiers who checked their documents looked very capable.

The emperor seems to be indifferent to him, but he is not indifferent at all!

Luke pokes aside a candy, eats and waits.

After a while, Karina, who had finished negotiating with the imperial soldiers, came over.

"Chief Inspector, our identities have been confirmed and we can enter St. Lun City. The Secret Service headquarters did not arrange a vehicle for us. We need to leave the airport and find a vehicle to leave by ourselves.

Chief Inspector, this is not what I imagined...we don't seem welcome. "

Luke took out his pocket watch to check the time, and said, "No, what we are facing now is the best welcome. Let's go, Viscount Iskran has arranged a car and a place for us.

Settle down first, and then see how the imperial capital is going to face me. "

Putting the pocket watch in his pocket, Luke lowered the brim of his hat and walked forward leaning on his cane. Karina, in moccasin boots and a ruffled skirt, followed him with a briefcase.

Behind them are Imperial agents led by Shelley and Pisco.

Sandpaper, boiling, and heavy equipment all travel overland and take days to arrive.

After leaving the airport in the western suburbs, the convoy drove to the center of Saint Lun City in a vehicle arranged by Viscount Iscoran.

On the road, Shelley, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked at the young man driving from time to time, never leaving his hand from the handle of the gun.

The feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake made the young man smile and say: "Black Mamba... No, it should be Miss Shelley. Don't be so wary of me, I can't concentrate on driving.

Introduce yourself.

My name is Fastlegs, a first-class stabbing blade of the Brotherhood of Blades. Lord Viscount felt that the chief inspector needed manpower in the imperial capital, so he asked me to listen to the chief inspector. I'm quite familiar with the situation here, especially the downtown area where the big shots don't bother to pay attention.

You can trust me. "

"Believe it or not, the Chief Inspector makes the decision." Shelley still maintained the posture of doing it at any time, and turned to look at Luke who was sitting behind.

Luke had long recognized Quicklegs.

"Quick Legs... whose real name is Priestley Harold, who was born in the lower part of St. Lun City. He was orphaned at the age of 7. At the age of 9, he was adopted by the orphanage opened by the Brotherhood of Blades and received training as an Assassin. .

Completed the first mission at the age of 14 and officially became an assassin of the Brotherhood of Blades... Drive steadily, an excellent assassin should not be so unstable.

At the age of 18, due to a mistake, part of the muscles and tendons in his legs were melted by magic during the mission. Your career as an assassin should have come to an end here, but you met the father of Viscount Iskran, who not only reshaped your legs at a huge cost, but also completely remodeled your entire body.

So the Brotherhood of Blades lost Priestley Harold and added an assassin named Quick Legs. "

Luke's words made Kuaileg, who was originally cynical, tense. He stabilized his trembling hands, and asked in a bad tone: "Only the old master and the master know this secret, and they probably won't tell you.

How did you know? "

"Hehe..." Luke smiled and did not answer, continuing to look at the scenery on the street outside the car.

Shelley relaxed a little when she knew that the fast legs were trustworthy. She smiled and said, "There is nothing we don't know about the Chief Inspector. You don't know, when I first met the Chief Inspector, my underwear was covered by him. Ripped it clean."


The fast-legged driver exclaimed together with Kailinna in the back seat, and looked at Shelley in disbelief.

Shelley realized that his words caused ambiguity, so he quickly made up for it: "It's just a metaphor... What I'm talking about is my secret, a secret that only Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and I know."


Speaking of the eldest princess, Kailinna asked Luke in puzzlement: "Chief Inspector, why didn't His Highness send someone to pick you up? This is not the way to the headquarters of the Imperial Secret Service, shouldn't you report to His Highness first?" ?”

Luke replied casually: "We did too much in Raging Waves City, which made Her Royal Highness a little unhappy."

"I don't understand."

Shelley added to the topic: "I don't understand either... Grover is dead, his accomplices were arrested after they died, and the entire Rage City is under the control of the Chief Inspector. Such a rich city is a gift, Your Highness You should be happy."

Luke replied: "It's too late. I'm not even prepared for the changes in the situation in Rage City, let alone your Highness, our emperor and the ministers of the empire.

For many people in the empire, Raging Waves City is a balance point of power and interests. The empire's new aristocratic group is huge and complex, and it cannot be considered a whole. Raging City is in their hands, and all parties in the empire can benefit from it. Therefore, although His Majesty knows that the wealth outflow from Raging Wave City is serious, he can accept this state.

Now the beneficiary becomes one person. Even if the empire can get more wealth from Raging Waves City than before, His Majesty can't feel at ease like before. "

"The City of Raging Waves made Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess jealous of His Majesty!" Kailinna suddenly realized, but asked doubtfully: "Isn't Your Highness His Majesty's daughter, or the closest daughter?"

At this time, Kuaileg replied in front: "People who care about their family will not be able to sit on the throne. We have arrived at... No. 236 Tongmulberry Avenue."

Karina still didn't understand, but she forgot to ask after hearing the address. She looked at the big house next to her through the car window, with an expression as if her soul had been taken away.


"It turned out to be your home, but it was auctioned off later. I bought it with the help of Viscount Escoran. It was my temporary residence in St. Lun City...not bad." Luke opened the car door and walked out: " Get out of the car and arrange a room for us. Shelley, arrange for a guard to be on duty."

"Yes, Chief Inspector." Shelley ordered a few people to enter the courtyard first.

Pisco carried the luggage with the rest.

Karina stepped out of the car, tears welling in her eyes. For her, the house is still the same, but the people in the house are no longer there.

"Thank you... I thought I'd never come back here."

"Thank you, this is the house I bought for myself. If you want it, work hard and earn more bonuses, and buy it back if you have the money."

"Yes, chief inspector." Kailinna wiped away her tears: "I will work hard."

"Go in for a coffee and see who our first visitor will be."

Karina's old house is not as big as the museum that Augustine gave to Qingkong, and the location is not as good as the museum, but it can be regarded as a luxurious private villa in the upper part of St. Lun City, which shows that the former Lindbergh family was also powerful.

Shenglun City, the capital of the Golden Shield Empire, is divided into three districts.

The Imperial City consists of the Imperial Palace and surrounding urban areas. Most of the property here is the royal family, which concentrates the important functional departments of the empire. Those who can live in the Huangcheng District are extremely well-off people, and Zijinhua Avenue, where Qingkong Museum is located, is a part of the Huangcheng District.

Shangcheng District is wrapped around the periphery of Huangcheng District, and most of the people who live here have stable jobs.

The lower urban area is concentrated in the east of the upper urban area, and radiates to the northeast and southeast.

Originally, there was no lower city in Shenglun City. However, with the advancement of science and technology, large-scale industrial production has caused large-scale bankruptcy of handicraftsmen and small farmers. There is a large landfill in the east of St. Lun City, and urban sewage is also discharged here along the river. Bankrupts who have left the city and the land settle here and rely on garbage for a living.

Later, garbage and sewage extraction formed an industrial chain here, and the lower city of Saint Lun City was formed as a result, and expanded and expanded rapidly with the arrival of more and more bankrupts.

Compared with Cape District, where people can go to sea to seek life, the lower part of Shenglun City is a typical slum. Pollution made the average life expectancy of people here only 34 years old. When the city of St. Lun withdrew the last security personnel from the lower city, the violence and deteriorating environment made the average life expectancy here continue to decline.

The upper city and the lower city of Shenglun City are separated by a towering city wall, and the two sides of the city wall are completely two worlds.

Luke, who lived at No. 236 Copper Mulberry Avenue, was lying on the recliner in the room, looking at the information on the mobile phone related to the lower city of St. Lun.

As the saying goes: the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology.

Garbage and sewage treatment technology have allowed people in the lower city of Saint Lun to create a lot of weird things. Some people will become weird because they are contaminated with certain things intentionally or unintentionally.

Luke felt that he would be left alone by the Emperor of the Empire for a period of time to kill his prestige. If the emperor of the empire didn't summon him to express his opinion, people from other parties would not dare to contact him publicly, let alone Agatha who also wanted to cool down.

During this period, there is no need to think about doing things in the upper city. Now that I am standing under the spotlight, every move I make may cause unnecessary incidents.

But downtown is different.

Not to mention the control of the Lower City, Sheng Lun City has almost no eyes and ears. Do something there, as long as there is not much movement, you don't have to worry about being noticed.

Before coming to St. Lun City, Luke proposed to Iscoran to help him find a helper who understands the situation in the lower city. It's just that he didn't expect him to send Kuaileg directly. It seems that he also knows that there are many crises in Shenglun City.

Just as Luke was browsing the information and thinking of where to start to pass the boring time in the downtown area, Karina walked into the room.

"Chief Inspector, someone is visiting."

Luke asked, "Who?"

"It's Yomington."

"He..." Yomington's visit was somewhat beyond Luke's expectations, but after thinking about it carefully, he was indeed a suitable visitor. Luke said to Kailinna: "Let him wait for me in the living room, and say that I will go to see him after I finish writing the materials to be presented to Her Highness the Princess."

"Yes, chief inspector." Kailinna looked at the empty desk and asked, "Do you need me to write for you?"

Luke continued to lie comfortably on the recliner, closed his eyes and said, "No need... I'll sleep for a while, and call me in two hours."

Karina understood what her Chief Inspector meant: "I understand, Chief Inspector...I'll come back in two hours."

Luke waved his hand and really fell asleep.

Kailinna covered him with a blanket, then walked out lightly, and then slowly closed the door.

Yomington, who was allowed to come in, was taken to the living room, and Kailina poured him a cup of coffee, and informed that Inspector Meteor was writing materials for His Highness the Princess.

"When will the chief inspector finish writing? I have some important matters, and I hope to exchange opinions with him."

Shelley, who was sitting on the other side doing her nails, said sarcastically: "No matter how important things are, it is more important than our chief inspector writing... a report to Her Royal Highness Princess Princess. If you don't want to wait... just go!"

Karina said politely: "I'm sorry, Lord Yomington. This material is very important, and the Chief Inspector doesn't want to interrupt his thinking halfway."

Yomington ignored Shelley, and he said to Kailina: "I am no longer the chief of staff of the empire, I am now a commoner, and you don't need to call me 'adult'."

"Hehe...was dismissed?" Shelley became interested: "I remember you were very dignified when you went to Raging Waves City, but you lost your official position when you came back. Do you want to join our Chief Inspector this time... Assuming you're not stupidly blind.

Come on, first give a shout to Miss Shelley, and I will speak kindly for you in front of the Chief Inspector. "

Yominton frowned.

Such a beautiful big beauty, why does she speak so strongly.

He kept in mind his mission this time: "Although I no longer have an official position, I am still assisting Prime Minister Gabriel. I came this time to find out what happened in Raging Waves City. Some misunderstandings will be beneficial to everyone." Benefits. We are all serving the empire, and timely communication can prevent His Majesty from being hurt.

Please inform Chief Detective Meteor again and tell him what I said. "

Karina didn't move: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yomington, I can't understand what you said. The chief inspector asked you to wait. If you want to be summoned by him, please wait patiently."

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