Age of Mysticism

Chapter 233 Princess Dai'er Visits

The court vortex caused by the meteorite's arrival in the imperial capital made many people see an opportunity to make a profit in this situation where all parties were pulling. Even if they know that if they make a mistake, they may be crushed to pieces, there are still people who want to give it a go.

So after Yomington took office as the commissioner of Raging City in St. Lun City, not only did the eldest princess Agatha increase a lot of visitors, but also the Clear Sky Museum was overcrowded every day when it opened.

They not only contributed tickets to the museum, but also donated many interesting antiques for free.

Let Qingkong have to hire some archaeologists to help him conduct in-depth research and data compilation on these donated antiques. Receiving important visitors from time to time, every day is very fulfilling.

After the museum was closed for a day, when Qingkong was using his mental power to explore a painted idol, the butler Fei Qi came to report: "There is a visitor."

Qingkong can feel that the life-sized clay idol in front of him is a mysterious prop, and it is very likely that the human body of the living sacrifice is sealed inside the clay idol. Looking at the appearance and sculpture style, it doesn't look like something from the five ancient civilizations, but it must be something left over from an ancient tribe in the radiation circle of the ancient Shuojin civilization.

This mysterious item is well preserved and has very high research value.

Qingkong wondered if he could find anything related to this clay idol through Luke's mobile phone data, so he didn't have the heart to receive visitors.

"Tell the other party that the museum is closed today. If you want to visit, please come early tomorrow."

Fei Qi saw that Qingkong's eyes never left the sculpture in front of him, and looked at the archaeologists working around him, he took a step up and whispered in Qingkong's ear: "Miss... it's Princess Dai who's visiting. Your Highness is visiting in disguise." , I don’t want to alarm too many people.”

Princess Del is here!

What is she doing here?

Qing Kong was very puzzled, and couldn't figure out what purpose Princess Dai'er could have in looking for her. But since the princess is visiting, she must be greeted well.

"Take Your Highness upstairs and wait for a while before Jared Knight sets up his defenses. Treat Your Highness well, and I will go up soon."

"Yes, miss."

Qing Kong thought for a moment, but still couldn't figure out what the youngest princess of the royal family would do. So she arranged for personnel to clean up the clay idol protectively, and sealed it up protectively, and then disposed of it after she figured out what it was.

At this time, the museum has been protected by Jared Knight.

Qingkong went back to the room to change the dirty clothes, and then saw Princess Dai who was waiting in another room.

Dai'er and Agatha are 80% similar in appearance, but she doesn't have the sharpness of Agatha, she is a graceful and elegant young girl. It is difficult for people who meet Daier for the first time to have dirty thoughts. She is like a mirror that can reflect childlike innocence, and people can't help but cherish the mood that has been lost with age.

The visiting Princess Dier didn't wear the traditional princess dress, she was dressed in the dress of an ordinary rich girl and a light gray lady's round hat. The style is the latest fashion outfit from Raging Waves City, which is considered avant-garde in Saint Lun City.

"His Royal Highness Dai'er..." Qingkong admired the little princess beautifully in her heart: "Your visit is beyond my expectation. I didn't prepare in advance, please forgive me, Your Highness."

Dai'er nodded to Qingkong and saluted. She was smarter than the elf Qingkong, and she had the temperament of an elf. She smiled and said, "It's my fault for visiting without an appointment in advance. This time, I came to express my gratitude to Miss Qingkong...

I like the sculpture given to me by my sister Agatha very much. My sister said that the sculpture was made with Miss Skylight, and you added a pair of angel wings to it. "

Clear Sky invites Del to sit down, and Jenny brings tea and some dessert.

"I just made a suggestion. The whole sculpture was completed by Her Highness the Princess herself. From the delicateness of the statue, it can be seen that Her Highness the Princess loves you very much."

"Yes, Sister Agatha loves me very much..." Dai'er lowered her head as she said, she was grabbing the hem of the dress with both hands and kneading it constantly, as if she was struggling with something.

Qing Kong asked: "Your Highness is here with me this time, is there any other business?"

At this time, Dai'er looked up at the clear sky, her eyes filled with passionate emotion: "The statue that Sister Agatha gave me has the wings on the back closed. But... I heard that the wings you added to the statue, Miss Clear Sky, were Expanded..."

Qingkong didn't know what Agatha's finished statue looked like in the end, but the wings he added to the statue with the ice-making technique at the beginning were indeed spread out, and they still wanted to fly.

Now I heard Daile say that Agatha changed her wings into a closed shape, and then think back to what she said at that time.

Qingkong couldn't help smiling and shaking her head: "You sisters are really smarter than each other.

I don't know what answer you want from me, I can only tell you... those wings are just a random addition. Agatha made a change, probably because she misunderstood me, she wanted to protect you. "

After listening to Qingkong's explanation, Princess Dai'er immediately became very disappointed.

"Is it just a casual addition?"

Was it added randomly?

Qingkong also asked herself.

When I saw the unfinished statue in the sculpture room and listened to Agatha tell the story behind the statue, my feeling was... the girl who let the bird go, actually wanted to fly away with the bird .

The story about Princess Dai in the Era game is the story of a kind girl who escaped from the cold court and ran towards a free life. During this period, Daier encountered many difficulties and dangers, but she finally lived the life she yearned for.

It belongs to one of the plots that every player must brush.

When I added wings to the sculpture, I probably subconsciously expressed my good wishes. As a sculptor, Agatha can definitely feel the emotion expressed by the sculpture, so she said that her sculpture technique was poor and she retracted her spread wings.

The plot has been changed drastically.

Emperor Augustine did not hesitate to use Princess Dai as a bait for his own rights. The difficulty for her to escape now is hundreds of times higher than the original plot.

In the plot, Agatha turned a blind eye to Princess Dai's escape behavior. The Imperial Secret Affairs Bureau was a soy sauce, and even secretly helped in the end.

It means that Agatha must have seen that Dai'er is not willing to be a canary, but she dare not let her sister go now.

"Yes, I added it casually. If you have caused any misunderstanding, Princess Dai, I apologize to you. The current situation in the palace is very complicated, and your every move may cause unknown turmoil.

Uncontrollable is what His Majesty does not want to see. "

All Qingkong can do is appease.

This is not a game, you have to face this life in the emperor's house. If I help Dai'er out of feelings, it is very likely that not only will I not be able to help her, but I will even harm him.

Princess Dai smiled reassuringly: "I understand, I feel Miss Qingkong's heart, and Sister Agatha's protection for me, I will not do stupid things.

I have a request……"

Looking at Princess Dai'er's blinking eyes, Qing Kong said with a smile: "Finally, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not let you down, Your Highness."

"I want to see what that sculpture looked like in the first place."

As she spoke, Princess Dai drew a magic wand from her cuff.

She opened her lips lightly and recited the incantation. With the flashing brilliance at the tip of the magic wand, the water condensed into ice and piled up a large ice cube on the ground. Then Princess Dai shook the magic wand in her hand, and the magic wand turned into an ice shovel.

Princess Dai was chiseling on the ice with an ice shovel, and from time to time used shaping magic to trim the details, and after a while, the outline of a person appeared.

"When sister Agatha made sculptures, I often did small work for her. Although I am far behind my sister in making sculptures independently, we are the only ones here, and we are not afraid of making them look ugly.


Princess Dai'er's smile is warm and sunny, and has an irresistible appeal. At this time, she didn't look like a royal princess at all, just a child playing with ice, letting the ice chips stick to her hair and clothes.

Qingkong did not agree and could only let Daier complete her sculpture.

And chatted about the things he cared about: "I thought Her Royal Highness would ask me about the meteorite. After all, there was news from the court that Her Majesty seemed to intend to give a marriage..."

Dai'er's hand paused for a moment, then continued to chip away at the ice.

"There is nothing to ask... No matter what kind of person he is, I will obey the arrangement of my father. Just like my sisters who married out, everything is for the empire.

I envy Sister Agatha, she is at least fighting for her own destiny. "

Faced with Princess Dai'er's answer, Qingkong could only laugh at herself. Since coming to this world, it is rare to have such a moment that does not need to consume mind.

"Well, let's not talk about meteorites or anything else. You are too slow to do it alone. If you don't think I don't understand sculpture, I can help you."

"Okay! The sculpture is actually very simple, especially this kind of ice sculpture, if the sculpture is wrong, just add ice. I heard that Miss Qingkong's ice attribute magic is very powerful.

By the way... can I call you sister Qingkong? "


A solid ice knife appeared in Qing Kong's hands, she walked to the side of the ice, and when she cut it down, ice shards splashed everywhere.

A slightly larger ice cube got into Dai'er's collar, and she shivered from the cold. Then she retaliated by chiseling out ice chips and spraying them into the clear sky.

Naturally, the clear sky can't suffer...

The two were fighting and fighting, and an ice statue gradually became clear.

Although Dai'er said that her sculpture craftsmanship was not good, when the ice sculpture of the finished work statue was presented, Qingkong couldn't tell the difference between it and the sculpture made by Agatha.

Even because it is an ice sculpture, the crystal clearness makes the artistic conception of the statue more vivid.

Princess Dai turned the ice blade back into a magic wand, and threw a gust of wind across the ice sculpture, making the statue shine brighter.

"My work is done. Please, Sister Qingkong, add the wings that belonged to it, so that I can see its real appearance."

Now that this step has been achieved, Qingkong did not refuse. She recalled adding wings to the sculpture, and controlling the ice to condense on the back of the sculpture.

The icicles grow in layers, forming layers of feathers. Soon a pair of icy wings unfolded behind the ice sculpture, as if he could feel the air current floating in the air.

At this time, Qingkong noticed the standing feet of the ice sculpture girl, and immediately felt that the ice sculpture in front of him seemed to be able to soar into the sky at any time, chasing the flying bird and rushing towards the free sky.

Qingkong suddenly realized something was wrong, she looked at Princess Daier, and found that she was also fascinated by the artistic conception and emotions expressed by this ice sculpture. There was a passionate emotion in the eyes, and this emotion did not reappear after the flash at the beginning of the meeting.

"Dai'er..." Qing Kong immediately persuaded Princess Dai'er: "Don't do anything stupid. You must know your father better than I do. If your thoughts are noticed by him, you will be very dangerous.

If you believe me, believe Meteor. He won't... make things difficult for you in this marriage. "

"Can Meteor reject my father?" Dai'er looked at the clear sky and then smiled: "Don't worry, I won't do stupid things.'s so late outside! I have been away from the palace for too long, and must return at once.

Sister Qingkong, can you help me save this statue? Just leave it here with you, I will come to see you when I have time, we can do other interesting things. "

Qing Kong couldn't figure out what Princess Dai'er was thinking at this time, so she could only talk to Agatha tomorrow, hoping that she could find a way to persuade her sister.

"No problem! Preserving an ice sculpture is too easy for me. I welcome Princess Dai'er to visit at any time, and next time we will make an ice sculpture for me."

"It's a deal."

Princess Daier high-fived Qingkong, and happily left with her entourage.

It was already dark outside, and although there were street lights outside, the street was very deserted. After Qingkong sent Dai'er to the carriage, he worriedly called Knight Jared and asked him to bring some people to escort the princess back to the palace.

Qingkong said goodbye to Daier, and watched the convoy leave before returning to the museum.

Princess Dai was sitting in the carriage, the bumps did not disturb her meditation. That ice sculpture had really impacted her too much. She had never wanted to leave the cold and restrained life like she is now.

The world is so big.

But how can I leave?

I always use palace guards by my side, and I can only play in the imperial city at the farthest. And after escaping, where should he go?

The territory of the empire is so large. As long as he finds that he is missing, the emperor will definitely mobilize the power of the whole empire to look for it.

Not only do I want to escape from the palace, but I also want to escape from the empire.

To plan well, make a careful plan.

Princess Del makes a bold decision that will change her life forever.

It's just that the convoy stopped suddenly, and then all kinds of magic came from all directions. The guarding knights shouted "enemy attack" and desperately surrounded the carriage that Princess Daier was riding in.

Dai'er looked outside in panic, and the sound of gunshots and crossbow arrows flying came from all sides again. The knights were thrown off their feet by the raiders, and the scene was in chaos.

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