Age of Mysticism

Chapter 246 Mysterious Substance Mixture

Luke, Dai'er, Quicklegs, and Alice got out of the car, and Dai'er couldn't help covering her nose from the stench blowing on her face.

Alice, who had been prepared for a long time, handed out the air filter masks and said, "This is a sewage reservoir, and the smell is very unpleasant. You big shots from Raging Waves City will definitely not like it. Wearing this will make you feel better."

Dai'er put on the mask, and the bad smell finally disappeared: "I almost passed out just now. Not only is the smell bad, but it also has a strong toxin in it."

Luke also put on the mask, and said: "Chemicals and alchemy substances are fermented in the sewage reservoir, which will produce a lot of toxic substances. People here are simply using their lives to make money."

Kuaileg, who was born in the lower city, said: "Working here is already a dream come true for most of the residents in the lower city."

At this time, old Adrian came over with his people, and the stranger's exquisite clothes kept them from moving rashly.

"Gentlemen and ladies... this is a private domain, please leave as soon as possible."

Luke took out a gold coupon from his pocket: "We are businessmen from Raging Waves City, and we want to visit the famous sewage reservoir in the lower city. You seem to have encountered some trouble here, and you should need the money."

Luke looked at old Adrian and smiled.

Old Adrian was a huge man, with chestnut hair and beard, like a lion. The sons and hired hands behind him were all the same size, tall and strong like Vikings.

Owning a refining workshop in the sewage reservoir cannot be maintained without considerable strength.

Facing a golden ticket, old Adrian hesitated for a moment and took it.

A gold coupon can be exchanged for 5,000 Reichsmarks. Even if my refining workshop is in production 24 hours a day, I can't make so much money.

What's more, the factory building has been destroyed in such a way that we can't produce it even if we want to.

Old Adrian checked the authenticity of the gold certificate, and then carefully put it into his underwear pocket: "I don't know what to see in the sewage reservoir, but since you want to see it, then go and see it. But you must be accompanied by me, Sewage reservoirs are very, very dangerous for you outsiders."

"Protecting us is one of the reasons why I am willing to pay so much money."

Old Adrian let his son and the employees continue to work, and led Luke and his party around the factory building and came to the edge of the sewage reservoir from the side.

Because of the need to build a factory building, this section of the waterfront has been reinforced. Several long pipes protrude from the back of the factory building and sink into the water. Some of them absorb the bottom silt, and some of them discharge the refined silt.

When the workshop started production, it was necessary to sink a steam-driven auger to the bottom of the water to stir up the silt for easy suction.

Due to the attack of monsters in the reservoir last night, the old Adrian's workshop collapsed and had to stop production.

The nearby refining workshop has already started work.

The originally black sewage was stirred up to become more turbid, and from time to time, large colored bubbles emerged from the water. After the bubbles burst, the gas inside does not disperse, but floats on the surface of the water toward clouds of fog.

Old Adrian followed Luke and stood on the edge of the reservoir, saying: "There is really nothing to see here. If people who come here for the first time are not in good health, they will definitely suffer a serious illness when they go back.

And those colorful fogs, which look good but are deadly. Those are the mysterious energy produced by the combination of underwater mysterious props. If you stick to them, there is a high chance that bad things will happen.

After these mysterious energies are dissipated, they will still slowly cause the body mutations of the people around them. Whether it is good or bad, it is also a gamble. I'm 60 now, but my body is still in my 30s.

But my sons... out of ten, only three survived. "

Luke took out his binoculars to observe the water, and chatted casually: "I can see that they are as strong as you. Not only strong, you and them are very powerful fighters.

And your hired hands, I hear they respect you, and you'll get through this. "

Old Adrian looked at the collapsed factory buildings around him, and couldn't help laughing at himself: "In this day and age, what's the use of strength? I sent all my grandchildren to the upper city, and let them go to school there. Never come back here again.

But I'm afraid I won't be able to pay their bills anymore. "

Old Adrian's words were full of helplessness. It was unknown whether he could keep the workshop, and how he could continue his dream.

Without money, the grandchildren can only go back to the lower city; without the workshop, they cannot leave here for generations.

"I believe there will always be a way..." Luke put away the binoculars and threw it to the fast legs, and then said to old Adrian: "I want to go boating in the reservoir, lend me your boat for a while."

Not far away is a small boat, which is used by the workshop to overhaul underwater equipment.

Luke's request was immediately rejected by the old Adrian: "The sewage reservoir is very dangerous, not only the deadly mysterious energy, but also many monsters hidden under the water.

Stranger, the sewage reservoir is not a scenic spot. I don't care what your purpose is, please don't make fun of your own life. "

Luke took out a few large Reichsmarks: "I am responsible for my life, and you have nothing to do with anything that happens.

I embarked with my entourage, while my lady and Miss Alice remained on shore. Rest assured, I know how to protect myself. "

Old Adrian finally bowed to money.

After Luke and Quick Legs rowed to the deep water area, old Adrian asked Alice: "Miss Alice, who is this gentleman? Didn't you tell him where the sewage reservoir is?"

Alice said in surprise: "Old don't even know this gentleman? My God, is your head stunned by the machine?

That's Mr. Luke, a rich merchant from Rough City, very, very rich. "

"How rich?"

"Last night, I accompanied Mr. Luke and Mr. Malkan to sign an investment contract. The total investment amount is 50 million Reichsmarks, and the first tranche of 10 million Reichsmarks has been paid."

Old Adrian was already stunned. He couldn't believe that such a wealthy businessman would appear here, and even... took a boat into the sewage reservoir.

At this time, Dai'er looked at the ship that was getting farther and farther away, and murmured, "It's only 50 million Reichsmarks, so there's nothing to make a fuss about."

Old Adrian looked at Dai'er again, his eyes became extremely sharp. Alice immediately reminded old Adrian, don't try to kidnap them... they will die!

In the sewage reservoir, Luke let the fast-leg rower approach a cloud of purple mist.

Quick Legs shook the oars and looked around vigilantly, reminding Luke: "Sir... There are very dangerous monsters in this sewage reservoir. Whatever you want, let me do it."

Staring at the approaching purple mist, Luke took out a balloon from his pocket. "Old Adrian's workshop has not been started, and the monsters around here are all gathered at the bottom of the water. As long as we don't make too much noise, there will be no danger.

Slow down and don't hit the mysterious energy. "

"Yes, sir."

The speed of the ship slowed, and Luke opened the mouth of the balloon to aim at the purple mist.

The balloon has been made into a mysterious prop by Luke. After entering a certain distance, a gust of wind blows into the balloon with purple mist. The balloon inflated and became bigger, and after sucking in all the purple mist, Luke quickly sealed it with a rope.

Successfully collected a mysterious energy.

Luke turned his fast legs and drove towards a cloud of yellow mysterious energy.

Soon the mysterious yellow energy was absorbed into the balloon.

Nobody knows what Luke is doing.

After a while, Luke collected five different mysterious energies before allowing the fast-legged boat to land.

Luke grabbed five balloons and asked old Adrian, "Can your alchemy house be used?"

Old Adrian knew that such a rich man could not be provoked by himself, so he gave up the idea of ​​kidnapping on the spur of the moment.

"Yes, it's far away from the water's edge, and it hasn't been damaged. But the equipment and materials in the alchemy house are very expensive, and I'm usually reluctant to use them."

Luke replied: "Money is not an issue here. Take me there and I'll see if I can make what I want."

Old Adrian took Luke to the alchemy room, and reminded: "Grab the balloons, if they burst, we may all die."

"Then it should be faster."

Old Adrian took Luke to the alchemy room of the workshop, which also doubled as a maintenance room, where a skinny half-grown boy was repairing a machine. The room was dirty and messy, and Luke left the others outside and closed the door.

"Ed, this gentleman wants to use the tools here to carry out an alchemy. You will be his assistant and find out what the gentleman wants." Old Adrian turned to Luke and said, "This is Ed, here I am. A repairman who knows a little bit of alchemy."

Luke looked at Ed like he was looking at a treasure. This guy doesn't just know a little bit of alchemy, he will make you the uncrowned king of the lower city in the future.

"Ed, my name is Luke, and I want to borrow this place for an alchemy experiment. Prepare five flasks for me first... clean ones!"

"Yes, sir, I'll prepare it for you right away. Cough cough cough..."

Luke's clothes and demeanor made Ed very nervous. He immediately went to find the flask in a panic, and he coughed violently again in panic.

Old Adrian shook his head involuntarily: "Ed is the only remaining son of an old man of mine, but judging from his condition, he probably won't survive this winter. He is a good boy and very smart."

Luke replied: "I can see it, but I think he can live longer."

"Maybe... I keep predicting that he won't survive the winter, but he makes it through every year."

Ed quickly found five beakers, and Luke used secret techniques to put the collected mysterious energy into the beakers.

Seeing the mysterious energy flowing in the beaker, Ed's eyes lit up instantly.

"This is the mysterious energy group in the sewage reservoir. Are you going to use alchemy to combine them? I have always had this idea, but these things are too dangerous for me."

"Yes, this thing is too dangerous for anyone. Developing a new secret technique is a gamble." Luke said pointedly: "Fortunately, someone helped me complete the development of this secret technique, and there are more who perfected it.

There are copper powder, hemostatic grass seeds, embryonic serum..."

Luke read out a long list of alchemical ingredients.

Ed said that there were all these things, and he looked for them one by one.

With alchemy equipment and alchemy materials, Luke began to repeat countless alchemy experiments in the game.

Ed's greatest achievement in this life is to use the mysterious energy group produced in the sewage reservoir to combine and refine the first generation of mysterious substance mixture through alchemy.

People who inject the mixture of mysterious substances will be affected by the mysterious energy to inspire extraordinary abilities.

Due to the uncertainty of the first-generation mixture of mysterious species stimulating extraordinary abilities, it is nicknamed the "blind box" by players.

I don't know what ability I will get with one shot, and players have developed many interesting games based on this.

It's just that after Ed developed the first generation of mysterious substance mixture to save his life, he stopped the development of subsequent mixtures. He knew that if he won the bet once, he might not win next time.

So the follow-up development of the mysterious substance mixture fell into the hands of the players.

Just like developing the words of the secret technique, the mixture of mysterious substances is also constantly perfected in the spirit of the players.

What Luke is now making is the first generation of mysterious substance mixture, which was developed by Ed using the crude equipment and materials here, so don't worry that there are no materials needed to synthesize the mixture here.

After the three-hour alchemy experiment was completed, a tube of black-purple reagent with a sense of evil was extracted.

The reagent made Ed a little afraid, and made old Adrian very curious.

"Mr. Luke, what is this? Is it worth risking your life to make it yourself?"

"Want to know what it is? It's easy!"

Luke took out a fifth of the reagent with a needle, grabbed Ed, and pierced Ed's heart without waiting for old Adrian to react.

"Mr. Luke!" Old Adrian wanted to attack Luke, but was afraid of hurting Ed's life, so he could only watch helplessly as a needle of black-purple liquid was pushed into Ed's heart.

The needle was withdrawn, and Ed passed out on the ground.

Luke glanced at the bewildered old Adrian, and put the remaining reagents on the table.

"I'm going to meet Mr. Edmund Neal now to discuss investing in his refinery. But I know Mr. Neal is very, very greedy and I want to see his head tonight.

The method of making the first generation of mysterious substance mixture has been taught to Ed, you are right, he is a very smart kid.

You also have several very bright grandchildren who deserve a better education and life. Even if your workshop is intact, it is too small for them.

I'm waiting for you! "

Luke patted Old Adrian on the shoulder and walked out of the alchemy room, and the sound of the car starting and leaving soon came from outside.

Old Adrian stood there blankly, staring at the tube of reagents on the table, unable to understand what Luke meant by those words.

Suddenly, Ed on the ground twitched violently. His bones crackled, and there was a heart-piercing scream from his mouth. His body grew bigger, and his shriveled muscles swelled like a balloon.

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