Age of Mysticism

Chapter 255: The Riot of the Book of Calamity

"You, hello, Sheriff... My name is An Ye, and I am the contractor of Princess Dai'er of the Golden Shield Empire. Are you also an iteration of Shadow Parasite?"

An Ye felt the same spiritual force.

He didn't know the origin of the shadow parasitic iteration in front of him, but the aggressiveness shown by the black cat made An Ye, who was a mouse, very scared. However, even though An Ye was afraid, he did not forget to show his relationship with the noble bloodline, and the black cat couldn't help showing its sharp claws.

"Little guy, is it worth bragging to be the contractor of the royal princess? Believe it or not, I will kill you now and let Princess Dai sign the contract with me."

Seeing that the black cat dared to snatch his contractor, An Ye instantly forgot the mouse's instinctive fear of cats. She pulled out the rapier she was wearing, and made a posture of attacking, as if if there was no glass to block it, she would immediately go forward and poke the two cat's eyes blind.

"Hey, don't think that I will be afraid of you because you have a strong body. If you dare to covet His Highness's soul, I will make your death ugly."

The cat in the cage was writhing, and he hit the barbed wire hard, trying to rush out to show the mouse in the glass a little color.

The clear sky on the side was stunned. She thought that the two shadow parasites met, and it was a fellow with tears in his eyes. Unexpectedly, when they met, they pinched for Princess Dai'er, which perfectly demonstrated the morbid bloodline values ​​of the shadow parasite.

"If you two continue to quarrel, I will give you electrotherapy for half an hour."

The room was immediately quiet.

An Ye and the sheriff stayed in the glass and the cage honestly. They had suffered a lot in the clear sky experiment before, and they couldn't resist, so they could only let this powerful elf manipulate them at will.

Seeing An Ye and the Sheriff quiet down, Qing Kong continued: "Through previous experiments, I have a basic understanding of your spiritual power. I have to feel that An Ye Parasitic Yuan, as an extraordinary creature of the spiritual department, has an unparalleled ability to understand the spirit and soul." Dialysis and control.

Next, I need the two of you to work together to carry out a spiritual extraction experiment with me. "

The sheriff stared at An Ye with hostile eyes, and then said to Qing Kong: "I know what you want to do, but my current mental strength is not enough to complete your experiment. Even with this guy, the chance of failure is very high. "

Qingkong knew that the experiment she was going to do was a bit reluctant, but it was difficult for her to find a suitable and obedient iterative body of the dark night parasite in a short time. Every day of delay, the experimental props will become weaker, and there will be no need to carry out this experiment if you wait a few more days.

"I will arrange a secret technique to increase your spiritual power with my spiritual power. If you help me complete this experiment, I can use the secret technique to enhance your strength as a reward."

Hearing that there are rewards, it is still the kind of strengthening strength!

An Ye and the sheriff looked at each other and said together: "Okay, I will help you."

"Very well, let's begin."

Qing Kong snapped his fingers, and the restriction attached to the glass was released. The sheriff waved his claws, cut through the barbed wire with a sharp knife, and walked out with catwalks. Not to be outdone, An Ye swiftly swung the rapier, cutting a door in the glass.

The sheriff uttered a cat meow, and the dark night uttered a mouse chirp.

Qing Kong shouted, "Shut up!"

One cat and one mouse became peaceful again.

Qingkong felt that the success rate of this experiment had dropped a bit... What a headache!

But the experiment goes on.

Qingkong cleared all unnecessary things on the experimental table, and then arranged the prepared mysterious props in their respective positions.

Twelve mysterious prop candles are arranged in the reverse zodiacal position, and are connected into a twelve-pointed star array with paint made of rotten gravy. Adjuncts: bloodstone, flytrap psychedelic flower, coffin fragments, siren scales, lion scorpion venom, crystal fragments, burial thorns.

Subject: Diary of the Dead.

Words of the Mystery: The Looking Back of Those Who Gone Far Away.

When the secret technique is activated, the candle automatically ignites, and the light gathers upwards to form a light cluster and casts a beam of light on the diary of the deceased in the middle of the formation technique. The auxiliary language props around were turned into dust one by one, and then turned into blue smoke, forming a faint white mist above the diary.

The title page of the diary was opened, and one page after another was slowly turned. In the intersection of light and fog, the film-like black and white images are played silently.

It tells the story of a halfling who goes to school.

He came to Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire alone, and his talent was quickly appreciated by his mentor. But his race made it difficult for him to fully display his talents... until one day, his mentor took him into the empire's extraordinary species cultivation center.

The son of a halfling village chief became the eldest son of the chief of the halfling tribe. Unaware that the halflings had never formed a powerful tribe, the shadow parasitic meta-iterators readily accepted this noble lineage.

The parasitic process went smoothly beyond everyone's expectations.

The halfling blessed by the shadow parasitic element iteration body showed extremely powerful spiritual power, and his strength made people ignore his race.

He is Orlando Glover.

That diary was discovered when the Raging City Bureau of Secrets searched Grover's property. Clear Sky made it into a mysterious prop to complete the word of the secret technique.

"Looking Back of Those Who Gone Away" looks back on Grover's life by restoring the memory fragments left on it when he wrote his diary. For the shadow parasites, these memory fragments make it easier for them to penetrate into the soul of the target, searching for memories and deeper things in the soul.

An Ye and the sheriff squatted outside the arcane circle, their eyes fixed on the images in the arcane, and the collected memory fragments flashed quickly in their open pupils.

"I saw the depths of his soul." The sheriff who once parasitized in Grover's soul was the first to complete the positioning of the deep soul.

After a while, An Ye also said: "I saw the depths of his soul."

A cat and a mouse seem to be frozen.

The Diary of the Dead in the Mystic Art Center turned over the last page and turned into flying smoke in the collapse.

The occult ritual is coming to an end.

Clear Sky took out an ice cube from the space backpack and placed it in the place of the deceased's diary. A fresh brain was sealed inside the transparent ice cube.

The image disappeared at this moment, but the fog did not dissipate. In the light, a circle of black holes appeared in the fog, and the eyes of Sheriff and Dark Night shot light towards the black hole.

It's just that the light falls into the black hole, and there is no reaction.

The sheriff said: "Glorver's soul energy loss is serious, and our spiritual power can't open his deep soul."

Qing Kong said: "I will provide you with spiritual power, and you can search for what I want."

Clear Sky took out several gemstones of different colors, sandwiched them between his fingers, and activated the word of secret technique with mudra.

Spirit gate: open.

The majestic spiritual power surged out like a huge wave, and behind Qingkong, a black shadow of a man stood close to her with his back.

Clear Sky and Luke are one, and her psychic energy is Luke's psychic energy. In the process of Luke constantly distributing his mental power to Qing Kong and then recovering it, his soul and spirit are also constantly tempered and strengthened. So much so that when the clear sky releases the invisible spiritual energy, it can actually drive the air currents to blow the candlelight to shake violently.

"Don't think about peeking at my soul through my spirit, your little spiritual energy will be scattered by me."

Qingkong issued a warning to the two shadow parasitic iterations through mental power. This extraordinary creature is too evil, so we have to take precautions.

The sheriff and An Ye couldn't speak at the moment, they could only show their understanding by wagging their tails.

Supplemented with spiritual energy, the light from their eyes became thicker. The black hole finally reacted, circles of colorful halos rippled, and then gradually changed steadily and regularly.

Suddenly the halo spread out to form a light body like an eye.

The light body spreads the spiritual energy in circles outward, forming ripples.

Then the sheriff said: "Miss Sunny Sky, we went in, what are you looking for?"

Flipping her hands in the clear sky, the book of calamity floated above her palm.

The ripples from the ball of light swept across the book of calamity, and the book, which was originally quiet, became a little restless.

"What makes the Book of Calamity so disturbing?"

The sheriff replied: "It is the negative energy that Grover has been accumulating all the time. They are deposited in his soul. Once stimulated, they will be multiplied by his powerful mental power."

"Not all negative energy can make the Book of Calamity respond. Can you extract this negative energy? I need it to understand the Book of Calamity."

"It's hard," the sheriff said. "Negative energy exists in the spirit, and the spirit exists in the soul. Grover's soul will soon dissipate completely, and all will disappear with it."

This is a bit of a pity.

Through the understanding of the Book of Calamity, Clear Sky determined that players are far from exploiting its value. As a prop that can open the abyss, making a "brick" is overkill.

Perhaps because of the game version, the functions of the Book of Calamity have not yet been fully opened to players. And there is no version problem in this world, and some features that players have not seen are gradually being displayed in front of Qingkong.

Suddenly, the Book of Calamity became even more restless.

It flew up uncontrollably and rushed to the side of the ball of light. The book was opened, and the pages of the book were flapping.

Faced with such a dangerous emergency, Qingkong immediately closed the mental gate to prevent Luke from being infected by the energy of the abyss. Then she jumped up to grab the book of disaster, and when her fingers touched the book of disaster, she saw a dark abyss unfolding in front of her.

Clear Sky pushes the ranks to the top.

When I opened my ice crystal eyes, I realized that what I was seeing was an illusion influenced by the Book of Calamity.

The Sheriff and An Ye did not know where they fled.

Qing Kong grabbed the Book of Disaster and tried to pull it back, but the Book of Disaster did not move at all. At this time, countless strands of black smoke came out from the book of calamity, wrapped the ball of light inside, and pulled it into the book.

Time passes in seconds.

When Qingkong confirmed that the existing limit force in the world could not pull the book of calamity, the throbbing in her heart caused her to recite the ancient Shuojin language involuntarily.

"Crack, click, click..." is the sound of the pointer moving.

Golden Compass!

The artifact of the ancient Shuojin civilization was lost in the war. The current Shuojin people use the ancient Shuojin language, and although they can still get responses from the Golden Compass, the responses are very vague.

But at this moment, the sound of the golden compass seemed to ring in his ears.

A golden sword appeared in Qingkong's hand.

The sharp sword swung to cut off the space, and also cut off the black smoke from the book of calamity. The Book of Calamity lost all its power and was caught by Qingkong, and then thrown into the space backpack.

Scattering the golden sword, lowering the level, Qingkong gasped for breath.

Since coming to this world, she has never doubted her position in this world in terms of force value. And the few seconds just now let her understand that her strength is only stronger in this version.

If you don't want to be cannon fodder for the next version, you must start preparing now.

Fortunately, within the visible time frame, he still has the world's peak force in his hands.

Qingkong checked the book of calamity in the space backpack, and after confirming that it was safe, he looked at the ball of light floating in the air.

It stands to reason that the two iterations of the shadow parasitic elements that maintain the existence of the light sphere ran away, and it should dissipate without energy supply. Why is it still floating there? And it still exists when Grover's brain has been reduced to fly ash in an occult ritual, which is very unscientific.

"Sheriff! Dark Night!" Clear Sky shouted.

A cat and a mouse came out from under the table and ran up the table.

The two iterations of the shadow parasites didn't feel any guilt about running away just now, and the sheriff also plausibly said: "Miss Qingkong, head-on confrontation is not what our Shadow Clan is good at. Just now I just hid in the dark to observe the situation, in order to give Your more effective support."

An Ye also said: "I'm also waiting for the right time. Miss Qing Kong, are you a Shining Gold person?"

Qingkong didn't want to reveal that he knew the ancient golden language, especially since Luke had revealed the golden spell in front of the dark night. But if it wasn't for the response from the golden compass brought by the ancient golden language just now, I don't know what would happen if the book of disasters swallowed the light ball.

"I just know a little of the ancient Shuojin language." Qingkong explained casually, and then said: "You two look at the current situation of this ball of light. Grover's brain is gone, it shouldn't continue to exist .”

The sheriff and An Ye were in awe of the force that had just erupted in the clear sky, and did not dare to delay immediately releasing their mental energy to observe the light ball floating in the air.


"very strange!"

"This kind of thing shouldn't exist independently."

"Yeah... just like our dark night parasites, it is very difficult to survive without external spiritual energy supply after being produced."

"Where is its spiritual energy supply source?"

"Can't find it."

When Qingkong couldn't help getting angry, the sheriff said: "Miss Qingkong, according to our judgment, this is a brand new spiritual supernatural species."

Dark Night added: "To be is a mental brain. There is no Grover's memory, only Grover's knowledge, and it can respond to external stimuli, but it does not have self-awareness.

It does what you let it do.

Very low-level spiritual transcendent species. "

"Very low-level!"

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