Age of Mysticism

Chapter 261 Publicity of the case

The rights and wrongs of the emperor's family cannot be considered with ordinary morality. Besides, in Augustine's current state, it is not surprising that he can make any crazy moves.

Therefore, the case of Princess Dai'er's attack needs to be investigated, but it cannot be solved in a hurry. If this state is maintained, the eldest prince Fania will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will be thinking wildly.

Luke finished his breakfast and rang the bell on the desk.

Soon Kailinna pushed the door open and came in: "My lord governor, what are your orders?"

"Clean up here." Luke pointed to the empty cutlery on the table, and said, "Let Shelley and Pisco prepare the car. I'm going to Sam's house to see the scene of his death."

"Yes, I will notify Captain Shelley immediately."

When Karina was about to go out, Luke asked again: "I haven't seen sandpaper in the past few days, what is she doing?"

Karina thought about it: "Sandpaper locks herself in the maintenance room during the day, and at night... the guard on duty said that Sandpaper often slips out these nights, and I don't know what to do?"

Luke knew what Sandpaper was doing, and it must be looking for the three sisters who were controlled by the Crusaders.

The imperial capital is different from the city of Raging Waves. Luke doesn't have the strength to snatch the three killer girls from the hands of the Cross Society. Moreover, the Mystery of Eternal Life was restarted under the instruction of Emperor Augustine, and it is even more impossible for the Cross Society to release the three direct participants and survivors of the original Mystery of Eternal Life, and even the sandpaper is very dangerous.

In Raging City, Yomington wanted to snatch the sandpaper away.

Carina, who was holding the tableware, saw that Luke was lost in thought, and asked in a low voice: "My lord governor, do you have anything to say to the sandpaper?"

Discourage sandpaper?

She listens on the surface and investigates behind the scenes, which is more likely to cause accidents.

And since Sandpaper had promised to save her sister, it would be too dishonest to ignore it if she encountered obstacles.

"You tell the sandpaper that I have always supported her. Don't worry about what she is investigating. Although I can't help her too much now, as long as it is her matter, I will definitely not stand idly by.

You pick a few quick-witted agents to work with the sandpaper, and I'll ask Miss Weatherlight to transfer the Kestrel from Oulu Academy. Tell Mrs. Tasia again to pick 200 elite soldiers to come to the imperial capital. We have too few people here. "

"As you order, my lord governor."

"What was the name of the reporter who interviewed me last time?"

"His name is Johnny Norton, and he's a reporter for the St. Len's Daily."

"Send someone to inform him, and say that I allow him to do all-round follow-up reports on the investigation of Princess Dai'er's attack, and let him go directly to Sam's house to meet us."

Karina asked puzzledly: "My lord, the most important thing during the investigation of any case is to keep it secret. If the newspaper office is allowed to follow up and report, it will be very detrimental to the investigation work of the case, and the criminals will know the information and clues we have... "

"This case is different from other cases. Do as I say. Bring all our files related to Sam, and give them all to Norton. Make sure he becomes the hottest reporter in the whole empire."

Kailinna replied helplessly: "Okay, okay... Your Excellency Governor."

The attack on Princess Dai has always attracted close attention from many parties within the imperial court, especially when Agatha handed over the case to the newly established Sixth Secret Service, which made Meteor shine even brighter.

Any news related to him will be put on the desktops of the leading figures in the first place.

The process of his first interrogation of the suspect yesterday was naturally spread across different channels.

To everyone's surprise, the headquarters of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets did not find out that there was any problem with Philemon Sam's identity after so many days of investigation. Meteor only saw through the information of all the suspects and saw through Philemon. Mon Sam's disguise.

According to the normal investigation process, since Meteor can see that Sam has a problem, he should find a way to ask more clues. But Meteor didn't. He released everyone, including Sam, and let the information about Sam's identity be spread.

Sure enough, Sam was quickly silenced.

What does Meteor want to do?

All the onlookers were very puzzled. According to his ups and downs in Raging Waves City, he shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake.

And while everyone was waiting to see how Meteor would treat Sam's follow-up after being silenced, Meteor did something that shocked everyone's jaws.

Have you ever seen a reporter with a case investigation?

Have you ever seen a suspect's home being raided and reporters allowed the whole process to be recorded?

Have you seen suspect information and investigation files that should be top secret, can they be taken away by reporters and reported at will?

Saint Lun's Daily is on fire!

Reporter Johnny is on fire!

This is not an ordinary criminal case, it is the attack on Princess Daier. Now that Princess Dai'er has been missing for many days, it can be said that there are more bad things than good things. This case is enough to satisfy the gossip desires of all age groups.

Sheng Lun Daily published the materials obtained from the Sixth Office of the Secret Service and the interview records of Philemon Sam into a serial magazine, which constantly stimulated readers' desire to follow up like a live broadcast of the case, and its sales dominated the newspaper market in the entire imperial capital.

With the continuous breaking of the news by the Sixth Office of the Imperial Secret Service, the citizens of the imperial capital have become detectives for the whole people, and the greatest joy of every day is gathering together to discuss their own reasoning. The number of public security cases received by the Imperial City Public Security Bureau has increased suddenly, and most of them are brawls caused by reasoning about this case.

What's more, people with good intentions came to the scene of the crime directly based on the materials, and walked the whole journey from the assassin's attack to the evacuation, thinking whether they could find any clues that were missed by the spies of the empire.

If this case could be solved in front of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, it would be a feat of fame.

The enthusiasm of the citizens of the imperial capital for this case can be compared with the empire's announcement that the Celtic Grand Duke of Tedgar Hills betrayed the empire....

This war was expected by everyone, after all, the empire and the Tedgar Hills have been making military preparations for their enemies.

It just came a little suddenly.

First there was an unexplained conflict on the border between the Empire and the Tedgar Hills.

In order to quell the incident, the emperor of the empire summoned the Celtic grand duke to the imperial capital to discuss the resolution of border conflicts.

The Celtic Grand Duke denied that there was a border conflict and refused to come to the imperial capital to interview Augustine the Great on the grounds of his illness.

Emperor Augustine summoned the Celtic Grand Duke to come to the imperial capital again, and asked the barbarian army to retreat 30 miles from the border as a military buffer zone for both sides.

The Celtic Grand Duke refused again, saying that there was no conflict on the border, and the barbarians would not give up an inch of their ancestors' land.

The Emperor of the Empire was furious and accused the Celtic Grand Duke of violating his ancestral covenant. He issued an ultimatum to Celtic, asking him to come to the imperial capital.

The Celtic Grand Duke still refused, and in the name of the Brotherhood of Blades denounced that the royal family violated the covenant of their ancestors.

The two sides accused each other of violating righteousness, increasing their own justice in the war, and at the same time allocated materials and soldiers to the front as much as possible.

The main force of the Barbarian Legion reached the border, and the Northern Legion, the empire's battle-tested force, also entered the sequence of the Southern Imperial Army.

Augustine the Great declared that he had done his best for peace, and backed up by the authority of the Emperor of the Empire, he stripped the Celtic dukedom and recovered the Tedgar Hills.

Celtic responded that the Golden Shield royal family is not qualified to deprive the Celtic family of any honor, and he will lead the barbarian legion and all members of the Brotherhood of Blades to overthrow the treacherous Golden Shield family.

The Imperial Civil War broke out!

Battle reports and information on all borders of the empire spread to Saint Lun City like snow.

Silver Avenue Silver Manor.

These days, the eldest prince Fania was very uncomfortable, and he didn't know how to vent out the sullenness accumulated in his heart.

That damned Meteor actually published all the information about Princess Dai'er's attack, and even published it serially in the Shenglun Daily!

Sitting in the study, Fania ruthlessly tore up today's St. Lun's Daily, and then burned it to ashes.

He is threatening me!

He made the details of this case known to everyone. As long as he presents evidence that I am the mastermind, even if my father gives me the throne, I will have no virtue to sit on it.

Fania has always set himself up as a benevolent king. If the world knows that he even killed his own sister, what benevolence is there?

Damn it! Damn it!

What evidence does he have? Why does he think it's me so much?

At this time, the housekeeper came in in a panic.

"Master, those two cronies of Meteorite came to Baiyin Avenue again today, this time to buy flying cakes."

Fania asked: "What are flying cakes? What's the meaning?"

The butler was also puzzled: "Master, I don't know. Meteor's cronies have also come to look for steamed buns and deep-fried dough sticks. I also don't know where the food is from."

"No matter what kind of food it is, we can't let them come to Baiyin Avenue to find these messy things again." Fania rubbed his head in pain: "Now that Meteor has made this case known to everyone, sooner or later someone will pay attention to him in Baiyin Avenue's unusual behavior.

There are not only the functional departments of the empire on the Silver Avenue, but also my Silver Manor. After a long time, someone will link me with this case. "

The housekeeper said with a sad face: "Master, I have been conducting self-examination these days, and I have not found any omissions. If Meteor is only suspicious and tempting, and we took the initiative to come forward because of such a trivial matter, wouldn't we have fallen into Meteor's trick?"

"Test?" Fania looked at the ashes on the ground and yelled at the steward: "Is this a temptation? Is it a temptation to publish a case involving the face of the royal family in the newspaper! There is no conclusive evidence, he has the guts!

You bastards, how dare you say there are no omissions! "

The butler knelt on the ground in fright: "I'm sorry, master, please calm down. We will conduct a self-examination immediately, and we will be able to find what we missed and make amends.

Moreover, since Meteor knew the truth of the case but did not tell the truth, Sam also seemed to give us to silence, does it mean that he is not firmly on the side of the eldest princess. "

After listening to the butler's analysis, Fania's headache eased a lot: "But the rumor...the relationship between Meteor and Agatha is..."

"The rumors are just rumors, not necessarily true. And even if they are true, according to Meteor's performance in Raging Waves City, he is known to be a smart person.

Smart people don't put all their chips on one bet.

Gabriel does.

The same is true of Meteor.

This time, His Majesty handed over the southern front to you, and the command of the Northern Army is also from Joshua's family. Didn't many people who were vacillating in the past join in? "

Fania nodded, and he waved his hand to make the steward stand up: "You are right, this empire belongs to the Augustine family after all. If I ascend to the throne, this case will be the bargaining chip for Meteor to threaten me, and he will not easily reveal his cards .

But how should I respond? Those two people can no longer come to Silver Avenue! "

The butler thought for a while and said, "His Royal Highness Sinclair is in a bad mood because he can't go to the southern front to join the war. He used to have a very good relationship with Princess Dai. If he is asked to assist Meteor to find Princess Dai, Meteor should be able to understand Outsiders will not have too many guesses about the master's kindness."

If Fania can become the emperor of the empire, Sinclair, as the only eldest son now, is also the future emperor of the empire. Asking Sinclair to help find the missing Princess Dai is equivalent to building a good relationship with two emperors at the same time. This kindness is very good.

A smile finally appeared on Fania's face: "Sinclair has been staying in the manor these days, if he hadn't sent someone to watch him closely, he might have sneaked out to participate in the Southern Front War.

Find him something to do.

You arrange someone to protect Sinclair, find out what Meteor knows, and stop making mistakes. "

"Master, don't worry, I'll make arrangements immediately."


Clear Sky Museum.

Dai'er and a group of classmates were in the after-school classroom, discussing the hottest topic in St. Lun City these days...the attack on Princess Dai'er.

"Look here." Haidishiko pointed to a paragraph in the newspaper: "The confessions of the royal knights and palace guards who were in charge of protecting Princess Dai at that time made it very clear that Princess Dai's carriage was not seriously damaged. Damaged, the defensive magic on the carriage effectively blocked the first wave of assassin attacks.

After the inspection, there was no serious damage to the interior of the carriage, and the unconscious maid was not fatally injured.

This means that the attackers used space spells to directly teleport into the interior of the carriage by taking advantage of the pressure gap of the carriage's built-in defensive magic. First use spiritual spells to stun the maid, and then rob Princess Dai. "

Daier retorted: "Once the spatial spell is released, it will definitely cause long-term spatial coordinate fluctuations, and it is impossible not to mention the abnormal state of space in the on-site investigation data.

I think it should be noted that the bottom of the carriage is opened from the inside, and the camouflage cloak hidden under the seat has also disappeared. Princess Dai may be the carriage that she left. "

"It's absolutely impossible." Haidishiko said confidently: "At that time, the royal knights and palace guards had already controlled the situation, and the support arrived immediately. Princess Dai'er left the well-defended carriage, not to put herself Are you exposed to danger?

And how to explain the handmaid's coma? Could it be that Princess Dai knocked her out?

We must pay attention to rationality in solving cases. Anyone who does anything has a motive. New here, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. My father is an official of the security department of Raging Waves City. I have seen more cases than you have heard of.

Listen to me continue to explain this case to you, don't interrupt if you don't understand! "

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