Age of Mysticism

Chapter 265 Rip off

Luke, who was clearly cheating, expressed curiosity about two other things, one of which was the main purpose of his visit this time...the lava core.

The second prince, Alec, didn't know that this lava core had been transformed into a mysterious item. It was a collection he acquired in his early years, and he collected it carefully because he was bigger than other lava cores.

This lava magic heart named "Du Jun" by the player is suspended in a square glass cover. Its volume is like a basketball, and it is covered with irregular grooves. Inside the concave pattern is an incandescent flame, and the entire magic heart glows orange-red when burned. The high temperature did not spread but concentrated on the surface of the demon heart, forming a halo with a thickness of five centimeters.

Luke was very surprised and said: "Such a large lava golem is rare. It should come from a Governor-level lava golem. To kill a Dude-level lava golem in a volcanic environment, you can't just rely on It can be done with strength, but more luck is needed.”

Sinclair said understandingly: "Governor Meteor's knowledge is really very wide. This lava demon heart indeed came from a Governor-level lava rock demon. It was an unlucky guy. A volcanic eruption erupted it. He got out, flew a few kilometers and fell seriously injured.

But still killed many adventurers who heard the news.

Later, the lava rock demon broke through the encirclement and fled towards the volcano, but unfortunately fell into a pool of hot spring halfway. "

"It's really unlucky." Although Luke had heard what happened to the lava goblin, he still couldn't help sighing when he heard it again.

"What's even more unfortunate... When it climbed out of the hot spring, a boulder rolled down from the mountain and smashed it back into the water and pressed it to the bottom. The lava goblin was drowned in this way, and because Being cooled by water for a long time, the heat energy generated by this Governor-level lava core is not as much as that produced by an ordinary lava core.

After my uncle got it, he kept it here.

If it meets Miss Weatherlight, it should be able to die with more dignity. "

"Yes, Miss Weatherly Sky can definitely make it die with dignity." Speaking of Clear Sky, Luke seemed to think of an important thing: "The last time I met Miss Weatherly Sky, she said that her museum still uses coal for heating. .Insufficient heating is a problem in winter, and gas leaks are the most troublesome.”

Sinclair said very wisely: "Then use the lava core to provide heat for the heating boiler. This lava core is a waste here. Uncle must be tired of watching it for so many years. Why don't you give it to Miss Skylight.

Not only Miss Qingkong is happy to solve the heating problem for the branch of the Oulu Academy, but Dean Willred must be very happy too. "

"Of course they will be happy. Miss Weatherlight and Dean Willred regard students as the most precious treasures, much more precious than these useless things that can only be seen."

Sinclair praised: "Only such deans and professors can educate excellent talents for the empire."

Luke said: "Miss Skylight said... the greatness of the present will eventually pass away, and the world will always belong to the next generation."

Hearing Luke's words, Sinclair didn't answer, but stood there involuntarily.

Nightingale, who had been accompanying her all the time, didn't think too much about it. She summoned her attendant and whispered, asking him to convey to Prince Alec about the fact that the meteor saw the lava core.

After Luke achieved his goal, he didn't pluck the second prince's wool into his bald place. If you ask for too much, the second prince will not be willing to give it all, and it will be troublesome to filter out the "supervisor" lava demon heart when choosing again.

The three gifts have already been chosen, just wait for the second prince to deliver them to Qing Kong himself.

Luke and Sinclair say goodbye and walk away.

Leaving Prince Alec alone is hard to get along with anger and hate... and the intention revealed by Meteorite this time, he had to force himself to calm down. If you lose your footing at this time, you will be on the way of the meteor.

The sense of crisis made Alec call Nightingale to him, and asked Meteorite and Sinclair in detail what they saw and said.

Nightingale poured a glass of red wine for Alec, then sat on his lap and spoke slowly.

"The greatness of the present will eventually pass away, and the world will always belong to the next generation..." Alec murmured, repeating what Meteor said: "Fortunately, Agatha is not a man, otherwise Fania and I would have nothing to contend with her." qualifications."

Nightingale noticed the changes in Alec's body, and his attention was diverting from himself.

"Your Highness, is the eldest princess worthy of your attention?"

"What do you know!" Alec held Nightingale in his arms: "Agatha uses meteorites to plan the present, and clear sky to plan the future. Once Qingkong really becomes the dean of Oulu College, batch after batch of Oulu College graduates will be The most solid foundation of Agatha's ruling empire.

This is the terrible thing about Agatha... When my brother and I were still looking for fun, she took over the Secret Affairs Bureau and made the current layout. "

"But Your Highness, you just said that the eldest princess is not a man, and His Majesty will not give her the throne."

"But my father has never established a crown prince. No matter how well Fania and I do, it is far from the standard he wants. I heard that now... I asked you to investigate the matter, and what results did you find out?" Yet?"

Nightingale leaned over to Alec's ear and whispered: "The Transcendent Species Cultivation Center is indeed conducting human life extension experiments, and the experimental subjects are all elderly people suffering from various diseases.

Under His Majesty's suggestion, the Crusader Project of the Crusaders also started the experiment of the secret art of eternal life. "

The numbness in his ears made Alec feel hot. He took a sip of red wine to moisten his thirsty throat, and then said, "You must always pay attention to the experiments on both sides, and send someone to destroy their progress when necessary."

Nightingale said in shock: "Destruction! If His Majesty finds out..."

Alec kissed Nightingale on the face: "In the entire court, no one except Your Majesty wants these experiments to succeed. The Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center and the Cross Society know how to cooperate."

Nightingale wrapped her arms around Alec's neck, winking like silk: "Your Highness, I have done so many things for you, when will you fulfill what you promised me?"

Alec smiled and said, "I have already dispatched the person who bought your family's property. As for the title... Now that the empire is going to deal with the hereditary nobles of the Brotherhood of Blades, they will not bestow hereditary nobles at this time.

Even if Meteor did such a great thing in Raging Waves City, he was only awarded a lord, and the only way to become a lord would be to find Dai'er and get married before his father would give it to him.

Wait a little longer, when I become the emperor of the empire, you want to restore the glory of the family, it's just a matter of me. Even you will become the queen of the empire..."

Nightingale fell on Alec: "Thank you, Your Highness!"


Luke and Sinclair sat in the imperial carriage and returned to Copper Mulberry Avenue. They had their own concerns and neither of them spoke.

It wasn't until he was about to reach his destination that Sinclair said: "Governor Meteorite, I haven't known you for a long time, but I've heard a lot about you for a long time. The contact these few days has made me very fond of you." admire.

There is a question that I should not ask, but I still hope you can give me an answer, even if it is a lie. "

Just now Luke took back the consciousness assigned to Qingkong and carried out a merger and integration, accepting Qingkong's new knowledge. After hearing Sinclair's inquiry, Luke came back to his senses and said, "As long as I answer, it must not be a lie. You can ask."

Sinclair hesitated for a while, but still asked: "My father, Uncle Alec, and Aunt Agatha, who do you think is the best candidate for the future ruler of the empire?"

Luke replied: "This is really not the question you should ask, and it is not the right question to ask me."

Sinclair smiled and said, "Yes, I should support my father unconditionally. It is a very wise choice for you not to answer."

Luke looked at Sinclair, who was a little disappointed, and said with a smile: "If I said... I never cared about who is the future ruler of the empire, would you believe it?"

Sinclair was surprised by Luke's answer: "You just said that as long as you answered, it must not be a lie."

"Whether that sentence is a lie and whether this sentence is a lie is up to you to judge."

"This..." Sinclair couldn't tell which sentence Meteor said was a lie: "If you didn't lie, can I know why? Shouldn't you be supporting Aunt Agatha?"

"His Royal Highness Sinclair, there are no assumptions about some things, only judgments can be made. No matter whether the choice is right or wrong, no matter what the result is, if you choose, you must go firmly. I don't have the long-term view as you imagined, but only after I choose On the road, I stared at my every step and walked steadily.

What will happen in the future is beyond my control, and it is even more impossible for me to decide who the future ruler of the empire will be. "

Facing Luke's answer, Sinclair fell into deep thought, and soon laughed openly.

"Actually, I don't care who the future ruler of the empire is. Maybe one day the empire will be like our neighbors without an emperor. Your values ​​are very to my liking, and you are a friend worth making. I recognize you as a brother. Already!"

Sinclair's avant-garde thinking was also beyond Luke's expectations. He should have fought in the northern border and came into contact with many new ideas from neighboring countries.

"I am honored to be recognized as a brother by His Royal Highness Sinclair. But... if I marry Princess Dai, you should call me uncle."

Who would have thought that Sinclair smiled and said, "Aunt Dai'er has gone abroad a long time ago, you can't find her. But I heard some rumors about you and Aunt Agatha..."

Luke asked suspiciously, "What rumor?"

The thief Sinclair smiled and told Luke the rumors he had heard: "You thought it was hidden very deep, but you didn't expect this secret to have spread throughout the court, right?"

Luke really didn't know that the scandal between himself and Agatha had spread inside the palace, and he still knew it from Sinclair, not from the spies around him.

The two big mouths, Shelley and Pisco, were so excited after coming to the imperial capital! Do you feel that when you arrive at your home, Agatha will ascend the throne immediately, and your boss will be the prince next!

"This..." Luke didn't deny it, nor did he admit it: "Such exaggerated rumors must have been fueled by someone who added fuel to the flames later, in order to increase the suspicion of the eldest princess in the attack on Princess Daier."

The topic returned to the case of Princess Dai, Sinclair asked: "Did you find anything in Uncle Alec's manor? Did you want to send the things you asked for to Miss Weather Sky to use secret techniques to find them?" clue?"

Sinclair had a good idea, and Luke used it and said, "You are very smart and have a talent for investigating cases. Those three things will be sent to Miss Weather Sky to perform a secret language ceremony using those weird techniques from the Department of Occult Arts." .

Hope to find useful clues. "

Sinclair didn't know much about the mystical and mysterious arts, and the education of members of the royal family did not allow them to come into contact with such uncertain things casually. But all kinds of rumors about the secret technique made Sinclair very curious: "Can I watch from the sidelines?"

"No!" Luke flatly refused. I'm going to upgrade my bloodline, so what a fart you are watching! "Since you treat me as a brother, give brother a face, don't mess with me here today! I don't have as much free time as you, and there is a lot of work backlog waiting for me to deal with."

When the carriage arrived at No. 236 Copper Mulberry Avenue, Luke stopped Sinclair who was about to get off, and asked the driver to take him back to Silver Manor.

Under the saluting gaze of the guards, he walked into Secret Service No. 6 with a cane.

The news that Luke, who was being monitored by many parties, went to visit the second prince Alec with Sinclair this time, quickly spread throughout the imperial court. The details are still being investigated, but Prince Alec's immediate reaction made everyone unable to understand.

Prince Alec publicly sent a batch of valuable gifts to Qingkong's museum, and rarely visited Agatha's Tulip Manor, and did not leave until late at night when the eldest princess personally sent him off.

Luke didn't know how his behavior of ripping off this time would be interpreted by all parties in the court. It doesn't matter how you interpret it, he only cares about how the secret art ritual tonight can improve himself.

If Nightingale's dagger was aimed at him, would he be able to deal with it calmly like Sinclair?

In Raging Waves City, it was Qingkong who was making troubles in the open, and he was taking advantage of it in the dark; Go up and fight by yourself.

In a well-chosen secret room, Luke and Clear Sky meet here.

This room is bigger than the secret room in Raging Waves City, and the secrecy has been confirmed by the players to be assured.

The word of the secret technique to be performed this time is named "Heart of Reignited Flame", which is a secret technique of blood inheritance of the lava stone demon.

The auxiliary words to cast this secret language have all been collected, and the missing piece of "Sinking Stone Plate" can be replaced by the Book of Calamity.

The subject of the subject, the "supervisor" lava demon heart, was sent to the museum by Alec along with the gift, and it was floating in the center of the secret art formation at this time.

Qingkong walked to the side of the lava demon heart, and took out a reagent bottle from the space backpack, which contained a red liquid. After being poured, the liquid turns into a stream of fire that pours over the lava core.

It was as if the dimples on the awakened lava core expanded suddenly, and the volume expanded and contracted accordingly.

A heartbeat like the beating of a heavy drum echoed in the confined space...

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