Age of Mysticism

Chapter 296 Love Mystery

The dance continued into the night, and after everyone had dinner in the dining hall, everyone was given a room.

The lights shine from the palace suspended in the air, forming a different scenery in the imperial capital under the night.

Inside the palace, the palace guards lined up on the patrol route, and many mage eyes floated on the eaves, scanning every dark corner where the light could not reach.

Most of the young people who had fun for a day fell asleep, and the magical spices floating around in the bedroom protected everyone's dreams, preventing them from being invaded by spirits and being controlled.

The palace leaves the space wall, and the defense is raised to the highest level.

Queen Christina walked in the long corridor, her footsteps were louder because of the silence. The royal knights standing on both sides saluted her, but their movements were very light, as if they were afraid of disturbing anyone.

In the middle of the corridor is a beautifully carved mahogany door. In addition to the two royal knights guarding here, there is also an old court official standing respectfully outside the door.

Seeing the arrival of the queen, the court officials immediately saluted: "Your Highness, have you not rested yet?"

Christina asked, "Is His Majesty still working?"

The internal officer replied: "Just now, the eldest princess came here and brought a lot of information about the northern border, and a gang of thieves who called themselves the Freedom Army attacked several towns and fled into the Kama Mountains.

There are so many things to do today, His Majesty is still working. "

"Open the door, I want to see His Majesty."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Christina walked into the open door and saw Augustine the Great sitting behind his desk with a document. He was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, squinting his eyes very carefully.

There was no one else in the room, and Augustine the Great didn't like people making noise while he was working. There is only a flying cloak hanging on the hanger next to the desk, and it is always ready to fetch the required materials from the bookshelves on both sides.

Christina slowed down her pace, she walked slowly to the chair opposite the desk and sat down, waiting quietly.

The only sound in the room was the sound of Augustine flipping papers.

After reading four documents in a row, Augustine took out a snuff bottle from the drawer. After putting it in front of his nose and taking a deep breath, his exhausted look immediately recovered a lot.

Christina then said: "Your Majesty, your body can no longer work so hard. Some things can be handled by the cabinet, or Fania can help."

Emperor Augustine took a sip of honey water from his water glass and said, "Do you think Fania is qualified for this job?"

"After Alec left the imperial capital, Fania was the only son by your side. I think he would be happy to help."

Emperor Augustine smiled: "He must be very happy, but if I let him come, I am sending a wrong signal to the outside world. I want to give Alec a chance to perform. And the cabinet... the Cross Society is too powerful, so give them too much power. With more power, they'd be the second Brotherhood of Blades.

Let's not talk about these troubles. I heard that Dai'er danced with Meteor from the beginning of the ball and sat down until the end of the ball. Does she like Meteor? "

Christina thought about it seriously, and replied: "She has a crush on Meteor. Meteor comes from Raging City, has a special temperament that those noble children don't have, and has saved Dai'er.

But does she like meteorites? I have no idea. I don't know what it's like to like someone. "

The regret expressed by Christina made the atmosphere in the room dignified, and made Emperor Augustine look her squarely.

Christina was about the same age as Agatha, and because she was born in the closed Kingdom of Luthen, her behavior and manners showed excellent cultivation and traditional aristocratic temperament.

The life in the palace and her status as a queen sublimated her temperament, and also calmed her heart, allowing her to accept her own destiny.

"Are you complaining?" asked Augustine the Great.

Christina smiled and regained her composure: "Everything is my father's decision, as the princess of the kingdom, I must fulfill my responsibilities.

For example, at the ball, I helped the Kingdom of Lusien negotiate a deal with the Acting Governor of Meteor. "

Speaking of meteorites, Emperor Augustine's attention was immediately turned away: "What business?"

Christina recounted Raging City's investment plan for Lu Sien: "It must be the Meteor Acting Governor who heard Macdonald complaining to me. There must be a lot of food wasted in this harvest season. This investment in Raging City is for Lu The Sien Kingdom solved the biggest problem, if Meteor hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that the wine from the Sien Kingdom could be sold for so much money after being handed over."

Emperor Augustine inquired about the details of Raging Waves City's investment in the Kingdom of Lusien in detail, and finally asked for confirmation: "Meteor really said... The Kingdom of Lusien only needs to repay the debt, without any other conditions?"

Christina replied affirmatively: "I am also afraid that he will use the investment to control the grain production of the Lusien Kingdom, but Meteor assured me...all the facilities and factories invested in and built belong to the Lusien Kingdom. My father only needs to be on time. Just pay back."

Emperor Augustine scratched his head.

According to his understanding of Meteor, Raging City's investment in the Kingdom of Lusien must have a deep meaning, and it must be to gradually control the grain production of this fertile land through investment. But all the investment facilities and factories are owned by the Kingdom of Lusien, so what else can he get besides money?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out...

Could it be that he was really just fulfilling his duties as a subject, helping the Kingdom of Lucen to improve its economy, and making money for the empire by the way?

Am I misunderstanding him?

He is actually a loyal minister!

The analysis of Meteor's investment made Emperor Augustine feel that he was more exhausted than reading dozens of documents. But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any conspiracy that Meteor could hide in this kind of investment. The autonomy of food and agricultural product production is all in the hands of the Lusien royal family.

Looking at Augustine's appearance, Christina knew that he couldn't see what Meteor was hiding in this investment, and she couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Even Augustine can't see a problem, so it's really all right.

"Your Majesty, do you have any suggestions?"

Emperor Augustine had no choice but to say: "This is a good thing for the Kingdom of Lucien and the empire. I know that the cabinet has been preventing excessive agricultural products from the Kingdom of Lucien from entering the imperial market. This is the protection of the empire's agriculture.

If Raging Waves City can help the Kingdom of Lusien sell its surplus agricultural products overseas, it can be regarded as your reward to the Kingdom of Lusien as a queen.

I will notify the cabinet of this matter, and the empire will try its best to give the suzerain the help it deserves. "

Christina stood up and saluted Augustine: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Lucien has been loyal to the Empire for generations!"

Augustine said with a smile: "The kingdom of Lusien is loyal to the empire, that's what King Lusien does. As the queen of the empire, you are a member of the empire.

My eyes are blurred and I can't read clearly... Read these documents to me. "

Christina asked in surprise: "Your Majesty, can I look at these state secrets?"

"You are the queen of the empire! You can't read it? Who is qualified to read it! We really need help here. You are idle in the palace, so come and read the document for me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Christina picked up a document she hadn't read from the table and read it sentence by sentence for Augustine.

Augustine took off his glasses, closed his eyes, and let Christina write his opinions on the paper from time to time.

It's really easier to have someone to help.

While Christina was assisting Augustine the Great in handling state affairs, someone knocked on the door of Luke's bedroom.

Luke yawned in a set of silk pajamas and opened the door to see Agatha in court gown standing outside.

"What are you looking for me for so late? The aroma here makes me just want to lie in bed and sleep."

Agatha pushed past Luke into the room.

The bedroom is very spacious, and the decoration is also in line with the identity of Meteor's acting governor. A large gold-plated wrought-iron bed was covered with a soft mattress, and green smoke rose repeatedly from the incense burner by the window.

Agatha walked around the room, looked at the washroom in the inner room, and then went to the window to watch the situation outside.

"I'm afraid someone will cut your head off while you're asleep. Miss Weatherlight didn't come to the ceremony. In this palace high in the sky, it's too easy to kill you."

Luke walked to the wine cabinet, took out a wine glass and poured two glasses of red wine, and then came to Agatha's side with the wine glass.

Handing over a glass of red wine, he said casually, "Didn't you say that His Majesty would decide whether to kill me or not after examining me personally?

And you are here, what am I afraid of. "

Agatha took the wine from Luke, and because she was thirsty, she raised her neck and drank it in one gulp.

Wiping the wine stains from the corner of her mouth, Agatha grabbed the wine bottle with her mage's hand, poured the wine for herself, and put the wine bottle on the window sill.

"I don't know if you have any means to save your life, or if you are really confident, but it made me nervous all day.

I just met with my father and told him about the situation in the north and the rampant liberal activities in the empire. He should consider, without you, whether the empire can quickly stabilize the turmoil in Rage City.

I have to admit that the economic explosion you brought to Rage City has made the entire city very dependent on you. Moreover, Raging Waves City has been managed by new nobles, so they have no sense of awe towards the empire. "

Luke drank slowly and said, "As long as His Majesty doesn't think that I will endanger the empire, he will not make up his mind to get rid of me. And I never thought of endangering the empire, so naturally he can't find evidence to prove his conjecture. "

Agatha looked at Luke: "Didn't you endanger the empire? The civil war that the empire is now fighting is because of you. Now the Attorney League is about to move, and the invasion is only a matter of time."

"I started the civil war to help you. Besides, this war is inevitable. It is definitely better for the empire to fight it sooner than later.

As for the invasion in the north, didn't I train the militia in Raging Waves City? "

Agatha stared at Luke to read his mind, but had to admit that he was right. With the current situation on the battlefield, it is beneficial to the empire to fight the Celtic Grand Duke's war as soon as possible.

If it is delayed for a few more years, not only will the Blade Brotherhood be more prepared, but the imperial court may not be able to unite as it is now.

The Grand Duke of Celtic is also waiting for a great change at court.

Internal and external troubles made Agatha very anxious. She drank the whole glass of wine in one gulp and poured herself another glass.

"I hope I didn't misjudge you...and I hope Dai'er didn't misjudge you.

She only dances with you once the whole time, and then stays in her seat. She wants to give you the second dance, but you just talk to the queen!

Still chatting so happily, that's the queen of the empire! "

It didn't occur to Luke that Del was sitting the whole dance waiting for him.

Sensing Agatha's sharp gaze, Luke immediately defended: "No one told me that I can dance a second time! And I have negotiated a big deal with Her Royal Highness, of course I should be happy!"

"About business?"

Agatha did not expect that Luke would still be interested in negotiating business in this murderous palace, and even managed the business to the queen.

Luke told Agatha about the investment plan he had discussed with Christina: "There is not much profit margin for simply reselling food. It is processed into agricultural by-products, canned food, and textiles, which are easy to store and transport, and the premium rate is still high.

The Lusien Kingdom is really sitting on a golden mountain and begging for food. I couldn't stand it so I gave them a hand. "

Hearing what Luke said about the canned food, Agatha suddenly regained her spirits: "You know that the biggest headache in war is logistics, especially the problem of food for soldiers in continuous combat. Now the military's war rations are not only unpalatable but also easy to deteriorate. , eating a bad stomach is unnecessary non-combat attrition.

Can your cans really keep food nutritious and fresh for a long time? "

"That's a must!" Luke invented the can at this time, just to grab the military ration order from the Cross. So he picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Agatha, boasting about the benefits of using canned food as military rations.

The two talked about canning and supply while standing by the window, which looked out on to a circular garden. At the other end of the garden, Dill stood in an open corridor looking out.

The light in the room illuminated the figures of the two on the glass, and they seemed to be talking about something interesting while holding their wine glasses.


A call woke up Dai'er who was in a daze, and Christina came over.

Dai'er saluted immediately: "Queen! You haven't rested yet?"

"I just went to see His Majesty, and now His Majesty is resting, and I'm going back to the bedroom... What are you doing here?" Christina seemed to understand something when she saw the two figures on the window opposite the garden.

"I want to see what it looks like overlooking the city of St. Lun from the sky... I, I'm going back to sleep. Queen Mother, good night!"

Dai'er ran away in a panic.

Christina looked at the opposite window again, then continued down the corridor.

When he was about to walk out of the promenade, the chief knight Millscombe came face to face with a group of royal knights.

"Your Highness the Queen!" Milcombe led the knights to salute Christina.

Christina asked: "Is everything arranged for the protection of the palace at night?"

"Please rest assured, Her Majesty, everything has been arranged." Millscomb said to his subordinates again: "Go and patrol, I will protect Her Majesty and return to the bedroom."

"Yes, Lord Millscombe."

A troop of royal knights walked by.

After there was no one around, Millscomb's eyes on Christina changed, and his tone also changed: "Chris..."

Facing Millscomb who was coming, Christina took a step back and said seriously: "I am the queen of the empire, I allow you to keep your affection for me, but you must also keep your respect for me and your majesty." respect.

Chrissy is my family's nickname, not something you are qualified to call me! "

Millscombe stopped immediately, and he moved to the side of the road: "I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness... I, I will escort you back to the palace. I don't expect your response. It is my happiest thing to be able to walk with you alone. thing."

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