Age of Mysticism

Chapter 423: Business with Barbarians

Coconut put on new boots, and was surprised to find that he was not unable to stand still because of the strange appearance of the boots. Instead, the center of gravity of the whole body was smoothly pressed on the center of the sole, which was even more stable than standing barefoot.

"It's very comfortable!" Ye Guo couldn't help admiring: "I thought that wearing these boots would always prevent me from falling."

Naco took two more steps, and the metal soles made a loud "da da" sound when they stepped on the floor.

Luke observed the gait of the coconut, and said: "This is the power of technology. This low-end material can only achieve this level in such a short period of time. When I return to Raging City, I will find someone to help you Measure the size of the foot, re-design the overall design, and make a pair of combat boots."

Ye Guo asked: "I want to go back to Raging Waves City with you?"

Luke shook the agreement just signed by Naco: "During the effective period of the contract, you must listen to me. Let's go, it's time for lunch, and come with me to discuss business with Mrs. Fickchek."

"Okay." Hearing about the business, Coco was very excited. This is a good opportunity to learn how to do business.

Coconut followed behind Luke with a "da da\

,"When they came to the dining room, the servants had filled the table with food.

Seeing Luke, Mrs. Fickchek immediately happily invited him to the seat closest to her: "I drank too much wine last night, and today you went out for a whole morning, and I caught you at noon. You must talk to me about Raging City, it is the center of world fashion, and I shoulder the task of introducing world fashion to the holy mountain."

"These two days have been really busy." Luke sat down and said to Mrs. Fekchik, "Thank you, madam, for your hospitality. Today's lunch, I want to have a good chat with you about world fashion."

"Great!" At this time, Mrs. Fekchik saw Coco's new boots and exclaimed, "What a beautiful pair of boots. Curves. Mr. Luke, is this the curvaceous beauty of women in fashion in the world? Are boots of this shape the latest style of women's boots?"

"This... This is a kind of medical leg correction boots I ordered for Naco. She injured her leg before and needed external force to repair it." Luke was afraid that Mrs. Fickichick would get a pair of these boots and wear them out. door, made up a reason casually, and then changed the subject: "I heard that Ma'am, you have many shops and workshops in the Holy Mountain?"

Talking about her second favorite hobby, Mrs. Fekchik's heavily made-up face immediately burst into laughter: "My husband is so good at making money. Every time he sends me money back, I don't know how to spend it. You see What does the holy mountain look like, the backcountry is far away from the fashion center, and there is nothing at all that can show the wealth of the Fickchik family.

I can only exchange all the money into shops, and let everyone see that although my husband is a barbarian, he can do business better than the best human beings.

The last time Fekchik wrote me a letter about supernatural pets, which are cute things that the high-class ladies in Raging Wave City like to keep. Can you tell me in detail what kind of pets they are? "

The extraordinary pet business run by Luke has opened up the market in Raging Waves City. At a gathering of high-class people, talking about extraordinary pets can easily bring the relationship between two people closer. Now the Extraordinary Pet Association founded by Luke has held many extraordinary pet competitions, and the rating standards for extraordinary pets are gradually being accepted by people, and the day of issuing certificates to make money is not far away.

As the pioneer and monopoly of the extraordinary pet market, Luke has too much to talk about on this topic.

After Luke introduced what extraordinary pets are to Mrs. Fickichick, he said: "Raging Waves City is now the largest market for extraordinary pets, and every day it receives many rich people from all over the world who come here to buy extraordinary pets. Extraordinary pets are docile, easy-going Training, is a great communication lubricant in most social situations.

Therefore, the supply of extraordinary pets has always been in short supply, and some high-quality extraordinary pets need to be auctioned to obtain. "

Hearing that extraordinary pets are so sought after by the fashion world, Madam Fekchik immediately said: "This time you return to Raging Waves City and tell Fickichek that you must buy me an extraordinary pet.

Extraordinary pets are something that Shengshan has never heard of. As the only person who owns it, I will definitely make everyone envious. "

"Okay, ma'am. When I return to Raging Waves City, I will definitely tell Mrs. Fickchek about my wife's request." Taking advantage of Mrs. Fikechek's joy, Luke asked: "Is there a lot of shops and shops in the Holy Mountain recently?" Will the workshop be sold again?"

Mrs. Fickchek replied: "There are many shops and workshops for sale, and I have to discuss some business this afternoon. When Fikechek comes back, he sees that I have bought so many shops and workshops for him. He must be delighted to have a wife who knows as much about business as he does."

"Ma'am is really business-minded." Luke praised without hesitation, and then made his own small appeal: "I made a fortune in my adventure career, and I originally wanted to invest in Raging Waves City, but found that I The money there can't even buy a factory there.

Since there are so many shops and workshops for sale in the Holy Mountain, I would like to partner with you to buy more shops. "

Hearing that Luke actually wanted to invest in the store in the Holy Mountain, Mrs. Fickichick said disapprovingly: "It's not a good idea for you, an outsider, to want to buy the store in the Holy Mountain. The laws here will not protect you. I can buy it." So many shops because my husband is a member of the Barbarian Stone family, and his brothers can protect my shop."

"It is precisely because of this concern that I want to cooperate with you, madam. I will fund the purchase of the store by you. The store is under your name, and we will share the money in private. As a thank you, I can take the money I earned One-tenth of the money will be given to you as a thank you to the Wanshi family."

Mrs. Fickichick was very interested in Luke's proposal.

Two people must buy more shops than one person. In the eyes of outsiders, so many shops belong to the Fickchik family, which can better demonstrate the wealth of the Fikechik family. And Luke is willing to give himself a tenth of the money he makes, which is money he picked up for nothing.

Mrs. Fickchek asked: "How much are you going to invest? If it's too small to buy a few stores, I won't take a tenth of the commission."

"My deposit is 20,000..."

Mrs. Fickchek showed an expression of unwillingness to take you to play: "So little?"

"Gold coupons! They are all stored in the World Bank and can be withdrawn at the Holy Mountain branch."

"Twenty thousand gold coupons!" Mrs. Fikechik's eyes widened. "Is it so profitable to be an adventurer?"

Coco, who was eating at the side, said: "Mr. Luke is a very good adventurer, and his bounty for accepting high-level commissions is very high...very, very high."

The 20,000 gold coupons are 100 million Reichsmarks, and Coconut knows that Luke earned 100 million Reichsmarks on the way to the Holy Mountain.

Mrs. Fickchek calmed down and said to Luke: "The shops in the Holy Mountain are about tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Reichsmarks. The workshops are a little more expensive. After all, workshops generally have a relatively large area, and there are Most craftsmen and apprentices need to pay hundreds of thousands at a time, and some workshops with excellent craftsmen may need millions.

Your 100 million Reichsmark can buy many shops and workshops. "

That's pretty much what Luke learned.

The economy of the holy mountain is backward, the land has not been commercialized, and the value of craftsmen is higher than that of land.

If the Celtic Duke lifts the factory restrictions and the factory enters the holy mountain, most of the craftsmen will be worthless, so Sergey, a human businessman who knows the inside information, sells his shops and workshops.

Mrs. Fickchek has acquired so many shops and workshops, she has no competitiveness in the face of the factories that will be established in the future. But the taxes that should be paid have to be paid, and the wages that should be paid have to be paid. When she can't afford the expenses, she will sell all the shops and workshops in her hands at a low price.

At that time, the human merchant Sergey bought back all these shops and workshops. People are laid off and sent to factories, and the land in their hands will become more and more expensive as the economy rises.

Very shrewd take all.

But this time Mrs. Fickichek has a trick.

Luke is her cheat.

Luke said to Mrs. Fickchek: "Then please ask my wife to buy all my money into shops and workshops. I won't stay in the holy mountain for too long, so in order to hurry, I am willing to buy at a premium."

"Isn't it too bad to buy at a premium?"

Luke ate the meat on the dinner plate, and replied to Mrs. Fickchek: "Although it seems a bit disadvantageous, compared to making money in the future, of course, the more shops the better.

Madam doesn't need to talk to those merchants who are willing to sell the store, you can also talk to those who are not willing to sell. I believe that as long as the money is in place, there is no business that cannot be negotiated. "

Mrs. Fickchek looked at Luke: "Is this the attitude of the upper class in Rage City when they talk about business? I used to quarrel with others for a little money, and it was indeed too disrespectful.

Don't worry, Mr. Luke, as long as you are willing to pay a premium, I promise to turn all your money into the shops of the Holy Mountain as soon as possible, and the Stone Family will protect their safety! "

Seeing that Mrs. Fekchik was so confident in the acquisition of the store, Luke continued to say: "It doesn't matter if the 20,000 gold coupons are used up. I have very good credit in the World Bank, and I can borrow a lot of money from them." .You just buy the shop with confidence, the money will definitely be enough!"

With that said, Luke took out a check and handed it to Mrs. Fickichick.

Then come up with an agreement.

Mrs. Fickchuk, who was a very simple savage without her husband's shrewd mind, thought little of Luke's ability to get so much money.

Now there was an "unlimited" check open, and Mrs. Fekchick's second preference trumped the first.

After carefully reading the agreement, Mrs. Fickichek felt that there was no problem and signed it. Then I lost my appetite, stuffed something into my mouth casually, and couldn't wait to go shopping on the street.

Coconut sitting opposite Luke asked: "Why do you buy so many shops in the Holy Mountain, as if you can make a lot of money. But according to my understanding of the merchants in the Holy Mountain, the profit of the shops is not high, and the craftsmen can't do much in a day. .If you resell the goods from outside, you won’t need many shops.”

Luke said: "In business, there are short-term ones and long-term ones. What I'm doing this time is long-term. Even if I don't make a profit or even lose money for a period of time, in the long run, I will definitely make money."

"I don't understand."

"It's okay if you don't understand." Luke didn't intend to explain to the coconut, he asked, "Are you full?"

Coconut drank all the milk wine in the cup: "I'm full, what else can I do?"

"Isn't there a Hercules competition in the afternoon? When we're full, let's go to the competition."

The whole morning training made Coconut forget about the game, and only remembered it after Luke's reminder.

"Yes, the Hercules competition. I have seen the competition between you and those barbarians yesterday, and I believe that you will definitely surprise everyone's attention in today's competition.

Let's go! "

Coconut, who is extremely enthusiastic about the game, urges Luke in turn.

Luke ate the food on the dinner plate and took the coconut to the Hercules match. I didn't expect to meet a group of savages just after I went out. They were the savages of the Stone family who lost to Luke yesterday.

When the savages of the Stone family saw Luke, they surrounded him as if they were brothers.

After saying hello in a hurry, Luke knew what they were coming for.

The savages knew that Luke was going to participate in the Hercules competition in the afternoon, so they came here to cheer for Luke. They were happier than participating in the Hercules competition themselves.

"Brother Luke, you are the strongest human being I have ever seen. You will definitely win the Hercules competition."

"But you will never be able to grab the golden belt of the strongest strongman. We have to see which barbarian can defeat you."

"The barbarians must be the most powerful. But Brother Luke is really strong. Today, the entire Holy Mountain will know that there is a human being who has more strength than most barbarians."

"The most powerful human is our good brother!"

The wheel battle at the pool party made the savages of the Stone family admire Luke's strength. They came to cheer for Luke, and they also wanted to see who could defeat this human Hercules.

A large group of barbarians surrounded Luke and swaggered through the streets of the Holy Mountain. Many people recognized that the group of barbarians belonged to the Stone Clan. They scratched their heads and thought... When did the barbarians of the Stone Clan become so close to humans?

The Hercules Arena is a landmark building in the Holy Mountain. Its shape is similar to the Colosseum, surrounded by stepped stands, surrounding the circular playing field in the middle.

The Hercules competition is held once a month, and the top ten can get the winning prize, and the first place can get the golden belt and enjoy the cheers of the audience.

The competition proceeds very quickly, starting in the afternoon, and most of the time the champion can be decided in the evening.

The way to sign up is also very simple. There are several huge stone piers at the entrance to the competition venue. If you hold one of them and persist for ten seconds, you will be eligible to participate in the official competition.

Many barbarians will try, but there are very few barbarians who can completely lift the stone pier to qualify for the competition.

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