Age of Mysticism

Chapter 436 The Storm

What Luke really cares about is that this time he can use charity as an excuse to conduct a census for the Tedgar Hills.

Through the research on the lineage of the Coco Valkyrie these days, Luke has become more and more convinced of his own judgment. After a long period of reproduction, the lineage of the Valkyrie is scattered in a large area in the Tedgar Hills area.

Finding them out is a very big project.

But no matter how big or cumbersome the project is, it has to be done.

Do it step by step.

The first step is this census. Establish population files and sort out the family relationship of blood. First, do an extensive preliminary screening of the population of the Tedgar Hills, then you can use the coconut as a starting point to find out people who may have the blood of the Valkyrie through her blood lineage.

The next step is to scatter hospitals and basic medical institutions into the towns of the Tedgar Hills through charities. When they return to Raging Waves City, they can conduct a more in-depth analysis of the coconut's blood and tissues. With specific data, these charitable medical institutions can then be used to accurately locate potential people of the Valkyrie bloodline.

The sooner these measures are implemented, the sooner the Martial God can be systematically trained.

As for what else can these non-profit charities do once they enter Tedgar Hills?

It depends on what Luke needs them for.

To engage in murder and subversion, you don't have to do it yourself. Charity is a very deceptive cloak, and it is easy to gain favor and goodwill.

Baron Sergey is still in the groping stage of industrialized warfare, and for this kind of higher-latitude warfare, even Luke is just imitating it again. There is no such place as the Tedgar Hills where a large population is still in a state of ignorance. resistant.

Luke wants to control this treasure land, it is all aspects of control, not only the land but also the hearts of the people.

Although Sergey is also very puzzled by this kind of self-sacrificing charity, he can't think of any harm to himself from investing in this kind of civilian infrastructure. He can only blame it on the wealthy businessmen of Raging Waves City Prodigal in different ways.

Just like Mrs. Fickichek's purchase of a store, it is a show of wealth beyond the vulgar taste.

At this time, Baron Sergey regarded Luke as a noble person who turned his life, not only awakened himself when he needed to change his mind the most, but also found so many complaints for himself when he needed money the most .

Although Baron Sergey suspected that Luke was sent by the empire, the current baron no longer cared whether it was a coincidence that Luke appeared on the holy mountain at this time, or whether he had other intentions.

Mr. Luke means a lot to me.


It is very, very important to the future of the Tedgar Hills people.

Baron Sergey stood up and held Luke's hand tightly, and said affectionately: "Mr. Luke, you are really the mentor for the rise of the human race in the Tedgar Hills!

If you are willing to stay in the holy mountain, I can give you the post of captain of the wolf brigade. "

For Luke, the asking price was not generally low.

Luke continued to act like he had no interest in this kind of power: "Master Baron, I know my ability, and managing more than a thousand people is too much for me.

I think it's good to be the Inspector General. After everything about the Holy Mountain is over, I will go on my next adventure. "

Baron Sergey regretted not being able to keep Luke, and now he needs this powerful, influential, and wise assistant too much.

But thinking of the unstoppable rise of the human race in the Tedgar Hills and the smooth road to the top, Baron Sergey was less disappointed.

Everything is waiting for the final battle of Hercules held by the Duke's Castle, which will spiritually open the last shackles in the hearts of the people in the Tedgar Hills, and at the same time deal the heaviest blow to the barbarians.

Then Baron Sergey discussed with Luke what cooperation the two sides should do during the game. At the same time, he told Luke the layout of the Duke's castle in detail. If the Duke of Celtic turned his face in anger, Luke would have a chance to escape.

Luke also took the opportunity to ask Baron Sergey about the Abyss Temple on the pretext that an abyss priest owed him money.

The people of the Holy Mountain were relatively close to the Abyss Temple. They actively donated money to the Abyss Temple, and then used the influence of the temple on the barbarians to improve their status.

For his own benefit, Baron Sergey no longer cared about Luke's origin, and told him some secrets of the Abyss Temple that he knew.

There are still three apostles left in the abyss. They are still like brothers on the surface, but the contradiction is already extremely sharp.

Baron Sergey said that the volume of the Abyss Temple was still lowered when the room was heavily restricted: "It has been nearly a hundred years since the Abyss Temple came to the Holy Mountain, and the power of the Abyss Apostle is unmatched. But in a short time The four apostles died, and all of them died at the hands of the elf Qingkong.

Although the elf Qingkong is very strong, her method of killing the apostles is very... How should I put it? In the words of an abyss mage who knows the inside story, it is restraint.

Every time he fights against the Abyss Apostles, Fairy Qingkong can accurately find the weakness of each Abyss Apostle, and kill them with absolute restraint.

Moreover, the elf Qingkong also knew many secrets of the Abyss Temple, as if she followed the establishment and development of the temple. But the elf Qingkong has never appeared in the temple before, the only possibility is... there is her insider in the temple of the abyss.

The status of this insider is very high... very very very high. "

Baron Sergey added three exceptions again and again, and almost said the Abyss Apostle.

Luke showed a look of sudden realization: "Every time Priest Egbert sees me, he is mysterious and looks very nervous. It turns out that such a big thing happened inside the temple."

When Baron Sergey heard Priest Egbert's name, he immediately thought of who he was: "Priest Egbert is a person trusted by the first apostle Victor, who had a dispute with you in the mission entrusted by the Adventurer's Association Is that him?"

Luke replied: "It's him! I completed the commission he issued, but he has no money to pay me."

Hearing that a distinguished abyss priest was so downcast, Baron Sergey couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The Abyss Temple has lost four abyss apostles, and it has not shown the Duke's great trust to them in the war against the empire. Duke The castle is very short of money now, so the funding for the Abyss Temple is naturally much less.

We merchants are all preparing for the lifting of the factory restrictions, and our donations to the Temple of the Abyss have decreased a lot. Moreover, the interior of the Abyss Temple was chaotic, and the apostles were fighting each other very fiercely. Priest Egbert would definitely be implicated.

How much does he owe you?

If there are not many, it is better not to have too much entanglement with the Abyss Temple in this special matter. "

For Baron Sergey, before the dust of smuggling and investment is settled, there must be no mistakes in Luke's safety.

It is definitely not a wise move to provoke the Abyss Temple at this time.

Luke didn't tell Sergey that Egbert was going to take him to accept the abyss of the body, and the abyss of the body would not be able to participate in the final match of Hercules, which increased his worries.

"How to make follow-up compensation, I have already negotiated with Priest Egbert. After I get the final payment, I can return to Rage City with Mrs. Fickchek's reply.

Lord Baron, you said that there are conflicts among the apostles, will it implicate Priest Egbert? Although the money he owes me is not too much, it is not too much..."

Baron Sergey recalled what he had learned from the Abyss Temple recently, and replied to Luke: "The Abyss Temple seems to be preparing for a big ceremony recently, and the three apostles have also reached a certain tacit agreement, and the interior of the Abyss Temple is much more stable. .

Priest Egbert said that he can give you the rest of the money because he is safe.

What do you need me to do for you? "

"No need! The commission of Egbert's sacrifice is issued in the Adventurer's Association, and the entire mission process is under the supervision and protection of the Association." Luke then stood up: "If there is nothing else, I will leave. I promise The Stubborn Stone family has transformed a few storm barbarians for them, and it is estimated that they have been waiting for me very anxiously."

Baron Sergey didn't care about the storm barbarians Luke said, and all he had in his mind was his bright future.

"The car that picked you up, as well as the private Joe John, served you during your stay in the Holy Mountain. If there is anything that needs to be done by the Wolf Brigade, please feel free to command them. You are now their idol and theirs sir."

"Thank you, Lord Baron."

After being personally sent off by Baron Sergey, Luke left the barracks of the Wolf Brigade by car and returned to Fekchik's house.

Sure enough, the stubborn stone barbarians waited extremely anxiously.

They all experienced Cato's power, not just crushing in strength. When Cato used the power of the storm, the group of stubborn stone barbarians went up together, but they couldn't even touch the hem of Cato's clothes.

Manipulating the wind is much more cool than pure power.

The stubborn savages who spend all day in Fekchik's house are from the younger generation of the family, and they can't stand the attraction of this kind of ability.

So they had the audacity to come to Luke with as much gifts as they could find, and begged Luke to give them the power of the storm.

Luke is helping the human race now, and the barbarians can't favor one over the other. He already regards the Tedgar Hills as his own territory, and the human race and barbarians are his palms and backs, and a bowl of water must be leveled.

And if you want to weaken the influence of the Abyss Temple in the Tedgar Hills, you must come up with something that can compete with the blood-sworn barbarians.

Luke agrees to magically transform the barbarians of the Stone family, giving them the power of the storm.

Just wanting to become a storm barbarian has certain physical requirements. Before participating in the ceremony of the wolf brigade, he passed the assessment and selected four barbarians from the stubborn stone family, and made preparations to perform magical transformation on them .

In the underground training ground of Fekchik's house, the magic circle structure that was transformed for Cato last time is still there. Just because there is no infusion of magic power, the entire magic circle is in a dormant state.

Luke returns, and the magical transformation of the stony savage continues.

The training ground was full of barbarians, many of whom had heard the news and came here from everywhere.

Hundreds of barbarians are just a part of the younger generation of the stubborn stone family, which shows how powerful the stubborn stone family is in the entire holy mountain.


Luke, who was standing on the edge of the magic circle structure, read out a name, and a barbarian who was significantly larger than the other barbarians stepped out.

Natchhal has a certain reputation among these barbarians. He has been the king of children since he was a child, and his father holds an important position in the Duke's castle.

"Mr. Luke." Natchhal saluted Luke respectfully. At the pool party, he was overwhelmed by Luke's strength. This time, Mr. Luke wants to give himself stronger power, and there is no hypocrisy in his respect for Luke.

Luke patted Nachhal's strong muscles kindly, and motioned him to walk into the center circle of the magic circle on the ground.

"Stand still and don't move. Any small movement will cause the magic to fail. Not only will it cause damage to you, but it will also make you permanently lose the possibility of becoming a storm barbarian."

Luke's words made Natchhal, who was already nervous, even more nervous. He immediately shrank his body, even crossed his hands and hugged his shoulders, trying to make his skeleton narrower. a girl facing violence.

This caused a roar of laughter from the savages onlookers.

Nachihal roared angrily: "Why are you laughing, when it comes to you, you are not much better than me..."

Before Nacihar finished speaking, the magic circle structure under his feet rose rapidly layer by layer after a strong light shone, instantly forming a "cage" to lock Nacihar in it.

Natchhal didn't dare to bicker with his companions any more. He watched the magic circle structure around him emit magical light layer by layer. There was not only nervousness in his eyes, but also excitement.

I will soon be able to control the wind like Cato.

But the pain before gaining the ability must be endured.

With a complete magic circle structure, the subsequent transformation is very simple.

Conduct a loop check of the magic circle structure, and then start all the magic power nodes of the magic circle for large-scale magic formation. As Luke chanted spells and gestures, the fully activated magic imprinted magic in the body of the barbarian Natchhal in the flashing and shrinking of the strong light.

The sudden pain made Natchhal's body bend into a "shrimp", which was a pain he had never experienced before, as if a force was tearing his skin, cutting his muscles, and Magical symbols carved into his own bones.

At the same time, he also realized that his sense of airflow was unprecedentedly clear. The wind flows with its own power, they are born of power, like loyalty and their own dependents, driven by themselves.

After the pain subsided, Natchhal opened his eyes, and there was a lot of cyan fluid in his vision. He knew that it was the wind energy generated with his own power, and he also knew that his eyes would definitely become the same as Cato beside him.

Cato stepped forward and hugged Natchal like a brother.

"Congratulations on becoming a storm barbarian, my brother Storm Natchhal!"

Natchhal, who also felt more intimate with the barbarian who was not of the Stone family, held Cato tightly: "My brother Cato the Storm."

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