Age of Mysticism

Chapter 439 Returning to the Imperial Capital

The prison of the Abyssal Temple is filled with the pungent stench of excrement. There are too many abyss mages imprisoned inside, and more than ten people were crammed into a small prison. Some abyssal mages appeared abyssalized, and Luke and Egbert came in to make them very irritable.

Wails, cries for help, and gibberish were all in chaos.

Walking all the way, Luke saw large areas of blood that had not been cleaned up, as well as minced meat and limbs.

This shows that there are simply not enough people to deal with these dirty things.

And there are fewer guards in the prison than imagined.

After external and internal friction, the Abyss Temple has reached the point where the oil is exhausted. It is estimated that the abyssal apostles realized that if they continued to fight like this, what would be left to the temple would be self-destruction.

Instead of everyone dying together, it's better to tear your face apart and have a decisive battle.

Only the final winner will have the chance to rebuild the Abyss Temple on the ruins.

Visiting the prison made Luke feel the weakness of the Abyss Temple even more, and a decisive battle between the apostles was imminent.

Luke found the wizard, huddled in a felt blanket in the innermost corner of his cell. There's a crack in the wall that communicates with the sore-faced man outside through the scorpion centipede.

Luke wondered if the wizard had received word that a rescue was imminent. He didn't stay too long in front of the wizard's prison, he just glanced at him and walked to the next prison...

The holy mountain has entered the most important moment, and one after another major events are about to erupt in a concentrated manner, which will have an extremely far-reaching impact on the entire Tedgar Hills.

In the city of St. Lun in the empire, an airship with a world tree painting landed on the airship landing platform high in the palace.

The hatch opened, the ladder was lowered, and a group of moonlight knights in armor came down from it.

Finally, the Queen of Moonlight, Qingkong, stepped out of the airship.

On the landing platform, Princess Agatha of the Empire led a team of royal knights to welcome the queen.

The royal knights saluted together: "Your Majesty, welcome back to Saint Lun City."

Qingkong nodded back to Agatha who was saluting to him: "You don't need to be so flattering to me, just call me Qingkong. Does Your Highness have time now?"

Agatha ordered her entourage to receive the Moonlight Knights, and then walked along the stairs to the interior of the palace with Sunny Sky.

With no idlers left, Agatha was much more kind to Qingkong: "His Royal Highness the Queen knew that Miss Qingkong was about to arrive, so she pushed away everything, she is waiting for you.

The arrival of the angels really caught us off guard. We don't even know what they want to do now? "

As he walked, Qingkong asked, "What did the angels do to build the church in Saint Lun City?"

Agatha replied: "All the angels who descended are in Silver Manor, and they haven't left Silver Manor even half a step until today. Moreover, they don't hire any servants, and the Bureau of Secret Affairs has no way to insert spies into it.

Both Her Royal Highness and I believe that there must be something in the city of St. Lun that attracted the angels, and they used such extreme means to achieve their goal of entering the city of St. Lun. "

"How is the empire going to respond?"

"There is no good way. We can only endure this kind of invasion first, and actively integrate resources to prepare for possible conflicts with Sky City in the future. Fortunately, this time the angels can come, claiming that the Empire and Sky City have long been The agreement will not cause a big mess.

The empire cannot afford internal chaos now.

Archangel Gold is in the Moonlight Court, does he have any explanation for the sudden arrival of the angel in Saint Lun City? "

Qingkong and Agatha walked into the corridor leading to the queen's study, and the palace guards on duty saluted them one by one.

"This matter has nothing to do with Archangel Gold, but he also didn't give any explanation for the angel's arrival in St. Lun City. Now he should have returned to Sky City, so he probably can't help much."

At this time, the two came to the door of the queen's study, and Agatha stopped and asked in a low voice, "Where is the meteor?"

The door was opened from the inside, and Qingkong replied to Agatha: "He is in the holy mountain of Tedgar Hills."

When Agatha heard that Meteor was in the Holy Mountain, she immediately caught up with the one who walked into the study.

clear sky. After the door closed automatically, she opened the restriction in the study and asked nervously, "How did he go to the Holy Mountain! It's the lair of the Celtic Duke and the Abyss Temple! He, he, is he dying?"

The study room is spacious and bright, and all kinds of expensive decorations and furnishings make it look magnificent.

Queen Christina sat behind the desk, preparing the topics for the upcoming imperial meeting.

Hearing the conversation between Agatha and Qingkong, she raised her head and asked nervously: "Is the meteorite really in the holy mountain?"

Sunny sat down on the chair by the floor-to-ceiling windows. The downstairs outside was a garden with spring flowers blooming and new branches and tender leaves, which was very pleasing to the eye.

"Yes, he is in the holy mountain now. The matter over there is about to come to an end, and he will be back soon."

Queen Christina and Agatha came to sit down, and the three of them flew over around a crystal coffee table, a teapot and three teacups, and poured them three cups of hot tea.

Agatha asked: "What is he doing in the holy mountain? He went to such a dangerous place, shouldn't you also protect him in the holy mountain?"

Agatha showed her concern for Luke, and Queen Christina also looked at the clear sky, waiting for an answer.

The teacup flew into Qingkong's hand, and she said: "The meteorites don't need too much protection now, but the angels who descended on Shenglun City need to know that this is not a place where they can act recklessly.

Rest assured, Meteorite is perfectly safe now. He is now a priest of the Abyss Temple, a candidate for the Abyss Apostle... and will soon become a hero of the Tedgar tribe and a distinguished guest of the Duke of Celtic. "

After speaking, Clear Sky slowly sipped tea.

The expressions of Agatha and Queen Christina changed from worry to surprise, and then to taking it for granted.

This is the Meteor they know.

However, he had only been to the Tedgar Hills for a few days, and he became the priest of the Abyss Temple, the hero of the human race in the Tedgar Hills, and the distinguished guest of the Celtic Duke.

It's too unbelievable.

If he is allowed to stay in the holy mountain for a few more days, will the barbarian legion surrender directly to the empire!

Queen Christina asked: "How did he do it? Can the barbarian rebellion in the Tedgar Hills be solved in one fell swoop?"

Qingkong replied: "I don't know exactly how it was done. But the affairs inside the Tedgar Hills are very complicated, and cannot be completely resolved by simple tactics and military operations.

Solving the problem of the barbarians needs to be done step by step, and the Northern Legion must be solved first.

Let's discuss these matters after Meteor returns.

I came back this time to deal with these descending angels. "

Agatha asked: "What are you going to do with them?"

Qing Kong closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes became brighter, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Of course it's a date!"

I'm too busy during the Spring Festival, so let's add 2000 words today.

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