Age of Mysticism

Chapter 446 Mutual Trust among Allies

Hearing that he was about to enter the Abyss Temple, the wizard couldn't stop trembling. The prison disaster these days has caused too much psychological shadow on him. He dare not even sleep, for fear that some prisoner will suddenly turn into a monster and tear himself into pieces.

The horrific memory sent his body from shaking to convulsing, with some mucus coming from his nose, ears and eyes.

"I won't go, I won't go, I won't go..." The wizard shook his head: "I don't want to become a monster."

The abnormality of the wizard has aroused the vigilance of the imperial spies. Seeing the sorcerer pulling his skirt tightly, the spy chief stepped forward and tore his collar away.

The wizard's chest was covered with black lines, and there was a vertical crack with a length of ten centimeters. The muscles on both sides of the crack slowly wriggled, as if they were about to open.

Seeing such a scene, the spy leader put a dagger on the wizard's neck, turned to Luke and said, "My lord, he will turn into a monster at any time. Death is the last dignity we can give him as a human being."

Luke rested his two-handed sword on the wizard's shoulders again.

But no matter how the sacred energy is input, the abyss of the wizard shows no sign of stopping. The crack in his chest is gradually opening, and the eyes inside can be seen.

The spy chief's dagger had cut the skin on the wizard's neck, and blood seeped out with mucus. The leader eagerly said to Luke: "If he turns into a monster, his strength will suddenly increase, and it will expose this place."

"Wait a little longer!" Luke retracted the steel wings of the blazing feathers, and pointed his finger between the wizard's eyebrows.

Clear sky, lend me a little power of the starry sky.

A cool energy was sent into the wizard's eyebrows.

The voice of the clear sky rang in Luke's ear: "His abyssalization is already at an advanced stage, the energy of the starry sky can only temporarily prevent the abyssalization from continuing, and cannot completely purify the abyssal energy he absorbed.

If you want him to fully recover, you probably need to wait for the World Tree to advance to an artifact. "

"I see."

The eyes that were about to open in the wizard's chest gradually closed. Although the crack was still there, it was very calm. The wizard's trembling body also calmed down, and he took a long breath. The changes just now put a heavy burden on his body.

The sore-faced man hurriedly found a cloth to wipe the oozing mucus for the wizard.

Seeing that the wizard seemed to have recovered, the spy leader also took back the dagger, and asked Luke curiously: "My lord, how did you do it? You actually prevented the abyss from turning! According to our investigation, the abyss turns is irreversible, unstoppable."

Luke observed the wizard's situation, and replied casually: "This is the spell taught to me by Miss Weathering Sky before I came to the Holy Mountain. Miss Weathering Sky is an expert in dealing with the Temple of the Abyss."

Hearing that this was a spell researched by Miss Weathering Sky, the imperial agents all showed such expressions.

Everyone was afraid that they would be eroded by the energy of the abyss if they went deep into the abyss temple this time, but now they have no worries.

Luke waited for the wizard for a while, saw that he had recovered, and said, "There is too much abyssal energy left in your body, and this spell by Miss Weathering cannot remove them all. If you are willing to take us into the abyss temple, I will take you Go to Saint Lun City, and Miss Weather will treat you personally."

The spiritually recovered wizard is aware of his physical condition, and if he does not clear the abyssal energy in his body, it is only a matter of time before he becomes abyssal again.

But he still asked worriedly: "Miss Qingkong has such a noble status, will she treat me who is humble? I am an abyss mage, the sworn enemy of Oulu Academy."

Luke said: "If you help us prevent the abyss from falling and destroy the abyss weapon, I think Miss Weatherlight will be willing to treat you."

"I will take you into the Abyss Temple."

"Very good!" Seeing the wizard nodding, Luke said to everyone in the room, "Let's make a plan first."

The sore-faced man immediately pulled out a hand-painted map of the Abyss Temple and hung it on the wall.

Luke walked to the map, and the others gathered around.

The spy leader took out his magic wand and released magic lights to illuminate the map.

Luke pointed to the location of the prison on the map, and said: "We entered through the tunnel to rescue the wizard, and occupied the prison without triggering the alarm.

After controlling the prison, we split into two groups. I took Naco and Storm Cato to prevent the abyss from falling; you follow the wizard to find the abyss weapon, and collect as much information as possible on the premise of destroying the abyss weapon.

After the task is completed, return to the prison and return the same way.


When the sore-faced man heard Luke calling his name, he immediately asked, "Me, what am I doing?"

"You and your little ones guard the prison to respond."

Morpeth said very unconfidently: "I, I, can I do it?"

"I can only give you two imperial spies, if you can't do it, you can do it!"

After speaking, Luke took out his pocket watch: "The task time is one hour, starting from the time of controlling the prison, and checking the time now."

Several imperial agents took out their pocket watches at the same time, and adjusted their own time according to the hands on Luke's dial.

At this time, outside the gate of the Abyss Temple, the Iron Armored Barbarians of the Duke's Castle confronted the Abyss Mages.

Iron armored barbarians are the personal soldiers of the Celtic Duke, all of whom are elite fighters who have made great achievements in the barbarian army. They wore full-body steel armor, held two-meter-long swords in both hands, and stood in a sideways impact posture.

As long as the Duke of Celtic gives an order, this torrent of steel will immediately rush towards the enemy without hesitation.

On the opposite side of the armored barbarian army are the abyss mages and abyss familiars.

Ugly in shape, the Abyss Envoy is full of tentacles, strange limbs and eyeballs in front of it, and disgusting mucus spews out from a certain mouth from time to time.

The abyss mages stood in rows behind the abyss familiars, and they chanted spells or secret words to prepare spells before the battle.

Inside the gate of the Abyss Temple, black clouds and mist surged, and the hissing sound of wild beasts echoed from inside.

The Celtic Duke was dressed in gorgeous silver heavy armor, with a makeshift ducal crown on his head. He stood in front of the armored barbarian army with a broad-bladed sword in both hands, and stood beside him were more than a dozen barbarian heroes with extraordinary combat power.

Seeing so many strange and disgusting monsters in front of him, the Duke of Celtic looked even more solemn.

He just heard about these monsters in the Abyss Temple. Although he had imagined these monsters as hateful at the time, after seeing the real appearance, he found that he thought of them too beautifully.

These are all changed by people!

If the energy from the abyss pollutes the holy mountain, I may also become like this.

Or the Abyss Apostle has long had the idea of ​​transforming me into this kind of monster.

"Let all your abyss apostles come out!"

All the armored savages stomped forward together, shouting in unison, and the momentum caused the mountain wall to vibrate, as if there would be a landslide at any time.

A stone rolled down from the mountain wall, causing some confusion among the group of abyss mages. The iron-clad barbarians were not affected in any way, and the army continued to move forward neatly.

The Duke of Celtic was also fearless, walking forward along with the army formation.

Facing the oppressive barbarians, the abyss mages who mastered magic and secret techniques retreated step by step.

"Master Apostle is here!"

With a shout, all the abyss mages breathed a sigh of relief. Normally, they consciously master high-level power and should be superior to others. Today, they face the most elite barbarian army, and they find that they simply cannot muster up the courage to fight.

The black mist inside the gate of the Abyss Temple surged violently, and three apostles in black robes came out from inside.

The abyss mage and the abyss familiars stepped aside one after another.

The three apostles walked up to the Celtic Duke, and under the watchful eyes of the Duke, they performed the mage salute together.

Apostle Victor who stood in the middle said, "Your Excellency, you suddenly led your troops to surround the Abyss Temple today. I don't know what we did wrong to cause you so much anger."

The burly and tall Celtic Duke looked down at the three apostles and said, "Stop the abyss, this is my order to you!"

Apostle Victor replied: "This time the abyss came, I asked you, Lord Duke, for instructions. In order to restore the power of the temple and provide better support for the barbarian army, you agreed to the abyss coming."

The Duke of Celtic said contemptuously: "I agree that the descent of the abyss is the basis for our mutual trust, but... you have broken this mutual trust.

Last night, when I was talking about the storm barbarian transformation technology deal with the adventurer Luke, Luke told me that the Temple of the Abyss also wanted the storm barbarian transformation technology, and it was exclusive!

Victor, how are you going to explain it? "

After listening to the Duke of Celtic, the other two apostles looked at Victor together. Obviously, this was Victor's claim without discussing it with them.

Apostle Victor did not expect that Luke would sell himself so quickly and thoroughly.

He argued: "Master Duke of Celtic, have you been deceived? I have never talked to Luke about the storm barbarian transformation technology, and I have never thought of exclusive use of this technology.

I think your lord, you should investigate Luke first, he is obviously trying to drive a wedge between our alliance. "

Seeing that Victor dared to quibble, the Duke of Celtic laughed mockingly: "Victor, you are the number one apostle of the Abyss Temple. Don't you dare to admit what you did and said? You met Luke yesterday, After that, Luke was promoted from an abyss mage candidate to a priest, and the priest Egbert was there at that time.

Priest Egbert is now a guest at the Duke's Castle, and he told me everything. "

Victor looked at the "good brothers" on the left and right with a very bad expression. Without their help, Celtic would never be able to catch Egbert.

People's hearts are really scattered!

"Okay, I admit that I want to enjoy the transformation technology of the storm barbarians exclusively. But this has nothing to do with the abyss, I assure you, Lord Duke, that the abyss will be strictly confined to the abyss temple, and will not cause any damage to other places in the holy mountain." Influence."

"You tried to blackmail me with the storm barbarian transformation technology, and just now you deceived me, how can I believe your promise?"

Victor said: "My lord, I think the transformation technology of the storm barbarians is a conspiracy of the empire. Luke must be captured as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely escape with the transformation technology of the storm barbarians."

"Victor!" the Celtic Duke scolded angrily: "Don't use your dark heart to speculate on a noble adventurer! Mr. Luke has given me the transformation technology of the Storm Barbarian, and my mage advisor has confirmed that it is complete. With the latest technology, the Duke Castle will soon be able to cultivate storm barbarians.

I don't know if this is a conspiracy of the empire, if it is... I will definitely give a medal to the creator of this conspiracy.

The barbarian future he gave me also made me see you clearly! "

Victor didn't expect Luke to give the Storm Barbarian technology to the Celtic Duke.

Just now he thought that Luke was an imperial spy. He used the storm barbarian transformation technology as a bait to drive a wedge between the Duke of Celtic and the Temple of the Abyss, and finally fled from the Holy Mountain.

Let no one get the storm barbarian technology.

With this technology, the empire can do a lot of work, and gradually disintegrate and reap the barbarian groups on all sides of the Tedgar Hills.

But Luke actually handed over all the technology to the Celtic Duke. If Luke is an imperial agent, this is completely worth the candle!

Is he really just an adventurer?

Apostle Victor had no way to add charges to Luke. He could only blame the sudden appearance of the storm barbarian transformation technology and a bunch of bad things inside the temple, which made him do a stupid thing without thinking.

Right now, we can only do our best to bring about the coming of the abyss.

"My lord, maybe I wrongly blamed Mr. Luke and caused a crisis of trust among our allies. The Temple of the Abyss is willing to apologize and compensate you for our mistakes..."

Before the apostle Victor finished speaking, the second apostle said: "Victor, you are the one who made a mistake, why is the temple making an apology and compensation?"

The third apostle also said: "Yes! Originally, everything was normal when the abyss descended, but it was your mistake that made the Duke feel uneasy.

Facing the pressure of the empire now, the Abyss Temple and the Duke's Castle must closely trust each other and help each other. If you want to exclusively enjoy the transformation technology of the Storm Barbarians, you not only need to give an explanation to the Duke, but also to the Temple. "

Apostle Victor felt the pressure from the three parties.

These two guys not only colluded with Qingkong, but also colluded with Celtic. Judging by today's posture, he wants to take the opportunity to bring me down.

"Yes, I should take full responsibility for this matter." Victor's apostle retreated: "I give up the position of the first apostle, who of you wants to take over? Or... the Duke of Celtic gave a suggestion .”

Apostle Victor gave up power, making the whole scene suddenly quiet.

Who will be the first apostle?

Neither the second apostle nor the third apostle took the initiative to speak. Isn't it clear that they are Victor's target for seizing the throne at this time?

The Duke of Celtic didn't speak either, he didn't want to expose the apostle he had won so hard.

Time passed minute by minute.

After a while, the Duke of Celtic said: "Determining who will be the first apostle is a matter within your Abyss Temple. I hope that the Abyss Temple will recover from the turmoil as soon as possible, but in the case of ghosts inside you, Abyss Advent has the possibility of getting out of control.

This descent from the abyss must end! "

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