Age of Mysticism

Chapter 475 What I mean, do you understand?

There was a brief silence in the room, as if the heartbeats of three people could be heard. This is a mental game, and everyone has goals they want to achieve.

Luke looked at Sinclair standing in the corner, his face was expressionless, and he didn't make eye contact with General Joshua. Then Luke said to Joshua, "His Royal Highness Sinclair begs Her Royal Highness and I to spare your life."

Joshua did not show a surprised expression, and said flatly: "You have finally found an excuse to execute me, and you probably will not agree to His Highness Sinclair. After all, I am dead, and you can better control His Highness Sinclair. Your crime of kleptocracy!"

"Yes, this is a good opportunity to get rid of you." Luke nodded in agreement: "You are dead, and all the political legacy left by Prince Fania will soon disintegrate, and His Royal Highness Sinclair will be able to fulfill it safely The duties entrusted to him by the empire. The Northern Legion belongs to the empire after reorganization, and the Tedgar Hills are in the empire's pocket.

Unfortunately, in order to keep you alive, His Royal Highness Sinclair has made a condition that we cannot refuse. "

"What conditions?" Joshua looked at Sinclair, already having a bad premonition in his heart.

Luke squinted at Joshua, and said slyly, "In order to let us spare your life, His Highness Sinclair is willing to give up his royal status and no longer use the surname Augustine."

"No!" Joshua stood up excitedly, and he said loudly to Sinclair: "How could you have such a stupid idea. Are you worthy of your dead father and mother? Are you worthy of what I taught you?

They can do whatever they want with me, but you are destined to become the emperor of the empire!

You must not be bound by any emotion, you must have the heart of an emperor! "

Sinclair replied: "Uncle Joshua, please don't get excited. As long as you promise not to do anything that endangers the empire, you can live."

Joshua was very angry: "I have never done anything to endanger the empire, but the Queen and Meteor are teaming up to steal the empire. I can die, but someone will inherit my spirit.

Sinclair, you must live with the honor of the Augustine family. Never give the military power of the Northern Legion to anyone. He is the most precious wealth left by your father. "

Sinclair was afraid that what Joshul said would offend Meteor, so he urgently persuaded, "Uncle Joshua, please calm down. Listen to Marquis Meteor, I can keep my royal status, and you may not need to die."

Joshua looked at Luke who was sitting again, and asked resentfully, "You have such a good intention? What kind of conspiracy are you planning!"

"Sit down!" Luke ordered.

Sinclair might lose his royal status, which made Joshua a little apprehensive. He sat back heavily in his chair, stared at Luke and said, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Luke replied: "I want to create a super empire that has never existed since human civilization."

Joshua laughed and said: "The current Golden Shield Empire has been riddled with holes by you. I don't know how many people want to overthrow you. You still want to create a super empire that has never existed before. I think you are digging your own grave." .”

"Digging my own grave, I don't know yet, but I'm doing it."

Luke spoke solemnly, and Joshua also stopped smiling.

"What you said is true?"

Luke smiled and said: "Of course it is true. Your Majesty and I had a special one-on-one meeting, and we worked out the prototype of this super empire together. Therefore, Your Majesty authorized the expansion of Rage City and the expansion of the eastern coastal city of the empire. Included in the economic belt of Raging Waves City.

Now Raging City is not only the center of the empire's wealth, but also the engine for the empire to draw wealth from all over the world. Even though the empire is fighting two wars and various internal consumption, the empire's finances are still very healthy.

If the empire can solve the security problems of the northern border, the Tedgar Hills and the western border, the integrated national power of the empire will have the foundation to become a super empire. "

General Joshuar recognized Raging Waves City's position in the empire and the world.

Wars are fought with real gold and silver, especially the industrially-armed legion of the Northern Frontier Legion, which is a gold-swallowing beast. Since the Northern Legion came to fight in the Tedgar Hills, the empire's logistical supplies to the Legion have never been delayed or cut off.

The empire not only supported the Northern Legion to fight in the Tedgar Hills, but also formed the Snow Army from scratch. From the movement of the northern front in the Spring War, it can be seen that the Snow Army has a strong combat effectiveness.

Most of the combat power of a new legion comes from weapons, equipment and logistical supplies, which shows that the empire's finances have not had any problems due to the war.

It can be seen that Emperor Augustine had the foresight to suddenly vigorously support the city of Raging Waves at the beginning, to expand the city with land, and to divide the economic belt of Raging Waves City, so that the current strong national power is now possible.

This is what Joshuaer did not expect. Augustine the Great not only had an economic layout in Raging Waves City, but even had a plan to create a super empire.

And the executor who created the super empire turned out to be Meteor.

Joshua said dubiously: "We don't even know what you talked about with His Majesty at that meeting, of course the content is whatever you want to say."

Luke nodded in recognition of Joshua's suspicion: "Yes, you can tell lies, but what is happening can't lie.

The world tree is revived, and ancient civilizations that have escaped the world for thousands of years are born together, and there are even older creatures staring at this thriving world. A super empire is not just our subjective desire to create a great existence, but only a super empire can survive in a new battle of civilizations. "

General Joshua couldn't help but be moved by Luke's words.

Although he has been in Triumph Fortress, he is always paying attention to the changes in the empire and the world.

Since the recovery of World Tree, major world-class historical events have followed one after another. Angels forcibly descended on the imperial palace, and the five ancient civilizations gathered in the city of Shenglun.

Anyone with a brain can guess that there must be a big event happening.

Could it be that, as Meteor said, this is the beginning of the Civilization War?

General Joshua asked Luke: "Don't you think that if you tell me this, I will approve your occupation of the empire? This is not the legal principle for your usurpation of power!"

"But only in this way can the unification and integration of the empire be quickly completed."

General Joshua smiled and said, "You finally admit that you are usurping power."

Luke said indifferently: "After the eldest prince Fania launched a coup and rushed into the palace, an unspeakable thing happened. Fania was killed by His Majesty, and I, Queen Christina, and Princess Aga Sha, and even Millscombe, His Majesty's most trusted Chief Royal Knight, believe that His Majesty's state is no longer suitable for ruling the empire.

That's why we unanimously decided to continue to implement His Majesty's last order, and have Queen Christina supervise the country. "

General Joshua asked, "What happened to Your Majesty?"

Luke refused to answer: "It's about His Majesty's honor."

General Joshua said unwillingly: "If His Majesty really can no longer rule the empire, his direct descendants should also oversee the country. It will never be the Queen's turn to oversee the country, which has not given birth to His Majesty's children."

Luke sneered: "Your Majesty has never appointed a crown prince because he believes that none of his descendants is capable of leading the empire in the future world tide.

As far as I am concerned, both the first prince Fania and the second prince Alec have their own interest groups behind them. In the eyes of those big families, the interests of the family are far higher than the interests of the country. Once they are in power, I will fall into endless internal disputes.

Queen Christina is from a dependent country of the empire. She has no roots in the empire, so she can only rely on me, and the city of Raging Waves that I rule can provide the empire with officials with a global vision. This allows the entire empire to have only one voice from top to bottom, and can perfectly complete all my governance, so as to avoid internal friction and concentrate on doing great things. "

This is the powerful minister who has been condemned by countless people.

However, General Joshul had to admit the benefits of this consistent top-to-bottom order, especially in times of turmoil, when internal conflicts are more serious than the consequences of wrong orders.

Moreover, the officials trained by the bureaucratic system of Raging Waves City are much better than the old officials of the empire in terms of making money and gaining insight into opportunities.

General Joshua argued: "Where do you put the authority of the royal family by doing this?"

Luke replied with a smile: "All your struggles are because His Royal Highness Sinclair lost his right to inherit the throne. But you have also seen that His Royal Highness Sinclair can give up his royal status for you. As you said, he has no Emperor heart.

Pushing him to the top during this special period will only harm him. "

General Joshua heard another meaning of Luke: "If it is not a special period, you support His Highness Sinclair to become the emperor of the empire?"

Luke looked at Sinclair, and replied: "General Joshua, you don't have to ask me to make some promises for the unforeseen future. In peacetime, Sinclair must be a capable emperor." , but I don't want to bother about who will be the Emperor of the Empire while I'm creating the Super Empire to deal with future dangers.

You are putting His Royal Highness Sinclair in danger.

I mean, do you understand? "

Sinclair said at this time: "Uncle Joshua, one of the reasons why I give up the right to inherit the throne is that I think I can't lead the empire out of this vortex, but the Marquis of Meteorite has this ability.

Who will become the emperor in the future, why not teach us in the future to decide.

As long as you promise not to endanger the safety of the empire, you will become a commoner and then become a lecturer at the Imperial Military Academy.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess also agreed. "

General Joshua asked Luke: "As long as I promise not to endanger the safety of the empire, can I live?"

"Yes!" Luke nodded in confirmation.

"Those subordinates who follow me can also be forgiven?"

Luke said: "We followed His Royal Highness Sinclair's wishes, only investigated the main participants, and sent them all lightly. But people's hearts are complicated. If they forgive them this time, they may be grateful, or they may rely on His Royal Highness Sinclair. The asylum continued to do outrageous things.

So you have an obligation to urge them so that they don't make mistakes again.

I mean, do you understand? "

Luke hinted at Joshua again.

Joshua, who was hinted twice, froze for a moment, then nodded knowingly: "I understand!"

"Just understand!" Luke stood up and said, "This incident is over, and I will pass on your attitude to Her Royal Highness. When Her Royal Highness Sinclair wanted to give up her royal status, it was Her Royal Highness who refused to accept it. And asked me to make a judgment that satisfies both His Royal Highnesses.

This is a puzzle! "

"This is indeed a difficult problem, but your verdict satisfies both His Royal Highnesses, and I hope you are also satisfied." General Joshua turned to Sinclair and said, "You and the Marquis of Meteorite should go and reply to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. I will Assemble the principal persons involved in this assassination, and tell them of the grace of the Empire."

Sinclair hesitated, his intuition told him something bad was going to happen.

But Meteor has made it clear that it will spare the lives of all those involved in the assassination, and Meteor's attitude is Agatha's.

This is a good thing, why do I have sad emotions in my heart.

Sinclair said, "I stay..."

General Joshua said with a smile: "We old friends discuss what to teach at the Royal Military Academy after retiring from the army, and what are you going to do with your stay? After seeing Her Royal Highness, you can go around the barracks. From now on, this army will be yours. that's it.

Remember not to give up military power under any circumstances, and don't trust anyone.

Let's go with the Marquis of Meteorite, I'm fine! "

General Joshua drove Sinclair out of the room, and then sent his trusted non-commissioned officers to call all the officers involved in the assassination.

Soon the officers arrived one by one, and they gathered around Joshua's desk like yesterday.

Joshua took out wine glasses and red wine from the wine cabinet, and poured wine for the officers himself.

An officer held a glass of wine and said to General Joshul: "Army Commander, I have recruited a group of sergeants. As long as you give a military order, we can immediately complete the arming and surround the train.

In this kind of formal offensive and defensive battle, imperial agents are definitely not our opponents. As long as Agatha and Meteor are killed, His Royal Highness Sinclair will have to declare war on the usurping queen.

The Duke of Celtic will surely support us as well. "

General Joshua's pouring hand paused for a moment, then continued pouring as if nothing had happened, and said, "I saw Meteor just now. He said that because of His Highness Sinclair's insistence, he and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess forgive us for our mistakes. We throw away the wine." military rank, but is spared death."

Hearing this news, the officers were very happy.

A military officer said: "His Royal Highness Sinclair still has us in his heart. We should be more loyal to His Highness and dedicate everything to His Royal Highness to regain the throne."

General Joshua poured out his wine and said, "Yes, Your Highness Sinclair is worthy of everything we give."

Another officer said: "Although we have lost our military posts, our subordinates are still in the legion, and we still have our respective families. Even if we are not in the legion, we can still control the legion for His Royal Highness. As long as His Royal Highness needs us, we can always Put on the military uniform and fight for His Highness."

After pouring the wine, General Joshua held up his glass and said to the officers: "His Royal Highness Sinclair has grown up, and the Northern Legion has also been handed over to him. I have completed half of what His Royal Highness Fania gave me. The task. The rest is to assist His Highness to ascend the throne and become the emperor of a great empire, which requires him to have the heart of an emperor.

Your Royal Highness Sinclair! To the great empire!

cheers! "

All the officers raised their glasses together: "To His Royal Highness Sinclair! To the great empire! Cheers!"

General Joshua watched all the officers drink up their glasses of wine, so he laughed and drank his own.

An hour later, General Joshua's trusted non-commissioned officer reported to the outside world:

General Joshua, together with all the officers involved in the assassination of the eldest princess and the Marquis of Meteor, committed suicide in fear of crime!

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