Age of Mysticism

Chapter 488: Sea of ​​Flowers

When Victor led the second wave of Sand Warrior cavalry into the Moonlight King's Court, the war reached its climax. The Moonlight King's Court's army was all compressed on the periphery of Moon Mountain, and the outer layer was filled with sand warrior cavalry. The two warring parties fought in a circular battlefield, with corpses and gravel piled up in a circle of sand walls.

As the war continued, the sand walls grew taller.

The soldiers of the Moonlight Royal Court did not dare to let the sand warrior cavalry occupy the top of the sand wall to form a downward charge. They defended the sand wall regardless of casualties, and rushed upward one after another.

The tree people inserted their roots into the sand wall, and the branches swayed to release healing magic to heal the soldiers' injuries and restore their physical strength. World Tree also joined the battle, the entire battlefield was shrouded in night, and the moon rained down from the sky, covering every soldier on the battlefield with multiple buff auras.

The war went on day after day, and the warriors of the Moonlight Royal Court did not let the sand warrior cavalry step over the sand wall.

On the other side of the Sunshine Oasis, the coalition forces of the nobles from the western region drove straight in after arriving, and approached the Sunshine City.

Earl Ould had already gathered his army in Sunshine City. Facing the enemy's invasion, he did not choose to stick to it, but led the army out of the city to fight.

Two western noble armies fought fiercely outside the city of Sunshine.

At the same time, the two sides continued to release Xinying. The aristocrats of the Western Territory, who joined the disaster, requested other nobles of the Western Territory to abide by the rules of advancing and retreating together in the Western Territory. Everyone sent troops to attack the Sunshine City, killed the meteor, and restored the Western Territory to its previous appearance.

Earl Ould, in his capacity as the temporary governor of the Western Territory to suppress the rebellion, asked all the nobles of the Western Territory to guard their territories and not be captured by the rebels.

"The Chief Assistant of the Meteorite warns everyone: Don't go against the overall situation, the western region will be turned upside down, and whoever dares to help the rebels take risks will bear the consequences themselves!"

The nobles of the Western Territory who joined the Disaster Destroyer did not wait for reinforcements, and they could not take advantage of the Sunshine Territory army on the battlefield. So they pinned their hopes on the Abyss Temple. Victor said that as long as there was enough death and blood, the Abyss Mage in Sunshine City could activate the secret technique to summon Abyssal creatures.

Now that the main force of the Sunshine Territory army is outside the city, and there are enough dead people, isn't it just right to activate the secret technique and summon the creatures of the abyss to cooperate with each other and capture Sunshine City in one fell swoop?

However, after the information was sent to Sunshine City, there was no response from the Abyss Mage.

This group of western nobles suddenly felt abandoned.

The war has reached a stalemate, let's see who can't survive first.

Under the World Tree, the Moon Lake, which was originally calm as a mirror, surged violently. This is because the World Tree absorbed the lake water, and then turned it into moon rain and sprinkled it on the battlefield. The soldiers guarding the Moonlight Royal Court can continue to fight, all relying on the moon rain to replenish their consumption and relieve their fatigue.

Around the trunk of the World Tree, the surging lake water forms a circle of arched water houses.

Clear Sky, Devil Tyrant, Dragon Soul Banat, and Troll Laconia stood in four directions of the water room, which happened to be due east, due north, due west, and due south of the World Tree.

Since the four are not together, Clear Sky uses the power of the World Tree to connect the spirits of the four together.

Clear Sky: "Now the attention of the angels and Shuojin people is on the battlefield to prevent the fallen angels from suddenly attacking the World Tree. This gives us a chance to experiment with the World Tree as the main body. I hope you will not make mistakes and do your own thing well. .”

Demon tyrant: "This war and the fallen angels came at a really good time, otherwise it would be difficult to divert the attention of the angels and the shimmering gold people. Banat, if we succeed in transforming the world tree into an artifact, the dragons will definitely be the beneficiaries, No wonder you sent King Tyrann the Golden Dragon and his dragons here."

Dragon Soul Banat: "Tyrant, are you unbalanced? If you want, hell can also be the beneficiary."

Demon tyrant: "It is absolutely impossible for me to share my share with other demons. This group of Beat Generation, facing the threat of angels and shimmering gold people, turned out to be a group of outsiders who stood up for hell. fallen angel.

They're going to kill themselves, let them perish, just leave hell for Me.


Troll Laconia: "Two, this is just an experiment. We still have a lot of unresolved issues before the World Tree can be promoted to an artifact. Can you calm down, we may only have one chance."

Demon Tyrant: "I'm a little too excited...Okay, let's start."

Dragon Soul Banat: "I'm ready too."

Clear Sky: "After the World Tree is promoted to an artifact, I will decide how to allocate and use it, so don't assign yourself a share without authorization.

Understand? "




Clear Sky: "Start the first World Tree language feedback experiment."

Troll Laconia: "The season starts from 'spring day', the time starts from 'morning', and the direction starts from 'up'. Remember the word order represented by your position, and the writing must be standardized.

Miss Sunny Sky, you are "Spring Day" now. "

Qing Kong floating in the water room stretched out his finger, drew a line from the World Tree, and wrote the World Tree language in the air.

Demon Tyrant, Dragon Soul Banat, and Troll Laconia write their own languages ​​in sequence according to their order and assigned tasks.

A set of word orders completes the combination.

The world tree outside shook slightly.

Then on the Moon Mountain surrounding Moon Lake, tender grass sprouts emerge from the cracks in the soil and rocks. The grass grew very fast, and in a blink of an eye, flowers bloomed all over the mountain.

Another set of word order completes the combination.

Grass and flowers spread out to the outer layers.

In the flowers, pollen flies out, gathers in the wind, and flies in the wind, forming a connected pollen cloud.

The night that shrouded the Moonlight Royal Court quickly receded as the sun came on.

The pollen cloud forms a pink pollen ring around Moonlight Mountain, and spreads toward the outer circle as the sea of ​​flowers spreads. Grass and flowers covered the sand wall made of gravel, and continued to bury all the sand brought by the terra cotta cavalry under the sea of ​​flowers.

The pollen ring swept by, and on the sand wall, some flower buds grew extraordinarily large. These strange flowers bloom, revealing the flower spirit curled up inside. The newborn flower elves stood up, shook their bodies, stretched their thin and transparent wings, and then jumped out of the flowers.

The war in the Moonlight Royal Court is still going on, and the flower elves have not joined the battle. They fly into the sky, and then disperse and fly away to their hometown.

Barbarian warriors from all over the world came to protect the World Tree. After death, their souls turned into flower elves and flew back to the place where they were.

The grassland and the sea of ​​flowers continued to spread, and every time a battlefield was covered, a group of flower elves were born.

Victor stood behind the cavalry army of clay figurines, and a flower elf flew past him deftly. He stared blankly at the marvelous scene in front of him. Under his feet was a meadow full of flowers, on his head was the warm moon rain, in front of him was the battlefield of fighting, surrounded by flying flower elves.

A feeling shuddered in his heart, and he recalled many times when he was a professor of magic at Oulu College. He raised his hand and looked, the dry skin was full and elastic, and there were more things in his heart.

"What's wrong with me?" Victor asked himself.

"It's the divinity of the World Tree that has been activated." Mie Mie, who looked like an old man, stood beside Victor at some point. He looked at the World Tree in the distance, his eyes as calm as still water.

Victor asked: "Why does the World Tree have divinity?"

Calamity did not answer, but said to himself: "Only with hope in your heart can you endure endless pain. Only with hope in your heart can you have unyielding courage. It is because of hope that World Tree can endure the burning of thousands of years and so on. Recovery; it is because of hope that these barbarians will fight the terracotta warriors with flesh and blood.

Victor, what is your hope? "

Following the words of the disaster, Victor turned his attention to the battlefield and the sea of ​​flowers: "My hope is to embrace the abyss and become the god who serves the abyss."

"That's a wish."

Victor thought for a while: "I don't know what my hope is, what is your hope?"

Calamity smiled: "I only have a mission! I failed to destroy the World Tree this time, but it doesn't matter, I will continue to complete my mission."

Victor said: "No, we have not failed. Although there are not many sand warrior cavalry left, they have completed the task I assigned. All the troops of the Moonlight Royal Court have been dispatched, and the fallen angels will complete the final mission." one strike!"

After Victor finished speaking, he didn't wait for Disaster's response. He turned his head, and there was no trace of disaster.

High in the sky, the fallen angels have been waiting for many days.

Today, they saw the ancient tree people on Moon Mountain being sent to the battlefield. I also saw the spectacle of the sea of ​​flowers spreading in the meadow and the flying flower elves.

The fallen angels didn't have much insight into this landscape, they thought it was a counterattack released by the World Tree. The number of terracotta cavalry is running out, it's time for us to attack.

Garland swooped down from high altitude with the fallen angels, launching the fastest impact on the World Tree. As long as you rush into the range of World Tree, you can destroy as much as you want. Black flames burned on the wings of the fallen angels, and the memory of rushing to the World Tree thousands of years ago was recalled in their minds.

It's just that the fallen angels didn't show up for too long, and angels, shimmering gold men and giant dragons flew out from the crown of the world tree.

Angels waved their wings and rushed to the front, and the glittering gold man wore a golden armor and flew in the golden light. The giant dragons dragged at the end, as if they were reluctant to rush the ducks to the shelves.

The fastest rushing angels blocked the fallen angels.

The Shiojin people and the giant dragon who arrived stayed behind the angels. Angels and fallen angels are mortal enemies, and angels don't like others to intervene in the battle between their mortal enemies.

Garland and the fallen angels stopped in the air, seeing that the lineup of the angels did not match the intelligence.

There is one more Teresia.

But it doesn't matter, we also have the Golden Dragon King Tailun, and Taotie... just don't know where Taotie is hiding?

Could it be that he has already started to destroy the world tree?



Garland still looked cynical: "Archangel Gold, and the so-called holy angel Theresia. When I was an archangel, you were all very ordinary angels. I remember Theresia You were moved to tears by my song, crying like a weak little girl.

And you, Gold... When we escaped from Sky City, you finally backed down and were willing to be the lackey of the Shuojin people! "

Teresia looked at Garland, but did not give him any response other than clenched the sword in her hand.

Archangel Gold flew forward for a distance, and said, "Yes, I finally backed down. Retaking Sky City does require strength, but it doesn't mean that you need to go to hell and go to extremes."

"Because the rainbow arches of the Dragon Kingdom and the fluorescent star clusters of the Shadow Clan are not suitable for angels, only the red flame torch of hell can give us the power we need. Look at our black wings, the statue of light and the red flame torch together make fallen angels .

We will finally take back Sky City! "

The Archangel Gold patiently persuaded: "The Shuojin people have returned Sky City to the angels. If you want to come back, we can hold an Archangel meeting to discuss it."

Garland laughed and said: "Yes, the Shuojin people did return Sky City to the angels, but their transformation of the angels still affects them. The Holy Tribunal was established by the Shuojin people, why is it still kept?

Teresa! If our fallen angels return to Sky City, will the Holy Tribunal agree? "

Teresia swung the sword, and the holy flame burned on the blade: "All fallen angels will eventually receive the holy order!"

Garland taunted the Archangel Gold: "Did you hear that? Our hatred cannot be resolved! Angels are still mentally enslaved by the Shujin people! Gold, you want to be a good guy, but being a nice guy is the hardest thing to do.

Only with a sword can solve everything! "

Teresia flew to the Archangel Gold and warned: "Archangel Gold, please pay attention to your behavior, don't be fooled by the fallen angels to doubt our justice. I don't need to take what you just said Tell the sword of the oath, but you must help me kill Garland, he is very powerful."

With no hope of persuasion, the Archangel Gold summoned the Angel Sword: "Garland, use the sword to solve everything."

The angels chanted the ancient angel language together, their wings showed a metallic texture, and their whole body exuded an aggressive edge.

The fallen angels also took a fighting pose.

Archangel Gord turned around and said to the Shuojin people and the giant dragons: "This battle is to protect the World Tree, not a purely personal grievance between angels and fallen angels. I hope you will fully assist us in eliminating these fallen angels and return to the World Tree as soon as possible." side."

With the request of the archangel Gold, the Shuojin people stepped forward to surround the fallen angels from the left, and the giant dragon surrounded the fallen angels from the right, preparing to fight more or less.

The Golden Dragon King Tai Lun summoned multiple magic circles with the dragons around him, and the magic power in the circles was concentrated, and the magic strikes erupted at any time.

Garland allowed the encirclement to complete, and he said vigorously: "Leave the angels to us, and the people of the Shuojin to you, is there no problem?"

"No problem!" Golden Dragon King Tai Lun replied.

Garland shouted: "Then let's fight!"

The dragons cast their magic at the same time, and violently bombarded behind the fallen angel rushing towards the angel.

"King Tyrone, you made a mistake!"

"That's right! The Gluttonous King said, you are the ones who beat you!"

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