When the chief assistant of Meteorite first took office, he chose the western region as the first inspection area, and the entire court had been guessing his purpose for this move.

Because no matter how you look at it, the aristocrats of the western region have been very peaceful after the superior letter of loyalty. In terms of importance, the western region should be ranked at the end of all parties. Some people speculated that the real purpose of Meteorite's trip to the western region was for the second prince, and the delegation of the first assistant to inspect the western region stayed in the New Moon Oasis and did not leave, which seemed to confirm this point.

And when the agreement signed by the nobles of the western region to manage the western region by the empire was sent to the imperial capital, the entire court couldn't believe the news they heard, and even the direct line officials of Raging Waves City expressed doubts about the news.

After all, the particularity of the Western Territory determined it to be a troublemaker at the beginning of the establishment of the empire. Many emperors of the empire wanted to solve the problem of the western border, but they all failed. Even as talented as Augustine the Great, he mainly appeases these thorns.

Now this group of old-fashioned nobles who regard the land as their lifeblood actually hand over their land to the empire for management, which is even more absurd than saying that the sun comes out from the west.

But when the order after order was signed by the Queen of Jian Guo and released from the palace, everyone realized...it was all true.

The empire established the Western Region Administration, with its capital in Sunshine City, and appointed Earl Ould as the first governor of the Western Region Administration.

Order the imperial cabinet to immediately formulate a plan for the management of the western territory.

The court selects officials from the Western Territory.

The Imperial General Staff immediately sent officers to the western border to recruit noble private soldiers.

Appoint the Marquis of Meteor as the supreme chief of the temporary Western Territory Administrative Office, fully responsible for the administrative and military affairs of the Western Territory. After the empire selects a suitable supreme officer, the government will be handed over.

All the nobles in the western region were appointed officials, and as honorary official positions, they can be transferred and inherited.


The entire empire hadn't recovered from this, and the first batch of urgently selected officials boarded the train to the west together with the officers sent by the military.

At this time, Luke, as the highest officer of the Western Territory Administration, holds the military and political power of the entire Western Territory. He dared not be careless about the implementation of the Western Territory escrow. All government and military affairs were taken over in accordance with the principle of not seeking the best but seeking the fastest to prevent possible backlash.

Queen Christina also has enough political wisdom. She selects officials all night, convenes cabinet meetings again and again, and transports truckloads of personnel and equipment to the west.

The imperial court was operating with unprecedented efficiency, and it took less than a month to spread the personnel of the Western faction on the collars of the nobles in the western region.

All the private soldiers of the nobles were reorganized into the second-level reserve army of the empire, and those who were unwilling to serve as soldiers were dismissed, and then the ministries were transferred from the original territory for training.

Public Security Bureaus were established in major cities. After the security officers mobilized from all over the empire were in place, the Public Security Bureau replaced the lords to manage the daily security and operation of the city.

The Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs was also established one by one.

In this way, with the momentum of thunder, under the leadership of Meteor Shoufu, the entire western region was swallowed up directly under the Central Government.

After the chief executive of the Western Territory Administration, who was nominated by the Chief Assistant and officially appointed by the Empress of the Empire, arrived in Sunshine City, Luke left with a delegation to inspect the Western Territory after completing the handover of government affairs, and embarked on the return journey back to Saint Lun City.

Over the desert, a group of giant dragons, led by a golden dragon, lined up and flew eastward. When meeting the imperial chief assistant inspecting the western border delegation, all the giant dragons uttered dragon sounds together, as if to say hello.

Luke on the camel waved to the dragons, and watched them quickly disappear into the air.

Earl Uld rode a camel alongside Luke, his expression stuck in shock at the sudden encounter with the dragon for a long time.

When he couldn't see the dragons, Earl Uld couldn't help admiring: "The dragon is really a creature that makes people feel awe. I didn't expect the relationship between Mr. Shoufu and the dragons to be so good. You can invite So many dragons come to protect the world tree."

Luke looked at the rolling sand dunes ahead and said, "The dragons are willing to help because they can get what they want from me. These dragons are so smart that they won't work for us in vain.

Earl Ould, you are now the Governor of the Western Territory, do you really want to leave here and go on a world tour? "

Earl Ould looked at the back of the team. More than half of the long camel team were members and servants of the Ould family, as well as the wealth brought out.

"Since I decided to let the empire manage the territory, I don't have much to miss. I have seen the sand here for a lifetime, and I really have seen enough. Now I want to see the sea. When the empire develops Sunshine City well, I will Come back for a few more days."

Earl Ould saw it very clearly. If I continue to stay here, it is inevitable that someone will use me to cause trouble. If I am really implicated, the rights and interests I have may be lost. It will not be so smooth for the empire to take over the Western Territory, especially if there is no Meteorite chief assistant, some things will rebound.

Therefore, by hiding at this time, I can avoid blood splashing on myself and protect my family.

It's not too late to come back when everything settles down.

Luke could understand Earl Ould's mind, he smiled and said: "If you want to see the sea, go to Rage City. I have already prepared the manor for you. And I asked the Reform Society to set up a broker for you Rentuan, you can safely and boldly invest in Raging Waves City, they will tell you what industry to make money in Raging Waves City."

"Thank you, Mr. Chief Assistant!" Earl Ould laughed happily. The governor of Raging Waves City brought himself to invest, and it was difficult not to make money. Then Earl Ould turned to ask: "Master Chief Assistant, we are almost arriving at the New Moon Oasis, how long are you going to stay in New Moon City?

If it's too long, I'll go first. "

Earl Ould was testing the risks of Crescent City. If the chief minister of Meteor is going to stay for a while, it means that he may have to deal with the second prince Alec, so that he can leave as soon as possible to avoid danger.

Luke smiled and replied, "It shouldn't be long."

New Moon Oasis New Moon City, the news that Meteor's chief assistant has finished his tour of the western region and is about to return via New Moon Oasis has been sent by messengers.

The second prince Alec urgently convened a staff meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

"Everyone, you have all seen what happened in New Moon City these days. The empire dispatched officials to the western region one after another, and our chief assistant meteorite once again created a miracle. And... since the empire has regained the western region, So is there still a need for our Western Territory Legion to exist?"

Alec asked, but none of the staff and officers dared to stand up and answer.

Because the answer is obvious, the Legion of the Western Territory has no basis for existence, and the chief assistant of Meteorite will definitely not pass through New Moon City this time.

But so what if you know the answer, there really isn't much the Second Prince and the Western Territory Legion can do.

Facing the silence, Alec said angrily: "Aren't you usually very good at speaking, one is smarter than the other? Now it's time for you to show your talents, why are you all dumb!"

Still no one dared to speak.

"Leonard!" Alec simply called out his name directly: "You are my number one think tank, you should be able to give me a good suggestion."

Leonard is a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar with a neatly trimmed mustache. Hearing Alec call his name, he stood up and saluted, and then replied: "When Meteor went to Triumph Fortress to express his condolences, His Highness Sinclair announced that he had renounced the right to inherit the throne, so he was able to retain control of the Northern Legion.

I think... If Your Highness also announces that you have renounced the right to inherit the throne, I think the Chief Assistant of the Meteorite will allow you to continue to control the Western Territory Legion. "

Alec didn't expect that his number one think tank would come up with such a bad idea for him.

"This is your suggestion? Give up the right to inherit the throne? Then what do I want the Western Territory Legion to do!"

Another think tank made his own suggestion: "Your Highness! When Meteor comes to New Moon City, you can pretend to be sick. He can't talk about the Western Region Legion until he sees you. After a long time, he will naturally leave .”

Another bad idea.

Alec scolded angrily: "Meteor entered the western region secretly, and swallowed the whole western region in less than two months. If I pretended to be sick and didn't see him, when he left the New Moon Oasis, he would probably take the western region army with him.

Don't use your cleverness to challenge the wisdom of the meteor. To hide is to let him play freely! "

Another think tank stood up: "Since meteorites are so dangerous, why don't we..."

The think tank made a cutting gesture, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Alec covered his head in pain: "A bunch of trash! General Joshua has already tried your suggestion, what's the result?

I warn you, don't overstep your bounds with meteors. You are not Nightingale, I will not let you go like I let Nightingale go...

Nightingale, why are you here? "

Alec looked at the door of the meeting room, and it was Nightingale standing outside the open door. She was wearing a ranger costume, carrying a large bag, and her body was covered with wind and sand.

Nightingale looked at Alec and said, "I have earned a sum of money, which is enough for me to leave the empire to live a stable life for a while. This time I passed by New Moon City, and I just wanted to say goodbye to you.

Don't blame the guards, I forced my way in. "

"Come in..." Alec let Nightingale in, sat on the seat next to him, looked at Nightingale's current appearance, and said with some guilt: "It can be seen that you have suffered a lot, and I hope you can understand me. It was impossible to drive you away.

Facing Meteor's approaching every step of the way, I was already restless day and night. If I was caught by him again to assassinate him, I was afraid that I would end up as General Joshua. "

Nightingale said: "I can understand you. Especially after being with Meteor for a while, I can understand why you are so afraid of him."

Alec asked: "Where did you see the meteor?"

Nightingale replied: "In the tavern in the Scorched Wood Camp. Meteor recognized me and hired me as his bodyguard. It was supposed to take half a month, but it was extended to two months. I also got a gift from Meteor for this." A lot of money."

Alec asked in surprise: "You mean...you have been by Meteor's side during the period when he entered the Western Territory?"

Nightingale thought for a while and replied: "Most of the time. Some things need to be kept secret, so he didn't let me follow."

Alec didn't know why Meteor hired Nightingale as a guard, but since Nightingale followed Meteor during this period, it meant that she knew a lot of first-hand information, which was more valuable than hearsay.

"What has Meteor been doing during this time, can you tell me in detail? If Meteor doesn't allow you to leak the secret, I didn't ask."

Nightingale laughed at herself and said, "I once asked Meteor if I could tell others what I heard and saw. He told me that what I heard and saw can be said.

It seems that he knows that I can't help but come to you. "

Alec understood that Nightingale came this time not to drop by to say goodbye, but to tell Meteor what he had done in the Western Territory.

Alec waved his hand and told all irrelevant personnel to go out.

Then he grabbed Nightingale's hand affectionately: "Since Meteor has forgiven you, you can continue to stay with me."

Nightingale pulled her hand away, straightened a strand of hair that covered her eyebrows, and said to Alec: "Your Highness, I always knew that you couldn't give me the future you talked about. I have been deceiving myself. Because I really love you and would give everything for you, including my life.

Now I figured it out, even if I come back to you this time, next time you need to abandon me, you will still do so without hesitation.

I am here this time just to let you know what kind of person you are facing.

And you...you are affectionate when you should be heartless, and you are heartless when you should be. If you were an ambitious lord, you shouldn't have brought me back from Raging Waves; if you were a benevolent lord, you shouldn't have brought me back and then driven me away.

Now let me tell you what Meteor has done in the western region, you must listen carefully. "

Alec's mind was in a mess, and he didn't hear what Nightingale said. Nightingale's evaluation of herself just now was something that no one else dared to say. They will only flatter themselves endlessly, making themselves believe that they are a prince who listens to advice and makes friends with talents.

If he is on the throne, he must be a wise king who can make some achievements.

But why did the emperor never establish a crown prince?

Why does the emperor always look down on himself and Fania?

Indecisive, vacillating, and irresponsible... This is probably the reason why I was trapped in the New Moon Oasis step by step.

Nightingale left after telling Alec what she knew, and she was going to start a new life in another place.

The next day, the delegation of the Imperial Chief Assistant to inspect the western border arrived in New Moon City. Shoufu Meteorite did not go to meet the second prince Alec, but directly entered the special train that had been waiting here.

All the entourage and supplies entered the train, but Shoufu did not order the special train to start heading for the city of St. Lun.

New Moon City entered a calm before the storm.

Everyone knew that Meteor, the chief minister of the empire, would not leave New Moon City without taking anything. Since he could seize the opportunity to subdue the Western Territory, he would not let go of the opportunity to deal with the Western Territory Legion.

And his ultimate goal must be the second prince Alec.

How will Alec respond?

Should he give up the right to inherit the throne, give up the Legion of the Western Territory, or give it a go?

The atmosphere in the entire New Moon City was extremely depressing, and people with connections fled this place of right and wrong.

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