Age of Mysticism

Chapter 500 I firmly believe

The lobby of Shuojin Hotel adheres to the consistent style of Shuojin people, and a large number of gold ornaments make this magnificent hall even more luxurious and compelling. The super-large statue and the dome that penetrates up and down make everyone who enters the hall feel small at first.

The news of the arrival of Meteor, the Chief Minister of the Golden Shield Empire Cabinet, has already spread. A large number of dignitaries, dignitaries, and reporters from various countries gathered in the lobby of the hotel, waiting to welcome this figure who can influence the direction of the world.

Of course, those who are actively welcoming the first minister of the meteorite are some small and medium-sized countries.

The dignitaries of big countries and countries that consider themselves big countries are still somewhat reserved, and just send their own intelligence personnel to collect information.

Small and medium-sized countries have no entanglement of status and status. Instead, because of the shortage of resources caused by the size of the country, they are more dependent on the energy in the hands of the Golden Shield Empire. And the fleet they just saw on the sea made them all want to make friends with the chief assistant of Meteor and find a protective umbrella for the sea in the future.

At the very least, you have to be acquainted with each other, and it would be even better if you can talk a few words.

It would definitely be a major diplomatic victory if we could invite the Chief Assistant of the Meteorite to have a short interview.

The hotel door opened, and the messy lobby immediately silenced the sound, and everyone looked out the door together.

Since Meteor's visit to the Golden Valley was invited by the Shuojin people, the Shuojin people gave him enough courtesy. The shining golden warriors in golden armor came in from the outside neatly in two rows, then turned around and stood facing each other back, forming a corridor in the middle.

A red carpet rolled out automatically, and the hotel band played a welcome song.

Then the Royal Knights of the Golden Shield Empire walked in from the door in gorgeous full body armor. The Royal Knights are the face of the Golden Shield Empire. In addition to training combat skills, they usually spend a lot of time on training in manners. Therefore, when the royal knights walked in, their aura was even more majestic and mighty than that of the Jin people just now. The metal boots stepped on the marble floor and made a consistent sound. The sound caused by the friction of the nails was at the same frequency, with a strong pressure.

The royal knights reached their respective positions and turned back, inserting themselves between the Shiojin warriors.

The captain of the Royal Knights at the end of the queue drew his sword and shouted loudly: "The Chief Assistant Minister of the Imperial Cabinet of the Golden Shield Empire, the Minister of Energy of the Empire, the Chief of the City Guards of Shenglun City, the Governor of Raging Waves City, and the Marquis of Raging Waves have arrived!"

All the royal knights drew their swords in unison, standing straight up in front of them.

The captain of the Royal Knights took a step to the side, revealing Luke standing outside the door.

Luke was dressed in the service of the imperial aristocrats, the badge of the first minister of the empire, the ribbon of the governor, and the commander's sword of the legionary on his waist. He stepped on the red carpet and walked into the hall.

The captain of the Royal Knights follows with a sword on one side, representing the majesty of the imperial throne.

Then there are accompanying officials, chief assistant staff, assistant officials, attendants, servants...

Luke who entered the hall walked very slowly, stopping almost every step he took, shaking hands and talking with the people on both sides. After learning that the other party is an important member of a certain country, they will chat more cordially.

At this time, Luke's experience of traveling around the world came into play. As long as the other party tells the country he belongs to, no matter how small or inconspicuous, Luke can casually tell the important cities and specialties of that country. Then praise the characteristics of this country again, so that everyone feels like a spring breeze, and is proud that their country is so valued by the Golden Shield Empire.

On the short red carpet, Luke shook hands and talked while walking. At the end, the subordinates had already built a podium, and five microphones were set up in front of the podium.

Luke stepped onto the podium, and the people gathered in the hall automatically gathered in front of the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon..." Luke nodded in three directions, and then said: "This time, as the chief minister of the Golden Shield Empire, I accepted the invitation of the Shuojin people to visit the Golden Valley. Thinking of being able to meet friends from all over the world here.

I believe that with the gathering of so many world leaders, this place will definitely become a grand event. I also sincerely hope that such grand gatherings can be held more often. When everyone sits together and talks, conflicts will disappear and cooperation will come.

Just like when I came to the Golden Valley this time, with full sincerity, I sought the comprehensive cooperation between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank all over the world. "


A reporter raised his hand and asked loudly: "Meteor Star Chief Assistant, may I ask why you didn't see Her Majesty Qingkong, didn't Her Majesty arrive here with you?"

Luke replied with a smile: "Her Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky is a scholar, and being the Queen of Moonlight is more like a part-time job. Her Majesty is not good at dealing with such occasions, and I also serve as the chief assistant of the Moonlight Royal Court, so I can represent Her Majesty the Queen. My apologies, everyone."

Luke's perfect answer drew another round of applause.

Soon someone asked again: "The chief assistant of the meteorite! Since the Golden Shield Empire obtained the mining rights of the Fire Crystal Mine in the Dragon Kingdom, the Golden Shield Empire has the ability to influence the price in the world energy market. Recently, the Golden Shield Empire has encouraged the use of energy transactions. Reichsmark, and we all know that gold certificates are widely used in international trade.

Does the Golden Shield Empire intend to replace the international status of gold coupons with the Reichsmark by introducing this energy monetary policy? "

This question was asked very sharply, and it could be said that the intention of the Shuojin people to invite the chief assistant of Meteor to visit the Golden Valley was put on the bright side.

Everyone looked at Luke silently, for fear of missing any details.

Luke didn't evade: "Before answering the question, I want to give you a piece of advice, don't always think about making big news. Creating international crises and triggering world conflicts can bring you fame, but it will give you all peace-loving people. bring disaster.

The Golden Shield Empire has never thought of challenging the status of gold coupons in international trade. The empire is actively using gold coupons as a settlement currency in other trade fields. The reason why countries are encouraged to use the Reichsmark in the energy market is mainly because... Dragon Kingdom has too many fire crystal reserves.

When I became the Minister of Energy of the Empire, I discovered a potential crisis. If all the fire crystals sold by the empire were settled with gold coupons, it wouldn't take long for the empire's reserves of gold coupons to quickly accumulate to a dangerous value.

If this wealth is placed in the treasury, it will be a huge waste; if this gold certificate is put into the domestic market of the empire, it will directly impact the newly established imperial mark currency system of the empire.

Therefore, the Golden Shield Empire encourages energy transactions to use the Reichsmark, which is just a means of self-protection to maintain the balance of the empire's gold coupons and keep the gold coupon reserves within a healthy range. "

After listening to Meteor's explanation, the audience suddenly realized.

Countries that have completed currency reform know that the more gold certificates they hold, the better. Gold certificates are dead money in the treasury, and only when there are inflows and outflows can additional value be generated in the trade cycle.

The meteor revealed that the Golden Shield Empire has a lot of energy in its hands, and a lot of it will generate a huge trade surplus. If gold coupons are used for settlement, there will be a backlog of gold coupons.

Political leaders from various countries are even more envious and jealous in their understanding.

Applause to Meteor Shosuke.

For these countries, energy trade does not have much at stake in not using gold coupons. Anyway, the Golden Shield Empire has a vast territory and a large population, and it is a big market. In the future, it is enough to do more business with the Golden Shield Empire to earn Imperial Marks.

Only the World Bank is really hurt by the energy monetary policy of the Golden Shield empire.

I don't know if Meteor's explanation can be recognized by the Shuojin people?

Then there were constant questions from reporters, and Luke answered them one by one, showing the Golden Shield Empire's side of avoiding disputes and loving peace to all countries in the world.

Hidden in the crowd at this time were Helkkin and the ice cave agents he brought, who disguised themselves as reporters to record what Meteor said and other details of the scene.

Suddenly, an agent was surprised and said: "Chief... No, Lord Helkkin! Have you noticed that the meteor is a bit like... the dead Luke steam engineer."

Luke made some disguises during his stay in Winter Capital. If he saw two people of his appearance at the same time, he would feel that they were somewhat alike.

Helkkin pretended to observe the meteorite carefully, and then said: "If you don't remind me, I really didn't find it. The meteorite is a little bit similar to Luke Steam Engineer, and they both have black hair. It's just Luke Steam Engineer's." The face is thinner, and the corners of Meteor's eyes are wider.

asshole! Don't focus on irrelevant things, is that what you guys do after I leave the ice cave?

Go, ask Meteor what he thinks about the United War of Attorney County, everyone else is listening carefully, if I can analyze important information, I will personally pay for you to have a big meal! "

Hearing that the former chief was going to treat guests, the agents were all in high spirits, and carefully recorded in their small notebooks with pens.

"The war with the Yate County Alliance..." Luke couldn't help but sighed when he heard this question: "This is an invasion war, even if the Yate County Alliance launched the war under the pretext of bringing freedom to the people of the Golden Shield Empire , still cannot change the nature of aggression.

I know there are people from the Yate County United among you, and the chairman of the Yate County United Congress is also in this hotel.

Now, in my capacity as the Chief Assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, I urge the Yate County United to immediately stop all military operations against the Golden Shield Empire, restart the armistice negotiations, and strive for an early and peaceful resolution of the war. Let the citizens of the two countries shed less blood, let the parents no longer lose their sons, let the wives no longer lose their husbands, and let the children see their father returning home safely.

Here I hope that all responsible and peace-loving countries in the world will actively exert their influence in the world to promote the early arrival of peace.

We are now deep in an era of unprecedented development, and the world has never been more prosperous than it is today. As one of them, I feel extremely proud and honored, and I am willing to dedicate my strength to this brilliant civilization created by mankind.

I firmly believe that what promotes the progress of civilization is development, and war and turmoil are the biggest obstacles to development.

I firmly believe that all countries in the world love peace, and only peace can lead to stability, and only stability can lead to prosperity.

I firmly believe that most ordinary people don't care about the political system of their country, or the so-called free and unfree speech. They care most about whether they can have enough food and whether their offspring can receive a good education.

The war launched by the Art County United has no justice, and even runs counter to the mainstream development trend of the world.

If Yate County United, especially those oligarchs do not rein in time ... you will eventually usher in the judgment of the times! "

Warm applause erupted in the lobby of Shuojin Hotel.

Small and medium-sized countries cannot withstand major turmoil, and a hiccup in a big country may be a tsunami for a weak country. The war between the Golden Shield Empire and the Art County United has been going on for more than a year. The war is not only a confrontation on the battlefield. The two countries also greet each other with various killing moves in the world. The countries affected can only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. .

The "Three Firm Beliefs" of the Chief Assistant of the Meteor of the Golden Shield Empire speak the aspirations of most countries, especially as the war between the two countries shows signs of spillover, and all countries are afraid of being affected by the disaster.

As one of the soul figures of the Golden Shield Empire, Meteor's statement can fully represent the attitude of the Golden Shield Empire.

Armistice, peace, development, we all enjoy the dividends of the times together.

As for being free or not...

No matter how free you are, is someone free in Raging Waves City?

After the applause stopped, Luke announced the end of the question and answer, saying that he needed to rest after sitting on the boat for so long.

The people in the hall gave each other another round of applause.

Luke's visit to the Golden Valley begins perfectly. After listening to his speech, most of the important officials felt that the Golden Shield Empire had the responsibility of a big country, and did not condescend to a small country because of its strong national power.

At the same time, after seeing the strength of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire, all countries have the most intuitive understanding of the strength of the Golden Shield Empire. If the Golden Shield Empire is willing to become stronger and richer together, its own country will not take off as usual!

As a result, all countries have a sense of repulsion towards the Attorney League that started the war and provoked turmoil, and they have considered how to make friends with the Golden Shield Empire from this aspect.

Some people acted immediately.

Luke's secretary, Kaelina, received a letter of request for a visit.

And in Luke's room, Pan waited inside early.

Luke's room had its own sitting room, lavishly decorated, with gold-plated ivory chairs. Sitting in the ivory chair, Pan clapped his hands when he saw Luke enter the door.

"Very wonderful speech! Your demagogic talent is still so good, making people completely forget who led the fleet to bombard Leo's port and occupy the sea area that belongs to Leo."

Luke waved the alert squire out.

He walked to Pan and sat down: "I thought you had been cut off from Shuojin people, but I didn't expect you to have the ability to appear in my room. Are you showing me your energy in the Golden Valley, or Shuojin? A warning to me?"

Pan smiled and said: "Shuojin people are very principled, and they will not easily break the rules they set. Since I am no longer a Shuojin person, I will not have the previous privileges in the Golden Valley. You can regard my appearance here as As the warning of the Shuojin people, you have made the Shuojin people violate their principles more than once, and each time it has become more serious.

Whether you can leave the Golden Valley alive depends on your next performance..."

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