Age of Mysticism

Chapter 517 Dinner

In the underground space of the Silver Manor, there is a legendary saint, Teresia, standing on the outer circle of a circular magic circle, and in the middle of the magic circle stands a sculpture of an angel.

Four angels wearing white battle armor stood around with swords, and four beams of white light directed at the angel statue, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

The five angels waited motionless for more than half an hour. Suddenly, a beam of holy light shone on the angel sculpture from above, and then the angel sculpture moved as if given life. It unfolded its wings carved out of clay, and stepped forward step by step in front of Teresia.

Facing the activated angel sculpture, Teresia saluted extremely respectfully: "The great sword of the oath! Welcome to the Sanctuary of Saint Lun City of the Golden Shield Empire."

The sword of oath that came down with a power, said to Teresia: "I just came back from hell, and then I heard what happened on the Golden Island. I have long heard that the Jinjin Rentan is very powerful. It is with me The same existence, I didn't expect that she would have a tie with the elf Qingkong.

Is Tan's name not worthy of the name, or is Fairy Clear Sky really that powerful? "

Teresia replied: "The battle between Tan and Qingkong took place in the space-time occult barrier, and I didn't see it directly. But Qingkong's strength is indeed very strong, and it is strong without the power of an artifact.

And her strength is still increasing rapidly. The last time I fought against her, the pressure she put on the same as the pressure you put on me. "

"I trust your judgment!" Oath Sword said: "Qingkong's power does not belong to natural growth, she may have been endowed with 'divine power'."

"Divine power?" Teresia frowned involuntarily when she heard the judgment of Sword of Oath: "Did you discover something?"

The sword of the oath replied: "Archangel Gord's research on the World Tree has achieved some results. The World Tree has a strong connection with the starry sky, which makes the World Tree not only qualified to be promoted to a divine weapon, but also the divine power to connect to the starry sky." source.

Remember the last time Calamity attacked the Moonlight Royal Court, the World Tree mutated and spilled many seeds all over the world? "

"I remember it and I saw it with my own eyes," Teresia said.

"Sky City has obtained some seeds, which contain weak divine power, which can be transformed into corresponding power according to the holder's strong desire. Therefore, it can be determined that the World Tree is the source of divine power connected to the starry sky, and Qingkong is the authority of the World Tree. The owner should have received a divine blessing from the starry sky."

Teresia said a little excitedly: "Your judgment is... the world tree is the existence of a source of divine power and a divine weapon?"

"Yes!" The sword of the oath was not as excited as Teresia, but worried: "The source of divine power is the gathering point of the original power, and it can give strange powers to creatures that touch the source of divine power. The power will not be too strong. But the sources of divine power around the world have been very active for a period of time, creating many extraordinary creatures that can compete with the ancient civilizations with divine weapons."

Teresia, who had experienced the ancient war, couldn't help but recall the strange and powerful creatures that suddenly appeared in that war.

"Sword of the Oath...why did you bring up the past?"

The sword of the oath replied: "I went to hell this time to track down the fallen angels, and found out that they were all hiding in the black prison."

"Black Prison! That is a legendary source of divine power located in hell. Even demons are not sure whether there is a black prison. Are you getting false news?"

"It shouldn't be fake." The sword of the oath said: "In hell, I met a race of demons that I have never seen before. It is all black and has wings with messy black feathers, just like fallen angels and hell devils. A hybrid of descendants.

It said that it came from the black prison, called the black feather demon, which was created by the fallen angels using the black prison as a source of divine power. And recently, the speed at which the Black Feather Demon is spawned has been accelerating. "

Teresia said worriedly: "You mean...the fallen angels formed an army in the black prison?"

"Yes, so I did not investigate further. I have sent a group of angels to search for other known sources of divine power to see if there are a large number of powerful extraordinary creatures being produced there.

But seeing the World Tree releasing so many seeds with divine power, one can imagine the state of other sources of divine power. "

Teresia murmured, "Is that war going to start again?"

"There are many indications that...we are going to prepare for war. The Archangel Council has passed the Heroic Spirit Army Expansion Plan, and Sky City will increase the production of Heroic Spirit Armed Forces. You seem to have said...the mechanical production capacity of the secular world is very large, and their Alchemy technology can produce some components of Heroic Spirit Armament?"

Teresia replied: "Yes, the sword of the oath! During my stay in St. Lun City, I visited the factory here, and the alchemy technology here can fully meet the production of some components of the low-level Heroic Spirit Armament.

I heard that Raging Waves City has more advanced alchemy technology. "

The Sword of Oath hesitated for a long time before making up his mind and said: "Without revealing your identity, you can customize a batch of components of the Heroic Armament, and after the Archangel meeting tests it, you can decide how to produce the Heroic Armament.

Another thing, I found some high-temperature and corrosion-resistant weapons and armor in the demon territory in Hell, and the source of these things seems to be Rage City. We have told the Shuojin people about this discovery, and I believe the Shuojin people will soon intervene in hell to investigate this matter.

You look for an opportunity to tell Raging City about the Shuojin people entering Hell... It seems that the human beings named Meteor are stirring up waves in Hell to see if they can get the rats out of the Hell. "

Teresia replied: "Of order, Sword of the Oath."

The sword of the oath thought for a while, and said: "I have nothing else to do here. I heard that the giant dragon sent another group of dragons to the city of Shenglun, and the Shuojin people also strengthened their power in the city of Shenglun. Notify the Holy Tribunal immediately if you need support.

Artifacts are more important than anything. "

"I will definitely try my best to find the artifact."

Without waiting for a response, Teresia looked up at the sword of the oath, he had withdrawn his power projection, and the angel sculpture had turned back into a dead thing.

At the end of the conversation, Teresia felt that the burden on her shoulders was heavier, and the pressure of the approaching war made her feel something was blocking her chest.

The troubled times are about to begin, can the angels survive without the artifact?

It was completely dark outside, street lights illuminated the city, and the mirrored lights of the imperial palace in the center of the imperial capital shone brightly, making the palace even more majestic and majestic.

A royal carriage was escorted by a royal knight to the front of the royal family. The guarding court guards confirmed the identity of the people in the carriage, and then immediately saluted and let them pass quickly.

The royal carriage passes through a film of light and disappears into the mirror image of the palace.

In a side hall of the palace, Empress Christina and Princess Agatha were discussing matters while having dinner.

At this time, the palace official came in: "His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, the Princess, and the Marquis of Meteorite are here."

"Let him in quickly. Prepare the tableware for the Marquis Meteor, and ask the chef to cook some dishes that the Marquis likes. Agatha..." Queen Christina asked Agatha, "Meteor seems to like grilled shrimp balls and crispy mushrooms very much." .”

Agatha said with a smile: "Yes, if he is hungry, he can eat a whole plate."

Queen Christina said to the attendants beside her: "First make grilled shrimp balls and crispy mushrooms."

The servant led the order to the kitchen, and Luke had already followed the officer in.

"His Royal Highness, Highness Princess, good evening!"

Queen Christina pointed to the seat beside her and said, "Sit down, you are the busiest person in the empire right now. You have only come to work until now, and you must have not had dinner yet.

Eat something first, talk about things later. "

Luke sat down and the waiter set the table for him.

He was indeed hungry, so Luke was not polite, he didn't care about the etiquette, asked the attendant to bring him a piece of steak, smeared it with sauce, and started to eat it.

Afraid that Luke would choke, Agatha asked the attendant to pour him a glass of rum.

With something in the belly, people feel a lot more at ease.

A steak was quickly eaten, and Luke wiped his mouth with a napkin and downed a glass of rum. Seeing the queen and Agatha looking at him, he couldn't help but smile and said, "The steak cooked by the imperial chef is still as delicious as ever. What were you talking about just now?"

Agatha said: "Her Royal Highness and I are discussing how to arrange for the Snow Army Corps transferred from the northern border to participate in the military parade, and the road in front of the palace needs to be reinforced. In addition, during the military parade, the protective barrier of the palace will be lifted, and the security on site will also be kept secret." The focus of the agency's work."

Luke said: "The cabinet is dealing with how the snow army will be placed in the imperial capital, and there will definitely be barracks for our heroic army to settle in.

The money needed for road reinforcement in front of the palace has already been transferred from the Ministry of Finance to the Imperial Bank, and the construction team is in place, and the subsequent work will be done soon.

As for the security during the military parade... I have information here, some people are planning to do big things. "

The chef brought out the finished food, and Queen Christina waved everyone away.

"Just now Agatha also said that some officials who lost their power have been gathering frequently recently, and Gabriel even brought a group of people to Alec. It's just that they kept it secret very well, and the Bureau of Secret Intelligence has not obtained any useful information. information."

After Queen Christina finished speaking, Agatha added: "If I can't get any more definite information, I can only arrest people for interrogation, and I must not let them spoil the big event."

Luke ate and said: "You can't ask questions by catching small characters, and catching big guys will have too much impact. If they bite randomly, they won't be able to control the innocent people involved, but they will help them.

After I got the news, I sent someone to monitor the branch of the World Bank in St. Lun City. Every night, a large amount of money was transported in and out by car. Some accounts were also found at the Imperial Bank, and there were a large number of abnormal income in a short period of time.

The Bureau of Secret Intelligence can use insiders among World Bank employees to find out what new business the World Bank has developed in St. Lun City. During the period when the empire was sanctioned by the World Bank, those who still had frequent business dealings with them must have ulterior motives.

Find someone along the capital chain to ensure that it is fast and accurate. "

Agatha asked in surprise: "The World Bank is also involved? How did you guess?"

Luke smiled and said: "It's all left over from my playing in Raging Waves City. These officials who lost power have no soldiers in their hands. If they want to make big things to bring us down, they can only agitate the people at the bottom and create chaos from the bottom up.

However, although the imperial economic system was somewhat difficult, the cabinet introduced various subsidies and compensation measures so that the damaged people and factories would not go bankrupt and starve to death. Simply chanting slogans to create anxiety, they couldn't pull too many people, and they were suppressed by us casually.

If you want to gain momentum, the fastest way is... to send money! "

Hearing what Luke said, Agatha immediately thought of the incident of the destruction of the Nurea Tower in Raging City, and he encouraged a parade of 100,000 people.

At that time, Luke relied on sending money to attract a group of people from the Cape District to the streets, and then a snowball effect occurred, directly ignoring the government affairs department and the council of Raging Waves City.

Unexpectedly, this trick was learned by the World Bank.

Since it is sending money to pull people's heads, the Secret Intelligence Bureau does not need to arrest people, beat them, interrogate them, and only need to keep an eye on the flow of money, and they can find out all the participants one by one.

It can arrest all the people who should be arrested, and will not implicate the innocent and let the incident spread uncontrollably.

Agatha stood up happily: "I will arrange for someone to check the fund flow of the World Bank and the Imperial Bank now."

Luke stopped Agatha and said, "It's not a big deal, so there's no need to be so anxious. Besides, there shouldn't be enough professionals in the Bureau of Secret Intelligence. I'll transfer a group of people to assist the Bureau of Secret Intelligence in its investigation tomorrow.

The most important thing is the ascension of the new emperor. "

Agatha sat down and looked at Queen Christina again.

Queen Christina's expression was very solemn. She took a sip of the sweet wine in the golden cup at hand, and then slowly let out a somewhat depressed air.

"I've been making preparations, but the closer it gets, the more nervous I become. The changes in the situation now far exceed the upper limit of my ability. That's not the throne, it's simply a crater.

Can I be a good emperor? "

Luke raised his glass: "From now on, every moment will be unpredictable and unstoppable. We have made all the preparations for the smooth transition of power in the empire. The combined ship of the palace, the court, and the empire ruled out Most of the hidden dangers are putting on the best posture to meet the storm ahead.

Whether it is possible to drive this big ship through the storm to meet the new world, I have no answer. But I believe that as long as we work together and hold the helm, the ship can go farther.

In this crater, not only Her Royal Highness is on it, we are all on it. "

Agatha picked up her wine glass and stood up: "Let us pay homage to the great Augustine the Great, he laid the foundation for the empire to meet all future challenges, and his achievements will always be remembered by us.

Now his will is in our hands, his wife, his daughter, his ministers.

We will not disappoint the empire he devoted his life to! "

Queen Christina and Luke stood up and toasted: "To the great Augustine the Great! To the great empire!"

I have something to do at home these days, so it will be a little later.

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