Age of Mysticism

Chapter 521 The Emerald Court's Crisis

Throughout the night, there was no peace outside the hotel, and from time to time groups of elf patrols passed by on the road outside the window. Fortunately, the riots at the pier did not spread to the interior of the city. At dawn, the city finally returned to normal.

It's just that there are a lot of patrolling soldiers on the street, which makes the Emerald King's Court still in a tense atmosphere.

The sheriff, who had been inquiring about the news all night, arrived at the Three Cars Hotel along the eaves. At this time, an elf patrol soldier was talking with the owner of the hotel. The sheriff carefully avoided the sight of the patrolling soldiers, and after provocatively baring his teeth at the patrolling hounds, he quickly got into the hotel.

The hounds tried to give chase, but were held on the leash by patrolmen.

"Mr. Archer... the royal court issued an order this morning that gatherings of more than eight people are not allowed in the public places of the royal court within two days. As a businessman running a hotel, please be sure to abide by the royal order, we will Come and check anytime."

Archer replied: "As a human merchant who comes to the Emerald King's Court to do business, I will definitely abide by the king's order and restrain my guests from gathering. Can you tell me what happened so that I can explain it to the guests?" .”

The elf patrolman said: "I can't tell too much about what happened. Please abide by it. The ban will not be enforced for a long time. I believe the royal court will find a solution to the trouble soon.

Please note that although the Wang Decree does not prohibit residents from going out, it is better to stay in the room if there is no necessary business in these two days. "

"I understand. I will tell my guests about Wang Ling immediately."

"The Elf Lord God bless you!"

The elf patrol who came to make an announcement led the hounds away. After looking around, Archer turned and went back to the hotel.

At this time the sheriff was in the clear room.

He was lying on the table, sticking out his tongue "pata, patta" to lick and drink the milk in the plate, and at the same time vividly described the news he heard.

The riot last night didn't just happen at the pier, but many factories in the port area were hit and damaged to varying degrees.

The news of the headhunters appearing in the forest has spread to the Emerald King's Court. The elves' ignorance of the headhunters has increased their fear of the headhunters. It seems that the Emerald Forest is full of headhunters, and the Emerald King's Court has been surrounded by the headhunters.

The forest protection organization took advantage of this time to define the emergence of the headhunters as the punishment of the elves, the punishment for the elves to abandon their traditions and submit to human civilization.

The lord of the elves is abandoning the forest elves, and if the forest elves don't repent, he will give the Emerald Forest to the headhunters!

The sheriff complained at the end: "The Emerald King's ability to control the news is really bad, and we should learn more from the Imperial Secret Service. Now the news that the Emerald Forest is occupied by headhunters is already spreading in the city uncontrollably." Even if the Emerald Royal Court blocked the news, it would not help.

When I came back, the port area had been tightly sealed off by patrolling soldiers. Factories are shut down, docks are shut down, human employees are ordered to stay in factories or homes, and elves will be arrested if they gather.

By the way, when I came back, I also heard...the Emerald King's Court was discussing that the forest elves would move out of the Emerald Forest.

Not sure whether it is true. "

The forest elves have migrated!

Have things gotten this serious?

Qing Kong said: "Let's go find Princess Dai'er now, and get her out of here first..."

The door was knocked at this time.

Shelley at the door opened the door after getting permission from Qingkong.

It was Archer who came in. He first said the king's order conveyed by the elf patrol, and then said: "The pier has been blocked, and all ships are not allowed to leave Emerald Port. We had to find a small airship, which should be able to carry Her Royal Highness the Princess leaves the Emerald Court.

When you reach the open sea, you can find a ship to take the princess back to the empire. "

Blockade of ports, prohibiting ships from leaving...

Does the Emerald King's Court really have the idea of ​​moving all the forest elves out of the Emerald Forest?

"I see." Qing Kong said: "You go and prepare a carriage, and we will go to the Emerald Magic Academy."

"Yes, Master Xing Kong."

When the clear sky took a carriage to the Emerald Academy of Magic, a meeting related to the future of the forest elves was held by the Emerald Lake in the old town of the Emerald King's Court.

On the meadow covered with green grass and flowers, there are many elves sitting around a round conference table. The Elf King Garrett XVII sat on the throne with his back to the Emerald Lake, and the other elves were all elders.

The meeting table was not full, and about one-third of the seats were vacant, which meant that some elders were absent for some reason.

Garrett XVII is also known as the King of Three Leaves. As a middle-aged elf, King Sanye has some wrinkles on his face. The handsome elf king is no longer his label, and what is more is that his calmness brings charm. He wears rich robes, silver hair, and an emerald stone crown.

The atmosphere of the meeting was not good, and the elders looked at the vacant seats from time to time, showing sadness.

After a period of silence, King Sanye said: "I have to admit that the Emerald Royal Court has absorbed too many elves, leaving a large forest area without elf supervision. This is the main reason why we did not find the headhunters in time ..."

Before the Sanye King finished speaking, an elder elf said angrily: "No! The main reason for the emergence of headhunters in the Emerald Forest is that the elves abandoned our own civilization and introduced the smoky human industry into the natural and holy Emerald Forest. .

Alchemy pollution is very serious, and it will produce mysterious energy to create strange things. The thick smoke from the operation of the steam engine made it difficult for the forest to breathe, and the greed brought by humans made many young elves fall.

The headhunters are the punishment of the Elf Lord God. Only by correcting the mistakes immediately can we regain the favor of the Lord God. "

The elf elder's speech was approved by some elders.

King Sanye said: "It was my decision to accept the human industry into the Emerald Forest, and I never thought this decision was wrong. The emergence of headhunters should be a scientific issue, and it cannot be attributed to the main god of the elves without any basis. punishment.

Now the Emerald Magic Academy is collecting information to find a way to eliminate the headhunters. Royal patrols are investigating the distribution of headhunters in the Emerald Forest, and are actively rescuing elves and other intelligent races trapped in the forest.

I called the elders here to resolve the crisis, not to hold people accountable. "

King Sanye has a high prestige, and some discordant voices have been suppressed.

Another elder said: "The royal court patrols discovered more and more headhunter territories, and they spread very fast, and many elf settlements lost contact with the royal court. The scale of the headhunters this time is larger than that of ancient wars." Bigger, and we have no dragons to back us up.

I think the migration plan should be implemented as soon as possible while there is still time. Only by sending more elves to a safe place can we preserve our strength and come back when we find a way to eliminate the headhunters. "

The elder's words made King Sanye hesitate.

The headhunters are getting stronger every day, and the speed of getting stronger is very fast, and they are already out of control.

There are many factors for the rapid elimination of the headhunters that appeared during the ancient war. At that time, the elves were in a state of war, and their vigilance was very high. When they found the headhunters, they could quickly mobilize elite troops.

And there is the support of the dragon.

The elves in the Emerald Forest are too comfortable now. Not only did they discover the headhunters late, but they also don't have an army that can go into battle immediately.

The patrols used to maintain law and order and search for stowaways have exposed too many problems these days.

The meeting has been filled with pessimistic atmosphere from the beginning to the present.

Just now, some elders suggested to seek help from Longguo.

There is a suggestion to build a high wall around the Emerald King's Court to keep the headhunters off the other side of the high wall.

There is a suggestion to organize a death squad to go deep into the Emerald Forest, looking for the Headhunter Queen to kill.

Among the various measures, the relocation of the family has become a more reliable solution.

But how should tens of millions of forest elves migrate out?

Who is willing to accept?

Seeing that King Sanye was still unable to make a decision, an elder elf said: "Last night, elves attacked the docks and factories in the port area, and the news of the headhunters is spreading rapidly in the city. , but it couldn't stop the panic from spreading.

Your Majesty, you must make a decision as soon as possible. Even if the decision is wrong, it is better than doing nothing. "

King Sanye finally said: "My decision is related to the life and death of the forest elves, please give me a little more time, maybe there will be good news.

Order the royal court patrols to continue to implement the royal order, focus on watching the port area, and there should be no more riots.

Send elves to count all ships in port.

Inventory the granary.

Then send the elves into the Emerald Forest and bring as many of our compatriots back to the royal court as possible. "

The elders said together: "Follow your will, my king."

King Sanye finally said to the entourage behind him: "Immediately send the elves to the Emerald Magic Academy. I hope the scholars carefully trained by Wang Ting can bring me good news!"

The entourage replied: "Yes, my king. I will go to the Emerald Magic Academy in person immediately."

King Sanye nodded to let his followers leave, and the lakeside meeting continued.

The Emerald Academy of Magic is built on top of a mountain, and there is only one road leading to the Emerald King's Court. During this extraordinary period, the Emerald Royal Court sent an elite patrol to set up a defensive circle in the forest around the mountain.

The only way up the mountain has also set up checkpoints.

The carriage that Qing Kong was riding in was stopped outside the checkpoint.

Archer, who was the coachman, went to negotiate, but the elf patrols refused to let him go.

"I'm sorry, human coachman! I didn't mean to make things difficult, but because the royal court ordered us to protect the safety of the teachers and students in the Emerald Magic Academy.

If you have a legitimate reason to enter the Academy, please go to Emerald Lake to apply for a pass. "

The helpless Archer had no choice but to come to the side of the carriage and tell the clear sky inside of the difficulties he encountered: "My lord, it seems that we can only go to the Emerald Lake to apply for a pass. If necessary, I think we can reveal the identity of Princess Dai to the elves." , the relationship between the empire and the Emerald Forest is friendly, the elves should not embarrass us."

The clear sky looks out through the window.

The straight road goes up the ridge and connects to the castle on the top of the hill through a suspension bridge. Griffins and Pegasus hover over the castle.

It can be vaguely seen that a protective cover has been opened on the outer layer of the castle.

He looked like he was facing an enemy.

"We don't know the extent of the crisis, and we don't know what obstacles we will encounter when we go to Emerald Lake. The most important thing is to see Daier as soon as possible." Qingkong took out a parrot beak and handed it to Archer: "You go to the other party again Talk, I think they'll let us through this time."

"Yes, Master Xing Kong."

Archer didn't know what the parrot's beak in his hand was for, but his boss's order must be carried out, so he turned around and found the elf patrol who had set up the bar again.

Seeing Archer approaching again, the patrol captain said impatiently, "Could it be that what I just said went in your right ear and then slipped out of your left ear? Emerald Lake is not far from here, and the road Also very flat.

Go ahead and don't interfere with our work. "

Archer spread his palms to reveal the parrot's beak: "My guest came by boat from far away, and he just wanted to enter the Emerald Magic Academy and see the friends studying here.

Please let us pass. "

The patrol captain looked at the parrot's beak in Archer's hand and thought he was trying to bribe...

At this time, Jenniferi, who was in the carriage, had already finished setting up the auxiliary words of the secret technique, and Clear Sky recited the secret words in a low voice.

"Slick tongue"

The patrol captain just wanted to drive away the bribed human coachman, but as the parrot beak disintegrated into powder and disappeared, the captain turned to the other patrol soldiers and said, "Remove the roadblock and let them pass."

The elf patrols stationed here immediately carried out the captain's order.

The barricade was removed, and Archer jumped onto the carriage, whipped his whip, and drove to the castle on the top of the hill.

Go straight up the smooth mountain road.

The slightly steep road did not make the two horses pulling the cart feel strenuous, and the relaxed appearance seemed to be walking on a level road.

Qingkong observed the mountain road with great interest, and at the same time explained the principle of laying the mountain road to Jenny.

"Gravity is a downward force. This mountain road contains a magic circle, which cleverly uses the Boer force field to bend the function axis, and combines it with the forward power of the carriage to form a forward force during the spiral force rotation.

For such a long mountain road, the calculation of the function axis must be recalculated for every angle change, and it is a very high-precision calculation. The mathematics department of Emerald Magic Academy is very good. We can invite the mathematics professor here to talk to us about the laying process of this road. It will definitely bring us a lot of inspiration. "

Jennifer immediately became interested in this mountain road because of Qingkong's explanation. She took out a small book to record, and used measuring tools to use magic distance measurement from time to time. If it weren't for the mission, she would definitely get out of the car to take more detailed measurements.

Shelley on the side stared blankly with wide-eyed eyes.

Because I don't understand, I don't understand at all, and I don't know how a very "ordinary" mountain road can make Miss Weatherlight and Jennifer engrossed in talking and listening.

Fortunately, the journey is not far away. After crossing the suspension bridge, you will arrive at the gate of the Emerald Magic Academy.

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