Only this condition!

It was precisely the condition that made Sanye Wang the most difficult to choose.

The Shuojin people have expressed their attitude through the World Bank many times...

Join the "League of Nations" and cooperate with the World Bank to implement economic blockade and sanctions against the Golden Shield Empire. As long as the Emerald Forest agrees to these conditions, the World Bank can provide the Emerald Forest with a low-interest loan to repay the debt of the Golden Shield Empire, and mobilize the entire international world to provide assistance for the reconstruction of the Emerald Forest.

If the Emerald Forest insists on getting closer to the Golden Shield Empire, it will inevitably be sanctioned by the "League of Nations" equally!

The angels stayed in the Emerald Court, claiming that a holy angel had disappeared near the Emerald Magic Academy, and asked to enter the academy to search.

Moonlight Queen Qingkong returned to the Emerald Magic Academy from the Moonlight King's Court. On the surface, she came to talk about the academic exchanges between Oulu Academy and the Emerald Magic Academy. She secretly detained the holy angel Sifus with a very strong posture. Faced with the request of the Archangel Elzelie to enter the academy to search, the Emerald Magic Academy instead made Sky City responsible for the appearance of Hunting Angel and demanded that Angel compensate the loss caused by Hunting Angel to the Emerald Forest.

"If it weren't for the attack of the hunting angel king Nierteye, and the hunting angel caused the strength of the headhunters to skyrocket, Dean Vidal would never have died of exhaustion!"

Because of the death of Dean Vidal, the teachers and students of the Emerald Academy of Magic shared a common hatred. Whether public or private, King Sanye couldn't say anything.

There is also the gluttonous king of the Dragon Kingdom who does not know where to hide.

All options were on the table, but King Sanye couldn't make a decision after thinking for three days and three nights.

Three days later, King Sanye opened his red eyes and ordered: "Go to the Emerald Magic Academy!"

In the secret room where the angel Sifus was imprisoned in the Emerald Academy of Magic, Qingkong sat proudly on a chair wearing an angel armor, and said to Sifus who woke up: "The Queen of Hunting is dead, and Niltyer is also dead. I can prove that you Not polluted, still a pure angel."

The angel Sifus shook his dizzy head. What he saw was Theresia, the first biography of the holy scriptures, and two other angels guarded her behind her. Hearing that his identity was confirmed, Sifus said uncomfortably: "It's great! When are we going back to Sky City? I will definitely not let go of the Shadow Clan who tortured me.

ah! "

Sifus held his head, screaming out from the sudden pain.

Qingkong slightly raised his hand to stop the spiritual ball behind Sifus's head, and then said: "The Shadow Clan who tortured you is the subordinate of Qingkong, Queen of Moonlight. To release you, I am the one who pleads with Her Majesty the Queen for you. Now all parties are in the Emerald Forest. Game, don't disturb Sky City's strategy here because of your personal enmity!"

"That elf turned out to be the Queen of Moonlight, no wonder it's so strong!" Sifus was surprised to defeat his elf identity. After receiving the warning, he immediately said: "I obey Lord Teresia's orders!"

"Very good! You are worthy of being an angel of the Holy Tribunal who has gone through many tests and joined the Holy Tribunal." Clear Sky nodded in praise, and continued: "Because of the disappearance of you and Nierteye, the Sky City Archangel Council sent the Archangel Elzerie Come to the Emerald Forest to investigate. A holy angel is polluted, and a large number of hunting angels are bred with the hunting queen, which will become a stain on the holy order.

For a long time, there has been a voice to revoke the Holy Tribunal in the Archangel Conference. What you and Niltyer have caused will make the sword of the oath very passive in the Archangel Conference. "

Since the appearance of fallen angels, polluted angels have always been the most sensitive taboo in Sky City. This time, not only was a sanctuary angel polluted, but a group of hunting angels was created out of thin air, which is definitely the best attack material for the archangels who dislike the sanctuary.

The angel Sifus knew how much trouble he had caused, and now that Niertje was dead, he was left to carry the blame.

Thinking of the responsibilities he had to bear, Sifus endured the pain and knelt down to Qing Kong on one knee: "I'm sorry! The Holy Tribunal is in a huge crisis because of my stupidity and Niltyer's. If it can be remedied, I am willing to donate My life to make up for the mistakes we made."

Clear Sky is very satisfied with Sifus' attitude: "The Sword of the Oath is afraid of this situation, so it secretly sent me to investigate first. The Archangel Elzerie was sent by the Archangel Conference, the Archangel The angel is in the line of archangels, and he has already obtained Nierteye's body.

If he gets you matter what you say, it will be evidence to attack the sword of oath. When the Holy Inquisition is abolished, we will be reorganized and directed by the Archangel Elzerie, who will definitely try his best to bring about the condemnation of the sword of the oath. "

Sifus asked, "What can I do?"

Clear Sky said: "Now I ask Queen Clear Sky to delay handing you over to Erzerie, but the Archangel Elzerie represents Sky City, and Her Majesty the Queen will not be able to delay for too long.

The only way to save it is... you assassinate the Archangel Elzerie! "

"Ah!" the angel Sifus said in horror: "Assassinate the archangel? How is this possible?"

"Keeping the Holy Tribunal and maintaining the status of the Sword of Oath, is there anything the Angel of the Holy Tribunal can't do? You assassinated Elzerie to eradicate an enemy for the Sword of the Oath at the Archangel Conference. The Archangel vacated a position , I am the most qualified to add it, and then the sword of the oath can challenge the position of Archangel.

Sapphire Siphus! The world has become so turbulent that the Archangel still wants to abolish the Sanctuary and deprive the authority and influence of the Sword of Oath. This kind of cowardice will harm Sky City. Only a powerful leader like Sword of Oath has the ability to lead the angel into a new journey and bring the world under the angel's "justice"! "

Sifus, who was already in a messed up brain, immediately became excited after receiving the encouragement of "Teresia" and the blessing of the spiritual ball.

"Yes, only the 'justice' of the Holy Tribunal is the purest 'justice', and only the sword of the oath is qualified to lead the angels. The archangel is afraid of the sword of the oath and the Holy Tribunal. His weakness will only give the sky The city brings disaster.

I am willing to assassinate Elzelie, and I will sacrifice myself in the assassination. This is my glory and the meaning of my existence as a holy angel! "

"Very good! Very good!" Clear Sky praised such a paranoid holy angel: "But your strength is not enough to kill Elzelie in a surprise attack. I will use the secret technique I learned in Saint Lun City, Do an overdraft stimulation of the divine energy in your body.

You will become the most dazzling light in the explosion. "

"I'm ready, I'll pass on Master Shengdian first!"

"You should rest first... It will take some time to prepare for the secret ritual."

The psychic orb hypnotizes the angel Siphus.

Clear Sky came out of the secret room.

Then I was told that King Sanye had come and hoped to have a private meeting with Queen Moonlight.

Qingkong asked the sheriff and Anye to keep an eye on the angel Sifus, and then went to see King Sanye.

In a room arranged by the college, the clock in the corner was ringing. King Sanye sat by the window, watching the scenery of the college outside the window.

The war has left many wounds here, and there are guard patrols on the damaged city walls, owls glide lightly, and occasionally there are a few hounds barking. The order within the academy has been restored, but the passing of Dean Vidal still adds a lot of sadness to the atmosphere here.

"Your Majesty!" A guard opened the door and walked in: "Miss Xingkong is here."

"Please come in, Miss Xingkong!" King Sanye stood up to greet him, and saluted when Qingkong came in: "Hello, Miss Xingkong. Thank you for your dedication to the forest elves. No words can express my gratitude to you."

Qingkong returned the salute to King Sanye: "I just did what I should do as an elf family. The victory over the hunters, more resistance from the forest elves, and the sacrifice of Dean Vidar."

"Uncle Vidal is a hero who will always be remembered by the forest elves." King Sanye invited Qing Kong to sit down, and then explained the purpose of his visit: "Although there are still many headhunters hiding in the forest, it is not enough to treat the forest elves. It poses a fundamental threat. It's just that the crisis we are facing is even more serious, Miss Xingkong... No, I'll still call you Your Majesty Qingkong, you should know the difficult choice I am facing.

Any mistake could ruin the future of the Forest Elves. "

Qingkong summoned a tree vine to come in from the window with the natural magic she just learned, and the tree vine bloomed and poured a drop of nectar into the teacup on the table.

Then Qing Kong picked up the teacup and slowly stirred it with a small spoon.

"Although the five ancient civilizations have lost their artifacts, their own strength and existing magical skills allow the five ancient civilizations to still stand at the pinnacle of the world. The reason why the Golden Shield Empire is able to challenge the World Bank is because the empire was established in On top of the industrial system of emerging human civilization, there are Dreadnought-class battleships, Kirov-class airships, Titans...

As one of the founders of magic technology, I firmly believe that magic society will push human civilization into the next stage of soaring. If there is no resistance from the outside world, human civilization will surpass the current five ancient civilizations. Because of this, human civilization will inevitably be blocked by the five ancient civilizations.

The currency struggle between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank is just the beginning, and even if the World Bank wins, as long as magic still exists, this battle will never end. Even if human beings are extinct, elves who have mastered magic science are the next target. This is not alarmist talk. "

King Sanye listened carefully.

It has to be admitted that the new magic science created by Raging Waves City has opened up an even more infinite and broad world for the already thriving human civilization. Dean Vidal highly respected magic, and immediately established the Department of Magic in the Emerald Academy of Magic, planning to set up his own magic laboratory in the Emerald Royal Court.

The steam airship Kirov and the Magic Titan let the world see the application of magic technology.

Human civilization can not only surpass ancient civilizations in the economy, but the emergence of magic technology has brought human civilization closer to the gap with ancient civilizations in terms of force, and has the potential to surpass them.

Will the proud ancient civilization allow the inferior races they looked down upon before to surpass themselves?

The road ahead of King Sanye became clear.

To follow the Golden Shield Empire is to tie yourself to the chariot of human civilization. As long as human civilization breaks through all obstacles, it will be able to open up an era that belongs to human civilization.

To follow the Shuojin people is to stand on the opposite side of human civilization. The Shuojin people destroyed human civilization, and naturally they did not allow the elves to develop magic technology. Even though the forest elves maintain the independent status of the Emerald Forest in name, they are actually low-level races under the ancient civilization.

King Sanye asked Qingkong: "Your Majesty! The Moonlight Royal Court is very close to the Golden Shield Empire, and you lead the most cutting-edge magic technology. Does this mean that you are optimistic about the future of human civilization?"

Clear Sky took a sip of tea and replied: "The forest elves are different from our grassland elves. We have the World Tree. Maybe you don't know what the World Tree is, but I can tell you... No matter whose future world belongs to the World Tree All can allow the grassland elves to obtain the most basic living environment.

So I don't have your pressure. The Moonlight King's Court needs to be very close to the Golden Shield Empire because of its geographical location, and I can also communicate with ancient civilizations without hindrance. "

King Sanye couldn't help envious of the prairie elves: "Having the World Tree and you, Your Majesty, is the luck of the prairie elves. The poor forest elves can only deceive themselves with the nonexistent elf god."

"It is not wrong to have faith, it is wrong to entrust everything to God. Although I am not very interested in international diplomacy, I believe in a truth: a big country shows prestige to a small country, and a small country uses wisdom to a big country.

Only by finding your own position can you survive among the big countries and seek benefits for yourself. "

Qingkong's words made King Sanye suddenly enlightened, and he immediately stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty. My mind is a mess these days. After listening to your words, I can sort out all my thoughts in an instant.

Now I'm going back to Emerald Lake immediately to post my decision.

Please forgive my neglect. "

Qing Kong smiled and said, "I'm glad to help you, I think the forest elves will have gods to protect you."

King Sanye looked at the clear sky again, and obviously felt that the queen's temperament had changed a little.

However, King Sanye, who was busy returning to the Emerald Lake Palace, did not go into details, and only regarded Qingkong's last words as a blessing for the end of the meeting.

"Thank you again."

King Sanye left the Emerald Academy of Magic in a hurry. When he returned to his palace, Emerald Lake revealed a lot of information to the outside world.

The Emerald Forest asks the Dragon Kingdom for help, hoping that the Dragon Kingdom can send a sufficient number of dragons to the Emerald Forest to help the forest elves clear up the headhunters in the forest. The Emerald Forest is willing to provide the colorful garden to the dragon as a nesting place for the dragon. King Sanye requests a formal meeting with King Taotie of the Dragon Kingdom to reshape the relationship between the Emerald Forest and the Dragon Kingdom.

The Emerald Forest expresses its willingness to join the "League of Nations". The forest elves hope to develop more in-depth relations with countries around the world, and hope to reach more investment projects and cooperation plans with the World Bank, and to obtain international assistance for the reconstruction of the Emerald Forest.

Emerald Forest expressed its willingness to join the "Free Trade Organization". The forest elves admire the development speed of the Golden Shield Empire, and hope to speed up the study of the economic development of the Golden Shield Empire by joining the "Free Trade Organization".

The Emerald Forest condemned Sky City for sending angels into the territory illegally, which caused the power of the headhunters to skyrocket and caused incalculable losses to the Emerald Forest.


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