Age of Mysticism

Chapter 546 Covenant

It must have been the Meteor! It must have been the Meteor!

Elder Lin stared at Luke in the steam airship of the Kirov, and an intuition made him believe that the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire must be related to the assassination of the Archangel Elzerie. Otherwise, what reason would an angel have to murder a well-respected archangel, and how could he have the ability to assassinate a powerful archangel?

But there is no evidence.

Even if there is evidence, it may have been submerged in the ruins of the Shuojin Hotel.

Elder Lin looked at the collapsed building, and the mages in the rescue team had already controlled the spreading dust. The ruins that had collapsed into a pile of bricks and stones emerged, and the hounds rushed in to sniff out the survivors. The elves and steam titans carefully carried the debris to free the buried survivors.

This bombing can be said to have blown up all expectations of saving the Emerald Forest situation. None of the archangels went to the Dragon Kingdom, and the golden civilization alone was not enough to make those rebellious dragon kings back down on the Emerald Forest incident.

Moreover, if an archangel died in the hands of an angel, Sky City would definitely be caught up in the investigation of this incident, and would definitely not have the energy to cooperate with the actions of the Shuojin civilization in the secular world.

At this moment, Elder Lin felt that the giant airship beside him was like a big hand covering the sky of the Emerald Forest. He controls everything and plays with all forces in his own hands.

"You all go to the rescue, try to find the surviving angels, and all the clues related to the assassination of the Archangel Elzerie!"

"Yes, Elder Lin."

Except for the two glittering men who supported the angel, everyone else rushed down to the ruins of the hotel below.

Elder Lin took one last look at the meteor in the Kirov airship, then turned around and flew back to the Emerald King Court branch of the World Bank.

Luke in the airship glanced at the departing Shuojin man, and continued to look at the ruins of the Shuojin Hotel.

He didn't expect that the assassination of the Archangel Elzerie would be so successful, so he didn't need to consider the plan of failing to frame Theresia.

Now that an archangel is dead, and the assassin is a holy angel, it is tantamount to bringing the contradictions in Sky City to the surface. Regardless of whether the Archangel Council can consider the assassination's other secrets, if a Holy Inquisition dares to assassinate an Archangel, it means that the Holy Inquisition is completely out of the control of the Archangel Council.

The abolition of the Sanctuary has become an unavoidable problem in Sky City.

For a short time, there is no need to think about Sky City's intervention in the secular world, and there is no suspense in the Emerald Forest.

With the rescue of the Shuojin Hotel, the assassination of Archangel Elzelie spread rapidly.

When King Sanye heard the news, he was so frightened that he did not stand up from the throne for a long time.

The protest outside the Shuojin Hotel was sent by himself. Now that the Archangel Elzerie was assassinated and killed at this time, what does Sky City think?

After the Sanye King ordered to actively rescue the surviving angels, he immediately notified the Taotie King of the Dragon Kingdom through a special channel, hoping to recast the bilateral relationship as soon as possible, so that the dragons could enter the Emerald Forest without hindrance.

When the black dragon Bale brought a giant dragon envoy from the Dragon Kingdom, Luke, as the King of Gluttony, represented the Dragon Kingdom to conduct bilateral negotiations with the Emerald Forest.

Because of the urgent need for the protection of the Dragon Kingdom, King Sanye made substantial concessions in many aspects, which made the negotiation smooth and fast unexpectedly.

The number of Dragon Nest stations obtained by the Dragon Kingdom in the Emerald Forest has increased from one colorful garden to five, one of which is in the cliff near the Emerald Magic Academy.

The Emerald Forest bears all the expenses of the Dragon Kingdom's garrison, and divides the hunting grounds for the giant dragons to hunt and play.

Form an army of dragon patrols in the Emerald Forest. Responsible for the daily protection of dragon nests and hunting grounds, and participate in training to cooperate with giant dragons in coordinated operations; during wartime, the command of dragon patrols is handed over to the Dragon Kingdom garrison, and the Emerald Royal Court cannot exceed its authority to interfere.

The expenses of dragon patrol soldiers are taken care of by Emerald Forest.

The Dragon Kingdom and the Emerald Forest have established a military alliance. An attack on either party is equivalent to an attack on the other party. The two sides will form a joint military command within one year, and the address will be in Emerald Lake. The Emerald Forest is responsible for the expenses of the Dragon Forest Elf Military Joint Command. At the same time, Garret XVII, the King of Three Leafs, serves as the permanent commander. The commander-in-chief will be appointed separately during wartime.

In addition to the military cooperation, the Dragon Congress has appointed a group of giant dragons with profound attainments in magic to enter the Emerald Academy of Magic as visiting professors. In addition to increasing the quality of teaching and research in magic at the Emerald Academy of Magic, ancient dragon language will also become an important subject in the academy.


There are various agreements of the Dragon Kingdom Emerald Forest Alliance, signed by King Taotie and King Sanye to take effect.

The first batch of giant dragons entered the colorful garden to build a dragon nest, which means that since the giant dragons left the Emerald Forest thousands of years ago, they finally let the dragon's cry resound through the forest.

The group of dragons soared, and the cries of dragons continued.

Among the dragons who came to the Emerald Forest this time, a large part of the dragons withdrew from here to the Dragon Kingdom thousands of years ago. Now they are back, revisiting their old places, and the joy in their hearts cannot be concealed in their cries.

It seems that the prosperous Dragon Kingdom is coming back!

Listening to the dragons happily going to the colorful garden, King Sanye, who had just signed the covenant, felt mixed feelings.

Originally, I just wanted to take advantage of the Dragon Kingdom to fight against the Golden Shield Empire, the Shuojin people, and the Sky City, and try to maintain my own independence as much as possible.

I didn't expect such a covenant to be signed in the end.

Except that the bottom line that the Emerald Forest is attached to the Dragon Kingdom in name has not been touched, the current Emerald Forest is equivalent to being included in the rule of the Dragon Kingdom.

But what can I do?

King Sanye asked his assistant to keep his covenant, and said to Luke, who is the gluttonous king: "King gluttony, there is no mention in the covenant that the ancient dragon king will enter the Emerald Forest on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom. Is it you?"

Luke picked up his copy of the covenant and threw it out the window. The paper was rotated and rolled up in the air, and ribbons were wrapped around it to bind it, and finally sealed with a magic seal. A white dragon swooped down from the sky, its claws held the covenant tightly, and then let out a dragon chant and flapped its wings and flew into the air.

When the white dragon disappeared, Luke turned to the King of Three Leafs and said, "I came to the Emerald King's Court only to be entrusted by Queen Clear Sky to help you solve the trouble of the headhunters. It is an unexpected harvest to reforge the relationship with the Emerald Forest , now the entire Dragon Country is not mentally prepared to return to the Emerald Forest at all, and the group of dragons stationed in the Colorful Garden this time was formed in a hurry.

I guess most dragon kings don't know about this yet.

Therefore, to appoint which ancient dragon to come to the Emerald Forest requires many dragon kings to discuss together.

But it shouldn't be me. I still have important things to do with the Golden Dragon King Tailun in the Golden Shield Empire's Shenglun City. "

Hearing that it was not the Taotie King who entered the Emerald King's Court, the Sanye King was a little disappointed.

After a short contact, King Sanye could feel that this ancient dragon was a very capable and resourceful guy. It is not anyone who can easily maximize the benefits for themselves in such an emergency. Since the Emerald Forest decided to belong to the Dragon Kingdom, it would be beneficial for the Emerald Forest to send a smart and knowledgeable ancient dragon to the Dragon Kingdom.

"That's such a pity!" King Sanye changed the subject helplessly: "Do you have any opinion on the assassination of the Archangel Elzerie?"

Luke replied: "The lack of a co-lord in the Dragon Kingdom is a problem left over from the ancient wars, and Sky City has a similar problem.

The Holy Tribunal Angels in the Holy Tribunal are all radicals. They have deep hostility towards the Dragon Kingdom, Hell, and the Shadow Clan. They even miss the completely meaningless war.

And some of the archangels headed by the Archangel have always wanted to release the ideas imposed on the angels by the Shuojin people, which is contrary to the ideas of the archangels headed by the sword of the oath and the Holy Tribunal. Although the Archangel Elzerie disagreed with the Archangel's proposition, he felt that the Holy Tribunal should not be separated from the control of the Archangel Council. The Archangel Elzerie has a bad temper, calling the Sword of the Oath more than once a heresy.

The assassination of Archangel Elzerie this time will definitely trigger a big showdown of internal contradictions in Sky City. "

After listening to King Taotie's explanation, King Sanye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although a covenant has been signed with the Dragon Kingdom, if Sky City attacks the Emerald Forest, the battlefield will still be here.

"It seems that Sky City will not be angry with Emerald Forest for this matter in a short time."

Luke thought seriously: "Sky City will definitely send angels to investigate this matter. The investigation process is also the battlefield for the game between the Archangel Council and the Holy Tribunal. If the Emerald Forest did not participate in the assassination, don't make trouble, Angel Just ask for trouble and let the giant dragon stationed in the Emerald King's Court handle it."

King Sanye immediately said: "Of course the Emerald Forest is not involved. I asked the Emerald Magic Academy, and they have been imprisoning the angel Sifus since they caught him, and did not impose any punishment on him. The academy also deliberately let Sifus escape. Because I don't want to offend Sky City.

No one would have imagined that the angel Sifus would assassinate the Archangel Elzerie. "

"Yeah, no one would have thought of it." Luke said with emotion: "Since the Emerald Forest is not involved, Dragon Kingdom will not allow Sky City to make trouble in the Emerald Forest for this matter.

However, the joint military headquarters of the dragon patrol and the giant dragon forest elves must be established as soon as possible, and a war will definitely break out between the Golden Shield Empire and the Shuojin people. The dragon must learn to fight against human civilization, and the forest elves must also learn to fight against ancient civilization. "

King Sanye asked sadly: "Do you think that an all-out war will really break out?"

"The ancient wars were caused by the Shuojin people wanting to change the world order. Now both the Golden Shield Empire and the Shuojin people have mastered something that redefines the world order. Not only the Golden Shield Empire is developing magic technology, but the Shuojin people are also reorganizing their magic tools System, they each have their own advantages, and I'm not sure they will be stronger.

It can only be determined that the future world belongs to the magical civilization. "

King Sanye agreed, "My uncle Vidal also said similar things, but it's a pity that he can no longer lead the Emerald Magic Academy."

Luke also sighed and said: "Dean Vidal is a respectable scholar. Magic is a derivative of alchemy, and alchemy is a derivative of magic. Maybe the dragon entering the Emerald Magic Academy can improve the magic technology of the Emerald Forest. .

Now the location of the Emerald Forest is very good, it can not only cooperate with the Golden Shield Empire, but also cooperate with the Shuojin people. Make good use of this opportunity, and the Emerald Forest will become an existence that cannot be ignored in the future world. "

"I just hope to be like my grandfather, leading the forest elves through this war with an unknown ending."

"Your grandpa had dragons by his side, and now you have them too!"

After completing the covenant with the Dragon Kingdom, King Sanye immediately started negotiations with the World Bank.

Holding the covenant with the Dragon Kingdom and listening to the dragon's cry in the sky, King Sanye put on a very tough stance facing the Shuojin people.

The Emerald Forest can do business with whoever it wants to do business with. The "free trade body" of the Golden Shield Empire is a pure trade organization. The World Bank is not qualified to stipulate who the Emerald Forest should trade with!

The Shuojin people not only lost the opportunity to help when they encountered the headhunters in the Emerald Forest, but now that the angels have left the dragon and come in, they don't even have the confidence to threaten the Emerald Forest. What Elder Lin can do is to win over the Emerald Forest and prevent the sanction from pushing the forest elves onto the chariot of the Golden Shield Empire.

Wait until you re-clarify the situation of all parties before launching a counterattack.

Anyway, any agreement is a piece of paper, which can be shredded at any time if you have the strength.

The negotiations between the Emerald Forest and the Shuojin people went smoothly.

Emerald Forest officially joined the "League of Nations". However, the Emerald Forest only accepts the alliance's trade obligations and rights, and does not participate in economic blockades and sanctions against any country or region.

The World Bank provided a low-interest loan for the reconstruction of the Emerald Forest.

The World Bank and the Emerald Forest have carried out in-depth cooperation in many fields such as alchemy, shipbuilding, magic technology, and steam machinery.

Emerald Forest will assist the World Bank in rebuilding the Golden Hotel, making this taller building a landmark of the Emerald Court.


Elder Lin took the agreement signed with King Sanye and left the Emerald King Court, walking quietly just as they came quietly.

After finishing the Longguo and Shuojin people, the angels are gone.

Only the Golden Shield Empire remained.

The reason why the Golden Shield Empire was placed behind the Shuojin people was because the Sanye King hadn't figured out how to talk to the empire's chief assistant, Meteorite.

This time the Emerald Forest encountered the disaster of the headhunters, the kindness of the Golden Shield Empire to the forest elves is really too great. The aid has never stopped; the steaming titans not only helped repel the headhunters' attack, but are now helping to clean up the city.

There is also Meteor Shoufu, a politician who can make people feel pressure just by hearing his name, which makes King Sanye a little bit unconfident when he meets Meteor.

He subdued all the forces within the empire; he brought the invading Attorney League back to the border; he built Raging City into the richest and most dynamic city in the world; now he even brought the empire to challenge an ancient Civilization, and let all parties in the world not feel that he is overreaching.

How should I talk to him?

King Sanye was in his palace, looking at the steam airship Kirov floating above the city. Meteorite, the chief assistant of the empire, was there, and he stayed there all the time except when he appeared in battle with the headhunters.

Let all parties play tricks below, he will not move.

It was as if everything was under his control!

King Sanye couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"Please Makatina, the acting principal, go to the steam airship of the Golden Shield Empire Kirov, and express to the Chief Assistant of Meteor that I want to board his airship..."

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