Age of Mysticism

Chapter 558: Influence Map of Scorched Earth City

Dalikova has a good grasp of the charm of the succubus, her eyes are like silk, the tip of her tongue is lightly sticking out, her frowns and smiles are all kinds of charms, and she can even use charm.

It's just that this kind of spiritual invasion was blocked by Luke's thunder-shrinking fire pupil, and a flash of electricity forced Darikova to let go of her tail and retreat.

"Your eyes... are immune to mental attacks!"

Luke smiled and said: "I have no ability, how dare I take on such a big task. It seems that this "Atlas of Hell Creatures" is indeed suitable for you. With it... you will have a changeable identity in hell, Maybe you can expand your business to hell.

It is definitely more profitable than catching rape. "

Dalikova pulled out a card from the ring, and after a puff of smoke, it turned into a staghorn demon with electric chains flickering between the two horns. Turning into a hellfire horse again, running and jumping on all fours without any incongruity.

Then Darikova tried several transformations. After recovering herself, she couldn't help being surprised: "You are right, I can definitely expand my business to hell. Have you seen it? After I transformed into a race of hell , can use their abilities, Stockmore is definitely a genius."

Luke knew that the "Atlas of Hell Creatures" could allow transformed people to obtain the ability to correspond to hell creatures, but whether they could use it smoothly or not varied from person to person. Dalikova was able to master it so proficiently at the first try, it can only be said that this prop is destined for her.

"Since you want to expand the business of Hell, I will be your first client. Investigate the fallen angels in Scorched Earth City, and collect all the information you can about them."

This task is more interesting than sending letters, and Darikova immediately accepted the commission: "No problem, you can rest assured that this task is entrusted to me. I will first develop a group of informants and build an intelligence network in Scorched Earth City, let alone degenerate Angel, I can also get you information about the madman lord."

Seeing that Darikova was so motivated, Luke reminded: "The situation in hell is different from our human world. Be careful and don't overplay it."

"Don't question my business ability." Dalikova took out a card and transformed into a very strong demon governor, and said in a low voice: "I'll go out and take a few demon descendants and start working!"

Dalikova turned and left the hut, and started the journey of the Hell's intelligence-changing banshee.

Luke continued to read.

Most of these books were written by Stockmore. There are diaries recording life in hell, the distribution of various forces in Scorched Earth City, and some secrets.

The Madobusa family used to be a very powerful succubus family. At its peak, it had two thousand succubi and tens of thousands of servant demon descendants, controlling a large urban area and lava river section.

Succubus and Governor are both high-level demon descendants, and some strong ones have the strength not weaker than demons. These high-level demons will gather together to form big families, and they are the backbone of the demon lord. Once some demon families are strong enough, they will not be controlled by the demon lord. After all, the number of demons in a territory is far less than the number of demons. The attitude of a powerful demon family can sometimes determine the replacement of the demon lord.

Therefore, in hell, a considerable number of demon lords exist in the form of puppets, and there are endless battles between the demon lords and the demon families in the territory.

In the Epoch game, players can accept the task of reviving the Madobusa succubi family by recognizing their relatives, and assist Madobusa to fight wits and bravely with all forces in the scorched earth. How far the Madobusa family can be developed depends entirely on the player's personal ability. If there is a slight mistake during this period, the Madobusa family may be wiped out by the madman lord or other demon families.

What Stockmore left here is an initial resource for the player.

According to the information compiled by the players, Stockmore brought the mature management of human civilization into Black Castle after he married the former Mistress Madobusa. The Madobusa succubus family ushered in a period of rapid development, and the family power continued to grow, which attracted the suspicion of the madman lord.

So the demon fanatics supported the Malvini family, the opponents of the Madobusa family, and provoked the two succubus families to fight openly and secretly.

In the end, Stockmore died after his life was exhausted, and the former Mistress Madobusa was killed in an ambush by the Malvini family. The ambush was actually arranged by the lunatic. The death of the former Mistress Madobusa further deepened the hatred between the two succubus families, and the lunatic watched the vendetta of his subordinate demon family behind the scenes.

In the following days, Luke laid out the relationship map of Scorched Earth City on the wall of the hut based on the information and player guides left by Stockmore.

Now in the Scorched Earth City, demon fanatics can basically effectively control all demon families. Moreover, with the arrival of the Shuojin weapon, the madman will gain more and more control over the demon family, laying the foundation for him to launch a war of territorial expansion.

The Shuojin people are foreign forces. They pretend to be human merchants and sell weapons to hell with Scorched Earth City as the center. Apart from competing with Raging Waves City in the hell market, they also have the purpose of provoking a war in hell. Therefore, to a certain extent, the Shuojin people are on the side of the demon fanatics, but their position is not stable. After all, whoever starts the hell war is the same for the Shuojin people.

Demonic tyrants are alien forces. He is an ancient demon who participated in ancient wars, and he still has a certain influence in hell. As a potential solicitation target, the demon lord fanatic acquiesced to the demon tyrant staying in Scorched Earth City. The tyrant actually belongs to the side of Raging Waves City. This dark chess is placed here, and it can produce miraculous effects if used well.

Fallen angels are also external forces. After the end of the ancient war, they were squeezed out by demons, and finally hid in a black prison somewhere. Fallen angels are also targets that demon lord fanatics want to recruit, but they will definitely not be recruited easily, otherwise they would be divided up by demons after the end of the war thousands of years ago. However, it is possible for the fallen angels to pretend to join and follow the war launched by the demon fanatics, and officially walk out of the black prison to expand their own living space.

The Madobusa Succubus family is an indigenous force in Scorched Earth City. They lost the battle with another demon family, and their power was severely weakened. They have an urgent need to restore their strength and revenge. Now I have opened a breakthrough in the Madobusa Succubus family, passing through the chain of interests of the demon family in Scorched Earth City, enough to stir up a storm.

These days, Dalikova is so busy that she hardly sees anyone. Apart from going back to the hut to sleep according to her work and rest time, she kept running outside at other times. She incarnated as a different identity to recruit low-level demons, weaving her own intelligence network in Scorched Earth City bit by bit. Her profession also made her like a fish in water. She closely monitored the activities of the fallen angels in Scorched Earth City. Even if the fallen angels found out that they were tracking them back, she used the changes to avoid them without any risk.

"The food in hell is really hard, no wonder the teeth of hell creatures are so sharp!" Dalikova came back from the outside with a piece of unknown jerky in her mouth, and said to Luke who was paying attention to the wall network: " I just received news that a new group of fallen angels and black feathered demons have come to Scorched Earth City. The fallen angel Garland went to the lord's castle of the madman. As for what they talked about, I still have no way of knowing.

By the way, there is now an unknown demon in Scorched Earth City. He is not affiliated with the fanatics, and has a group of his own demons. He bought a batch of armor and weapons from the fanatics yesterday, and he doesn't know what he wants to do.

Need me to investigate this demon? "

A demon who does not know where he belongs must be a tyrant.

Luke said: "No need! You can just keep an eye on the fallen angels. Others that need to be monitored, someone is doing it for me."

Dalikova asked in surprise: "In Scorched Earth City, are there other people working for you?"

"Don't underestimate the strength of the agents of the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs." Luke smiled and said: "Get ready, I will take you to meet a succubus, and we will have a lot of cooperation with her in the future."

When she heard that she was going to meet the succubus, Dalikova drew out a card: "Is it the succubus who killed Stockmore's wife and succeeded in taking over the position? A succubus who has feelings for humans, I must get to know him." .”

Luke put on the smock and walked out: "The succubus is dead. What we want to meet is the daughter of the succubus and Stockmore. Her name is Madobusa, and she is the head of the Madobusa succubus family. mother."

"No way! Humans and succubi can have children?" Dalikova followed Luke out of the open door, and after going out, she transformed into a succubus: "We need to get to know each other... She is like a human, or is she like a succubus?" magic."

"It's said to be a succubus!"

Luke brought Dalikova to Black Castle, and the identity of Madobusa's mother and brother allowed him to enter without hindrance.

In the same room, Luke was grabbed by Madobusa as soon as he entered the door: "My dear brother, I haven't seen you for so many days, and I miss you every day...Who is she?"

Madobusa noticed that the succubi who followed Luke did not belong to her family, and immediately asked vigilantly.

Dalikova also noticed that Madobusa was holding Luke's hand, so she took his arm and said, "Hello, sister Madobusa, I'm Dalikova. These days your brother is always with you. I'm with you, and we miss you too."

Dalikova's beauty and provocation successfully aroused Madobusa's desire to win. She said to Luke softly: "Brother! As a succubus, I want to remind you, don't trust anyone from the road. The succubus picked up by the side.

She might be a spy sent by the Malvini family! Leave her to me, and I'll find a way to get her to speak of their plot. "

Dalikova smiled triumphantly: "Sister Madobusa, how can you doubt my relationship with your brother? Your father is also a human being..."

Ma Duobusa showed killing intent.

Luke stopped in time and said: "Sister, Dalikova came to Scorched Earth City with me. Without her guidance, I would not be able to enter Purgatory safely. She has nothing to do with the Malvini family, and she doesn't even belong to Scorched Earth City." .”

Seeing Luke defending the succubus around him like this, Madobusa could only suppress her anger, but the demonstrator held Luke's other arm.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm just worried about your safety. I've already done what you asked me to do. The information about the group of human merchants is here."

Madobusa pulled Luke to sit down on the chair, took a roll of leather paper from the subordinate next to him and put it in Luke's palm, and raised her eyebrows at Darikova on the other side.

Luke had nothing to do with these two succubi, he could only unfold the parchment scroll and look at it intently.

This group of human businessmen claimed to belong to the Highland Venture Capital Company, and the leader was a human woman named Miria.

Miria signed an agreement with the Outlaw Lord on behalf of Highland Ventures. The main content is that the highland venture capital company can conduct trade transfers between the secular world and hell through a space crack in the madman's territory. In return, demon lord fanatics can take one-tenth of the goods in transit as a transit tax.

In order to transport supplies, Highland Ventures hired many demons in Hell.

"The madman lord forbids us demon families to trade weapons with human merchants, but I know that some demon families provide demon mercenaries for humans to arm demon mercenaries to obtain weapons.

If you hadn't found me, brother, I would also be trying to find a way to get weapons through other channels. "

Seeing that Luke hadn't spoken for a long time, Madobusa couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

After Luke finished reading, he waved his hand and summoned a fire to burn the parchment roll.

"I just got the news that a batch of armor and weapons have entered Scorched Earth City. This batch is all tailor-made for the succubus, it is my meeting gift for my sister."

Hearing that Xin Xinnian's weapons had arrived, and all of them were suitable for succubus, Madobusa's heart was finally relieved.

This is definitely my brother.

Madobusa forgot to continue the female competition with Dalikova, and asked eagerly, "Can I get it now?"

"Of course!" Luke said, "It's for you. Of course, you can pick it up whenever you want. It's just that there are 200 sets of armor and 1,000 short knives in this batch, which is quite a lot. Can you Was it transported to Castle Black without notice?"

Hearing that there are so many armors and weapons, Madobusa stood up happily: "Of course! Black Castle has a tunnel leading to the lava river. We can directly transport the things on the ship through the tunnel."

Luke was also happy: "Great! I'm still worried about whether the follow-up weapons can be shipped in smoothly. How many weapons can Black Castle store?"

The weapons came so quickly, it was obvious that his new brother had already prepared for it.

Everything was as she had guessed, Madobusa asked, "How many weapons will there be?"

"A total of 20,000 pieces of various weapons, and 1,000 pieces of general-purpose armor. If the sales in Scorched Earth City are good, the goods coming later will only be more and better."

Madobusa felt that she couldn't breathe.

In order to hold the source of weapons in their hands, the lunatics have been restricting their demons from obtaining weapons from the Highland Venture Capital Company. Because the human merchants had an agreement with the lunatics, they did not dare to provide weapons to the demon family. Therefore, the demons in Scorched Earth City really showed their talents in order to obtain additional weapons.

Now that a large-scale weapon supply channel is in his hands, the Madobusa family is finally about to revive.

"Brother... I can sell you as many weapons and armors as you want!"

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