Age of Mysticism

Chapter 569 Let's go, Teresia

After igniting the fuse of the Hell War, Luke went to the Winter Capital through the territory of the demon Red Flame, met with Helkkin again, and then embarked on the journey back to the empire.

Almost at the same time, Tan also returned from hell to the secular world and boarded a boat bound for the Golden Valley. All the debt collectors in the Bad Debt Handling Office of the World Bank received Ying's message, but the Shuojin Elderly House knew nothing about it. A revolution was brewing, and only waited for Tan's return.

At this time, the internal conflicts in Sky City reached their peak, and they had to be resolved.

Teresia, who was in the Sanctuary of Saint Lun City in the Golden Shield Empire, received an order from Sword of Oath, asking her to immediately lead the subordinate holy angels back to Sky City...

This order was something Teresia could not disobey. The holy angels of the church were preparing for the trip, and she took a short time to visit Qingkong.

Ever since she went to the Emerald Forest, Qingkong fell in love with nectar tea. She specially asked for some rare seeds from Makatina, and opened up a botanical garden in the museum. Take water for irrigation.

With such careful cultivation and modulation, the nectar tea made by Qingkong has a different flavor from the nectar tea of ​​Emerald Magic Academy.

Since there was nectar tea, Teresia not only came to take classes and meals, but also came to take tea at tea time on time.

After a cup of tea was brewed, Teresia took a sip from the teacup, her complex mood made it difficult for her to taste the charm of the tea.

"Originally, I shouldn't have told you about this kind of thing. But..." Teresia hesitated for a while, and said: "But I always feel that you are standing at a height that none of us can reach, overlooking the world The situation is changing, it seems that you are a life form higher than all our lives."

Qingkong sipped tea and said with a smile: "I have accepted the authority of the World Tree, and it seems that you are not wrong when you say that I am a higher life form than you.

If you want to talk about the great changes that are about to take place in Sky City, in fact... everyone in the world is waiting for this great change to come. "

Teresia asked curiously: "Is it so obvious?"

"An archangel was assassinated and died, bringing to the surface the contradictions that had accumulated in Sky City for thousands of years. If it was still a few years ago when the world order was stable, the angels were able to suppress the contradictions again, but the world now is not what it used to be The world isn't even what it was yesterday.

If Sky City can't take advantage of this time to decide who has the final say, Angel will have no way to deal with the ensuing battle. "

Theresa was silent.

When she received the order to return to Sky City, she asked Sword of the Oath: Can it be avoided?

Oath Sword's answer was very similar to Clear Sky's.

The Archangel and the Archangel Gold have been working hard to free the angels from the influence left by the Jin civilization, while the sword of the oath believes that it is because of the influence of the Jin civilization that the angels have unparalleled combat effectiveness.

left? To the right?

It used to be possible to compromise on an intermediate value, but now a direction must be decided.

Even with force!

"Alas..." Teresia sighed, "Who will be friends and who will be enemies in the future is ambiguous. Even in ancient wars, I haven't lost sight of the way forward like this.

In the process of getting along with you, I have learned a lot of things. I cherish your friendship very much. I really don't want to be divided into two camps on the battlefield one day. "

Clear Sky poured tea for Teresia: "If Sky City does not accept human civilization dominating the world, we are most likely to be enemies."

"Human civilization!" Teresia fell into memories, and she was absorbed in her studies during this time. The more you go deep into human civilization, the more you will be shocked by the vast knowledge. Human civilization has now challenged the Shuojin civilization, and has shown the potential to surpass the five ancient civilizations.

Will the five aloof and self-confessed advanced creatures allow this to happen?

After a while, Teresia asked: "If we leave this time, will we not be able to come back?"

"Of course!" Clear Sky gave an affirmative answer: "After you and the Holy Angel leave, the Empire will immediately ban the Knights Templar. Once there is a great change in Sky City, the Empire can take the opportunity to cancel the Templar.

When the civil strife in Sky City is quelled, the various extraordinary fighters and super weapons developed by the empire should be able to be mass-produced. "

After listening to Qing Kong's words, Teresia laughed instead: "It seems that you think that Oath Sword has a high probability of winning, and the Sky City he leads will definitely regard the Golden Shield Empire as an opponent or enemy."

"The rules of this world are like this. Reasonable ones are hard to beat with fists. The ideals of Archangel and Archangel Gold are worthy of respect, but they are too ideal.

I just hope that you can maintain a certain degree of sanity in the radical, and be able to step on the brakes at critical times. "

Teresia shook her head: "You think too highly of me."

"I hope I didn't underestimate you." Jenny walked in at this moment, holding a stack of books in her hands. Clear Sky asked Jenferne to put the book beside Teresia: "You have been studying with me for too short a time. These are the books I specially selected for you. Then I will give you a piece of advice that I personally understand: any Don’t forget to study at all times, especially for a long-lived race like ours, let alone waste time in fantasy, because if you don’t pay attention, you will lose touch with the times.”

Teresia flipped through the book cover: "Thank you...Miss Qingkong, I don't know when we will see you next time after this separation. I have one last question. Is the artifact in Shenglun City?"

It was the first time Teresia clarified her purpose for coming to Saint Lun City. She looked towards the clear sky, waiting for an answer.

Qing Kong smiled and said, "Not here!"

Teresia asked nervously, "Where is the artifact?"

Qingkong replied: "It was the last question just now. Let's go, pass on the scriptures first, Sky City needs you."

Teresia's expression has changed in many ways, the news of the artifact is close at hand, but she knows that Qingkong will never tell herself more information.

"Okay!" In the end, Teresia could only let go of the burden in her heart temporarily. She picked up the book and stood up: "Let's say goodbye here..."

Teresia is gone, and all the holy angels are gone.

In order to seize control of the sky city, the sword of the oath must concentrate all the power in its hands. The batch of Holy Tribunal angels placed in Shenglun City are the backbone of the Holy Tribunal, and Teresia is regarded as her right and left hand by the sword of the oath.

As soon as the angels of the Silver Manor left, the Empire declared the Templars to be illegal armed forces. Under the cooperation of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, the once powerful Knights Templar was quickly wiped out.

Immediately, the empire announced the abolition of the Sanctuary of Saint Lun City and the recovery of the Silver Manor.

As soon as Luke returned to the imperial capital from Art County United, Queen Christina gave him the Silver Manor as the Duke's residence.

At the same time, the whole empire is preparing for the wedding of the Duke of Raging Waves and the eldest princess.

In the palace, the three giants of the empire held a small meeting.

Luke first briefly described his trip to hell.

Queen Christina and Princess Agatha seem to be listening to an absurd novel full of obscene elements.

Hell, that's the legendary source of evil.

"Go to hell" is the most vicious curse.

But this time the meteor not only went to hell, but also went deep into the center of hell, purgatory. Not only entered purgatory, but also helped the demon tyrant kill an ancient demon and grabbed an important territory.

What on earth is this man doing!

"Let me drink some water first, take a breath..." Empress Christina had just been holding her breath to listen to Luke's story, for fear of missing a wonderful passage. After Luke finished telling the story, she took a few long and deep breaths, drank another glass of water, and said with emotion after recovering: "If this story is told by another person, I will definitely send him to Agatha There, let him taste all the tortures of the Imperial Secret Service.

But the story is yours and I have to believe it.

From this moment on, all my previous fears of hell are gone, and I don't know how to express my current feelings.


In the end, Queen Christina kept her reserve and did not swear.

The eldest princess Agatha also seemed to have been hit hard in the head, and she waited for a long time before she calmed down. She asked the key question: "Are you sure the demon tyrant is on our side? We must know that the devil is fickle. Wait for him to become stronger. , may backfire on us."

Luke summoned the contract: "The tyrant signed a master-servant contract with me. This kind of contract is still very binding on the devil. And for this kind of magic contract, I believe that the tyrant knows what I can give him. , that's something he can't get anywhere else!"

The confidence in her man made Agatha stop thinking about whether the tyrant would defect, as long as the tyrant was smart enough, he would never do such a stupid thing.

"Next... the empire will open up a new battlefield in hell?"

Agatha knew she was right, but it was always awkward to say it. Opening a battlefield in hell, is this something that people can say?

But that's what it is.

Luke replied: "At present, it seems that the World Bank is preparing to fight a proxy war in hell. They support the tyrants to start a territorial war, first take down purgatory, and then advance to the edge of hell, and finally squeeze the power of the empire out of hell , cut off our access to hell resources.

We can also support agents in hell. The three-headed dog army of the demon Chiyan has been armed and trained by the empire, and already has quite good combat effectiveness. I can let the demon Chiyan also start a territorial battle on the edge of hell. On the one hand, it can effectively relieve the pressure on the tyrant, and on the other hand, force the Shuojin people to increase their support for the tyrant.

When the two of them meet in hell, hell is completely on our side. "

Listening to Luke's plan, the more Queen Christina and Agatha thought about it, the more wonderful the layout of hell was.

The two proxy forces have very strong territorial needs, and at the same time, their absolute hostility makes them need to accelerate their expansion, forcing the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank, which support them behind them, to continuously transfuse blood.

It can be said that the two strongest economies in the entire world, working together to promote the unification of hell, is an existence that is difficult for all parties in a mess of hell. Moreover, without the participation of external forces on the surface, it is difficult for the demon lords to truly reach a consensus in a hellish civil war and become existences that are eliminated one by one.

What's even more amazing about this war in hell is that the demon Chiyan and the demon tyrant seem to be enemies of each other, but because they are at the extremes of hell, inside and outside, they cannot reach each other if they want to fight. Therefore, we can only target the nearby unlucky ones. When they expand, they will arouse a stronger desire to expand because of the strengthening of the opponent's power.

When the two of them meet, the overall situation in hell is settled, and the rest is to decide who will be the boss.

But the decision-making power is not in the hands of the World Bank. They are just a part-time worker, and they are subsidizing resources to allocate half of the investment for the Golden Shield Empire.

Really played the conspiracy to the extreme.

The more I think about the subtlety of this game, the more I can't help but sigh.

Queen Christina said: "It seems that the empire has won an early victory in the confrontation of hell, and the wisdom of the chief assistant of the meteorite is worth more than a million troops.

Moreover, the Shuojin people put too much attention on the proxy war in hell, and their desire to attack in other directions will decrease.

What should we do next? "

Luke asked Agatha: "What's the situation with the war against Yate County United?"

Agatha took out the documents from her briefcase and gave them to Luke and Queen Christina respectively: "The Imperial Snow Army has crossed the border and burned the flames of war into the territory of the Yate County Federation. The resistance of the County Federation is very tenacious, of course According to your plan, the empire also controlled the war to local conflicts and did not invest in higher-intensity attacks.

However, with the financial and technical support of the World Bank, Art County Union's technological iteration and upgrading progress is very fast. Not only has the Dreadnought-class battleship entered the production stage, but the Magic Titan and the Steam Titan have also made breakthroughs in key technologies.

According to intelligence, Yate County United is also forming a magic army, and there will be more new weapons and new tactics on the battlefield in the future. "

Luke looked at the information collected by the Imperial Secret Service.

Although Luke learned some information from him when he met Helkin in Dongdu. But Helkkin's identity is very important, and he can't be found for all information. The regular information still has to be obtained by the Imperial Secret Service itself.

After receiving the full support of the World Bank, Attorney United quickly recovered from the defeat in the North. People's living standards have improved significantly, and anti-war sentiment has naturally been suppressed. The range of activities of the Freedom Army of Winter Capital has returned from the surface to the underground, entering a low-lying area of ​​development.

Now the Attorney General, as the war machine of the World Bank, has been fully activated, and the country is transitioning to a full-scale militarization. New weapons were developed, and a new army was formed, ready to fight a war with the Golden Shield Empire that would determine the fate of the country.

Facing such an Attorney United that has become a mad dog, the empire still feels a lot of pressure.

During Luke's journey to hell, Queen Christina ordered a limited military mobilization, recruiting experienced retired soldiers to form two supplementary legions of 100,000 people. At the same time, Sinclair was ordered to lead a part of the Royal First Magical Legion to move to St. Lun City. After they replenished a batch of weapons and equipment from Raging City in St. Lun City, they headed north to the northern border, ready to take over from the Snow Army at any time. Enter the Yate County United Operations.

I believe that the first battlefield confrontation with magical weapons will appear soon.

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