Age of Mysticism

Chapter 578: Jinjing Town

The Dragon Kingdom is located in the depths of the ocean to the south of the mainland, and it is a very vast island. The island is almost surrounded by towering cliffs, with only a few shoals and harbors for ships to moor.

The special geography makes Long Kingdom almost isolated from the outside world, making the species on the island extremely unique. Most of them have natural magic skills, so the species here, whether they are animals or plants, are collectively called Warcraft.

When outsiders come to Dragon Country to take risks, the chance of becoming a giant dragon snack is far less than the chance of becoming food for monsters. This further increases the mystery of Dragon Country, and it has become one of the world's most restricted areas.

And in an area in the northwest of the restricted area, there was a gap in the cliffs surrounding the Dragon Kingdom. A river flowed from the island, and a plain was formed here.

This plain was originally covered with dense jungles, inhabited by monsters. But now the jungle has been cut down, and a cargo port is built at the mouth of the river. Surrounding the port is a small town called Jinjing Town.

Although the size of the town is not large, the fire crystals transported from here now account for 30% of the international trade volume of fire crystals.

The fire crystal ore that has been mined is located on both sides of the river, and the mined fire crystal ore is transported to Jinjing Town by river. The fire crystal raw ore was screened and graded in the factory in the town, and then packed and loaded onto ocean freighters, and finally escorted by the Imperial Navy to Rage City.

With the upgrading of the world's industry, the demand for Huojing is increasing. With the continuous expansion of Jinjing Town, more and more workers come to work here. The mining industry has led to the development of related service industries, and some gray industries have grown and grown rapidly.

Even if the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs established a secret bureau in Jinjing Town directly under the General Bureau of Secret Affairs, it was still difficult to curb illegal activities.

Among the many gray industries in Jinjing Town, in addition to traditional smuggling, gambling and pornography, there is also poaching and trafficking of monsters.

Some daring people even have the idea of ​​a giant dragon.

The Golden Dragon King Tyrone told Luke many times that some people sneaked into the dragon's lair to steal treasures, and some people tried to capture the young dragons. Not only did this kind of thing happen in the territory of King Tai Lun, but even traces of humans appeared in the depths of the Dragon Kingdom.

The activities of the Golden Shield Empire in the Dragon Kingdom have already aroused the worry and dissatisfaction of some giant dragons.

So after Luke entered the Dragon Kingdom with a high profile as the Gluttonous King, he quietly changed his identity and came to Jinjing Town.

There are no high-rise buildings in Jinjing Town, which has not been built for a long time. Almost all buildings are made of local materials, mainly wood and stone. The industrial area surrounds the estuary and harbor, and the administrative, entertainment, and living areas radiate to the outer layer. Although the imperial cabinet made a professional urban construction design for Jinjing Town, in the process of implementation, except for the core area, it can be built according to the drawings, and the construction of other areas is really arbitrary.

Wearing a suit, a top hat, glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a cane in his hand, Luke walked into the Secret Service in the center of the town.

A familiar feeling came over me.

Except that the building has become a bungalow, it's almost like following Shelley into the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District for the first time. The office area was in a mess. Some of the spies gathered together to play cards, some were wandering, and some were sitting there looking like they were working but they didn't know what they were actually doing.

At this moment, Luke's mood is completely different from the first time he entered the Cape Secret Bureau.

Now the Imperial Bureau of Secrets is his own property. As the pillow of the top executive of the Bureau of Secrets, how can Luke maintain a good mood when he sees so many guys who are eating vegetarian food.

Moreover, the imperial cabinet attached great importance to Jinjing Town. Not only did the Bureau of Secrets here have sufficient salaries and funds, but the Imperial Energy Department also specially allocated a sum of money as an expatriate allowance for the spies in Jinjing Town. It can be said that the spies in Haijiao District had a good reason for not working at the beginning, and the spies in Jinjing Town really did not pay attention to the eldest princess of the empire and the chief assistant of the empire if they did not work.


Luke coughed loudly on purpose before anyone noticed him.

A careless spy came over, looked at Luke's appearance and clothes up and down, and said politely: "This is the Jinjing Town Branch of the Imperial Secret Service. This gentleman came to us, is there any case to report? ?”

Luke took off his top hat and took out an identity certificate issued by the Headquarters of the Imperial Secret Service.

"My name is Luke, and I am an agent from the Inspectorate Office of the Imperial Secret Service, here to deal with a few complaints about the Imperial Secret Service's Jinjing Town branch. Is your branch's Inspector Red Fox here? I want to see him now .”

Hearing that Luke was an inspection agent from the Empire's Secret Service, the spy who hadn't been in shape just now stood upright. He took the ID from Luke's hand, handed it back after checking, and said, "Agent Luke, Inspector Red Fox is in his office. I'll take you there."

Luke took the identification: "Thank you!"

"plz follow me!"

Luke followed the spy through the office lobby, and then entered the confidential office area through two security doors, and then came to the inspector's office.

Luke took out his identity certificate again and asked the inspector's confidential secretary to check it. At the same time, he observed Inspector Red Fox and recalled the information about Inspector Red Fox he saw at Agatha's place.

Inspector Red Fox is definitely capable of being arranged by Agatha in such an important place as the Secret Information Bureau in Jinjing Town.

When he saw Red Fox for the first time, Luke's first impression of him was that he was as cunning as a fox. He had slyness etched into his face, his eyes narrowed and his smile always on, watching Luke from the moment he entered the office.

Honghu sat in his seat without speaking, waiting for the confidential secretary to verify the authenticity of the identity certificate.

"Inspector Red Fox, this certificate was issued by the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs, and all the dark patterns and keys are fine."

"Very well, you can go out!"

Inspector Red Fox waited for his confidential secretary to walk out of the room, and invited Luke to sit across from his desk: "Agent Luke, the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs really attaches great importance to our Jinjing Town Bureau of Secret Affairs. A number of inspectors have been sent. I don't know what case you came to Longguo this time?

All the spies in our sub-bureau will do their utmost to cooperate. "

Luke sat down, put his stick aside, and said: "The Golden Dragon King Tailun has repeatedly complained to the Imperial Cabinet and the Imperial Secret Service, saying that many people in Jinjing Town have left the mining area without permission and went deep into the Dragon Kingdom to do illegal things. .

This has caused troubles for some dragons, and even endangered the safety of the dragons.

According to the division of functions, these should all be within the jurisdiction of Jinjing Town Secret Information Bureau. "

Regarding the accountability from the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs, Inspector Red Fox said with a smile: "Yes, these are all within the jurisdiction of our branch. But...we have no ability to manage it."

Luke asked: "Why? Is it because the funds given to you by the General Administration are not enough?"

"Of course the funds are sufficient. It's just that although the money in hand is a lot, it must be spent. Agent Luke, do you know that Jinjing Town's Secret Affairs Branch is the most dangerous branch of all the Empire's branches? We want to arrest and in-depth The criminals in the Dragon Kingdom will go deep into the Dragon Kingdom themselves.

Regardless of whether we are imperial agents or criminals, the dragon will hunt down and kill us if we find it, and there are also monsters that attack at any time. What's more deadly is... the criminals who dare to go deep into the Dragon Kingdom are not something ordinary imperial spies can deal with.

In the short period of time since the empire established Jinjing Town, three detective chiefs had died in the line of duty, and more than three hundred spies had died.

It can be said that all the conscientious spies are dead, and those who are left alive are just dawdling.

There's nothing I can do about it..."

After getting Red Fox's explanation, Luke found that his judgment of Jinjing Town Secret Affairs Bureau was wrong.

In a special place like Longguo, it is indeed difficult to perform the work of the Bureau of Secret Affairs.

Of course, you can't listen to the one-sided words of Inspector Red Fox, so Luke said: "I already know the difficulties of Jinjing Town's Secret Love Branch, and I will truthfully report the situation here to the General Administration. I believe the General Administration will find a solution soon. .

In addition, I plan to stay in Jinjing Town for a longer period of time to gain a deeper understanding of the illegal industry here and provide reference for the General Administration's solution. "

Inspector Red Fox said happily: "Agent Luke is welcome to stay in Jinjing Town. There are drinks and food unique to the Dragon Kingdom, which cannot be tasted in other places. Of course, the mosquitoes here are also more than other places. The places are powerful, and some of them carry poisonous and curse-like spells, so you must be careful when you sleep at night."

Luke could hear Inspector Red Fox's threat to him, and he became more interested in what was hidden in Jinjing Town.

"Thank you, Inspector, for your reminder. I will be careful not to let mosquitoes into my room..."

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