Age of Mysticism

Chapter 582 Twilight

In the face of this sudden attack, Eiffel showed the quality of an excellent jungle hunter. She flipped her hand quickly to bypass the monitor lizard's teeth, and then slapped the monitor lizard with a backhand slap.

At this time, the fool also knew that he had been plotted against.

Eiffel and the adventurers quickly took out their pistols and hand crossbows, facing Luke who was walking towards the top of Dragon Bone Mountain.

Bang bang bang... swish swish...

Concentrated bullets and arrows shot at Luke's back, and Taotie flew out at this time, rapidly growing from the size of a palm, and then blocked Luke's back with his body. Bullets and arrows hit its dragon scales, and they bounced off and flew around.

An ear-shattering dragon roar echoed in the underground space, and then as if responding to Taotie, the dragon roar rang out all over the Dragon Tomb one after another. Countless flames erupted from the four walls, and countless lights floated upward from the ground.

Facing a dragon-like creature and many dragon roars from unknown locations, the adventurers were frightened and immediately gathered together to form a circle, and urgently reloaded bullets and arrows for pistols and hand crossbows.

Eiffel looked at Luke, and he continued to walk towards the mountain without looking back. The dragon-like creature was firmly guarding his back, not giving any chance to sneak attack.

"Agent Luke!" Eiffel shouted: "We don't want the commission, let us go, okay? We promise to forget everything that happened here, and we will never come here again."

Luke walked up to the peak of Dragon Bone Mountain and turned to look at the adventurers below.

"I have walked here with you for so many days, not to let you go at a critical time. There will be a secret art ceremony here, and you are the sacrifices of this ceremony.

A brand new dragon race will come to this world relying on your flesh and blood. "

After finishing speaking, Luke recited the spell according to the strategy record, and the rising lights began to gather, and gradually took on the shape of a dragon.

Eiffel didn't have too much hope that Luke would let him go, this time he was completely desperate.

"You bastard!" Eiffel cursed angrily, but she also knew that cursing would not solve the current predicament. She gave the order to the adventurers: "Rush out the same way before the secret technique is activated."

The adventurers knew that this was a matter of life and death, so they didn't dare to wait any longer, and immediately retreated to cover each other.

But a huge body blocked their way of retreat.

It's that monitor lizard!

It's just that the monitor lizard is no longer the size of a wood carving, and its body has swelled to twice the size of a real monitor lizard. It stood in the way of the adventurer's retreat, wagging its enormous tail, and from the cracks in its mouth, fire and smoke blew out.

And it wasn't just this giant lizard that stood in the way of the adventurer's retreat. Huge figures emerged from the darkness one after another.

Eiffel recognized that all of them were sculptures made by Luke on the road, but he didn't expect that these sculptures were actually used against him.

The adventurers were forced to retreat by these behemoths that absorbed the energy left by the dragon.

Faced with such a desperate situation, all their adventure experiences combined could not think of a way out.

Eiffel said fiercely: "You block these things, I will kill Luke. He is dead, and everything will end."

This is an impossible solution. Although the adventurers don't think Eiffel is the opponent of the dragon-like creature, they can only do so desperately at this moment.

The adventurers stopped retreating and cast defensive spells or took out defensive props one after another. Seven people formed a shield wall facing the giant beasts.

Eiffel turned around and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Her body is very agile, and she runs on steep mountains like walking on flat ground.

Luke ignored Eiffel who rushed up, he continued to chant the spell, and countless dragon shapes formed by light aggregated surrounded Longshan.

These lights are all magical energy left over from the death of the dragon, which has been transformed into mysterious energy. Players who specialize in dragon tombs use the mysterious energy here to develop a secret technique and create a brand new type of dragon.

First of all, the player has to complete the cultivation of the dragon bloodline, and then make the Dragon King's Horn as the subject of the secret technique activation.

Dragon blood... Luke already has.

The horn of the Dragon King needs the horn of the Dragon King to make... Taotie is the orthodox ancient dragon inheritance, and its horn is equal to the horn of the Dragon King.

With the subject, the artifact tree bud can directly activate the secret language.

Now Luke is completing the preparatory work of the entire secret ritual, stimulating the energy of the dragon in the dragon tomb and providing flesh and blood for the new dragon family.

I don't know how many new dragons can be summoned this time.

The highest known player record is six...

Now there are eight people used as sacrifices here. Luke doesn't want to break the player's record. He can summon four or five small dragons to form a group of small dragons, so that he can show himself in the Dragon Kingdom King Trial.

Luke took one last look at the adventurers below.

The adventurers who blocked the Dragon Neng monster only played a blocking role. Their strength is not bad, and they can still block the Dragon Neng giant beast for a while under desperate circumstances.

Eiffel faced Taotie, and the strength she showed made Luke's eyes shine. Her skills have become the instinct of fighting, and her simple and efficient moves are all rushing to the vital point. It's just that Taotie is the inheritance of the ancient dragon. Although his intelligence is at the level of young dragons, his strength can already be a qualified dragon king.

Even if Taotie stood still and let Eiffel attack, she really had no good way to face the dragon scale with super defensive performance.

Besides, Taotie was taught by Qingkong.

Eiffel wanted to go around Taotie and attack Luke several times, but failed. Instead, Taotie swept her down with his tail, and then pressed his claws on her back.

Taotie raised its head and let out a triumphant roar, its claws strengthened and pressed Eiffel into the stone pile, life or death was unknown.

The battle at the foot of the mountain quickly came to an end.

The dragon energy giants broke through the defensive formation formed by the adventurers, and after a short one-on-one fight, they killed or subdued them one by one.

The corpses and subdued people were brought to the Dragon Bone Mountain with their mouths in their mouths, and Taotie commanded the giant dragon energy to bury them in specific locations.

The comatose Eiffel woke up, and she could feel that most of her bones were crushed. The chest was compressed so badly that it was difficult to breathe, and with every gasp blood came out of the nose and mouth.

In blurred vision, she saw Luke, and a dragon-shaped light filling the space.

"It's so beautiful!" Eiffel said weakly: "I knew that I would die in an adventure one day, but I didn't expect to die here. To be able to see such a magnificent beauty when dying, to be able to die in the dragon In the tomb... it's not bad..."

Luke heard Eiffel muttering to himself.

"What you die is only your soul, and your body will be reshaped in another form. Now I apologize to you. Although you have committed crimes that deserve death, this time it is my lynching.

There is no trial, only execution. "

Eiffel asked at this time: "If I had promised you to join the Secret Service, wouldn't you have to die?"

"Yes!" Luke replied: "The relationship between the Empire and the Dragon Kingdom is very important, and the crime of illegal intrusion into the Dragon Kingdom must be fundamentally combated. If you are willing to work for the Empire, your value is higher than your current value."

Eiffel smiled wryly, coughing up blood and asked, "I promise you now, can I still live?"

"A missed opportunity is a missed opportunity! Without you, as long as the empire is determined to crack down on the illegal industry in Jinjing Town, it can still be eradicated, it just takes more effort.

I talked too much with you, which gave me the illusion that you could turn the tables.

goodbye! "

Taotie stepped on it, blood splashed everywhere, and quickly stained a large area of ​​the ground red. Then Taotie stepped on them one by one, making up for those that were not broken.

There is no reversal, and all eight people are completely dead.

The dragon-shaped light roared around, and the dragon could transform the giant beast back into a wooden sculpture, and the light inside emerged to form a light dragon to join in the flight.

Luke took out the Blazing Heaven Sword, Taotie walked over and lowered his head.

Luke patted Taotie's head, and comforted him, "Just cut off one horn, and it will grow back soon."

Taotie shook his head docilely, and pawed Luke's palm coquettishly.

Luke patted Taotie's head again, swung his sword and chopped off a dragon's horn.

He holds a sword in one hand and a dragon horn in the other and raises it above his head.

A new incantation was recited, and the dragon's horns rang along with the incantation. The initial sound of the dragon horn was very low and hoarse, but as the mantra was recited, the sound of the horn gradually became louder and clearer.

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, the dragon's cry resounded throughout the underground space, and the sound wave echoed like the roar of ten thousand dragons.

The dragon-shaped lights flew faster, they jumped for joy, and rushed to the battlefield as if obeying the order of the dragon king.

Finally, the horn of the Dragon King emits a strong light and transforms into a mysterious prop.

Luke then spoke the words of the occult.

"The Resting Place of the Twilight Dragons"

The artifact tree bud protruded from Luke's collar. At this moment, all dragon cries stopped abruptly, and all dragon-shaped lights froze in the air.

The one-horned Taotie looked at the dragon shapes all over the sky, and couldn't help calling softly, hoping to get their response.


Only the cries of Taotie echoed.

Suddenly, the Dragon King's horn that Luke held turned into powder, and the powder sprinkled on him turned into a colorful halo.

Then a dragon cry sounded somewhere.

It caused Taotie to turn his neck and look around.

A dragon-shaped light moved, and it flew towards Luke, and its body was dyed in color immediately after being stained with the colored light. It was a white dragon with a long body and a wide wingspan. It was a giant dragon that was very good at flying.

The colored white dragon let out a joyful chirping sound, its flying speed increased, and it shuttled through the dragon-shaped lights like a wind and electric engine, but at such a speed, it didn't hit any dragon-shaped lights. Finally, it let out an extremely high-pitched dragon cry, quickly climbed up, turned around and swooped down, and hit the ground with its head unabated.

In the middle of one of the blood pits.


Luke remembered that Eiffel died there, and now after the impact of the white dragon, the stone pile was even more bloody. However, those stones with flesh and blood gathered automatically, and the surrounding stones buried them layer by layer.

Time passed by second by second, and Luke waited quietly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a white arm suddenly stretched out from under the rubble, and then a woman crawled out from under the rubble.

The woman has exactly the same appearance as Eiffel, except that the red hair has become white, and she is naked without clothes.

The woman looked at the surrounding environment curiously, her eyes were full of nascent curiosity about new things. Soon she saw Luke who was aloof, and immediately knelt down on one knee: "Meet my king!"

Luke looked down at the woman and said to her with the might of a dragon king: "Your body comes from a human woman named Eiffel, and you will join my dragon group under the name of Eiffel from now on."

"Yes, my king, I will be Eiffel from now on, White Dragon Eiffel."

"Show me your dragon form, Eiffel."

"Obey, my king!"

Eiffel stood up, light burst out from her body, and after the strong light flashed, a white dragon stood there. The white dragon stretched its wings, its body was slightly blurred, and it was not a real entity at first glance.

The Twilight Dragon is an energy-type extraordinary creature developed by Secret Art. They do not have the tyrannical body of the giant dragon, but they have the same spellcasting ability as the giant dragon. Even because the body is an energy aggregate, the spellcasting ability is stronger than most dragons. powerful.

In addition, the Twilight Dragon has two forms: dragon form and human form. The dragon form is an energy body, and the human form is a flesh and blood entity. The adaptability is beyond the reach of giant dragons.

In addition, players have carefully demonstrated whether the twilight dragon is an undead creature. The twilight dragon is formed by the mysterious energy transformed from the magical energy left over from the death of the dragon, rather than the dragon corpse and some detained giants used by the undead dragon. Dragon remnant soul.

Twilight dragons do not have the death-like quality of undead creatures.

The Dragon Kingdom's acceptance of the Twilight Dragon also proves that the Twilight Dragon is not an undead dragon. Of course, the source of the Twilight Dragon must be concealed, otherwise the crime of offending the Dragon Tomb will not be forgiven by the dragons.

Now the first Twilight Dragon is born, a white dragon, good at flying, and looks like a powerful dragon. It must be face-saving to take it to participate in the trial of the King of the Dragon Kingdom.

Luke is very happy with his first twilight dragon.

At this time, a dragon cry sounded, and a dragon-shaped light moved.

It flew close to Luke, and after touching the colored light around Luke, it became colored. It is a green dragon, with a golden thread running through its spine, very strong and majestic.

After flying a few laps, the green dragon climbed up and dived to the ground.

The white dragon Eiffel went through the birth process again, and the green dragon chose a wrestler adventurer. He crawled out from under the rubble, with muscles like a bodybuilding contestant.

Lux immediately knelt down to meet his Dragon King after seeing Luke.

According to the information of this wrestler, Luke named him "Giskabe", and then asked him to stand in the shape of a dragon.

Seeing the two dragons, Taotie rushed to recognize his younger brother.

Luke continues to wait for the new Twilight Dragonborn.

One head, two heads, three heads.

After the entire secret art ceremony ended automatically, Luke was pleasantly surprised to find that he had actually recruited seven twilight dragons through this secret art, breaking the record of the player recruiting six twilight dragons at the first time.

It's a pity that I can't do a video to show off!

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