Age of Mysticism

Chapter 585 Dragon King Vs Dragon King

It can be seen that the rules of this king's trial are not formal. During the first voting, one vote can be cast more than one vote, but in the second trial, candidates are allowed to invite each other to fight.

This reflects the loose character of the dragons. After all, they feel normal without a king for a thousand years.

King Suoto, the silver ice dragon, invites King Taotie to fight, and King Taotie confronts him.

On the magic circle in front of the red crystal dragon Saier King, the logos representing the two dragon kings are connected together. Then King Purcell restarted the magic array, and the array was randomly matched to determine the two sides of the other battle groups.

Then King Saier, who presided over the trial, announced that the second trial will be held tomorrow, and the king candidates can take this time to take a good rest and study the strategy of the trial battle.

Most of the dragon kings did not leave the king's dragon nest. They exchanged their opinions and guessed which ancient dragon would win the final trial.

On the contrary, the dragon kings who participated in the trial flew away from the king's dragon nest one by one. They already know their opponents now, and they can only increase their winning rate by calling their own dragon group to discuss tactics.

King Suoto, the silver ice dragon, soared into the sky. He circled over the king's dragon's lair, looked down at Luke, then at King Tailun, the golden dragon, and then flew to the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

King Suoto's territory is next to King's Peak, which is the second highest mountain in the Dragon Kingdom. There is a naturally frozen castle on the mountain, named Ice and Snow High Castle.

The ruler of the Ice and Snow High Castle returned, and he walked between the peaks, attracting the roar of giant dragons from all over the snow mountain. The strongest competitor, the Golden Dragon King Tai Lun, did not participate in the trial. The ice dragons were very confident that their king would win the trial. They uttered dragon cries as if welcoming the arrival of the Dragon King.

If it was the past, the Silver Ice Dragon Soto King would definitely respond with a dragon cry, but this time he flew in silence. Bypass the towering ice peaks and land in the cave entrance of the Snow Castle.

It's just that there is an ice sculpture in the shape of an angel at the entrance of the cave.

King Suoto put away his dragon wings and walked into the ice and snow castle. When passing by the angel ice sculpture, he said, "Why don't you wait for me inside?"

The angel ice sculpture moved, and the ice shattered and scattered, revealing a real angel inside.

The angel stretched its wings and floated up, and then followed King Soto into the high castle of ice and snow.

"It's as cold inside as it is outside, and you can still see the scenery of Dragon Kingdom and the King's Peak outside. How is the king's trial going? May I congratulate you in advance for becoming the king of Dragon Kingdom?"

"The king's trial is far less optimistic than you think, Archangel Cromwell." King Soto stepped onto the Ice and Snow Throne, lying on it with his whole body, and then said to the archangel who followed in, "Although King Tyrone didn't Participate in the king's trial, but the gluttonous king recommended by him is definitely a strong competitor.

He performed very well in the first trial and left an excellent impression on the Dragon Kings. "

Archangel Cromwell stopped in the air: "The Gluttonous King? What is the origin of this suddenly appearing humanoid dragon king?"

"You don't need to know his origin." King Soto concealed in the inheritance of King Gluttonous: "In the second trial, I chose him as my opponent. I will defeat him in the competition, and eventually will win in the end.

Congratulations to Sword of Oath for becoming the Archangel of Sky City.

What message did you bring to the Sword of Oath when you came to me this time? "

Hearing that King Soto had the chance to win, Archangel Cromwell did not continue to ask about the origin of King Gluttony. He stated the purpose of this visit: "Sword of Oath hopes that you can visit Sky City after becoming the king of the Dragon Kingdom. We believe that your visit can alleviate the hostility brought about by ancient wars against angels and dragons." and trauma."

King Soto, the silver ice dragon, sneered, "The conflict between angels and dragons cannot be alleviated by one visit. Too many angels died under the magic of dragons, and too many dragons died under the sword of angels. Now many dragons and angels who have experienced ancient wars are still alive!

I will not take the initiative to visit Sky City. "

The tragic ancient war was simultaneously awakened in the memories of the Silver Ice Dragon King Soto and the Archangel Cromwell, making them involuntarily exude momentum at the same time, as if they would attack each other immediately.

Archangel Cromwell first controlled his momentum, and he put away his edge and said to King Soto: "There is another news, I forgot to tell you. The presbytery of the Shuojin Civilization completed a reorganization not long ago. Tan, the strongest Shuojin man, became the elder of Shuojin and actually controlled the Shuojin civilization.

Soon, the new Archangel of the Angel will have a historic meeting with the new elder of the Shining Jin, and the Angel and the Shining Jin are likely to stand in the same camp again.

And the allies of the Dragon Kingdom...

Hell is in civil war right now. As far as I know, the Shuojin people and the Golden Shield Empire have fostered their own demon forces in Hell, and Hell has no time to control the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also some problems with the Shadow Clan, and it is impossible to support the Dragon Kingdom on a large scale in a short period of time.

Now the Dragon Kingdom is a lone army, and it has just acquired the Emerald Forest. If the Shining Gold civilization and the Angel civilization re-align, will the Dragon Kingdom have the ability to stop our attack? "

Archangel Cromwell threatens King Sotho.

If the king of the Dragon Kingdom visits Sky City first, it will definitely increase the reputation and prestige of the sword of the oath, and alleviate the negative impact of killing the former archangel.

After listening to Cromwell's threatening words, the silver ice dragon King Soto's expression became very ugly.

But it can't happen.

A civil war broke out in Hell, and news has already spread to Dragon Kingdom. It's just that King Soto didn't expect that behind the civil war in hell was not only the Shuojin civilization secretly manipulating it, but the Golden Shield Empire was also a participant in the civil war in hell. It seems that the visiting elders of the Shuojin people concealed a lot of things.

There is also the Shadow Clan. I heard that several Shadow Chiefs were assassinated suddenly, putting the entire Shadow Clan at risk.

Before the assassin is found, the help that the Shadow Clan can give to the Dragon Kingdom is extremely limited.

In ancient wars, the Dragon Kingdom united with Hell and the Shadow Clan to fight against the Shuojin people and angels. Now that the Dragon Kingdom has become a single tree, if the Shuojin people and the angels re-form an alliance, they will definitely attack the Dragon Kingdom first.

King Suoto held back his anger and said, "I can consider visiting Sky City and try my best to resolve the hatred between us."

Archangel Cromwell was very satisfied with King Soto's answer, and then said: "Sword of Oath also hopes that the king of the Dragon Kingdom will transfer King Tai Lun and King Gluttony from Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire back to the Dragon Kingdom."

"I can transfer them back to the Dragon Kingdom, but you must tell me, what is the purpose of first passing on the sacred scriptures and leading the holy angels to suddenly descend on the Holy Lun City of the Golden Shield Empire?"

"This is the secret of the sky city. Now the sword of the oath has recalled the first scripture and promoted her to be a member of the archangel. The Golden Shield Empire is too close."

This is simply to openly interfere with the internal affairs of the Dragon Kingdom.

But King Soto still agreed, and he didn't want King Tailun and King Gluttony to stay in the secular world. After becoming the king of Dragon Kingdom, he must limit their strength and influence.

"Okay, I will recall the two dragon kings. Is there anything else Oath Sword has to say to me?"

"Oath Sword asked me to tell you, I have already relayed everything. He hopes to meet with you as soon as possible, and jointly deal with the crisis brought about by human civilization."

King Soto said impatiently, "Now that we're done talking, you can go!"

Archangel Cromwell was not angry because of King Soto's attitude. He saluted first and then said: "I wish you the king of Dragon Kingdom in advance. We will meet again in Sky City soon."

The Archangel Cromwell exits the refrigerator in High Castle.

King Soto, the silver ice dragon, watched the archangel leave, and then lay down to rest. Since the Taotie King has obtained the inheritance from the previous king, he must have a strong strength, and he must recharge his energy and use his best state to face tomorrow's battle.

The Dragon Kingdom has been without a king for too long, and the layout of future wars has fallen far behind the Shuojin people and angels.

On King's Peak, Luke chooses to stay in the King's Dragon Lair, mostly because he has nowhere else to go.

King Tailun, the golden dragon, also chose to stay with Luke.

In the king's dragon nest, the dragon kings all squatted in their respective positions after finishing their conversation. In the huge dragon's nest, there is only the howling of the cold wind.

King Tyron first cast a sound-suppressing enchantment around him, and then said to Luke: "Although I expected that you would give us a wonderful speech, the result was even more exciting than I expected.

It's shouldn't agree to King Soto's invitation to fight. He's strong, maybe even stronger than me. If you are defeated, you will not be eligible for the third round of trials. "

Luke used magic to shape an ice chair for himself. After sitting down, he raised his legs and said, "King Soto challenged me, and I definitely want to face it. As for the outcome... I don't care. If you lose, it's over." Trial home."

King Tai Lun did not expect that Luke would have such an attitude towards the trial of the King of the Dragon Kingdom. He said, "Don't you want to be the king of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Of course I want to, so I'm here. But the outcome is unknown. If I try my best and lose in the end, then I have nothing to do."

King Tailun said worriedly: "If King Soto becomes the king of Dragon Kingdom, he will regard human civilization as an enemy."

Luke shrugged: "Don't you still have you? There is also the gluttonous king! The king of the Dragon Kingdom has no way to influence the position of the entire Dragon Kingdom based on his own preferences.

I became the king of the Dragon Kingdom, and I can only make things easier. If King Soto became the king of the Dragon Kingdom, it would only make things more complicated. I believe that King Soto is sincerely for the Dragon Kingdom, so that we can influence him to move closer to human civilization. "

Luke's words and expression are very confident, which makes King Tyron have confidence in him.

"I believe in your ability... I believe that you will definitely become our king."

Luke smiled, and then dozed off involuntarily: "I haven't slept well for a month. In order to get here in time, I didn't sleep all day and all night.

There is still a war waiting for me tomorrow, so I rest! "

King Tai Lun replied: "You do what you want!"

Looking at Luke again, he has fallen asleep in the ice chair.

The twilight dragons guarded the ice chair, using magic to lay out multiple protective barriers.

Now the king's dragon's lair has really entered into silence. Snowflakes are carried by the wind and fall, covering the bodies of the dragons with a layer of ice and snow, and covering Luke on the ice chair.

The night comes, the night passes.

When the first light of dawn illuminated the king's dragon nest, one after another of the dragon kings who had left yesterday fell from the sky.

The red crystal dragon King Saier awakened all the sleeping dragons with a fairly high-pitched dragon roar.

"The second trial of the king begins, now open the trial arena!"

The dragon kings who were selected and prepared in advance flew up from their respective positions. With the chanting of the ancient dragon language, circles of magic circles appeared around them.

Combined with large-scale magic, the central area of ​​the king's dragon nest stretches infinitely instantly.

In this way, a large-scale trial martial arts arena was created.

Saier Wang Fei was flying above the fighting arena: "The first group of the second trial of the king, King Soto vs. King Glutton."

King Soto, who was named, flew with Luke and entered the fighting arena.

The dragon kings in the outer circle of the dragon nest immediately became nervous and excited.

In the first trial, these two dragon kings won first and second place respectively. The outcome of this match may determine who will become the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

This was supposed to be the finale of the second trial, but I didn't expect to be placed in the first group. The dragons are really casual.

King Soto and Luke hovered face to face over the fighting arena, making the difference in size between them even more apparent. From the eyes of the dragon kings watching the battle, King Suoto seemed to be able to knock King Glutton away with just a single paw.

The referee, King Hongjing Long Saier, asked the two dragon kings, "Are you all ready?"

King Soto: "I'm ready!"

Luke: "I'm ready too!"

King Saier finally said: "You are all dragon kings of the Dragon Kingdom, and you are also ancient giant dragons. I don't want to see any of you get hurt. Going out of bounds and admitting defeat are considered defeats. You fight according to your strength, don't try to be brave. "

King Purcell almost looked at Luke and said.

In his opinion, King Taotie is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of physical strength, and the inheritance of the ancient dragon has not been completed, so there is a big gap in strength between him and King Soto.

King Soto said impatiently: "Hurry up and announce the start! King Saier!"


King Purcell, who announced the start of the competition, retreated quickly. King Soto and Luke chanted the ancient dragon language almost at the same time, and deployed several magic circles in the airspace around them.

In the magic circle, the magic energy gathers extremely fast, and the generated magic is cast out almost instantly.

King Soto chose to release the ice arrow, and Luke chose to release the chain lightning.

The dense magic was cast rapidly through the magic array, making the two dragon kings pour "ammunition" into each other as if they were holding a dense array. Frostbolt and lightning collided in the middle, and the powerful energy produced a thick dust cloud. The magic continued to be cast, and the dust and mist pulled back and forth as the two dragon kings continued to increase their energy output. (end of this chapter)

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