Age of Mysticism

Chapter 588 Finding the Colorful Demon Heart

Luke originally thought that he would be able to get the moon first, because of his relationship with Banat, how could he have more clues about the colorful demon heart than other dragon kings. Unexpectedly, the Colorful Demon Heart had its own thoughts, and Banat didn't know where it was.

But... it already knows the king's trial, so what's the meaning of the test coming immediately?

Lu Ke, incarnated as the gluttonous king, is flying high in the sky. The entire territory of the Dragon Kingdom is full of natural forests, with mountains and rivers densely covered. The dense magical elements gather into colorful halos above the forest, and places with high concentration will form a magical rainbow under the sunlight.

What a magical and beautiful place.

When Luke didn't know how to find the colorful magic heart, he gradually became obsessed with the scenery along the way. He finally knew the reason for the loose character of the giant dragons. Living in such an environment, it was difficult to raise the energy to fight.

What a great place to hide from the world.

Flying aimlessly, suddenly a flash of light in the forest caught Luke's attention. The light seemed to be here on purpose, and Luke immediately swooped down to the position of the light source.

The Twilight Dragons flying around didn't know what happened, and they also swooped down with Luke. Even in the human form, White Dragon Eiffel is still very fast. She flew to the vicinity of the light source first, then flew over the forest at low altitude, and at the same time unfolded the magic circle to continuously release detection magic downwards.

The arrival of the dragons disturbed the animals in the forest. It was like the might of a dragon pressed down by a mountain. The scared animals quickly hid in their nests, and some timid ones even stiffened and fell to the ground.

The twilight dragons fell one by one, and Luke landed in front of the light source.

The glowing gemstone is lying on a stone pier, with colorful light emitting from the surface, and the shape is heart-shaped, just like a colorful magic heart.

Colorful magic heart?

Luke had never seen a colorful heart, but this gem could easily make people think it was a colorful heart. But Luke knew what the Colorful Demon Heart was, so it shouldn't be so easy for him to get it.

Luke didn't touch the gem, but walked around it first.

The colorful light on the gem flashed rhythmically, dazzled Luke's eyes no matter which direction he walked.

It seems to be urging Luke to come and get the colorful magic heart.

Luke, who knew that the colorful demon heart was conscious, held his breath instead.

The more you want me to take it, the less I will take it!

"I'll rest here tonight, Eiffel is in charge of setting up the camp, and Giscab will find some food and come back.

I want to study what this gem is. "

Twilight Dragon was ordered to do his own thing, and Luke stood in front of the gem, connected to Clear Sky through his consciousness, and transmitted what he saw to Clear Sky.

At this time, Clear Sky had finished the meeting organized by Dusk and returned to his museum. After receiving Luke's message, she quickly recruited Jenny to enter her exclusive laboratory.

Qingkong's laboratory has a space of 40,000 square meters after space expansion, and is subdivided into more than ten different studios. There are a large number of world-leading scientific research equipment, some of which are even the only instruments in the world.

These studios surround the central experimental station like a Rubik's cube. Qingkong only needs to be in the central experimental station, and he can move the required studios to his own space as he likes.

Or move the device you need to where you want to use it.

Qingkong entered the central experimental station and sat down on the central control chair.

Said to Jenny who was on standby: "I need to test the depth magic properties of a light source. I need to use a spectrometer, a depth magic wave resonator, a light color magic performance positioning machine, and a nanometer tone recognition gun..."

Qingkong named more than ten kinds of instruments needed in succession.

Jenny opened the central magic console, found the studio where these instruments were concentrated, and used the space transfer function to replace the studio with the central experimental station. Then transfer over the instruments needed in other studios.

Plan the layout of the studio, and connect the equipment used to the laboratory's power system and magic energy supply system.

The lights on the instruments come on, some emit waves of magical light, and the studio is ready for use.

At this time, Qingkong looked at the gemstone emitting colorful light through Luke's eyes, and then used a magic projection to shine into the studio. The consciousness of the two bodies merged into one, and the mental power was unprecedentedly powerful.

The spiritual ball is summoned by the clear sky, and it emits light to shine on the magic projection, adding the magic and spiritual information collected in the light to the projection, and at the same time making the projected image clearer.

After the magic projection stabilized, Qingkong said to Jennifer: "I want to maintain the restoration of the image, and I will leave the next data collection to you."

"Please rest assured, Miss Sunny Sky, I will complete the complete data."

Jennifer picked up a spectrometer similar to a camera, and collected 360-degree light information around the magic projection. Then start to analyze the collected optical information in sequence according to the process.

The experiment begins.

Luke, who was connected through the consciousness connection, stood motionless in front of the gemstone emitting colorful light. This indirect light source collection is prone to errors. He and Qingkong must maintain the same spirit and a high degree of concentration in order to infinitely restore what they see. everything.

Luke just stood there, and the twilight dragons built a log cabin for him and the gem, then built a camp, arranged for patrols and stood guard.

Day passed and night fell.

The colorful Longguo night is even more beautiful.

At this time, in other parts of the Dragon Kingdom, the other five dragon kings who participated in the third king's trial were all motionless in front of a gemstone emitting colorful light like Luke. It's just that all the dragon kings touched the gemstone with their claws, and their blurred bodies seemed to be just afterimages left in this space. Only Luke didn't move to transmit the gemstone's data.

Far away in the Clear Sky Laboratory of the Imperial City of St. Lun, Jennifer skillfully operated various instruments and recorded the analyzed data. She has been working continuously for more than ten hours, but she has not shown any emotion. It is normal to work with Qingkong as an assistant.

After completing the analysis of the light source, Jenny came to Qingkong with the report.

"Miss Sunny Sky, here are the analysis data of the light source and some of my speculations." Jenny put the thick report into Qingkong's hands, and then expressed some of her own opinions: "It can be concluded that there are extremely large amounts of light stored in this light source. Magical information, the amount of information may exceed the sum of books in the academy library.

According to the structural analysis of some magic signals, I think that the gems in the projection are not entities, and the light actually comes from a fantasy space. Or... the magic information in the light opened up a magic illusion.

If you get too close to the center of the light source, you may be forced into the illusion. "

Qingkong took the report and looked at it.

It contains not only Jenferney's guesses about the illusion behind the light source, but also her speculation about the structure and content of the illusion through magic signals.

"Excellent report!" Qing Kong did not hesitate to praise himself: "Do you think that the illusion may be a battlefield in an ancient war?"

With Qingkong's approval, Jenny said happily and confidently: "Yes. I have separated a lot of war-related magic elements from the light source information, and they are all super-large spells of very high battle level.

Since the end of the ancient war to the present, such intensive campaign-level super-large spells have never appeared before. Only in ancient wars can there be such a large-scale use of spells. This is also the reason for the huge amount of magic information in the light source.

A vision is generally a story segment based on something, because I deduce that this vision is a battlefield during an ancient war. "

Clear Sky approves of Jenferney's analysis, and the data in the report is also as what Jenferney said, the amount of information on battle super-large magic is astonishing.

Even in ancient wars where artifacts exist, magic casting on this scale should be extremely rare.

If the illusion was a battle during the ancient war, it must have been an extremely tragic battle.

It can also be judged that this light source must have been deliberately placed here by the colorful demon heart, the purpose is to luke Luke into the illusion, to experience a tragic ancient war, maybe there are some tasks in it to test.

"The magical information of the light source constitutes an illusion, but the light source must have its source." Qingkong said and flipped through the report in his hand, and then selected a few pages to hand to Jenny: "These magical information contains coordinates and positioning. In the B369, D984, H894, and P265 color segments, I will increase the information collection of these color segments, and you can see if you can accurately coordinate the range of values."

Jenny took the report: "Yes, Miss Skylight."

Clear Sky and Jenny get back to work.

It is impossible to analyze the exact coordinates through the magic information in the spectrum, and the only way to do it is to infinitely narrow the numerical range. Shrinking from one hundred square kilometers to ten square kilometers is already an extremely large project, and every time a square kilometer is reduced in the future, the amount of work required will increase exponentially.

Luke didn't intend to enter the illusion set by the Colorful Demon Heart.

If it was an ancient battlefield, and I was not familiar with the place in the past, who knows what would happen. And I don't know what the Colorful Demon Heart is going to test. If the major is not right, isn't it a waste of energy and time?

For trials that are not under his control, Luke is more willing to believe in science.

Everything has a source, and now that the colorful demon heart has been found, we can find a way to find its location.

If there is a dragon king who passes the test of the illusion during the positioning of the colorful demon heart, it means that I have no chance to be the king of the dragon kingdom.

Luke patiently collected light source information, and when he was tired, he went out of the camp to look around and find a small river to fish. When you are finished, come back and stare at the glowing gem.

With nothing to do, the twilight dragons concentrated on building their camp.

They built log cabins for each dragon and built a wall of stakes around the camp. The pond was dug out to raise the fish caught by the king, and the flowers and plants were transplanted, and the camp became a small village.

Time just passed by day by day.

On the clear sky side, as the amount of collected data increases, the range of coordinates shrinks little by little.

Every time Luke gets the coordinate range, he compares it with the map of Dragon Kingdom.

It is impossible for the colorful demon heart to stay anywhere, it must stay in a place where the magic elements are extremely dense to hide the magic energy emitted by itself.

And the distinctive feature of the dense magic in the Dragon Kingdom is the magic rainbow.

A boring player has counted the number of magic rainbows in Dragon Kingdom, a total of 1,423, and marked the location of each magic rainbow.

As the range of coordinates found by Qingkong further narrowed, Luke finally found the location of the Colorful Demon Heart.

Magic Rainbow No. 697 is at the south foot of Violin Mountain in the northeast of Longguo.

Now that he found the location of the colorful demon heart, Luke immediately took his twilight dragons up from the small village, and then galloped away in the northeast direction.

Violin Hill is the name given by players to this nameless hill, because it looks like an overturned violin, with the head of the violin facing south, which is where the Colorful Demon Heart hides.

After Luke arrived at Violin Mountain, he immediately ordered the Twilight Dragons to surround the southern foot of the entire mountain, and then released an enchantment to seal the entire area together, and came to catch a turtle in an urn.

After getting ready, Luke walked around the southern foot of Violin Mountain.

While walking, he released a wave of detection spells under his feet, and said, "Colorful Demon Heart, I didn't expect that I could find your lair directly. Did you come out on your own initiative? Or should I dig you out?"

Luke could feel the strong reaction of the magic energy here, and he was even more sure that the colorful magic heart was here. It needs to maintain the illusion of trials, so there is such a strong movement of magic energy here.

Therefore, it is not difficult to lock the colorful magic.

"How did you find this place? Gluttonous King."

Just after Luke finished speaking, a little mud dwarf came out of the ground and asked with his head raised.

"This is my secret!" Luke said with a mysterious smile, "Of course, if you come to me, I can tell you the secret."

Colorful Demon Heart was very depressed.

The other dragon kings were all tested in their own illusions, but this Gluttonous King stared at the illusion gem all day long and refused to touch it.

Then he flew to his house suddenly and stepped on the door of his house.

how did you do that?

The Dragon Kingdom is so big, how could you come to him suddenly?

Colorful Demon Heart said stubbornly: "You have to accept the test to have me!"

"No, no, the rules say: If I bring you to the king's lair, I will pass the test. But the rules don't stipulate how I will find you."

"I just didn't think about it. Let me tell you now, you can only get me if you pass the illusion test."

Luke said with a smile: "There is no follow-up to the rules. And your ancient war illusion, is it to test the leadership ability of the tester?

Let me tell you that a person's leadership ability does not lie in how well he performs within the rules, but in whether he can use conditions outside the rules to lead the team to achieve their goals.

And you used the war thousands of years ago to choose the king of the Dragon Kingdom a thousand years later, do you think nothing happened in the thousand years?

Be honest with your magic props, and don't mess with the king's heart without the king's wisdom. "

Luke grinned and tightened his face, the sudden coercion frightened the dirt on the villain's body, and a heart-shaped gemstone glowing with colorful lights lay on the ground.

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