Age of Mysticism

Chapter 591: Gruzerey

Unable to get the right to mine and sell the Fire Crystal Mine in Longguo, King Sanye was a little disappointed, but the reasons given by King Taotie were irrefutable. The cause of the turmoil in the entire world is that the Golden Shield Empire used the fire crystal mine in its hands to try to challenge the World Bank's position in international trade.

If the Emerald Forest gets the Fire Crystal from the Dragon Kingdom again, I really don't know what problems will arise. The Shuojin people are definitely not happy, and maybe they will put Emerald Forest on the list of sanctions.

The Emerald Forest does not have the strength to challenge the World Bank, nor does it have a leader like Meteor, so it may not be a bad thing not to touch Huojing.

Next, Luke discussed trade cooperation with Agatha and King Sanye.

The dragon has a lot of treasure, but it is limited after all. Even if all the treasures in the dragon's lair are collected, it is far from enough for the subsequent series of expenses. This world confrontation is different from ancient wars in many ways, and the resources and wealth consumed are not comparable to ancient wars.

Therefore, in the Dragon Country, one cannot exhaust the water, but must establish a trade chain that can continuously provide flowing funds.

Both the Golden Shield Empire and the Emerald Forest have completed the industrialization of their countries and have a great demand for raw materials. There is no industry in Longguo, but raw materials are everywhere, and selling resources can make money quickly.

After several days of negotiations, Luke signed a number of trade cooperation agreements with the Golden Shield Empire and the Emerald Forest in his capacity as the Gluttonous King. The Dragon Kingdom can provide timber, herbs, alchemy raw materials, coal, and seafood for export. While the Golden Shield Empire and the Emerald Forest obtain raw materials from the Dragon Kingdom, they need to provide the Dragon Kingdom with industrialization assistance.

King Taotie specially approved Jinjing Town as the special economic port of the Dragon Kingdom. Except for the mining and transshipment of fire crystals, the Golden Shield Empire is obliged to transfer a part of heavy industry to Jinjing Town. The factory is jointly owned by the merchants of the Dragon Kingdom and the Golden Shield Empire, and the Dragon Kingdom has the final decision-making power.

Agatha has no objection to her own business, which is left-handed and right-handed.

Then there is the assistance and cooperation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Emerald Forest in the fields of alchemy and light industry. These are what the Emerald Forest is good at, and the Sanye King certainly has no objection.

Cooperation agreement signed.

Dragon Kingdom officially extended its tentacles into the world through the Golden Shield Empire and Emerald Forest.

Having returned with a full load, Agatha reluctantly left King's Peak.

When the two were alone at night, Luke told her that he was going to visit the underground world as the new king of Dragon Kingdom.

Agatha didn't expect that Luke would go to the underground world non-stop just after he became the king of the Dragon Kingdom, and he didn't know when they would meet again after this parting.

But Agatha knew... the bigger picture.

The turmoil in the world caused the Shuojin Civilization, Angel Civilization, Purgatory Civilization, and Dragon Kingdom Civilization to respond fiercely.

The golden civilization is shining, the elders' home is reorganized, and Tan, who was born as a debt collector, takes the position. Many policies of the World Bank are undergoing rapid transformation, and Shuojin people are actively preparing for war.

Angel civilization, the sword of the oath launched a coup, killed the former archangel, and became the archangel as the chief holy angel. Sky City is ruled by fanatics and is actively preparing for war.

Purgatory civilization, now the whole hell has been smashed into a pot of porridge.

The dragon civilization has elected a new king after a thousand years.

Of the five ancient civilizations, only the Shadow Civilization didn't seem to respond too much. After the assassination of the Shuojin elders, the rulers of these underground worlds were silent.

There was news from the underground world that many Shadow Clans had been assassinated, but the assassins were never found.

All the Shadow Clan are excellent assassins.

Being assassinated without knowing who did it can be said to be a mockery of the entire shadow civilization.

Now all the Shadow Clan are suffocating, vowing to find this assassin.

Luke knows that Sky City is connecting ancient civilizations, and Angels have appeared many times in Dragon Kingdom, and they will definitely not let Shadow Civilization go.

No matter what the shadow civilization thinks about the future world structure, they must know what state the shadow civilization is in now.

So for this underground execution, Luke had to go.

And go as soon as possible.

Not long after Agatha left Dragon Kingdom, Luke received a reply from the Shadow Civilization.

As an ally in ancient wars, Shadow Civilization is still kind to Dragon Kingdom. The letter congratulated King Taotie on becoming the king of the Dragon Kingdom, and invited King Taotie to visit the underground world.

The invitation letter from the underground world arrived, and Luke made a detailed list of all the affairs of the Dragon Kingdom, and then handed it over to King Tyron to perform the duties of the king on his behalf.

After everything was arranged, Luke led the Twilight Dragon and the seven-headed dragon to leave the Dragon Kingdom and go to the underground world.

The underground world has a name, Gruzelei, which means "the country of the labyrinth" in the underground language.

The entrance to Gruzelle is located at the South Pole of the world, where there is a deep crater covered by kilometers of ice and snow. Go through the gap in the ice and enter the deep pit, which is the underground world of Gruzelle. The entire underground world is a complex labyrinth, and various underground creatures live in some large caves.

The chiefs of some underground tribes are the shadow tribes parasitized by shadow parasites.

Before heading to Gruzere, Luke crammed into the knowledge of this underworld.

The social relationships in Gruzelle's underground world are similar to those of ants.

The class of an underground biological tribe is fixed from birth, and it will remain unchanged forever. The chief has absolutely unquestionable authority, down to the tribal leaders, warriors, overseers, and the bottom is called the prisoner.

All living beings are in their place and do not question the upper class.

Even if they let themselves die, they will not ask questions.

Some players tried to change the social system of Gruzerei, and spread the idea that "princes and generals should be kind to each other"...but none of them succeeded.

In Gruzere there is a supreme ruler.

He is the original shadow parasite. After the death of the host, he did not choose to change the host, but survived by relying on the powerful spiritual power left by the host.

Strictly speaking, the subsequent shadow parasites are all his separated iterations.

His name is Darkness.

Owner of Gruzelle's Underworld.

Luke led his dragons to fly south across the ocean to the coldest place in the world.

Antarctica is a forbidden zone for life. There is nothing here except endless glaciers. The deep crater leading to Gruzelle is just below the glacier, accessible through cracks between some layers of ice.

As former allies, the dragons knew which rifts were safe and fast enough to reach Gruzerei.

The dragons arriving at the South Pole change formation.

The black dragon Bale flew to the front as the pilot dragon leading the group of dragons to fly. The dragons lined up in a line, the giant dragons who had been to Gruzelle flew in front, and the Twilight dragons who had not been to it were dragged at the end.

The dragons advanced quickly against the gale. Under the leadership of the black dragon Bale, they climbed over a mountain range, and immediately entered the dive after reaching the top.

An icy canyon appeared on the back of the mountain.

The Ice Canyon is ten meters wide and less than one meter narrow. The black dragon Balie led the team into the canyon, and the other giant dragons entered the canyon one after another without slowing down.

After entering the canyon, the environment inside is more complicated.

There are protruding icicles everywhere, and there are sudden turns that are caught off guard. The dragons maintained their speed and flew through the gaps of the glacier with an extremely flexible flying attitude. Some narrow places required them to fold all the dragon wings and then use magic to help them pass smoothly.

Luke, wearing dragon armor and spreading dragon wings, is in the middle of the dragon group. Dodging obstacles one by one at high speed makes him feel like he is playing a dodge flying game.

Fortunately, Luke's flying skills are quite good, and the human form is more dexterous than the dragon form, so he didn't have the embarrassing incident of hitting the ice.

The flying speed is fast, and just as Luke found the feeling on the track, the dragons rushed across the glacier into a huge pit of unknown width.

The dragon summoned fireballs to illuminate, but the light could not reach the edge of the huge pit. In this boundless darkness, even the giant dragon seemed extremely small.

After entering the deep pit, the dragon group did not dare to fly so fast. They form a three-layer defensive formation, maintain a controlled and uniform descent, and prevent dangerous things from escaping from the darkness.

The danger in the dark made the dragons cautious.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the group of dragons finally reached the bottom of the deep pit. There are countless passages extending to the underground world, most of which lead to nothing and endless mazes. The black dragon Bale looked for the sign and found the passage leading to Gruzelle.

The group of dragons continued to shuttle through the passage.

After flying for another two days, the dragon group finally reached the open underground world.

There are mountains and rivers. Above, a galaxy of glowing obsidian gave Gruzelle a visible gleam.

In the plains between mountains and rivers, there are farmlands cultivated by underground races. Edible fungi and moss are planted in the farmland, and the prisoners are working in the farmland under the supervision of supervisors with whips.

The arrival of the dragon group immediately attracted the attention of the underground race.

Several harpies flapped their wings and flew close.

The harpy has a humanoid body shape, the head of a human woman, the arms are eagle wings, the waist is slender, and the feet are eagle claws. Harpies have no hands, but their claws are as flexible as hands.

"Dragon..." The harpies at the head were very nervous in the face of so many dragons, but her duty allowed her to finish her sentence: "This is the territory of Chief Romanchenko of the Shadow Clan. Dragons, is there something important for you to break into Gruzelei?"

Eiffel in human form flew to the front, and she took out the invitation letter from the Great Chief of Darkness.

"The Gluttonous King of the Dragon Kingdom, at the invitation of the ruler of Gruzerei, the Great Chief of Darkness, came to Gruzerei for a friendly visit."

"The gluttonous king!"

The harpies noticed humanoid dragons surrounded by dragons.

The news that Dragon Kingdom has elected a new king has already spread in Gruzelei. Some information about the Gluttonous King was naturally known to the underground world.

The Harpy didn't read the invitation letter. As an ordinary tribal warrior, she couldn't read too many words clearly.

"Your Majesty, welcome to Gruzere." The harpies saluted Luke together: "This is the Scarlet Banshee tribe of Gruzere's border tribe, and our chief is the shadow clan Romanchenko.

When you visit Gruzelleh, you need to pause at the Scarlet Banshee Tribe first. Only with the permission of the Darkest Warchief, you and your dragons can go to Deep Well City. "

Access has access rules.

Luke replied: "We will stop at the Scarlet Banshee Tribe, waiting for the entry permission of the Dark Chief. Lead the way and meet Chief Romanchenko."

"Your Majesty, please come with us!"

The harpies turned around and flew towards a small town at the foot of an underground mountain.

Luke led the dragons to keep up.

The dungeon has slightly different architectural styles depending on the main race in the city, but the overall style is similar.

A town is a monolithic building with three floors inside.

The bottom floor is a dungeon, and the prisoners are locked in the dungeon when they are not working, where they eat, drink and scatter. If you want to go out, you must get the consent of the supervisor.

In the middle was the den, where the warrior and overseer classes lived.

The upper level is the palace, where the chiefs and tribal leaders live.

The small town of the Scarlet Banshee tribe also has such a structure, a closed building that can protect the residents inside from the attacks of underground beasts, and has the same function as a human castle.

A dungeon is just a castle built into a city.

The dragons landed on the upper floors of the Scarlet Banshee's tribal town. Luke let the dragons find a place to rest by themselves, and he led the Twilight dragons into the palace.

Knowing that the king of the Dragon Kingdom was staying here temporarily, the Scarlet Banshee tribe lit up the entire palace with burning torches.

Walking in the promenade of the palace, there is a feeling of walking in a maze.

Stone walls and roads, no decoration, no markers. It is square and square, with the same appearance everywhere, and you don't know which direction you are going when you walk in it.

The harpy leading the way ahead walked with a jumping rhythm, shaking the feathers on her shoulders from time to time, and scratched a few paw prints on the wall, just like canines would mark the road.

After walking around, when I was a little dizzy, I finally came to a hall.

Accompanied by a group of harpies, a very special harpy waited respectfully outside the hall.

"Dear Gluttonous King, welcome to the Scarlet Banshee Tribe. I am Chief Romanchenko of the Shadow Clan." Romanchenko saluted Luke. Her arm was not an eagle wing, but a normal human arm.

Luke stepped forward, took the posture of the king of the Dragon Kingdom, and said, "Hello, Chief Romanchenko. Please send a message to Shenjing City as soon as possible. I hope to see the Great Chief of Darkness as soon as possible."

"The messenger has already set off. Harpies are good at flying, and you will receive news from Deep Well City soon." Romanchenko made an invitation: "The banquet is ready, please come in and eat with your dragons."

The harpy warriors pushed the door open, and Luke stepped in, surrounded by twilight dragons.

At the same time, he said to Chief Romanchenko: "You and your tribal leaders will have dinner with me. I heard that something bad happened to Gruzere. Maybe you can tell me some news that I don't know."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, it is our honor to dine with you. I will try my best to answer your questions."

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