Chapter 168: The Unlucky Golden Winged Blood Sculpture [New Book for Collection]

With more than two million points, Li Zuo’s wealth from the Li family bottomed out.

Li Zuo gritted his teeth.


“Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful replication, a hundredfold increase, and the acquisition of the heaven-level martial art “Sun Shooting Divine Arrow” has reached the divine level!”

Heartache a wave of their own copy points.

Li had tears in the corner of his left eye, and he bent his bow in grief and anger to shoot arrows.


An arrow is fired, creating a sonic boom.

The arrow flew high in the air, and Li Zuo could no longer see the arrow.

Two minutes later, a huge ferocious beast fell high in the air.

It happened to fall exactly where Li Zuo was standing just now.

Great Martial King Fierce Beast Golden Winged Blood Eagle!

This blood eagle, poured blood mold, flew well in the sky, but was shot down by Li Zuo’s arrow.

But fortunately, this bloody eagle is not dead, it just hurts its wings.

Li Zuo looked down at this blood sculpture that was close to one person tall, wondering how to eat it later.

“Good arrow method!”

A blonde elf flashed out of the forest.

It was Sha Wei.

When she shot the first arrow from Li Zuo, she was observing from the side.

This human’s level of arrow skills even surpassed that of their elves.

The otherworldly people really crouched tigers, hidden dragons.

Sha Wei said to Li Zuo: “The Golden Wing Blood Eagle is a fierce beast that can be tamed, and a strong person like you can try it.” ”

Li Zuo had already recognized Sha Wei, this was the Geng Zhi elf who had copied his talent the day before yesterday.

“yes, then I’ll try.”

Li Zuo’s eyes were fierce, and the domineering and murderous aura spread out madly.

“Surrender or be eaten, you choose one.”

The blood sculpture was trembled by Li Zuo’s breath, its strength was far inferior to Li Zuo, and now Li Zuo was so ferociously exuding domineering and murderous aura on his body.

Although the blood eagle could not understand what Li Zuo said, it also knew that this man wanted him to submit.


In less than two seconds, the domineering-looking golden-winged blood eagle lowered its golden bird head and showed submission to Li Zuo.

“Then you can connect with spiritual power.” Sha Wei said to Li Zuo.

Warriors can domesticate ferocious beasts, but the premise is that ferocious beasts do not resist at all.

Among the fierce beasts, even the fierce beasts of the martial artist realm will resist violently.

Therefore, except for a small number of special fierce beasts, most of the fierce beasts, warriors cannot be subdued.

The Golden-winged Blood Eagle is one of the few fierce beasts that can be subdued by warriors.

The blood eagle is the freest ferocious beast.

They can be found anywhere in the Ronan Continent.

No matter the plateau snow mountains, the blazing sun canyon, the endless grassland, the dark forest…

They go wherever they want, and freedom is in their nature.

But it is also a minority, extremely loyal fierce beast.

Whether it is to surrender to other ferocious beasts or to warriors, once surrendered, there will be no betrayal for life.

Li Zuo’s spiritual power entered the mind of the blood sculpture and established a connection with it.

The surrender process ends.

In the future, through the connection between the two, Li Zuo can convey some simple orders to the blood sculpture, and he can also sense the mind of the blood eagle.


The blood sculpture is close to Li Zuo, and the head of the eagle is close to Li Zuo, which is it expressing surrender and friendship.

Li Zuo thought of the dog he had raised when he was a child.

The friendly movements of the little guy were exactly the same as the blood sculpture.

“I’ll call you Afu in the future.”

Li Zuo placed the dog’s name on a mighty golden-winged blood eagle.


“Objection is invalid, listen to me!”

“Goo~” The blood eagle was helpless, and at the level of this name, this owner estimated that it was not bad.

Sha Wei on the side congratulated Li Zuo: “Otherworld warrior, congratulations on conquering the free blood eagle, just worthy of a powerful shooter like you.” ”

Li Zuo smiled, this sand sculpture was shot down by himself, and it was completely wasted.

Then Sha Wei left, and she went to the otherworldly people to have a business.


The rift base in the capital.

In the Governor’s Tent.

Ye Feikai looked at the blonde elf in front of him who had apologized solemnly, and accepted the apology very happily.

“Now that things are clear, it’s nothing.”

“Governor Ye, what happened before was indeed impulsive.”

Sha Wei then changed her tone: “Governor Ye, I come this time, and I have one more matter to discuss with you.” ”

Sha Wei simply and clearly explained the situation of the elves and the possible coming war.

Ye Feikai listened carefully to Sha Wei’s words.

“Regarding the matter of the allies, I can’t reply to you now, I need to discuss the time, and I will officially reply to you in a day.”

Sha Wei’s eyes lowered, she knew that this was a normal answer.

If these otherworldly people agreed, she would feel that there were ghosts in it.

“Then I’ll come back tomorrow.” Sha Wei left the crack base in the capital.

Outside the crack base.

Li Zuo fed half a seven-pin blood pill to the blood eagle, and in less than two minutes, the blood hole on the blood eagle’s wings that was shot through by Li Zuo had begun to recover.

Half an hour later, the wound had scabbed, and it was estimated that in less than half a day, this golden-winged blood eagle would be able to soar into the sky again.


The blood sculpture looked into the distance, reminding Li Zuo that someone was coming.

The blonde elf walked out of the base.

Li Zuo said hello.

“Hey, coming out so soon?”

“Hmm.” Sha Wei obviously had no spirit, and even the response seemed perfunctory.

“Be careful in the next few days, war is coming.”

Sha Weiduo said a word, and then flashed into the forest.

Li Zuo shrugged, put away his bow and arrow, and ended today’s practice.


Aura City.

This is the closest alien human city in the Ronan continent to the Elven Forest.

Hundreds of years ago, a small number of daring elves would come here to do some business with humans.

But in these hundred years, I have never seen a single elf again.

Some say that the elves vowed never to interact with humans again.

It is also said that the elves have migrated farther north.

Be the master of Aura City.

The Violet family also somewhat believed that the elves had all migrated away.

But a few months ago, these private hunting forces of violets found a large number of elf tracks in the forest.

They then realized that the elves were still living in the forest.

Inside the City Lord’s Mansion in Aura City.

The Violet guy patriarch is furious.

Their clan pressed all the treasures on the second prince of the Spirit Flame Empire, but now it was the third prince who ascended the throne of the king.

The revenge of the Third Prince has begun.

Their Violet family has lost three cities.

If they lose the current two again, the Violet family will say goodbye to this world forever.

The Violet family, including him, are all going to be beheaded.

Defecting to the Black Rock Empire in the south was their only way to survive.

“It’s okay to surrender, but include those stupid, arrogant elves.”

The Black Rock Empire took a fancy to those elves in the elven forest, but it was difficult to do it themselves.

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