Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Terror: I Have a Demon Editor Chapter 1311

Ye Fan stood in the void, with a heroic and domineering spirit in his heart spontaneously!

The purple-gold underworld energy on his body is surging and trembling in all directions!

In his eyes, purple-gold flames rose up, illuminating the sky and the earth!

The field of vision is wider than before, and the information seen is richer and more extensive!

Ye Fan overlooked the vast and vast land under his feet.


Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers come into view!

On the vast northern plain, there are barren mountains in the north, rivers in the south, sparse forests in the west, and vast plains in the east.

And in the middle of the entire northern plain, there is the only base city.

After Ye Fan glanced around, his eyes finally fell on the base city of Kyoto below.

The base city of Kyoto, which accommodates and protects the stable life of more than 50 million people, shrinks like a shining flower that blooms.

The five sub-cities, the main city, and the inner city make up the petals, stamens, and flower cores.

Inside, the lights of thousands of houses are flickering and flickering, which sets off the most beautiful flower of life in the northern land, full of vitality, vitality and popularity!

Standing high in the sky, Ye Fan looked down at the lights of thousands of houses that looked like stars all over the sky, and seemed to hear the whispers of each family's conversation indistinctly.

All kinds of voices came to his ears.

The sorrow, pain, joy, anger, sorrow of all living beings...

at this point,

All echoed in Ye Fan's ears.

He listened quietly, slowly closed his eyes, and quickly fell into a mysterious and mysterious realm.

The fluctuations in the body, the very unstable fluctuations of the underworld energy, became more and more restless.

With a swipe of the purple-gold underworld energy jade belt, the blazing underworld flames swept away, sweeping away the 100-meter void beside Ye Fan!

bang bang bang—

The dark energy jade belt swept across the four directions, and the air continued to explode!

The jade belts swept across, and there was an overwhelmed sound of cracking and cracking in the void!

The narrow and winding void cracks quickly shattered and spread!

Pieces of black vacuum zones of different sizes burst quickly!

With Ye Fan's location as the center, the void with a radius of 100 meters directly turned into a vacuum as black as ink!

Inside is only the purple-gold underworld energy jade belt, whirling and dancing silently, sweeping in all directions!

go outside again,

At the edge of the vacuum zone, the high altitude seemed to turn into a horizontal lake, clearing away circles of purple-gold air waves!

These ripples made the void tremble and roar, just like summer thunder, bursts of sound!

Pieces of air were repelled by the explosion, allowing the dark vacuum inside to remain for a long time!

The sky-filled purple-gold dark energy jade belt, like an octopus with eight claws, exudes infinite power, firmly guarding Ye Fan's whole body!

Let Ye Fan be able to comprehend quietly that no one, anything, or even air can get close to him!

Below the base city of Kyoto.

All the imperial spirit masters, under the coercion of Ye Fan's promotion, were struggling to support them!

Now feeling the more turbulent and erratic fluctuations of the Nether Qi that was inadvertently pressed down from the high sky, the faces of all of them turned pale in an instant!

bang bang bang—

A series of dull and cracking explosions sounded from the roof and the top of the tall building one after another!

Pieces of smoke and dust spread out!

This was the result of the Imperial Spirit Master, who couldn't bear it, collapsed to the ground and crushed the bricks on the roof.

All the powerhouses above the doomsday level of the eighth sequence felt the coercion that fell, and their expressions changed drastically.

Many of them were stepping on the void, looking up at Ye Fan's situation, hoping to gain some insights.

But at this moment, everyone hurriedly landed on the roof of the tall building.

Everyone struggled to open the protective cover of the demon spirit to resist the terrifying coercion that Ye Fan inadvertently released!

at the same time,

They were also loudly warning other low-ranked spirit masters.

"Suppress all the demon spirit fluctuations on your body!"

"Cover your breath immediately!"

"Don't try to resist, resist this coercion, just treat yourself as an ordinary person!!"


These doomsday-level powerhouses all clearly sensed the power of Ye Fan's coercion!

This momentum will not cause any harm to ordinary people, and even ordinary people cannot perceive it.

Only a spirit master can detect it!

Moreover, this coercion requires at least an eighth sequence doomsday-level imperial master to resist it.

For other spirit masters below the doomsday level, they can only restrain all the demon spirit breath from the whole body, and restrain them into an ordinary person!

All the spirit masters followed suit one after another, not daring to resist in the slightest.

Gu Family District.

Gu Changlin also fell to the ground in a hurry.

Facing the clansmen behind him, he arranged loudly: "Activate the family protection array immediately!"

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