Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Terror: I Have a Demon Editor Chapter 1361

Everyone was overjoyed when the crisis on the western border was lifted.

The imperial spirit masters and soldiers in the entire border station are very grateful to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan and the others stayed for another day.

During this period, together with Chu Weimin, he helped the border station to strengthen the city defense many times, and also blessed the various defensive seals on the border of Yubi several times.

It wasn't until after everything was done that Ye Fan and Chu Weimin took 300 family elite imperial spirit masters and returned to the base city of Kyoto on the Royal Air Battleship.

[Author's digression]: Thank you [?????] brother for the 5 golden tickets, thank you! !

Chapter 287 Returning to Kyoto, Counting the Harvest

Kyoto base city.

It was just when the sun was setting that the clouds in the sky suddenly shattered and split apart with a bang.

A huge steel battleship protruded from the stratosphere with a huge silver-white steel figure.

All the imperial spirit masters who were on guard patrol in the base city of Kyoto immediately noticed this astonishing movement, and all looked up at the sky with great vigilance.

When everyone saw the golden dragon logo on the streamlined battleship, they all breathed a sigh of relief and put on a relaxed smile.

At this time,

The external broadcast on the Royal Air Battleship sounded.

"Golden Dragon 3, carrying out the mission of supporting the western border, successfully completed!"

"Now return to the flight and apply for landing!"

The voice of the captain of the battleship came from the radio, with a slightly excited and excited voice.

On the control tower of the airship field, there was also an announcement: "Welcome back, landing runway line 1 has been evacuated, and landing is allowed!!"

The Royal Air Battleship immediately flew its huge hull and began to land towards the airship field below.

All the guardian spirit masters on guard patrol, when they heard the voice of the battleship broadcast, their expressions were stunned at first, and then they also cheered up.

"Mission on the western border? I heard that Master Ye Fan and the old director went to support the western border. I didn't expect it to be true!!"

"The situation on the border line was full of turmoil before, but now the two adults can easily solve it in one fell swoop. It's amazing!!"

"The Asan tribe in the Peacock Kingdom on the western border has never had any good intentions. Only when they are hurt and beaten hard, and they bleed and howl when they are beaten, can they know how to have a long memory!"

"The two adults are mighty!!"


The imperial spirit masters who were in charge of guarding the base city in Kyoto looked at the imperial warship slowly landing on the airship field.

Seeing Ye Fan and Chu Weimin return intact with 300 family elite imperial spirit masters, everyone discussed with admiration and awe.

Ye Fan directly disbanded the 300 imperial spirit masters on the spot, and then sent Chu Weimin to the medical center for treatment and treatment of injuries.

Although the doctors in the medical center couldn't treat the internal injuries of the world-killing powerhouse, they could still treat the external injuries.

After Ye Fan settled Chu Weimin, he went to Tan Zhongguo's office.

Tan Zhongguo and Zhou Jingxian were quite excited when they saw Ye Fan.

When Ye Fan was on the Royal Air Battleship, he sent the detailed information in the form of a task briefing, and the report was completed.

All the invading demons and ghosts and the Asan people on the western border are wiped out!

The hole in the domain wall has been closed and sealed!

All border troubles are eliminated!

These news immediately made Tan Zhongguo feel very anxious.

Ye Fan exchanged pleasantries with Tan Zhongguo and Zhou Jingxian briefly, and described some specific situations.

Commendation of meritorious service, as well as task rewards are essential things.

Ye Fan didn't care too much.

He knew that Tan Zhongguo would make arrangements for his current level of strength and status.

Ye Fan asked about the current national situation and the situation in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain.

Only when the situation in the whole country is stable can we begin to wipe out the Wan Yao Guild, wipe out the Wan Yao Guild, and kill Chen Long before we can save the soul of the Dragon Jue.

The secret realm of Kunlun Mountain is the location of the passage to the other world for the monsters in the Dragon Kingdom.

Tan Zhongguo had also communicated with Chu Weimin about some follow-up plans before, and also had some discussions about the timing of the Wan Yaohui's extermination and purge.

At this moment, he knew everything about Ye Fan's problems, and he couldn't stop talking.

Ye Fan listened and nodded slightly.

The national situation has entered into a fairly balanced and stable situation, which can also be said to be the calm before the storm.

The movements of the demons and ghosts are much smaller, and they seem to be hiding, secretly accumulating strength!

In the 24-hour monitoring post in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, the information that has been coming in is that everything is normal, and there has been no abnormal movement.

Tan Zhongguo also talked about the construction progress of the Town God's Temple in all base cities across the country, which has reached the final finishing stage.

Ye Fan nodded slightly after listening.

He discussed with Tan Zhongguo and Zhou Jingxian the next plan for the Wan Yaohui's purge and extermination.

All the intelligence departments of the General Administration of Demon Elimination, as well as the spy department, have already started to mobilize, and the intelligence collected over the years can come in handy.

in addition,

Zhou Jingxian also said here that as long as he finds the location of the secret base of Chenlong and Wanshe, he will contact Ye Fan.

Ye Fan nodded slightly.

He thought of Long Ling who was still lurking in the Ten Thousand Monsters Association, and his heart couldn't help but move.

It seems that we have to find a chance to meet Zero!

Ye Fan secretly thought in his heart.


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