Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Terror: I Have a Demon Editor Chapter 1397

From the eyes surrounded by dark flames, two beams of radiant energy suddenly shot out, straight into Chenlong's pupils.


Ye Fan used the power of the supreme underworld function to directly browse Chenlong's memory.


Chenlong rolled his eyes white and foamed at the mouth.

All the memories were seen by Ye Fan.

Hateful people must have their pity!


This is not a reason to do evil later.

Ye Fan remained unmoved.

After he got the place where Long Xun's soul was placed, he exerted force with the five fingers of his right hand.


Chenlong's neck bone and aorta suddenly shattered.


A raging purple-gold flame appeared, engulfing the corpse of the founder of the Ten Thousand Monsters Society, and incinerated it into a wisp of green smoke!

dissipated between heaven and earth.

After Ye Fan killed Chenlong, the morale of all the members of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association suddenly plummeted, and their hearts and minds were devastated!

All the spirit masters of the Demon Elimination Bureau shouted excitedly one by one.

Under the ebb and flow, all remaining members of the Wan Yao Society were killed immediately!

Since then,

The cancer that has troubled the Dragon Kingdom for many years - the Wan Yaohui, has finally been wiped out!

After Ye Fan glanced at the situation on all sides of the battlefield, he felt relieved.

He used the internal communicator to tell He Yunfei and Tan Zhongguo who was far away at the Kyoto General Administration about Long Ling's real identity, and asked the two to help Long Ling arrange it.

After everything is done,

Ye Fan flew to a certain secret base of the Wan Yao Society in Nanjiang Province.

There is the hiding place of the soul of the Dragon Patrol.

Chapter 309: Birth of the Yin Ghost in Fengdu

Ye Fan took Zhu Yan, Kui Niu, and Shenlan back to the demon spirit space.

The sudden relief of the burden on his body made him heave a long sigh of relief.

He drove Minggang across the world and came to a deep mountain in Nanjiang Province.

Ye Fan recalled the mountain range he saw from Chenlong's memory, and found a mountain shaped like a goat.

He landed in front of the mountain peak, his mental power swept across the entire mountain range, and he immediately found the place where the breath fluctuations were problematic.


Ye Fan flashed to the mountainside, his right hand lit up with a purple-gold light, and he raised his hand to pat lightly.

The wind and clouds suddenly surged on the mountainside, and a big hole with a diameter of three meters exploded amidst the rumbling sound.

A deep and dark passage was revealed behind it.

There is a cool breeze blowing, and there is obviously a lot of space behind it, and there are also vents.

Ye Fan flew in, but there was no one inside.

This is a base opened by Chenlong alone, only he and Zishu know it, and it is specially used to store some secrets of the Wan Yaohui!

Ye Fan followed Chenlong's memory and walked to a 0001 secret room inside.

He looked up at the numbers above with a complicated expression.

Ye Fan formed the handprint of dark energy, and opened the magic seal on the door.

Pushing open the door, after entering, the whole room is empty except for a stone pillar in the middle.

The stone pillars are covered with various surgical patterns.

There is a glass cover at the top of the stone pillar.

Inside the cover, there is a soul crystal shining with light blue fluorescence.

With Ye Fanziyan's rising dark eyes, he could clearly see the dragon patrol inside.

With only the soul body left, Long Xun looked rather weak.

Ye Fan didn't wait any longer, and formed a series of extremely complicated spell seals, opening one after another spell blockade and restriction.

He dare not destroy violently.

These restrictions have the effect of destroying the soul, which makes Ye Fan have to be careful.

After all the restrictions were broken, Ye Fan opened the Underworld Netherland Domain and took the soul of Long Xun directly from the soul crystal.

After doing all this, he flew out of the secret base of the Wan Yao Society.

There are also a lot of materials hoarded by Wan Yaohui for many years of development, and there will be a lot of supplements for the Monster Elimination Bureau in the future.

Along the way in the sky, Ye Fan saw that the remnants of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association had basically been cleaned up.

He didn't care about it either, and flew directly back to the base city of the magic capital, and told He Yunfei the locations of all the secret bases of the Wan Yaohui in Nanjiang Province.

at last,

Ye Fan didn't stay in the base city of Shanghai for long. After making all the arrangements, he returned to the base city of Kyoto.

After returning to the capital, he communicated with Chu Weimin and Tan Zhongguo, who were in the capital, about the mission.

Then returned home.

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