Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 506

It was as if the two were truly in that era, in that scene.

"Child, run!"

A female voice screamed shrilly.

"Run, son!"

A strong male voice uttered a heart-piercing cry.

The picture is clear.

This is a dilapidated slum.

The streets were full of garbage and sewage, and all kinds of pungent stench poured into the nostrils.

And in a dilapidated wooden house directly opposite.

Through the window, you can clearly see that there is a family of three inside.

Two ferocious monsters pierced sharp claws, grabbed their parents, and were making a ferocious, violent, greedy roar.

roar roar-

The two demons were dripping with saliva, but they didn't move.

Behind the two demons, there is a Specter, controlling them.

The corner of the room, next to the broken window.

Standing there was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy with thin clothes and a thin body, with his back to Ye Fan.

Even if the parents fell into the hands of the demon, they looked at their children anxiously, and shouted to the emaciated son, telling him to run away.

"Run, get out of here!"

"Get out of the window, son!"

The parents shouted.

"Escape, escape!"

Ye Fan also shouted softly when he saw this scene.

He clenched the Soul Chopping Sword tightly in his hand, and his mood fluctuated violently.

But he knew that these pictures were just pictures of the demon spirit realm presented by the mysterious figure beside him, and they were not real.

Or should it be said, it just happened in the previous real scene!



Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The bright red blood splashed from the parents!

The claws of the two demons pierced their chests!

A large amount of blood flowed out and quickly gathered into two pools of blood under the two of them!

The parents struggled to prop themselves up, looked up, and stared at their son at last, lips moving.

"Go... let's go!"

"Come on... let's go, son!"

Ye Fan could clearly see that the 13- or 14-year-old boy who had his back to them by the window began to tremble.

The Specter behind the demon suddenly smiled cruelly.

Among the ghost pupils, a strong ghost light blooms.

The next moment, Ye Fan's expression was slightly stunned, and then his eyes became deeper.

In the dilapidated wooden house, the pair of parents who had collapsed in a pool of blood were controlled by the Specter and stood up.

roar roar-

In their eye sockets, there was a dark green ghost light.

They kept venturing out the blood in their mouths, and let out a roar that was not like a human voice.

They moved slowly and stretched out their claws toward their son!

"This..." Ye Fan's eyes were slightly dull.


"Have you ever felt the desperation that your parents who love you so much will kill you?"

In the dark golden vertical pupil of the mysterious figure, there is no turbulence.

He stared at Ye Fan lightly, and said with a sinister smile.

A mysterious figure with another touch on his right hand.

The picture suddenly dissipated, transform!

A new picture appeared in front of Ye Fan.

roar roar-

The monster roars!

Ghosts are rampant!

This is a base city that is about to be overrun by monsters and monsters!

The towering walls of the inner city and the outer city all collapsed.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the base city were crying and fleeing.


No matter how fast they escape, they can't escape the demon's minions!

No matter how far they escaped, they couldn't escape the ghost realm!

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