Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 517

Ye Fan just felt a very violent fluctuation of demon energy behind him, and quickly approached.


He also felt that in the surrounding ground rail passages, there was a strong ghostly aura that seemed to be surging from the ground, and it was bubbling up!

This ghost gas concentration is getting stronger and stronger!

In the mental induction, there are also dense, as if endless ghosts, are quickly drilling out from the ground, the walls, and the dome!

"Fuck, there are... there are ghosts!"

"Really... there's really a ghost!"



The surrounding car captain Chen and others, as well as the disabled children, all woke up.

They shouted in shock, even screaming.

One by one, they looked at the car window vents in horror.

"I'll drop a mother-in-law!"

"It's haunted!"

The construction site man who rushed to the seat earlier shouted loudly, pointing to the left window.

Ye Fan immediately turned to look.

bang bang bang-

Amid the violent shaking of the ground rail train, two pale and grim faces were crawling on the left window vent.

One old and one young!

The old man's eye sockets were deeply sunken, and on a pale face full of wrinkles, it was very sad and grotesque!

Like a stretched dough, it was obvious that he suffered a huge impact and died before his death.

It is very likely that he was killed on the spot by the falling boulder when the ground rail passage was being built!

The old man's two eyeballs were extremely black, the whites of the eyes were not visible, and black blood was flowing.

In the open mouth, like a bottomless black hole, the tongue, teeth, all disappeared.

The whole face is pulling on the air hole, constantly sniffing the living breath in the carriage greedily!

The child held his head flat, as if he had also been crushed by falling rocks, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

On the flat head, a long black with red tongue hangs down and falls on the chest, constantly licking the air hole of the car window, trying to extend it in!

From the corners of the child's mouth, stinky and black saliva flowed even more, looking at the living people in the carriage, smiling sullenly.

Not only these two ghosts, but with the sound of the bang bang bang being hit, more and more ghosts climbed and hung on the carriage.

One after another, pale and ferocious, or blood-drenched ghost hands, kept knocking on the windows of the carriage!

Struggling to find the gap to get in and have a big meal!

"There's a ghost!"

"Run, it's haunted!"

"Fuck, there's really a ghost!"

"Really Nima..."


On the carriage in front, in the aisle, the densely crowded crowd began to perceive the arrival of ghosts.

One by one, they screamed in horror, and quickly ran away like a headless fly!

The disabled children in the last carriage came to Ye Fan one after another.

Vice-Chancellor Chen and others, as well as the man on the construction site, all looked around in panic.

"Ladder... echelon captain!"

"Now... what should I do now?"

They also moved closer to Ye Fan and asked shiveringly.

Black hatred possessed!

On Ye Fan, the dark purple halo of the Underworld and Netherland suddenly bloomed!

"It's okay, I have everything!"

Ye Fan said calmly.

He looked towards the top of the car.

His gaze seemed to pass through the carriage and the earth's crust, and saw Ten Thousand Snakes.

Ye Fan sneered: "As you wish!"

"But these things are just some local chickens and dogs!"

The raging dark purple dark energy boiled over Ye Fan's body!

at this time,

clack clack-

Behind the last carriage, there was a sound as if something was grinding and biting!

The strong and powerful demon energy rushed over like a tide!

Ye Fan's mental power moved.

Five fifth-sequence nightmare-level demons?

and many more!

The demonic energy suddenly turned into a stream!

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