Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 536

Chapter 173 Gain merit, open the box [1005…

Ye Fan's expression was indifferent, and he looked in all directions.

With the judge's pen in his hand, when he mentions it, the blood-yellow Wangchuan River rolls up!

The entire long river is completely formed by Ye Fan's underworld, and it is really like a substance!

The waves are rolling, and the wind is overflowing!

There are countless evil spirits inside, crying and wailing!

At this moment, there is a strong smell of Wangchuan River, which spreads in all directions!

Ye Fanti took the river water and hadn't started to attack.

On the two ghost hills that fell down, there were immediately some small ghosts, and they couldn't bear the stench of the Wangchuan River that quickly filled the surrounding area!

Each ghost body began to emit white smoke and melted!

Forgetting the river, for all evil spirits, it is a first-class poison to kill ghosts!

Ye Fan faced the shadows falling from the two big mountains, and went straight into the sky, his eyes were like electricity, and he swept to the ghost mountain and the ghoul behind him.

"Just two ghost mountains!"

"Today you must die!"

He snorted coldly.

The cold words full of murderous intentions shook the four wilds!

Spread all over the world!

The ghoul shuddered when he heard Ye Fan's words.

The deep fear has become more profound.

He roared angrily, "It's impossible!"

"Crush you!!!"

The ghoul was full of ghost energy, all of which were poured into the two fifty-meter mass graves and the Wanfen Mountain.


The dark ghosts on the two ghost mountains, and the miserable green ghosts, are even more fiery and turbulent!

The power that came down became more and more serious!

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed, and the long river of Forgetfulness was swirling around him, like a blood-yellow angry dragon walking around!

The Inquisitor Pen is pulled and dragged between!

The long river of Wangchuan was moved by Ye Fan's thoughts, and it swept away directly towards the top!



The waves are rolling!

The bloody yellow river collided with the two ghost mountains!


A loud bang erupted in the void!

This sound shook the ground for miles around!

The Forgotten River and the two ghost mountains separated as soon as they collided!

Like a coiled wrathful dragon, it directly engulfed the two ghost mountains!

Where the blood-yellow river flows, the tombstones on the mass graves, and the ghost fires on the Wanfen Mountain, all melted away in the shrill screams of ghosts!

At this time,

Ye Fan stretched out his left hand, controlled the bloody yellow river from a distance, and squeezed it tightly.

The mouth is even more indifferent and softly said a word!


This sound is like a decree of heaven!

The blood-yellow river was turbulent in an instant, the waves turned skyward, and the river bodies of the two ghost mountains were rolled up, twisting and trying hard!


As if a real angry dragon suddenly rolled the body of a real dragon!



In everyone's jaw-dropping eyes, two ghost mountains with a height of fifty meters shattered!

The long river of blood and yellow rolled and danced, swallowing all the ghost mountain fragments and melting them away!

After swallowing the two ghost mountains, the color of the Forgotten River became even darker.

The miserable howls of the evil spirits in the river became louder and louder.

That incomparably rich fishy smell is even more filled with the Quartet!

The ghoul saw that he burst out with all his strength, and the two ghost mountains that condensed were all smashed by Ye Fan's long river!

The huge corpse and ghost body couldn't help shivering at this time.

Seeing Ye Fan's gaze, without saying a word, he got up his dark ghost, turned around and ran!

Ye Fan looked at the ghoul who quickly disappeared, and sneered.

"Want to go now?!"


While thinking about it in my heart, the long river of Wangchuan is surging and chasing after it!

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