Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 549

Mmm, so delicious!

clack clack-

I don't know if the owner still has it. Such delicious food must be rare!

clack clack-

It was so delicious!

After waiting for Xiao Zhuyan to finish eating the potato chips, Ye Fan smiled helplessly as he looked at the little guy who was covered in potato chips.

He helped the little guy remove the potato chips from his body, and scratched the latter's belly again. The comfortable little Zhuyan groaned while lying in Ye Fan's palm.

After coaxing Xiao Zhuyan, Ye Fan put him on his shoulder, went downstairs, drove the Yuling armored car, and drove directly towards the Nanling ruins.

All the way back to Nanzhou City without any disturbance, Ye Fan also refused Huang Ming's retention, got on a subway train, and returned directly to the magic capital.

Along the way, it was smooth sailing.

After arriving in the magic capital, night has just fallen.

Ye Fan went to the People's Hospital and returned home after seeing his mother and sister.

Under the deep darkness.

In a secret laboratory of Wanshe.

He had just finished staring at several important experiments and returned to the dark cave.

Leaning on the chair, Wan Snake sank into the darkness.

For him, darkness is the best disguise.

Only in the thick darkness can Wan She calm down and think calmly.

The darkness made him feel safe and at ease.

Wan She recalled all the things she had experienced today.

This is his daily habit.

In the memory, look for your own loopholes, and dig out the human weaknesses of everyone you meet in the memory, as well as places that can be exploited.

Wan She couldn't help recalling the pictures of Ye Fan killing the Earth Evil Insect King and two disaster-level ghouls.


On his shoulders, the ferocious and ferocious accompanying demon spirit climbed up.

The triangular snake head hangs on the shoulders of Ten Thousand Snakes, and is constantly vomiting purple long snake letters.

"Did you also feel that there was something special about that boy?"

"Ha ha!"

"It's really a good show!"

Wan She touched the snake head of the purple-black python, smiled evilly, and murmured.

One after another, in Wan She's mind, flashed like a movie playback.


The picture in my memory was fixed on the self-created spiritual magic that Ye Fan performed at the end.

The mysterious and complicated technique diagram is something Wan Snake has never seen before.

A new way of killing the Dao and the Spiritual Art is an unparalleled temptation for a careerist like Wan She, whose goal is to reach the highest.

Wan Snake licked his lips lightly.

In the dark golden vertical pupil, there is a strong excitement.

The veil of a new imperial spirit technique is about to be unveiled, and this sense of anticipation is so strong that his whole person is in high spirits.

In Wan She's mind, Ye Fan sketched the picture of the last trick of Yu Lingshu, which was slowly put down frame by frame.

For a doomsday-level powerhouse like him in the eighth sequence, this method of manipulating his own soul memory is just a trivial means.

Every stroke of Ye Fan's strokes, as well as the length and mysteries of every spirit-controlling technique, were clearly played back and forth in Wan Snake's memory.

After the details of these sketched techniques were all studied, Wan She fast-forwarded to the moment when Ye Fan finally completed the sketch of the technique.

The diagram of the surgical formula was quickly enlarged in his mind.

Every turning point, every overlap, and how much the demon spirit aura was poured into every time the pen was written, were all seen by Wan Snake.

The mystery of the entire technique map was clearly presented in Wan She's mind.

He slowly closed his eyes and virtualized countless times in his mind.

Finally, in his dark golden vertical pupils, a rich purple-black demon spirit flashed through.


Wan Snake said secretly in his heart.

He successfully sketched it a hundred and eight times in his mind.

After each drawing is successful, Wan She will overlap and compare with the drawing of Ye Fan's technique in his memory.

From the beginning, there are slight differences in many places, and the error is getting smaller and smaller.

And then to the last ten pictures, it is completely zero error, exactly the same.

Wan She finally felt that he had mastered this Spiritual Control Technique.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

His eyes were full of excitement.

The purple-black demon spirit aura boiled over Ten Thousand Snakes.

He stretched out his finger and drew nothing out of thin air!


The index finger that quickly sketched, dragged a long purple-black light and shadow in the air!

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