Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 582

"Please all the fathers and the villagers, remember our benefactor!"

"His name is Ye Fan!!!"





The entire one million ordinary people were all excited at the moment, shouting Ye Fan's name with gratitude and emotion.

Over the entire Fengyun Base City, a sound like a mountain and a tsunami resounded through the sky and shook the four directions.

Ye Fan, this name was firmly in their hearts.


After the demon invasion and siege incident was completely over, Chen Mingshu even ordered a statue to be erected for Ye Fan in the central square of Fengyun Base City.

It is used to thank and repay Ye Fan for saving the millions of people in Fengyun Base City.

Naturally, Ye Fan didn't know what happened next.

in the sky.

Ye Fan was flying fast in the direction of the magic capital.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Yan Po's number.

"team leader!"

Yan Po's thick voice rang immediately after connecting the phone.

Ye Fan ordered in a deep voice: "All the demons in Fengyun Base City have been wiped out!"

"You quickly notify Captain Wang of the fourth echelon and return to the magic capital immediately!"

"The devil is very likely to have an accident, remember, return to the magic capital immediately!"

"Yes... yes, Captain!"

Yan Po on the other end of the phone subconsciously took the order.

Ye Fan hung up the phone.

Standing on Yan Po in the airship's troop compartment, the whole person was still immersed in the huge amount of information that Ye Fan's phone call brought.

All the demons in Fengyun Base City have been wiped out? !

The captain rushed over alone, and then...will all the monsters and monsters attacking a base city be wiped out? ! !

Good... so strong!

Yan Po's face was full of shock.

The members of the third echelon next to him, seeing Yan Po's expression after answering the phone, couldn't help but come over.

One of them asked Yan Po.

"Brother Yan, what did the captain call?"

Yan Po calmed down and spoke to the crowd with a shocked expression on his face.

"The captain alone killed all the monsters and ghosts in the entire Fengyun base city!"


"Captain Niubi!"

"Our captain actually solved all the monsters and ghosts in Fengyun Base City alone?! It's really scary!"

"The captain is really's amazing!"

"How can Laozi have little culture, a bull is more than a scumbag!"

"Captain is really too strong, a role model for my generation!"


All the members of the third echelon had expressions of shock and admiration on their faces, and they were talking about each other.

At this time,

Yan Po suddenly reacted to what Ye Fan said later.

He commanded loudly and very seriously.

"The captain said that the monster invasion incident in Fengyun Base City has now been resolved!"

"Let's rush back to the magic capital as soon as possible, he said that the magic is very likely to have an accident!"

"Xiao Zhao, go to the captain's control room in front, inform the captain, quickly turn the direction, and rush back to the magic capital!"

"Xiao Zhang, you immediately contact Captain Wang of the fourth echelon, and inform them as well, turn the direction, and rush back to the magic capital!"

"Yes, Brother Yan!"

The two of them agreed.

The faces of the others were shocked by the news and stood on the spot!

The magic capital... is there likely to be an accident? !

All the players of the third echelon were immersed in the great shock brought by this news.

There was also a look of fear in their eyes.

How powerful a demon must be to make the demon go into trouble?

They dare not imagine.

There was fear in their eyes.

But when everyone thought of their relatives who stayed in the magic capital, their eyes filled with determination.

Soon, the Yukong airship, where the third and fourth echelons were located, turned around and flew back towards the magic capital!

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